What does it mean to dream of sword? Magic, golden, samurai and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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What is the meaning of dreaming of sword?

The sword is one of the oldest weapons in the world, and if we compare their use with firearms, we will see that their participation in history is much greater, having been used even in the First World War.

However, its connection with man is not only a utilitarianism of times of war. A warrior always carries his sword, even if sheathed. And this, symbolically, has something to tell us.

Swords evoke, from our subconscious, images whose symbolism is linked to the planet Mars, or Ares, which in Greek mythology is the god of war. Therefore they represent violence, aggressiveness and impulsiveness, as well as protection.

To dream that you see and interact with the sword

When dreaming that you see and interact with a sword, we should pay attention to the fact that it is not only present in the dream, but that there is an interaction between us. That is, we are handling the weapon.

Dreams of this type are extremely important, since the sword is one of the oldest symbols of mankind. So, to know more, keep reading.

To dream that you see a sword

To dream that you see a sword is a reflection of how your life is going. You unfortunately do not receive much support in your life. Your family members are not as present as they could be and you also do not have many friends.

This is a good time to reflect on that loneliness. Stop and think about whether the cause of it might be within you. Also, you might not be a very pleasant person to have around. Start analyzing how much you complain about your day and how much you help others.

One of the most obvious consequences of when we become "complainers", is precisely the estrangement of people from our conviviality. This happens because we end up becoming depressed and moody people.

To dream that you lose a sword

Since the sword is a symbol of protection, dreaming of a lost sword is indicative of insecurity. For some reason you are feeling insecure. However, the chances are high that this feeling is shame for a mistake you have made.

Thus, shame is always a movement that originates in pride. It always appears when we feel insecure about something. It works like a cloak or an imaginary shield that we create to protect our image.

When we feel ashamed of something, we are actually looking at our own navel, asking ourselves "what are they thinking of me?", instead of looking at our neighbor and asking ourselves "do they need me?"

To dream that you meet a sword

To dream of a sword being found is an omen of regained power. If in the dream you are the one who finds it, then it means that you will regain control over some aspect of your life.

The most obvious symbol of a sword is the power it carries, so this dream indicates that you are becoming good at something. It may be in some job or hobby, if it is the second case, maybe it is time to take a chance on working with it.

Perfection comes from relentless practice, if you want to be good at something, i.e. find the sword in some specific area of your life, you will have to wake up early and work hard in this area.

To dream that you break a sword

To dream of a broken sword or that you break a sword is a sign that you, however unwilling and however difficult, will have to accept defeat. It can be in a relationship, among friends, at work or even in the family.

Unfortunately this is a natural movement of life that will come to you at one time or another. We all lose at one time or another, and as incredible as it may seem, losing doesn't always mean we will be at our worst. There are always bad things that come to good.

However, in any case, you will have to learn to endure defeat. At first it is bad, but in time you get used to it and understand that the desire to win at all costs is actually a childish desire.

To dream that you are given a sword

To dream of a sword is a clear sign of power, so to dream that you are getting a sword is an omen that you will have a unique chance to grow in your life, to acquire more power of action in the world.

You may be presented with a course, a book, win a prize or raffle. What this dream indicates is that somehow someone is providing you with something that will make you grow in life and overcome your obstacles.

We must not waste this opportunity, since generosity of this kind is rare, so, apart from anything else, we must pay close attention to them, so that they do not end up going unnoticed.

To dream that you give someone a sword

To dream that you give a sword to someone tells us that we will give someone a good opportunity in life. Whether it is financial help, valuable advice or a job opportunity. The fact is that we will be generous to someone.

Besides being a beautiful attitude on our part, giving the other a means of concrete action in the world is also a good way to be up to date with the virtue of charity. Charity tends to be seen as "giving things to others," but in fact it is much deeper.

The virtue of charity talks about giving oneself completely to another, about giving up oneself to help another. This is the symbolism of giving a sword to someone. Maybe you don't have one now, but you preferred it that way.

To dream that you are buying a sword

To dream that you buy a sword is an analogy, from your subconscious, that you are ready for a battle. It may be a battle at work, in your love life, in your family, among friends, or, most likely: one against yourself.

In this sense, the form of life is very simple, it is composed of two extremes and the connection between them. We can see this most clearly in the seasons, where the extremes are: summer and winter; and the middle term, which connects them: spring and autumn.

Just like the seasons, our life is made up of valleys and peaks. This dream comes to warn us that we are ready to descend this valley, face our internal battles and climb, victorious, the peak of success.

To dream that you sell a sword

To dream of a sword being sold, or that we are selling our own, means that we are fleeing from some battle. We are probably looking for escapes so that we do not have to face our difficulties.

The worst battles we have to face are those fought within ourselves. They are the most delayed, and when they do break out, they are the longest. That is why we always need a lot of courage to start them.

Unfortunately, you have decided to sell your own sword. However, it is not by getting rid of weapons that we end a conflict. Be assured that your problems will soon return, and perhaps worse. Face it.

To dream that you fight with a sword

To dream that you fight with a sword is a reflection of your attitudes, as these resemble those of a knight. In other words, you have courage enough to protect yourself and those who depend on and trust you.

However, the dream is not only about the fact that you know how to defend yourself, but that you know how to attack when you need to, that is: you know how to discern when it's time to collect yourself and when it's time to attack.

This can refer to numerous different occasions, however, one of the most palpable interpretations is in financial life. In this case, you know when it's time to save and work and when it's time to slow down and enjoy.

To dream that you thrust a sword

Pushing is one of the most instinctive ways we refuse something, it is a movement that many mammals reproduce - even dogs. Therefore, if when dreaming of a sword, you push it, it means that you refuse the presence of the warrior in you.

The meaning of refusing the sword tells us a lot about your personality. You probably believe that everything can be solved through dialogue and repudiate any kind of violence. You want to be a good person, in short.

Here is the truth: There are two paths to becoming a tyrant, the path of extreme order and the path of extreme disorder. To repudiate your negative side and only give voice to your socially accepted self is to slowly become a tyrant. Accept the sword.

To dream that someone attacks you with a sword

To dream that you are attacked with a sword is a sign that you will soon be going through a time of great difficulty. However, the dream also symbolizes that you will not cower, that you will find a solution.

If everyone could see the ups and downs of life this way, we would surely see more happy people. Every phase of life, no matter how good or how bad, always brings us a lesson, everything in life is an opportunity.

Here you are at a delicate moment in your life, but you know that running away is not the solution. Your attitude of staying and facing this period will reward you far ahead.

To dream that you throw away a sword

To dream of a sword being thrown away indicates that we are about to give up something in our life. We are probably in the midst of a battle against something or someone. But we have decided that it is not worth fighting, so we give up.

The act of giving up carries with it an extremely negative charge, but giving up is not always synonymous with cowardice. There are certain things we should fight tooth and nail for, on the other hand, there are others that do not deserve our time.

Evaluate if this battle you are fighting is really worth your time, if not, simply move on to another. In our life, there is not only one path we must follow.

To dream that you steal a sword

Stealing a sword indicates that you will have to take a means of action by force. Adapting this interpretation to our reality, we have that you are feeling so powerless that you will do anything to have any protection.

To dream that you steal a sword is a serious accusation that you are allowing yourself to be used as a scapegoat. This, in other words, is a sign that we must leave our passivity aside and seek protection.

There are people who live in search of others, weaker ones, to abuse them. Unfortunately you have been the victim of one or more of them. Take your sword and react. Do not let them take away from you your most precious asset: your dignity.

To dream that someone steals a sword from you

To dream of someone stealing your sword can have several meanings. The first of them is in case you know the person who steals it: beware, she will do something that will leave you vulnerable, will take from your life a great support of yours.

The second, if the person who steals the sword is a stranger: much attention to this dream and to the people you love most, because they may be about to leave, or someone will take them from you.

In all cases, to dream of someone stealing your sword is a bad omen. It means, in short, that you will lose your security in the world, that you will lose your greatest emotional support.

To dream that you put a sword in its holster

To dream that you are sheathing your sword is a way to receive from the subconscious mind a diagnosis of your temperament. By putting away the sword: you rest, you become open to dialogue.

However, this does not mean that you are harmless, quite the contrary in fact. This dream says that you simply prefer to try to resolve your disagreements through dialogue, leaving violence for the last case.

This shows great maturity on your part, since you are aware that you can be violent, you just aren't because you don't want to be. A sign that you have already gone through the process of confronting your inner demons and now have control over them.

To dream that you take a sword out of its holster

To draw a sword from the holster is to be prepared for confrontation, is to be ready to react. The meaning of dreaming of this is not much different: it's time for you to go for your goals.

If you were just waiting for the right time to grab your goals, your dreams, the time is now. Face your fears and demons, and be sure that several will appear in your way, especially if you are on the right path.

One of the greatest indications that we are following the right path are the difficulties we encounter on it. If we don't encounter any resistance from other people or from life itself, be suspicious.

To dream that you are sharpening a sword

The hour of battle has not yet come, but you are preparing very well, so that when the time comes, you will be victorious. To dream that you are sharpening the sword is a good omen.

You woke up early every day, you fulfilled the demands of your state duties, you prepared hard for a big moment in your life, a promotion, a big date or a test maybe.

What we can say about the dream is that you can be sure that the victory is yours, because when the time of battle comes, you will give your best, as the saying goes "train with the concern of those who play; play with the tranquility of those who train".

To dream that you see someone sharpening a sword

Be very careful if you dreamed that you see someone sharpening a sword. For someone is planning to take something that is yours. It could be your position, your enterprise, your spouse or even your family. Be more mindful of how you talk about your life as well.

We should not, under any circumstances, curse the person we love in front of other people, much less behind their backs. However, spreading all their qualities to the four corners causes envious eyes to covet what is ours.

Since the dream indicates that it is already too late to prevent the situation, then we will have to remedy it. Luckily, it won't be that difficult, we just have to keep a close eye on those envious eyes and stay away from them.

To dream that you lick a sword

To dream that you lick a sword is not explicitly a warning message, but it should be considered to be one. This dream symbolizes that you have as fuel for your actions the force of hatred.

Hatred is a very powerful force indeed, but it is not the best one to serve us as a guide, as the main motivation for our actions. Hatred causes our vision to close, it makes us see evil in everything.

We must always remember that old saying: "he who lives by the sword will die by the sword". That is exactly what will happen if you continue to see life in this way.

To dream that you see someone licking a sword

To dream of someone else licking a sword indicates that you have been talking much more than you should. Therefore, it is better that we are more careful about what we say, because our words can end up getting us into trouble.

Not everything that comes to mind is worthy of being said. There are certain things, certain details, of our life or the lives of others, that no one should know. That is why we should say only what is necessary.

There is a time for everything, there are times when a joke is allowed, others when it is not, and it is up to us to make the correct interpretation of the situation, so that possible gaffes do not happen.

To dream that you swing a sword

To dream that we are swinging a sword means that what we appear to be, is not confirmed in reality. That is, we like to appear, to be the center of attention.

You must ask yourself what is the point of living a false life. Think deeply about it and see how there is no point in living from appearances to show others that you are a totally different person than you really are.

Remember, you need to be in the company of people who want you well, regardless of who you are or how you are. Assume your real personality and settle into reality.

To dream of sword in different conditions

When we dream of a sword, usually its condition differs. In some dreams they are rusty, in others they simply hang as part of a decoration.

In this section, we have separated the most common conditions in which swords are found in dreams. Check them out!

To dream of a hanging sword

To dream of a sword hanging on the wall carries a very interesting and important message. It symbolizes the lack of action and the need for contemplation.

You are probably a more impulsive person, more emotional, who acts on emotion. There are times when this is necessary, but your dream came to warn you that now is the time to do nothing, to simply observe.

There are certain problems that need to be solved or avoided, others solve themselves, we just need to be patient. These are situations where our thoughtless interference would be catastrophic, so it is better to wait.

To dream of a rusty sword

The rusty sword symbolizes the action of time on strength, so to dream of rusty sword, shows us that age is coming and you have to accept that you can no longer do everything you did in youth.

However, this does not mean that it is becoming obsolete. Thanks to our personality, we humans can become more and more important and wise as time goes by. This is the path of maturation.

Enjoy the arrival of time and become a wise person. Carry with you the baggage of a lifetime of knowledge.

To dream of a sword in good condition

To dream of a new sword or a sword in good condition reflects our youthfulness, our health, our strength, our dexterity. It is a dream that indicates that we are strong enough to begin to act on life.

Furthermore, this dream indicates that there is, within us, a strength that begs to be used, yet unfortunately, young people today are discouraged from testing their strength.

A dream like this may be indicating that you should put your strength into practice. Enroll in some academy or in some martial arts class. This will do you a lot of good, especially in the case of martial arts, which will teach you a great doctrine.

To dream of a bloody sword

To dream of a bloody sword indicates your desire for revenge. Unfortunately it is very difficult for you to forgive those who have wronged you in some way. You want to level with this person and harm them too.

However, that is not how life works. It is not by taking revenge that we will erase what was done. In fact, nothing will erase what has already happened. The best way is forgiveness, where we simply forget what happened and move on with our lives.

Giving back in the same coin will not make you a better person, quite the contrary, it will awaken very negative feelings in your chest.

To dream of a broken sword

To dream of a broken sword can mean that you are losing some fight. It could be that you are fighting against some addiction, some bad inclination or against something that is happening in your home or work.

You must muster all your efforts to protect that which matters most in your life, to protect those people who love you and have entrusted you with their safety. Be strong and fight some more.

If you are struggling with an addiction but feel like you are about to relapse, it is best to talk to a therapist as they will know better than anyone how to help you in this situation.

To dream of a buried sword

To dream of a buried sword indicates that you should begin to cultivate your inner life. Probably you are almost not alone, and most likely, you occupy yourself all the time.

The message of this dream is that you should stop occupying yourself with more things than you can actually do and start keeping some time in your day for yourself. A time of reflection and internalization of everything that happened in the day.

This practice helps us to not be so superficial, to dig deeper into what interests us and to know ourselves better.

To dream of hammer blows

The beating of the hammer on a sword reminds us of the forging process. Where the sword goes through iron and lining, so that it becomes good and useful. This dream indicates that we are about to go through a period of trials.

We will be forged with iron and fire. We should not fear the difficulties that life imposes, for they only bring us more wisdom and strength. The important thing is to face everything with our heads held high.

In the end, when we are ready, we will receive the great reward: we will be useful to the people we love the most, we will be their safe haven, their place of rest.

To dream of a sword of different types

When there is a sword in our dreams, it can be of various types, can be made of various materials or from different eras. And just like the model, their meaning also changes.

That is why it is important to know the exact meaning of each model of sword that appears in our dreams. Check more below.

To dream of a wooden sword

To dream of a wooden sword is a message coming from your subconscious, which warns us that we are using the wrong means to solve our problems. We are, in other words, covering the sun with a sieve.

There is a metric that we all must have in order to install ourselves in reality: the sense of proportion, which is almost a ruler, with which we can measure our behavior, for example: when you tell us a joke, we laugh, we don't go around screaming mad - that is having a sense of proportion.

From the report that the dream makes, you may have problems in solving your problems by using the wrong tools. A good way to solve this problem is through dialogue with someone who is more mature than you.

To dream of a golden sword

To dream of a golden sword shows us that we are unique people, that when we come into someone's life, it is to improve it. The sword symbolizes our concrete action in the world, because the golden color indicates that it is worth gold.

Probably, if you had this dream, you are an individual of mature personality, whose presence is serious and transforms the lives of others. Not only are you a great influence, but also a person of high service.

You are that person that everyone can count on, regardless of what it is, regardless of when it is.

To dream of an ancient sword

To dream of an ancient sword indicates that our actions in the world are guided by traditional currents of thought. Our way of seeing the world matches that of older people.

This in no way means that you are a backward individual or anything of the sort, just that you draw on the teachings and wisdom of the elders. In a way, you bring with you, an ancient heritage of knowledge

Certainly knowledge about antiquity helps you to face the problems of contemporary times, so never be ashamed to be who you are.

To dream of a flying sword

To dream of a sword flying symbolizes that there will be changes in your emotional life and that you must decide the right direction for your life. Depending on the direction you take, things can get better or worse, so it is better that your decisions do not involve other people.

The sword flying is like a compass, however, it has a certain target. This is the message that the dream wants to send you, that you need to be more present in your choices, because this sword may end up stopping where it should not, or hitting the wrong target.

To dream with Katana sword

The Katana is known for its unique design and its highly precise cut, being almost surgical. It was widely used by Samurai and deadly feared by all who were in its sights.

To dream of a Katana sword symbolizes our desire to reach our goal. It shows that we are determined to achieve what we are aiming for and that we probably will.

So it is the right time to wish for good things, to aim for a good job, to be a better person, and to achieve good virtues.

To dream of samurai sword

To dream of samurai sword shows that we will have a new point of view on a problem that was taking away our peace of mind, A light will fall on this problem and then we will be able to solve it

Countless times it can happen that we get stuck in a dilemma that seems to be without a solution, however, when we forget about it for a few minutes and focus on it again afterwards, it seems that, out of nowhere, the solution appears.

This is nothing more than our subconscious mind incessantly seeking the solution to our problem, while the conscious mind focuses on other things.

To dream of a magic sword

The magic sword may symbolize, in your dreams, your recurrent desire to return to childhood. A phase in which you considered yourself happier for not having to bear the burden of adult life.

However, this dream is worrying because it shows that you are not grounded. An adult is a free individual who decides his life by himself, whereas the child needs permission to do everything.

Not to mention that childhood is a time when we are hardly of any use to other people, we are just cute.

To dream of a military sword

To dream of a military sword shows us that you dream of obtaining some position of leadership, whether at work, at home or among friends. You want to have the feeling of having the last word.

Be very careful with this feeling, you could end up becoming a tyrannical person. Learn to accept that you won't always be in a leadership position and that's okay.

Actually, there is nothing cool about holding leadership positions, you simply have more responsibilities than all the rest of the group under you.

To dream of the sword of St. George plant

To dream of the Sword of St. George plant indicates that we are protected from any evil presence in our life. St. George is one of the most powerful warrior saints and one of the most revered in all of Catholicism.

Therefore, if you dreamed of this plant, thank the Holy Martyr, who is probably interceding for you in heaven. Take the opportunity to make requests to the noble saint.

In addition, dreams with the sword of St. George plant, also indicate your need for inner strength to solve more complex situations of everyday life. Take the opportunity to ask St. George for this strength.

Does the need for protection lead a person to dream of a sword?

When we dream of swords, in most cases, we are receiving messages from our subconscious that we are feeling insecure and therefore need protection.

In other cases, however, the dream informs us that we must use our swords, that is, our strength, to act positively on the world and on our daily battles.

The symbolism of the sword is closely related to strength and power, so we should never ignore this dream, but pay attention to its meaning, so that we can direct our strength and our actions in the right direction.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.