Uranus in the 6th house: retrograde, solar revolution and transit, check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Uranus in the 6th house

Those with Uranus in the 6th house want to be challenged daily in the work field, moreover, they like to change jobs every time, or even have more than one job at the same time. This person also tends to be very talented, which benefits them in many fields.

This is a person who does not like routines, and so is always changing. On the other hand, it is the home of health and illness, so you need to take great care not to get stressed or suffer accidents.

These people tend to have several challenges like making their life simpler, practical, being more humble and keeping their routine productive. Also, it is important to try to stay in one place as switching routines and jobs can slow life down.

Meaning of Uranus

Uranus is the planet of unpredictability, radical changes, breaking patterns. It is also the oldest of the gods. Uranus people love to go against the grain, to expose their ideas and to be free, that's why they like to change jobs and get out of the routine. Uranus is the symbol of rebellion, revolutions and sudden changes.

Uranus in mythology

Uranus, Gaia's husband, symbolizes the sky. Gaia and Uranus had many children (twelve Titans, three Cyclops and three Hecatonchians), and because they hated them they set them on fire in the bosom of the earth. Uranus was the first ruler of the universe.

In mythology, Uranus embodied the primary fecundating impulse of nature. Born of Gaia, he hated her children, until Kronos castrated him, and from his drops of blood were born the Erinias, the Giants and the nymphs Melias. From testicles that fell into the sea, was born Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

Uranus in astrology

In astrology, Uranus takes 7 years to pass a sign and approximately 84 years to pass through the zodiac. In the astrological field, Uranus is associated with technology, agility, revolution, sudden changes, breaking patterns.

Furthermore, you are able to find solutions to difficult problems. Uranus in the birth chart points to tension and anxiety, feelings which we should avoid. Uranus calls us to see how important and good it is to be free and to reinvent life.

Fundamentals of Uranus in the 6th House

The person with Uranus in the 6th house has in mind that he who is challenged tends to evolve more and learn more, so they like changes and challenges. They like to renew always.

Whereas the 6th house is represented by hygiene, health and service, and Uranus does not like routines, there may be a certain discomfort in this. Follow with us the different meanings and variations of Uranus in the 6th house.

How to find out my Uranus

Uranus is a slow planet, staying for 7 years in each sign. It has confusing energy and can cause great impact on people's personality. This planet has a strong connection with our personal development, exerting a strong influence on the longing for desires and search for goals. To know which is your Uranus, you need to check according to your birth dates.

Uranus in Aries is for those born from 1928 to 1935 and 2011 to 2019, in Taurus from 1935 to 1942 and 2019 to 2025, Gemini 1942 to 1949, in Cancer from 1949 to 1956, Leo from 1956 to 1962, Virgo from 1962 to 1968, Libra from 1968 to 1975, Scorpio from 1975 to 1981, Sagittarius from 1981 to 1988, Capricorn from 1988 to 1996, Aquarius from 1995 to 2003 and Pisces from 2003 to 2011.

Uranus exerts different effects and characteristics, according to each sign.

Meaning of the 6th House

The 6th house is represented by our capacity to deal with adverse situations, as well as to work in routine services. Furthermore, it indicates the concrete and practical knowledge acquired throughout life.

It demonstrates daily work, service and serving. This house demonstrates both our own service and the service given to others, the latter can add a lot of experience. The 6th house gathers everything that is necessary for a good quality of life. It is also represented by the taste for what we do.

What Uranus reveals in the Birth Chart

Uranus in the astrological chart indicates freedom and independence: freedom to be what you want, whether in relation to relationships, sexuality, religiosity, etc. Independence, on the other hand, is in relation to what society establishes.

Uranus, by staying 7 years in house sign, is important to differentiate generations, as well as the destiny of a group of people, defining the future of a society.

Individually, it indicates how we perceive things around us, allowing insights. It is important to check which house you are in, as this can indicate different wants and sudden changes.

Uranus in 6th House

People with Uranus in the 6th House can feel very taken with routine, so they need to find other things to do in order to unwind and express their innovative traits.

Those with Uranus in the 6th house tend to be very good with technology, and even have unusual ideas, especially those related to science. Depending on the aspect between Uranus and another planet, it can influence your life in a beneficial or malefic way.

Uranus can indicate unexpected illnesses or even accidents. On the other hand, if Uranus is in a good position, it can indicate unexpected recovery from illnesses and even prevent disasters.

Uranus in 6th House Natal

Uranus in the 6th house at Christmas can be challenging. The 6th house indicates your duties, either at home or at work, the daily chores, as well as personal care. And this, must be done, like it or not, is primordial.

On the other hand, Uranus hates routines, he likes to be free and independent, he doesn't like to be controlled or bossed around. Uranus likes different things, to think, evolve, create, and taking care of routine can be irritating and consequently, cause conflicts. Therefore, it is important to take some time off to rest your mind.

Uranus in 6th House in the Annual Chart

In the 6th house, Uranus tends to value new experiences, new challenges, which will make you grow in life and professionally. The fact that they hate routines, makes them run after new challenges and consequently be creative.

Uranus hates predeterminations and pre-established limits. They are determined people and run after the new and innovative. They love discoveries and studies, especially those related to science.

Uranus in Transit 6th House

Uranus passing through the 6th house can bring changes or disturbances related to work or health. For example, if you are not happy in your job, this transit of Uranus in the 6th house can make you give a new life to your work, through new projects, ideas or even changing departments.

You may discover a new vocation. The passage of Uranus in the 6th house, stimulates the beginning of new skills and activities. It is possible that in this transit, we change jobs or even get fired, but anyway, everything has its purpose and it is up to each one to discover and reinvent.

Personality traits of those who have Uranus in the 6th house

People with Uranus in the 6th House always want to do things the hard way and differently, and sometimes choose to use methods or choices that are not considered normal by society.

Keeping a routine is almost a nightmare, since they hate it, besides getting bored and depressed, because they really like what is different, what is dangerous.

Positive features

Uranus in the 6th house has several positive characteristics, being people who love challenges and consequently use them for improvement and personal growth, which is great, they have a lot of talent, especially when it comes to technological and scientific innovation.

They are excellent at improving, managing and streamlining tasks, thanks to the fact that they hate routines and so are constantly changing. They can be great at renewing work methods, as they are always changing and acquiring more knowledge, not to mention the fact that they are genious.

Negative characteristics

The 6th House in Uranus can indicate health problems, which is very bad, and can even lead to accidents, so any care is essential. These people have a tendency to psychosomatization, since they live changing unexpectedly, and this can cause new health problems.

Uranus in the 6th house tends to make people more nervous and stressed, especially when they are subjected to routines. Another negative point is disorganization, since they hate routines and tidying things up.


People with Uranus in the 6th house are very modern. They always want to be up to date, always be in the middle of new technologies and solutions. And the taste for modernity instigates them to want the new, to search for more, and consequently, they can develop good ideas and solutions, thanks to modern knowledge.

A person who is interested in modernity tends to be one step ahead of others, and for those who are very creative, they can develop new things much faster than other people.


Uranus in the 6th house, when they use their creativity, they can have great ideas and develop great products, services or programs.

Nevertheless, Uranos are very responsible and no matter how unexpected the things they do are, they can find inventive solutions to any kind of problem.

Uranos are very curious, which helps a lot in the field of creativity as they try to learn from everything, which can serve as a basis for great ideas. In addition, they are always in touch through blogs, vlogs or other electronic media.

They hate routine

The 6th house suggests routine, something Uranus hates. Uranus wants new things all the time, loving irregularities and sudden changes all the time. This is why Uranus fights so much for freedom and independence, where they don't need to follow rules and don't have very complex expectations.

A good tip for Uranuses, is to work as a freelancer, or something like that, where they are not so charged or can be their own boss. A characteristic of Uranus in the 6th house, is that they love to break rules, even their own, in order to get out of the routine.

The influence of Uranus in the 6th house

Uranus has a strong influence in the 6th house, because while this house is dedicated to organization and personal well being, Uranus doesn't want to know about routine, doesn't want to have a boss, nor a schedule.

The person with Uranus in the 6th house doesn't have an equal life, every day, because this will tire her and make her unhappy. Check out how Uranus in the 6th house can influence the different fields of life.

Love and sex

People with Uranus in the 6th house may end up adhering to rituals like fetishes and tares, and may even become obsessive about it or walk away at once. But if they do live these rituals, they tend to do them in a more hidden way, so as not to reveal them to their peers.

These people, although they try to hide it, sometimes end up extrapolating, showing that they are not saints as they wanted to show to the public.


The 6th house is the house of health and sickness. Problems related to tiredness and excess of tension and nervousness can weaken the body's defences. Uranus in the 6th house can attract daily rages, which can take root in the body and cause damage to the body's various systems. In addition, the body can develop allergies.

Therefore, it is primordial that you take care of yourself and try to treat yourself through meditations, natural treatments, doctors or psychologists, so that you are more tolerant to adversities and suck less bad energy into yourself.


Uranus in the 6th house likes to care for and give to others, but given their characteristics, they do not like routines, and this can harm family relationships, especially when it comes to family traditions, or even in the nervousness and stress which can affect the people around them. It is important to be careful when it comes to family members.


Although Uranus in the 6th house hates routines, they can be fired unexpectedly and are always changing jobs, it seems that opportunities never get tired of appearing, and they are never left in the lurch. Besides, their intelligence, together with their interest in learning more and creativity, help them to have a promising career.

Also, interest in technology and related areas helps to open the job field, since there is currently a very large focus on technology, development of programs and products.

A little more about Uranus in the 6th house

Uranus people can influence a lot people in the 6th house and vice-versa, and it can be a good association, or not, depending on the scope in which it is. Besides, the moment in which things occur can determine the future. Follow below more meanings of Uranus in the 6th house.

Uranus retrograde in the 6th house

Uranus retrograde in the 6th house seeks to understand what is happening around them, and why it is happening, what is the purpose, motivation, and these doubts make them very agitated and nervous.

It is strongly associated with work and this is when the new, advanced and ingenious comes into play, this is when all knowledge is used in order to solve problems.

Uranus in Solar Revolution in the 6th House

Uranus in solar revolution in the 6th house indicates that it's time for change, to get out of the routine, either by changing jobs or habits. But make sure you have another job in mind before leaving yours.

If this period is critical for your health, bet on therapies such as massage therapy and acupuncture to recover. It is very important to have your health up to date, before anything else.

Uranus in 6th house synastry

The Uranus synastry in the 6th house can help you change your attitude to health and fitness in addition to your approach to work.

The House 6 person sometimes admires the Uranus one, which can generate a greater acceptance for a less conventional approach to work tasks, as well as changing the way they generally do things.

Uranus people can teach a lot about food and health to those in House 6, who may even radically change their diet and have the Uranus person as an inspiration.

Is Uranus in the 6th house a good placement for health?

Unfortunately, Uranus in the 6th house is not a good position for health. This is because they tend to have health problems from one hour to another, and even accidents that can cause damage to their health.

Moreover, as Uranus in the 6th house doesn't want routine and doesn't usually follow orders, they tend to be more stressed and angry, which can trigger other health problems. Therefore, the advice for those who have this positioning is to relax and try not to take things so seriously, in order to avoid future problems.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.