The 3rd Card of Diamonds in Tarot: Love, work and relationships!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the 3rd of Diamonds mean in the Tarot?

The 3 is considered a number connected to the gods because it symbolizes the union between masculine and feminine, which forms an extremely positive energy. This connection, when applied to the Tarot, finds a great representation in the 3 of Diamonds.

This minor arcane speaks about the idea of prosperity in all areas of life. However, it becomes even more evident for the consulent's career, which will go through a favorable period for group projects and even for enterprises.

Thus, the 3 of Diamonds will be discussed in more detail throughout this article. We will consider its fundamentals and its possible readings in various areas of life, such as work and love. If you want to know more about this card, continue reading this article.

Basics of the 3 of Diamonds in Tarot

The 3 of Diamonds has a connection with the divine, which happens due to the number 3, associated in various cultures to religious symbols and gods. Therefore, when this logic is applied to the Tarot, the card indicates prosperity in the financial field and has positive meanings.

Furthermore, the 3 of Diamonds shows three figures in a dialogue situation. One of them is an apprentice, who addresses his masters to talk about the progress he has made in his work. Due to the body language of the three, the masters seem to care about the young man's opinion, demonstrating an exchange relationship.

In the next section of the article, the fundamentals of the 3 of Diamonds, specially its history and iconography, will be discussed in more details. Keep reading to know more about it.

History of the 3 of Diamonds in Tarot

The number 3 is considered divine in several different cultures. Thus, it represents several important images, including some linked to the Catholic religion, such as the Holy Trinity. In addition, it can also be considered a representation of Isis, or Osiris, and Orus.

This happens because the 3 is considered the sum of the masculine, represented by the number 1, and the feminine, represented by the number 2. This way, the numeral would be capable to generate a vital energy, which is applied to the 3 of Diamonds card in the Tarot. Therefore, its interpretations always tend to positivity.

Iconography of the 3 of Diamonds in the Tarot

The 3 of Diamonds is also known as the Lord of Material Works. Thus, it describes a phase of building bases for the future and is especially associated with the financial field. All this is reinforced by the drawing present in the card, which shows a young apprentice working in a cathedral.

This apprentice is standing on a bench while looking at two men, a priest and a nobleman. The two are responsible for guiding him and teaching him what he needs to do. However, this relationship is not one-sided, as the masters are listening to what the apprentice has to say about his progress.

The 3rd Card of Diamonds in Love

When applied to love, the 3 of Diamonds is a card that brings several positive meanings, both for people who are single and for those who have a partner. Thus, the phase will be positive and marked by overcoming crises, as well as related to interesting possibilities for those who are looking.

Something that will reflect a lot on the interpretation of the 3 of Diamonds in love is the attitude that the three men portrayed in the card adopt: equality. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a relationship with solid foundations, in which listening and communication are always up to date.

To learn more about specific meanings of the 3 of Diamonds in Tarot, continue reading our article.

Overcoming crises in the relationship

If your relationship is going through a moment of crisis, the presence of the 3 of Diamonds in the tarot reading indicates that it will be overcome. This arcane talks about connections that are strengthened when guided by the trio that stamps the card. Therefore, the general interpretation for the love field is very positive.

Thus the phase will be marked by stability and problems will become a thing of the past for the couple. This will happen because you and your partner believe in what you have built up and fought through the turbulence to stay together and overcome the disagreements. So you will be rewarded for your efforts during this period, which will only remain as a learning experience.

Blossoming in the relationship

Relationships tend to flourish when the 3 of Diamonds appears in a Tarot reading, so the general outlook is good but dedication is needed to make this prosperous scenario go ahead. Therefore, the card advises the consulter to invest a lot in creating a solid foundation with his or her spouse.

Try to strengthen the trust and respect between you and your loved one. The way to do this is good communication, which needs to be present in the relationship so that it can flourish the way you expect.

Importance of complicity

The complicity is something that is already present in your current relationship, but the presence of the 3 of Diamonds reinforces its importance and highlights that you should become a friend to your spouse, sharing with him everything that afflicts you and also what motivates you.

This is present from the iconography of the chart, since there is no unequal relationship between masters and apprentice, but respect for the trajectory of those who are trying to tread their own path. Thus, adhering to the same posture of putting yourself on an equal footing with your partner, the relationship will get better and better.

The bachelor will reap the rewards of effort

People who are single and looking for a relationship receive a message from the 3 of Diamonds about the importance of the help of others to get what you want. So, talking to a friend about what you want can help you find someone to love.

The presence of the card in a consulent's game indicates that this expected love will come from a third person, who will act as a kind of matchmaker in the situation.

The 3rd Card of Diamonds at work

The 3 of Diamonds is a good card in the readings related to work. It denotes recognition for projects, profits in enterprises and commitment in the career. All this is present from the iconography of the card, which makes it clear that the motivation will come exactly from the feeling of having your ideas heard.

If the consulter is unemployed, the card remains positive. In this scenario, the 3 of Diamonds points to the emergence of an idea that can modify his current labor situation and which must be put into practice as soon as possible to make the most of the good phase.

To learn more about the meaning of the 3 of Diamonds in the readings about professional careers, continue reading this article.


When applied to the work sphere, the 3 of Diamonds is indicative of recognition. Your projects will be noticed by your superiors and you tend to do very well in group work. In addition, it will be a phase of great motivation in your career.

In this way, the recognition achieved will be a direct consequence of the good results that you will be able to deliver by performing your activities with passion. However, it is necessary to have focus to achieve success and know how to accept other people's ideas when it is necessary to perform collective activities.

Profit in the ventures

If you are thinking of starting a business venture of your own, the 3 of Diamonds indicates that this is the ideal time to do so. Even if you don't yet have the money to get your idea off the ground, the chart points to the possibility that an investor will be interested and make the venture viable.

And since the scenario is favorable for you to make profits in this venture, being able to pay for the investment will not be a complicated task. So, don't think twice before accepting this opportunity and making your dreams come true.

The 3 of Diamonds indicates commitment to work

Since its iconography, the 3 of Diamonds speaks about commitment at work. Moreover, it highlights that this commitment is directly linked to having your voice heard by your superiors. Therefore, you will feel especially motivated by activities which involve group meetings and you will be able to stand out on these occasions.

All this will give you the assurance that you are on the right track and tends to increase your willingness to strive even harder to amplify the good results.

New projects

For people who are unemployed, the 3 of Diamonds is also very favorable. This is a card that points to new projects and soon you may have an idea that will help you change your situation in this field.

This idea can be a venture or a different way of looking at job interviews, something that will catch the recruiters' attention. So when the opportunity arises, put it into practice as soon as possible to make the most of the good phase indicated by the letter.

The 3rd of Diamonds in Tarot reversed

The positioning of the cards in a Tarot game has a direct influence on its meaning and, sometimes, can cause the positive messages for a certain sector of life to be lost completely. This is exactly what happens with the 3 of Diamonds inverted in the readings about work.

Thus, the chart loses its positivity and starts to indicate conflicts that, in general, will be generated by individuality and the difficulty to accept other people's ideas in a project that depends on the collective to be carried out. Therefore, it is something that requires attention not to affect the consulent's career as a whole.

Below, we will discuss the main aspects of the inverted 3 of Diamonds and what it means for the career of the person who finds it. Read on to learn more about it.

Problems with co-workers

When the 3 of Diamonds appears inverted, your positive messages about work are practically annulled. This happens because the arcane starts to indicate that your will to work in a team is disappearing. Problems will arise due to the feeling that your colleagues are not dedicating themselves as much as they should.

This way, they will harm the result of the team as a whole and the project will fall short. There is the possibility that listening will be a problem and everyone will start fighting to have their ideas put into practice, but without caring if this is the best for the collective.

Preference to work alone

Due to difficulties in dealing with co-workers, the 3 of Diamonds in inverted position indicates that you will prefer to work alone. This will be motivated by the belief that in this way your ideas will be heard more easily. However, the consulter tends to ignore that the overall execution of the project may be more difficult without someone to help you, which will also affect your success.

So, there is nowhere to run once this arcane appears inverted in a Tarot reading related to work. So, all that remains is to stay calm and prepare for the turbulences in this environment.

You're not learning from your mistakes

Lack of consideration for others' ideas within a company is a mistake, and the 3 of Diamonds indicates that this tends to be your behavior. So, when you decide to work alone so you don't have to listen to anyone, it shows that you're not learning from the mistakes you've made throughout your career. Although a lack of respect from your colleagues is quite bothersome, closing yourself off isn't thepath to success.

Even, the 3 of Diamonds warns that this could lead to some attempts to boycott your work by people dissatisfied with your attitude. So, be aware of this.

3 of Diamonds Tarot Card Combinations

In tarot, combinations serve to add new meanings to cards, amplifying their positive characteristics or, then, transforming them drastically. This is repeated when talking about the 3 of Diamonds.

On the positive side, the connotation of work opportunities and prosperity in the career is maintained, indicating even the chance that the consulent will be called to work abroad. However, on the negative side, there are some combinations that make the 3 of Diamonds indicate a dangerous job.

Below, we will comment in more detail on some positive and negative combinations for this minor arcane. Read on to learn more about it.

Positive combinations

When combined with the World card, the 3 of Diamonds is indicative of job opportunities abroad. The pair of cards speaks to how your prosperity may not be tied to your roots and indicates that you may find good working partnerships should you decide to actually face this change.

Another good combination for the 3 of Diamonds is the Ace of Wands, which speaks about an interesting job offer that is waiting for you. This offer is connected to an environment that you have always valued and believed that you could have your ideas better used, if you were part of it.

Negative combinations

On the negative side of the combinations for the 3 of Diamonds, it is possible to highlight The Moon. The card indicates that your work could become more oriented towards the night shift and asks you to be careful with sleep, which can generate a series of mistakes. Furthermore, bohemianism should also be avoided.

It is also worth mentioning that, when combined with the King of Swords, the 3 of Diamonds points to the emergence of a dangerous work for the consulent. It will bring good financial returns and a scenario of collaboration. Therefore, it will be very tempting.

A little more about the 3 of Diamonds in Tarot

All the cards have a series of challenges that need to be faced by the consulent. In the case of the 3 of Diamonds, they are more related to the readings in which the card appears in its negative position and indicate the need to use rationality to understand what is harming his work.

However, there are also some challenges connected with the arcane in its normal position. They, in turn, are connected with understanding that the good phase is not a reason for you to settle down and trust that things will just happen.

In the next section of the article, these meanings will be explored in more detail. We will also give some tips on how to deal with the challenges posed by the 3 of Diamonds. Read on to learn more about them.

Challenges of the 3 of Diamonds in Tarot

The challenges for the 3 of Diamonds in the inverted position are connected with realigning your objectives. You have already realized that your way of looking at work is not bearing the expected fruit. Therefore, it is time to think rationally about your career and plan your next steps carefully.

In its normal position, the card tends more towards positivity, but still presents some challenges linked to the need to have a clear vision of what you want. It is not enough to trust that the 3 of Diamonds will magically make everything happen. It is necessary that the consulant puts a lot of energy into materializing the predictions of the card.

How to deal with the effects of the 3 of Diamonds in Tarot?

To deal with the effects of the reversed 3 of Diamonds, you can't take the card as a personal attack. It's not trying to say that your problems in the workplace are your fault. In fact, it invites you to reflect on what keeps other people away from you, and is something that can open your paths.

So, the great advice is to take advantage of this period of reflection to understand that the lack of collaboration and motivation can be drivers of positive changes for your life. Thus, you will be able to reinvent yourself and find your way again.

Can the 3 of Diamonds in the Tarot bring good things?

The 3 of Diamonds is an extremely positive card which can bring good things to all areas of the consulent's life. When talking about career, the arcane points to an excellent time for group work and for having your ideas heard. It also indicates a scenario of prosperity from a financial point of view.

When it comes to love, the chart indicates the overcoming of difficulties and a phase of stability. But for the consulter to reach this stage, it will be necessary to invest in solid bases for the romance, basing the coexistence on dialogue and the idea of partnership.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.