To dream of incest: with father, mother, brothers, cousins, uncles, grandparents and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of incest

To dream of incest can mean, mainly, feeling guilty about something that has been happening in your life. In addition, this type of dream is very unusual, because the act in real life is considered, in addition to crime, a misconduct.

Generally, the person who commits this type of attitude, that is, has an incestuous relationship, can end up being frowned upon by society and feeling guilty for the act.

So, this type of dream ends up showing that the dreamer feels guilty in front of the community, besides not being proud of the situation he is living. To dream of incest means to feel guilty about something, in short.

The context of the dream should also be considered when analyzing, as different situations have different meanings. That is, the context represents different faults.

To dream of incest with different people

Dreams of incest can have different meanings, depending on the people who appear in this type of situation. For example, dreaming that you had incest with a brother can have a different meaning than dreaming that you had incest with a cousin. Check out what each of these people represent!

To dream that you had incest with your father

To dream that you had incest with your father can mean guilt for someone who represents a role of authority in your life. Therefore, it can often be related to the professional sphere, since usually the person of authority is subjected to a position as a boss.

In addition, dreaming about this theme can mean that the person has recently had some conflict with someone of power. Or even someone who has a position of respect in your life.

Thus, the person feels fearful and guilty about the consequences of the conflict he has just experienced with this someone. Therefore, when dreaming that you had incest with the father, which is a position of respect in the family cycle, it is necessary to reflect on the event and see how this fits into your waking life context.

To dream that you had incest with your mother

While the father's incest dream represents guilt, the dream that had incest with the mother may signify a high dependence on the maternal relationship in his life.

In addition, this type of incest dream also demonstrates the difficulty of disengaging from maternal ties and what they represent in everyday life. It may suggest that the mother is always present or nearby.

In general, dreams about incest can also represent one's own relationship with sex life, so depending on what context the mother, or any family member, is in, it is important to seek counseling.

To dream that you had incest with a son or daughter

To dream that you have had incest with a son or daughter, as opposed to dreaming of incest with a father, means that you feel guilty about someone who is fragile. Or, someone who cannot defend themselves to the fullest extent.

In general, it also means that you can really feel guilty about your children. This can be caused by some argument, for example.

To dream of incest in relation to children may therefore indicate a quarrel involving children, since they are unable to defend themselves as their parents do. Therefore, when faced with this type of dream, try to forgive yourself for your behavior towards your children and resolve yourself with the children.

To dream that you had incest with a cousin

To dream that you have had incest with a cousin or cousin can also mean guilt. However, this type of guilt may be related to a group feeling. This is because usually, the relationship with cousins involves the group feeling, with many people.

Thus, the feeling of guilt may have arisen in relation to more than one person. Or the person in question had a pleasant relationship in a group. Therefore, this dream may mean that the person feels guilty and afraid of being estranged from his group for what he has done. So, try to identify the causes for this dream in your waking life and try to resolve the conflicts associated with it.

To dream that you had incest with uncle or aunt

To dream that you had incest with an uncle or aunt may mean that you are going through or facing a situation that is considered difficult. Uncle figures represent important people, as do cousin or cousin figures.

Despite this, there is no need for the feeling of guilt, as the dream may mean that you just did what you needed to do to feel better about the situation.

To dream that you had incest with grandfather or grandmother

To dream that you had incest with grandfather or grandmother may mean that you are going through a process that involves guilt over conflicts that can no longer be resolved. Grandparents symbolize old age and the end.

In this way, unresolved and old conflicts represent guilt in dreams about grandparents. In addition, this may be negatively affecting the person who is dreaming, because the person may be worried and thinking too much about the situation. So it's time to relax. What can not be resolved should be left aside and overcome.

To dream of incest in different contexts

The general meaning of dreams with incest is guilt. Nevertheless, the context of the dream can represent guilt for different situations, for example, incest with grandfather can mean guilt for conflicts that can no longer be resolved, while the dream of violent incest means guilt regarding one's own sexuality.

Therefore, it is always interesting to analyze the context of the dream as guilt can be represented in various ways through them Continue reading to know more.

To dream that you had violent incest

To dream that you had violent incest may suggest that the dreamer has some barrier in relation to his own sexuality. This is because violence in this context represents the force with which you have repressed sexuality.

This dream may also indicate that the person is going through a difficult time, and perhaps they are so worried about the situation that it has negatively affected their mental health. Therefore, seek professional help or help from trusted people to learn how to better deal with these issues.

To dream that you had incest under the influence of alcoholic beverages

In general, to dream that you had incest under the influence of alcoholic beverages means that the subject has repressed his sexual orientation. Depending on the person with whom you practice the act, it can also mean the fear of people who represent authority in your life, the control of people like mother and father, and even your own freedom.

To dream that you had incest at an orgy

To dream that you had incest at an orgy can mean problems with sexual experiences, this is because in society, both incest and orgy are questionable practices by many. In addition, it represents the quest to be satiated in relation to pleasure.

For those who have this type of dream, it is valid to reflect on their own sexuality and desires.

To dream that you had incest in an open place

Open places can be mountains, beaches, gardens and any other similar places. In general, to dream that you had incest in some kind of open place means that the dreamer is having problems with their own sexuality. That is, it may show that there is a certain interest in people of the same sex or similar situations.

For those who have had this dream, it is important to reflect on your own sexuality, your desires and your way of relating to other people.

To dream that you had incest in a car

To dream that you had incest in a car represents your own relationship with self-esteem. Generally, the dreamer feels ugly and insecure, so they cannot relate or demonstrate their feelings easily.

Therefore, it is important to seek help in these cases and to work in a healthy way with self-love. Also, you need to remain calm and quiet while in front of the person you love, as well as being confident about your own value.

Finally, it can also mean moral prejudices, which prevent situations from happening in a natural way. Reviewing such concepts can allow life to become lighter and fuller.

To dream that you had incest in an elevator

To dream that you had incest in the elevator means that some sexual desires of yours may be being repressed, that is, are being kept secret by you.

In addition, those who dream they have had incest in an elevator are afraid of being discovered. The dreamer has very strong erotic desires for someone, but is afraid to show them. Therefore, people who dream of incest in an elevator should try to release their feelings of guilt for having erotic thoughts, because such sensations are natural.

Can dreaming about incest indicate a feeling of guilt?

Generally speaking, dreaming of incest signifies guilt, even if the dream involves different contexts. Still, it is important to take into consideration the type of dream, as guilt is not always the same for different scenarios.

To dream of incest can mean, mainly, guilt involving sex, intimacy, judgments in this area, as well as repressed desires. In addition, when there is a dreamer with this dream constantly, it is important to reflect on their own desires and, depending on the situation, seek help.

When dreaming of incest, many feelings that, often, in everyday life end up being unnoticed can be revealed. Therefore, when dreaming, pay attention to your feelings and reflect on the situations that may be ignored.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.