Retrograde Planets in your birth chart: astrological significance and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of the retrograde planets in the birth chart

Within the mystical universe of astrology, the planets have an essential role, whether in the analysis of the astrological chart or in the study of the influence that transits exert on the energy that governs the life of humans. When a planet is in retrogradation, the elements that are connected to it demand revisions.

In the case of having a Retrograde Planet in the astrological chart, it is essential to dedicate to the path of re-evaluation of the sector that is ruled by the energy, thus finding one's own path within the area. Remember that a Retrograde Planet does not mean delay or blockage in the sector, but a divergence in the flow of energies that are ruled by the planet.

Planets, cycles, dignity, detriment and exaltation

In astrology the planets carry different meanings and, depending on their location in an astrological chart, represent the distinct potentialities present in the sectors. Understand the meaning of planetary cycles, dignity, detriment and exaltation here:

The planets

The constellations, satellites and planets of the solar system are studied in astrology. In this way, the 9 planets that make up this group gain individual symbolism, thus becoming the representation of distinct energies. For example: Venus is related to love and finances, while Mars is linked to impulses, sex and physical energy.

Based on this principle, there is also the relationship between the planets and the signs, which can be positioned in a harmonic or divergent way depending on the affinity between them. Furthermore, astrology also studies planetary movements, which includes retrogradations and cycles of the stars.

The cycle of the planets

Each star of the solar system relates to one of the signs and both represent specific energies which are connected. To understand the symbolism behind the planets and their impact on human life, it is also important to understand their cycles, which can be long or short.

Astrological cycles refer to the time of the movements that the planets or stars make, however, some movements do not physically occur, as is the case of retrogradation. When a planet is retrograde, it is not, in fact, moving backwards, but it is causing this illusion of movement from the perspective of the Earth.


The planetary dignities are understood as the different positions in which the stars are in relation to the signs. As there are signs connected to the same energy of certain planets, when both are together a dignity called "domicile" occurs, which means that the energy represented by both flows easily.

In the same way, when a star is in the opposite position of its companion sign, the dignity called "exile" occurs and its energy finds greater difficulty of flow. Besides these dignities there are also "detriment" and "exaltation" which indicate the distance or proximity to the domicile of the star, respectively.


One of the astrological dignities is known as "detriment", which can also be called "fall". These terms indicate that a star is distant from its domicile, that is, it is located near a sign that does not share as intensely the same values as its main sign.

Although "detriment" symbolizes the distancing of the main power associated with the star, it is still not the worst astrological location, it only indicates that there is some distance from the ideal positioning. Thus, the main energetic potentiality of the star is weakened. An example of detriment is the relationship of the star Venus with the sign of Virgo.


In astrology, when a star is in a sign which has similarities with the one it rules, the dignity called "exaltation" occurs. As the name suggests, the astrological positioning indicates positive conditions for the energy represented by the star, which enables its power to flow smoothly, even outside its domicile.

When a planet or astro is in the position called "exaltation" the positive characteristics associated to it are highlighted. One way to identify if a sign represents exaltation of a certain astro is to observe if the sign in which it is located is opposite to its detriment.

Retrograde Planets

Retrograde planets are a cause of fuss in astrological circles and can arouse concern, but in practice they are only the representation of aspects of life that deserve more attention. Understand everything about retrograde planets:

What are retrograde planets

Retrograde planets are present both in astrological movements and in astrological charts. However, their interpretation is different: in the case of a retrograde movement of a planet, the area related to the planet will suffer the impacts for only a period, which varies depending on the rhythm of the planet.

Meanwhile in the case of a Retrograde Planet in the birth chart, the energy of the area ruled by the planet is in opposite movement to the natural one. In this way it is possible that there is difficulty in making the themes of the sector naturally flow. Therefore it is important to keep constant attention to review in the area and seek individuality.

How to discover a retrograde planet

To discover which planets are retrograde within an astrological chart, it is necessary, first of all, to produce the chart with the complete information: place, date and exact time of birth. From there, it is possible to observe which planets are signalled with the symbol of retrogradation.

Usually the symbol used to signal retrogradation is the "R" or the "RX". Remember that the Sun and the Moon are stars that are never in retrograde motion. Thus, it is possible to discover which planets of the birth chart were in retrograde motion at the moment of birth and, in this way, understand which themes deserve more reflection.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is one of the most famous and controversial astrological movements. Electronic crashes and communication crises are just some of the beliefs surrounding this astrological movement. Understand what is myth and fact about Mercury Retrograde:

Meaning of Mercury in Astrology

The star of communication and news is Mercury. Its energy is read in astrology as the power behind communication processes, which can be linked to social networks, interpersonal dialogue and even the way political speeches are interpreted. In short, if there is communication, Mercury is behind it.

Beyond communication, the planet is also the ruler of innovation and change. Related to the sign of Gemini, Mercury represents the creative energy that always seeks the new and is open to embark on a journey of reinvention and transformation with the ease of a change of clothes.

The effects of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde has an impact on all issues which are astrologically ruled by the planet. Thus problems arise in communication, social networks, electronic devices and activities which represent a new cycle, so it is recommended that there is a certain caution about important decisions including these sectors in the period, if possible.

With Mercury in retrograde motion, there is a need for review and reflection on all issues related to the planet in question. In other words, this means that contracts should be read and re-read, back-ups should be made on electronic devices and information about dates and times should receive extra attention.

Venus retrograde

The planet of love represents, astrologically, the beautiful aspects of existence: art, aesthetics and love. In addition, Venus is also linked to values and its retrogradation is an invitation to review all these issues. Understand:

Meaning of Venus in astrology

Astrologically, Venus represents energies related to beauty, love and money. The house and sign which are aligned to Venus in the birth chart explain details of how the individual's relationship with these aspects works, as well as demonstrating which area of life is more influenced by the planet of love.

The star rules the signs of Taurus and Libra, so if it is located next to them in a chart, it is understood that Venus is in domicile. This means that the energies connected to the sign and to the star have greater ease of flow in that specific sector.

The effects of Venus Retrograde

When Venus is in retrograde motion in the sky at the moment, it is possible for conflicts to arise in connection with love relationships or finances. However, conflicts are not simply the result of astrological chaos, they are an opportunity to re-evaluate issues which have not been resolved so far and to seek improvement.

Venus goes retrograde for about six weeks and this movement that generates the necessary revisions about values in relationships and finances occurs every 18 months, on average. The effects of Venus Retrograde are felt during the period and are an opportunity for reflection.

Mars retrograde

When Mars is retrograde, there is a change in the flow of independence, physical energy and sexual impulses. The energies connected to the themes do not stagnate, but seek a new direction, distancing themselves from matter. read here read here:

Meaning of Mars in astrology

For astrology, Mars is the star that represents the pioneering spirit, the impetus needed to face conflicts and initiate projects. It is also considered the planet that governs issues related to sexuality because it is directly linked to the symbolism of primitive and wild energy.

Mars also carries the capacity of accomplishment. Being ruler of the sign of Aries, Mars is the star that indicates the kick-off, an intense energy that leverages processes and shows itself with a remarkable presence. The star can also indicate, in a natal chart, where the greatest potential of energy of an individual is concentrated.

The effects of Mars Retrograde

Mars in retrogradation can signal an invitation to sublimation of impulses. All corporeality and passion presented by Mars' energy gain a new direction. The symbolic arrow that before pointed to the search for external pleasure is now directed to the inner or ethereal world.

Having Mars Retrograde in the natal chart indicates that the individual tends to face possible blockages with regard to the carnal aspects of existence. However, it is also an indication of the ability to search for the transmutation of the planet's explosive energy. In the same way, the movement is an invitation to re-evaluate impulses and channel them positively.

Jupiter retrograde

Jupiter is the planet that is connected to expansion and justice, so Jupiter retrograde represents the search for new paths to find one's own sense of justice.Understand:

Meaning of Jupiter in astrology

In astrology, Jupiter is the star which represents masters, higher education and the search for expansion and connection with different cultures. In addition to these aspects, the planet also represents justice, which can be present both as judging power and as a personal search to establish behaviour which is perceived as fair from the individual perspective.

The planet belongs to the group of social planets, as it also indicates the possibilities of social expansion and exchanges made between individuals belonging to society. Jupiter also carries with it the energy of luck, which gives its astrological positioning a touch of optimism.

The effects of Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter Retrograde calls for a search for individualized sense of justice. The movement also represents a need to embark on the journey of expansion that goes beyond the standard. Having the astro in retrograde motion in your birth chart is an invitation to blaze a new trail towards expansion and improve yourself along the way.

When the astrological movement of Jupiter occurs in retrogradation in the sky, a period of inspection about the way the luck brought by Jupiter is being used begins. In this phase it is interesting to observe the issues in which you have greater ease in life and, if possible, devote greater effort.

Saturn retrograde

Saturn is, of the planets, the most astrologically rigorous. The star shows, through hard lessons, what it takes to achieve potential. Know the meaning of Saturn Retrograde:

Meaning of Saturn in astrology

The return of Saturn is one of the most famous astrological movements and represents the essence of the star: time . The star symbolizes the personal charge to reach the maximum potential and sometimes it can seem harsh like Capricorn, its equivalent, but the harshness is overcome from the moment the results are presented and personal satisfaction arises.

The planet is part of the group of social planets and represents the need to mature through the discovery of limits and hardships. Its position in the birth chart indicates the sector in which the greatest challenges arise, but also the greatest improvement.

The effects of Saturn Retrograde

Saturn is retrograde for about 20 weeks a year. This period marks a phase in which the demands are softened, as the trials necessary for improvement become reviews of previous experiences. With this, the astrological movement becomes one of the less worrying retrogrades.

In the case of individuals who have Saturn Retrograde in their birth chart, there is a great need to fulfill any activities or duties that have been left with a sense of incompleteness. Those born with this astrological placement also tend to possess great innate responsibility and seek self-improvement as well as moderation in life.

Uranus retrograde

Uranus is the star that represents transformations and the search for the new, breaking with traditions and tracing unexpected paths. Its retrogradation is an invitation for internal transformations. Understand it here:

Meaning of Uranus in astrology

Uranus is the first of the generational planets, that is, its symbolism crosses the personal level and connects with the role of the individual in the universe in which he lives. The star is linked to social transformations and the rupture with conservative standards and values, sometimes using rebellion for this.

The planet is the ruler of the sign of Aquarius and is associated with the unique identity present in the sign, stimulating eccentricity and cultivating rebellion. The astrological house in which the planet is located is influenced by its revolutionary energy and indicates the sector of life in which innovation is needed.

The effects of Uranus Retrograde

Uranus Retrograde is a movement that occurs for about 22 weeks throughout the year and slows down the relentless search for revolution and innovation, natural energy emanated by the planet. This pause that occurs during the period can also be interpreted as a new chance to review old projects and plans, under a new perspective.

When the retrograde movement in Uranus occurs, issues that were thought to be resolved or defined start to demand a new perspective. The astrological movement also symbolizes the emergence of unexpected changes, often linked to collective aspects, which imply transformations of entire generations.

Neptune retrograde

The planet of the depths of the unconscious also undergoes retrograde motion. Neptune Retrograde represents the need to experience the ethereal concepts and beliefs on the earthly plane. Find out more here:

Meaning of Neptune in astrology

Neptune was associated in Roman mythology with the God of the seas, which also represents part of his symbolism in astrology. Like the sea, Neptune represents everything that is deep, whether it is the unconscious reflected in dreams, or the search for understanding a greater meaning to existence, connected to the soul.

However, the search for Neptune's spirituality is not religious, much less orthodox. In this case faith is expressed under a broader and intuitive perspective, without the need to follow values or meet pre-established demands. The planet, ruler of Pisces, is also associated with the musical arts.

The effects of Neptune Retrograde

Neptune retrograde lasts 23 weeks a year and represents a period when the mystical haze created by the planet dissolves. During its retrogradation the star encourages individuals to face reality, escaping from the world of dreams and illusions.

It can mark stages where idealizations dissolve to condense into the true face of situations. The retrograde planet also invites you to see yourself clearly.

Those who are born with Neptune in retrograde motion in their birth chart tend to experience sacredness in the concrete world, escaping from the world of fantasies and volatile dreams so common to this star.

Pluto retrograde

Associated with deep transformations and the world of the dead, Pluto rules, for astrology, the hidden power that comes to light after a symbolic death. Know the meaning of Pluto retrograde here:

Meaning of Pluto in astrology

Although for astronomy Pluto is no longer considered a planet, in astrology it is still seen as an important star for interpretations and predictions. Its meaning is directly linked to the concept of death and rebirth, as the planet addresses the need for detachment and marks necessary endings, even though they may be painful.

Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and connects with the energy of discovering personal power from symbolic deaths. Its location in the birth chart indicates in which sector the greatest hidden power of the individual resides. However, the planet also signals a greater need for detachment.

The effects of Pluto Retrograde

Pluto Retrograde is an astrological movement that lasts about 186 days a year and is reflected in the need to rethink the relationship of the individual with power. This reflection takes place both on the aspects of connection with personal power, and on the symbolic power that is given by others.

The astrological movement invites the questioning about the need to deal in a healthy way with power, either by embracing it, or even balancing it when it is in exaggeration.

In addition, those who are born with Pluto retrograde in their birth chart tend to feel the ills of the world as part of themselves and constantly seek to deeply transform themselves, seeking inner transcendence as a cure for the external.

What to do when I have a Retrograde Planet?

The retrogradation should not be a reason for panic, but an invitation for reflection. From the theme ruled by the planet, it is recommended to make a self-analysis about that specific sector of life. The feeling that the area is behind can generate anguish, but it is only the signal to seek a new direction.

All people have about three Retrograde Planets in their natal chart, which means that the energy of these areas is turned inward and encourages constant re-evaluations. Reflecting, re-evaluating and seeking your individuality in the sector is exactly what should be done when you have a Retrograde Planet.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.