The Ho'oponopono prayer: I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, I am grateful.

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Jennifer Sherman

Benefits of Ho'oponopono prayer

The Ho'oponopono prayer can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion or belief. This prayer brings countless benefits to those who practice it, and is a way to get rid of past situations that cause anguish and suffering.

By practicing the Ho'oponopono prayer, people gain clarity about things they have done in the past and understand why they did them. In this way, they are freed from feelings of guilt and suffering that cause them pain, improving their relationship with themselves.

Regarding emotional stability, by eliminating past suffering and guilt, the world view is also transformed and life becomes lighter. With the Ho'oponopono prayer there is also a reduction in situations of stress, depression and anxiety. This practice is a good tool to help in the treatment of these diseases, being beneficial for mental health.

Finally, with the practice of prayer, there is an improvement in worldview and self-acceptance, and people become more flexible. This makes them better able to deal with other people. After all, it will be easier to understand others and this will reduce misunderstandings and bad feelings.

Now that you know the main benefits of the Ho'oponopono prayer, read on to better understand how to practice it.

What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono is a prayer for healing and also for clearing bad memories from the past that have been recorded in our subconscious. It brings relief from emotional pain and relief from feelings of guilt.

In this part of the text you will learn a little more about this tradition as its origin, philosophy involved, among other information about Ho'oponopono.


The origin of the Ho'oponopono prayer comes from Hawaii, but you can find some similar activities on a few more Pacific islands, such as Samoa, New Zealand and Tahiti. This prayer was born when Kahuna Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona began studying the cultural traditions of Hawaii.

He saw the need to transmit this local knowledge and teachings to more people around the world. The Ho'oponopono prayer basically aims to bring harmony and gratitude to its practitioners. Therefore, it is a form of meditation that seeks repentance and forgiveness.


This is a Hawaiian prayer that has been practiced for many years in this region, and is also a philosophy of life with the goal of purifying people's bodies and minds. The ancient people of Hawaii believed that mistakes made in the present are connected to pains, traumas and memories of the past.

In the Ho'oponopono prayer the goal is to focus on these thoughts and mistakes in order to eliminate them, and thus achieve inner balance. This practice also leads people to understand and face their problems more naturally.


The word Ho'oponopono comes from two other words originating from the Hawaiian dialect. They are the words Ho'o which has the meaning of Cause, and ponopono which means Perfection. The joining of these two words that give origin to the name of the prayer can then be translated as correcting a mistake.

Therefore, the goal is to look at the past and correct bad behavior in order to have a more harmonious present and future.


The Ho'oponopono prayer is done in order to ask the Universe, or Divinity, to eliminate and purify issues that are causing your problems. This technique neutralizes the energies that are connected to certain people, places or things within you.

With this process there is the release of this energy and its transmutation into a Divine light, opening a space inside that is filled with this light.


It is not necessarily necessary to be in a quiet place or in a state of meditation to do the Ho'oponopono prayer. Whenever a thought about someone or some past event bothers you you can do the prayer.

To practice Ho'oponopono take a deep breath and repeat a few times the phrases "I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful", focusing on the uncomfortable situation. You can either repeat them out loud or mentally.

The Ho'oponopono prayer

The Ho'oponopono prayer has the full and shortened version, and also a mantra, which is made up of four short phrases that help correct and cleanse your soul of past mistakes.

In the case of the short prayer and also the complete prayer, they serve as an inspirational reading. Below you will find the shortened version and the complete version of this prayer.

Reduced clause

Here, we leave the reduced Ho'oponopono Prayer.

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son - all in One.

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended Your family, relatives and ancestors in thought, deed or action, from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask for Your forgiveness.

Let it cleanse, purify, release and cut all the memories, blockages, negative energies and vibrations. Transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light. And so it is.

To clear my subconscious of all the emotional charge stored in it, I say over and over again during my day the key words of Ho'oponopono.

I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, I am grateful".

Complete prayer

In this part of the article, you will find the complete Ho'oponopono prayer.

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son - all in One.

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended Your family, relatives and ancestors in thought, deed or action, from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask for Your forgiveness.

Let it cleanse, purify, release and cut all the memories, blockages, negative energies and vibrations. Transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light. And so it is.

To clear my subconscious of all the emotional charge stored in it, I say over and over again during my day the key words of Ho'oponopono.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

I declare myself at peace with all the people on Earth and with whom I have outstanding debts. For this instant and in its time, for all that I do not like in my present life.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

I release all those from whom I believe I am receiving harm and mistreatment, because they simply give me back what I did to them before, in some past life.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

Even though it is difficult for me to forgive someone, it is I who ask forgiveness of that someone now, for this instant, for all the time, for all that I do not like in my present life.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

For this sacred space that I inhabit day by day and with which I am not comfortable.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

For the difficult relationships of which I keep only bad memories.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

For all that I do not like in my present life, my past life, my work and what is around me, Divinity, cleanse in me what is contributing to my shortage.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

If my physical body experiences anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, sadness, pain, I pronounce and think: My memories, I love you! I am grateful for the opportunity to release you and me.

I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful.

In this moment, I affirm that I love you. I think of my emotional health and that of all my loved ones.

For my needs and to learn to wait without anxiety, without fear, I acknowledge my memories here in this moment.

I'm sorry, I love you.

My contribution to the healing of the Earth: Beloved Mother Earth, who I am.

If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors have mistreated You with thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation until the present, I ask for Your forgiveness let this be cleansed and purified, release and cut all memories, blockages, negative energies and vibrations, transmute these unwanted energies into pure LIGHT and so it is.

In conclusion I say that this prayer is my door, my contribution, to your emotional health, which is the same as mine, so be well. And as you heal I tell you that:

I am sorry for the memories of pain I share with you.

I ask your forgiveness for joining my path to yours for healing.

I thank you for being here for me.

And I love you for being who you are.".

Ho'oponopono as a form of transformation

By doing the Ho'oponopono Prayer, whether it is the short version, the full version, or even the mantra, your life is sure to undergo a transformation. This prayer will do an internal cleansing that will cause some changes in the way you live. Below, you will find the meaning of each of the terms in the Ho'oponopono mantra.

Regret - "I'm sorry"

The phrase "I am sorry" represents regret, and speaks about the responsibility that each individual has for his or her feelings. In saying this phrase the intention is to bring to consciousness the need to acknowledge this responsibility.

It also serves to understand that everything that brings distress is under your responsibility to seek help for the solution.

Forgiveness - "Forgive me"

This second phrase of the mantra, "Forgive me," has the meaning of seeking forgiveness as a means of eliminating bad feelings. It can be directed at other people, situations, or yourself by acknowledging your faults.

This phrase is also a request for help for the Divine, the Universe, to help you achieve self-forgiveness.

Love - "I love you"

"I love you" is the third phrase of the Ho'oponopono mantra, here is the moment when you demonstrate acceptance of people and situations, and that conscious love will cause the transformation you desire.

This phrase can be a demonstration of a broad form of love, dedicated to others, to a feeling or to oneself.

Gratitude - "I am grateful"

And the last phrase of the mantra is "I am grateful", which represents the feeling of gratitude for life and for opportunities to learn something from situations. According to the Ho'oponopono tradition being grateful for everything that manifests in your life is the best way to eliminate limiting beliefs.

The best way to truly feel gratitude is to understand that everything, every situation, no matter how difficult, will pass.

Does the Ho'oponopono prayer seek inner healing?

The purpose of the Ho'oponopono prayer is to seek inner healing. Doing the Ho'oponopono prayer or mantra, while holding your intention in forgiveness, love and gratitude, is a powerful tool for transformation and purification of feelings and memories of the past.

The healing process already exists within each individual, and through the Ho'oponopono prayer it is possible to understand the situations that have caused discomfort in your life. It is important to look at events and realize that what does not bring you love and value should be left in the past.

This perception will bring greater self-love and peace into your life and consequently to the people around you. With the Ho'oponopono prayer you will achieve purification of your energies and will push away feelings and actions that are bad. Do the Ho'oponopono prayer often, even if at first it seems to have no effect, because little by little it will do the necessary inner cleansing.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.