Mercury in Scorpio: meaning, mythology, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury for the Romans is equivalent to Hermes of Greek mythology, the messenger god and responsible for the communication of the gods with mortals. He is the only god who can transit through the world of the dead, enter the depths of Tartarus and come out, because his communication needs to reach all planes.

Scorpio being the sign that deals with deep, hidden and inaccessible regions, correlating with the Tartarus, Mercury is an aspect of deep communication, with affective and emotional impact, with the ability to understand between the lines and the feelings of the unsaid.

In this article we will understand all the energies surrounding Mercury and Scorpio and understand how this union applies to the behavior and communication of those who have it in their birth chart.

Mercury in Scorpio: Mercury features

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, and because of this, it captures all the energies of the planets around it, which makes it, like the god it is named after, the communicator of the Zodiac.

Let's see below how Mercury is represented in mythology and astrology and how its energies correspond in our birth chart.

Mercury in mythology

The god Mercury, or Hermes, is represented with a helmet of winged sandals carrying the Caduceus, a golden rod that symbolizes peace and healing. He is the god of speed and commerce, patron of magicians, diviners and also of thieves and cheats.

Because of the wings present on his sandals and helmet, he possessed speed capable of crossing worlds quickly. In addition, he was the messenger of the gods and the only one who was allowed to enter the underworld, as he conducted the soul of the dead there.

Many are the attributes of Mercury, and the cult of it dates back to remote periods of Ancient Greece, but to name the main ones: skills of eloquent and persuasive language, sagacity, prudence, invention - of the lyre, the alphabet, astronomy among many others; intellect, rationality and the list goes on at length.

Mercury in astrology

Mercury is the fastest planet in the Solar System and 88 days is enough for one complete revolution around the Sun. Speed is not the only correlation with the god of the same name, as Mercury rules communication, expression of thoughts, movement, relationships, logical analysis, trading and manual skills.

Mercury is not very far from the Sun in the birth chart and is often found in the same house and in the same sign as the Sun. It rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, which have the aspects of movement, exchange and diversity. Its position will define the natural way of expressing ourselves, how we exchange with the people around us and how our rationality and search for knowledge takes place.

Mercury in Scorpio: Scorpio aspects

Scorpio is represented as a vengeful, dark, passionate and manipulative sign. These statements may have some reason, but these definitions are not even close to summarizing what the sign of Scorpio is. They are intense people, faithful to their truth and very sensitive.

Let's think about the archetype of the Scorpion: it is a nocturnal animal, it hides and is never exposed. One of the great qualities of the Scorpion is that, being in the gaps, it can see what is hidden and its keen sensitivity allows it to read between the lines and understand what is not expressed at first sight.

The sign of Scorpio speaks of the deconstruction of old values for the construction of new ones and deals, sometimes, with the taboos of society, that is why death and sex are so inherent to it, subjects that deal, in short, with the same theme: the finitude and renewal of life.

The Scorpio knows how to transmute energies and, like no one else, to poke the wound so that changes occur. Scorpio being a fixed sign of water, has intensity, attitude, initiative, but in a thoughtful way and according to their emotions and never with impulsiveness.

Scorpio is considered the strongest and most intense sign of the Zodiac, as it deals directly with a subject that no other faces head on: death. Scorpios understand the finitude of things and have a great interest in subjects related to transcendence, mysticism, hidden secrets and wonder about life after death.

The Scorpio is linked to the spiritual world and the ethereal body. During his life, the Scorpio will go through several transformations related to the symbolism of the phoenix, a bird that is reborn from the ashes. They possess strong magnetism, have vital and sexual energy well developed.

They are extremely loyal to those who gain their trust, they are observers and perceive the world differently, for they see what no one else sees. They can be reserved and even introspective, for they are overly sensitive and may have difficulty trusting anyone.

The Scorpio, for having a very present characteristic of intensity, gives himself with everything he has to those he loves. He does not know how to be by half and will do everything for those who are on his side, because he cannot stand superficiality. He is very independent, does everything with passion and is determined in everything he proposes to do.

Negative tendencies of Scorpio

As Scorpios are very intense, they can find it difficult to balance their energies, they are always 8 or 80 in everything they do, including their personality. Because they have the gift of understanding what is not said and perceive what is not shown, they can become manipulative and even vengeful.

In challenging aspects, Scorpios can be possessive and jealous, and when not trusted can even become a little cruel and hold a grudge. They can give in to their whims and desires, satisfying their passions without measuring consequences.

They can be arrogant and let power go to their head, and in a negative aspect, they become obsessed with power and will spare no effort to get there. Sometimes they can become emotional vampires, sucking the energies of those around them.

Mercury in Scorpio in your birth chart

The person who has Mercury in Scorpio in his or her birth chart will express what he or she really feels and understand the feelings of others. This position combines the wit of Mercury with the depth of Scorpio, which gives those who have it a brilliant and extremely intuitive mind.

The archetype that this Mercury takes when it is in Scorpio is the god that leads the soul of the dead to the underworld, it is the messenger of Pluto, or Hades in Greek mythology, which is the ruler of Scorpio. In this aspect, Mercury is the one who freely transits in the hidden valleys and extracts information from where no one else could.

Let's understand a little more how Mercury in Scorpio can influence behavior and communication.

Intuitive Mind

For those who have Mercury in Scorpio, emotion goes hand in hand with rationality, they are people who, even when the matter is of a practical nature, like business and finance, will act with intuition and based on their feelings.

Because of their sharp intuition, the person who has this aspect captures what has not been said or expressed, can get to the heart of feelings and situations and extract what is desired. Because of this, those who have Mercury in Scorpio can become excellent psychologists or therapists, because they understand what others may not be seeing.

Those with Mercury in Scorpio are people who read others with ease. They may not understand why, but they will know if someone has bad intentions or has bad energy. Once they meet a person, they will interpret them thoroughly and understand if they are worth approaching or not.

Aggressive language

Those who have Mercury in Scorpio in their natal chart do not mince words to say what needs to be said. Either they say exactly what they think, or they don't say anything at all. This is a Scorpio characteristic: to point out without scruples what needs to be changed, and when Mercury is in this sign, communication can become rude.

Whoever has the Mercury-Scorpio union should be careful with his ferocious tongue, because people are not always prepared to hear what, in the Scorpio's understanding, they need to hear.

Sometimes in challenging aspects, people with Mercury in Scorpio will not care if they are hurting someone with their words, as they take into consideration what they feel the other person needs to understand and will say it in a short and blunt way.

Investigative mind

Those who have Mercury in Scorpio will never tire of looking for the real motivations in the words and relationships with those around them. It is very difficult, practically impossible, to hide anything from this person. Even if it is not said, the intuition and sense of investigation will scream loudly from inside their head.

They are also great investigators and may find it easy to do work which involves in-depth research. They are very analytical and, because of this, may develop excessive anxiety and the need to analyze everything at all times. Even when there is nothing hidden, they become suspicious.


People with Mercury in Scorpio are defined by that phrase: "no knot is tied". They have very clear goals and their actions are calculated to reach their purpose. They usually plan in silence and only communicate if it makes sense to them and serves to achieve their goals.

Thus those who have this disposition in the chart will use language to get what they want, and like a good salesman - a strong characteristic of Mercury - will persuade with ease. His wit, if in a challenging aspect in the chart, can facilitate trickery and grant ease in deceiving others.

Because they have an emotive language, they can even use emotional manipulation and even create an alternative personality to their own that can benefit their personal relationships and help them achieve their goals.


Scorpio is an animal that moves in the shadows and never exposes itself unless it is extremely necessary. This characteristic applies to Mercury, which is comfortable in the hidden valleys of the psyche. Whoever has this union in their chart will prefer to hide their plans and much of their personality.

They are often read as mysterious people, for they will never show themselves completely, whereas they know the frailties of being totally exposed. Being highly sensitive, they prefer to dwell in the shadows rather than have their privacy violated.

Rare are the people to whom the Scorpian allows himself to be intimately known, because they need to go through various armors to obtain total trust, which is only granted to those who truly deserve it. The person with Mercury in Scorpio will never arm his enemies with the knowledge of his intimacy and vulnerabilities.

Mercury in Scorpio in different areas of life

Mercury in Scorpio acts in many ways in the different areas of life. People who have this aspect will carry their keen intuition and emotion into all their relationships.

We will understand below how this Mercury communicates in various areas and under which aspects it exerts influence.

In love

Love for Scorpio is about transcendence and they will dive headlong into their love relationships. They cannot give themselves away by halves, so those with Mercury in Scorpio will look for a partner who is as deep and dedicated as they are, as they demand reciprocity.

When they don't trust their partner completely, those who have this Mercurian aspect in their chart can exert strong control in the relationship and be jealous and clingy to the extreme. While they are warm lovers, they also hold grudges like no other, and this can be a very negative point when it comes to Mercury in Scorpio.

However, when they find a partner in whom they trust, they become intense lovers, attentive and will not measure efforts for the person they love. They will be by their side at all times, they are very caring and dedicated companions to the extreme.

In friendships

Whoever has Mercury in Scorpio is a person who values friendships and will surround himself with good and trustworthy people. As in love relationships, he or she will value commitment and will not be able to relate to lukewarm or superficial people.

They are engaging friends, fun and great listeners, they will look after their friends and always be attentive, following their intuition. They care about the welfare of those around them and not infrequently, they will be sought out for advice and support.

In the family

The person who has Mercury in Scorpio occupies a prominent position in the family. He will always be in touch with what happens in the home and all family matters will be considered his own too. Whoever has this position of Mercury will give a lot of importance to the family and be a pillar of it.

Because of his abrupt language, misunderstandings and arguments may occur, but the person with Mercury in Scorpio is a great problem solver and will always stand by those he loves.

At work

People who have Mercury in Scorpio in their birth chart are very determined and committed and will give their best in everything they get involved in. They tend to be cautious and because of this they make good decisions in the professional field.

Being very curious, strategic, and intuitive, people with this aspect can see possibilities not seen by others. They may have special interest in branches which involve the search for the unknown, such as research, psychology, and investigation.

Other interpretations of Mercury in Scorpio

A conjunction as intense as Mercury and Scorpio brings several specific characteristics for those who were born under this union. We will understand how the energies present themselves in the different genders, when Mercury is retrograde and the challenges and tips for those who have this aspect in their birth chart.

Man with Mercury in Scorpio

The man who has Mercury in Scorpio is very analytical, centered and sometimes mysterious. He doesn't go around talking about his plans and goals, he is that person who simply does what he wants. He has a stubborn personality, he is 8 or 80 in everything, he doesn't know the middle ground.

You look for commitment in relationships and when you find the right person to have a love relationship with, you will be very loyal and companionable. You do not measure efforts for the people you love and always value truth and trust.

Woman with Mercury in Scorpio

The woman who has Mercury in Scorpio has a magnetic and mystical personality. She perceives the energies around her and can read someone's intentions with ease. It is almost impossible to hide something from her as her intuition is not only feminine, but also Mercurian.

She is a person who has her goals and values very well outlined and is not easily taken off track. In addition, she has an enviable emotional intelligence and will not ally herself with anyone who does not know how to be as deep as she is. But to her allies, she is faithful and a person who can be counted on at any time.

Challenges of Mercury in Scorpio

When we interpret an astrological chart, it is important to understand all the relationships that the planets make. With Mercury, for example, it is essential that it is interpreted according to the sign and house it falls in and also its ruled signs, Gemini and Virgo, as well as its houses, 3 and 6.

The whole chart has important readings and nothing is absolutely true when we read an isolated piece of it. However, it is possible to identify points which, with Mercury in Scorpio, are challenging and need extra attention.

The first aspect concerns the natural communication of this conjunction, which is somewhat violent. People with this aspect feel the need to say what they think and what others need to hear, without weighing the consequences that this may bring. They must remember that not everyone is prepared to have the truth thrown in their face.

The need to control your life is also a delicate issue when it comes to relationships, as you can become controlling and possessive. Because you consider the problems of the one you love to be your own problems, you can override the will of others.

Because they are very analytical, those with Mercury in Scorpio can be obsessed with power and finding out everything about everyone. They can develop a measureless anxiety because of this and have difficulty trusting, as they distrust everything until proven otherwise.

Mercury in Scorpio retrograde

Although in several sources retrograde planets represent negative connotation, they can bring the benefits of revision to the position they fall in the chart. In the case of Mercury, where it falls in retrogradation will ask for attention in communication, making it more thoughtful and revised.

For the person who has Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, the analyses and attitudes will be more thoughtful and structured, he will capture the information inherent to the positioning but never act with levity, he will always seek for the certainty of feelings and energies.

This aspect can bring some impasses in communication and it may seem that it does not present itself in a fluid way. But when developed, the person who possesses this conjunction will have more responsibility in what he or she communicates and assertiveness in what he or she feels, as everything is revisited and rethought.

Tips for those who have Mercury in Scorpio

Each sign has its complementary opposite, which in the case of Scorpio is the sign of Taurus. The energies that the person who has Mercury in Scorpio needs to develop the qualities inherent to Taurus, such as patience, gentleness and materiality at a certain level.

Being too attached to the world of ideas and understanding so deeply the finiteness of things, the person in Scorpio can forget or fear to develop the materiality of things, because they know that one day this will end. They should adopt sweetness in communication and use the Taurine parsimony to alleviate the harsh words.

They need to learn to balance their energies and to dose mistrust, so that they can have tranquility in their journey. They must allow themselves to make mistakes, allow others to make mistakes and develop forgiveness, because we are in this world to evolve and it is by making mistakes that we learn.

Is Mercury in Scorpio a good configuration for love?

The planet Mercury brings light to the realm of communication, exchange, analytical thinking, and the search for knowledge, and since Scorpio is a deep sign, all these aspects are taken to depth. As far as love relationships are concerned, those who possess this aspect become a person who is very devoted to their partner, and demands the same in return.

They are mystical and very magnetic people and take all their qualities into relationships. They can become jealous and possessive, but by developing trust and self-knowledge, they become devoted lovers and understand in love and sexuality transcendence.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.