Sons of Oxumaré: characteristics, work, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the children of Oxumaré like?

The characteristics of the Orixás can sometimes not be so clear, which makes it a little more difficult to clearly understand how their children are and the details of their behavior, for example. This is what happens with the children of Oxumaré, who are quite difficult to be identified due to this issue.

As much as it is a little more difficult to identify that a person is a daughter of Oxumaré, different from other Orixás like Iansã, for example, it is still possible to highlight this among the details in the behaviors and attitudes of these people.

See below how are the children of Oxumaré!

Characteristics of sons and daughters of Oxumaré

The characteristics of the children of Oxumaré are a little more difficult to be noticed, and therefore, it is a challenge to understand if a person is in fact influenced by this powerful Orixá. But some very specific details can demonstrate this, and therefore need to be understood and observed.

Oxumaré is very connected to wealth, so this is a starting point to understand who his sons are. This is because people who are daughters of this powerful Orixá in general have a very strong desire to attract wealth into their lives and value this aspect very much.

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People of intellectual content

The children of Oxumaré are very attached to studies, be they scientific or philosophical. In general, they are people who dedicate their lives to understanding everything that the world has to offer them that can add value to their intellect.

Therefore, they are seen as very intelligent and developed people in this sense, for they are always studying, searching for more information and get involved in ways that can add something to their life in this sense. For the children of Oxumaré the development of their intellectual capacities is a priority.

No routine that limits creativity

Boring and tiring routines are definitely not for the children of Oxumaré. They like to explore, come up with new experiences and everything that in some way values the creativity of these people that is very big.

If they feel limited to routine and everyday situations, these are people who soon get annoyed and go after something that makes them feel more alive. They cannot stand a life immersed in monotony and repetition. For the children of Oxumaré, life is worth living if they are enjoying everything it has to offer.

They have refined tastes

Because they are very connected with the desire to conquer riches and also because they nourish a lot the intellectual side, the children of Oxumaré cultivate a very particular taste, and because of that they are seen as refined people. This comes from the vast knowledge of the world acquired by these people, who are intelligent and focused.

The children of this Orixá wish to conquer riches, and for this reason, even if they have not yet arrived where they want, they assume this posture of admirers of everything that is refined and of good taste.

Hate betrayal in general

Something that takes the children of Oxumaré out of their minds is betrayal. These people cannot stand this attitude and the consequences of betraying a child of this powerful Orixá, no matter what, is to endure his fury.

Upon discovering a betrayal, these people make no point in measuring their anger and those who comment on any such act against them will pay. As much as they may feel extremely irritated by these attitudes, the children of Oxumaré can calmly conduct an argument without losing their reason.

They're always in the mood

Even when facing difficult moments in their lives, the children of Oxumaré do everything in their power not to be downcast by these moments in their lives. For this reason, they are always willing and find the strength to continue even when facing the most challenging moments in their lives.

There is nothing that will bring down a son of this Orixá if he is willing to face the obstacles that appear along his path, for they will never run away from the fight and are willing to face any battle.

A kind heart

Even though they may not be seen this way right away, the children of Oxumaré, even though they are ruthless in their attitudes, have a good heart. They are very good people who are always willing to help those in need.

Thus, these are people who are in solidarity with the suffering of others and are dedicated to helping people as much as they can. When anyone needs help from a son of Oxumaré, he will be there to help, without fear. Their desire to help is so great that they may even give up something they own and like in order to help those who need it most.

Appreciation for ostentation

Oxumaré is connected to wealth, and it would be no different with his children who are influenced by the Orixá's characteristics. Therefore, it is common that the children of this Orixá have a great appreciation for ostentating what they possess of greater value.

When they achieve their goals and stand out in society for their deeds and financial achievements, the children of Oxumaré make it a point to show the world what they have achieved with their efforts. Valuing these aspects can cause some problems for these people, so one must be careful not to fall into temptations.

Change is a constant

The children of Oxumaré like changes, and are always looking for these changes in their lives. There is a constant desire to change everything in their lives, from jobs to romances, friends, houses and cities.

Thus, the children of this Orixà cannot stay for long in the same place and doing the same thing, because they feel a great need to take the next step and move forward in their lives. For these people, it seems that life constantly makes them break with what they left in the past in order to move forward.

Defects of sons and daughters of Oxumaré

The children of Oxumaré can present some defects in their behavior that if cultivated and maintained can bring them very complicated problems. It is necessary to understand to what extent these defects and negative characteristics can also affect the people around you and your relationship with them as well.

Therefore, the children of Oxumaré need to take some care with these negative characteristics because if encouraged they can guarantee them very bad situations in life. As much as they like to help people in need, they can fail in other aspects of life.

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Jealous and selfish

The children of Oxumaré can easily assume jealous and selfish positions, especially in their love relationships. If they feel cornered in any way, their response is to attack with jealousy.

Selfishness can be shown by the fact that these are people who care a lot about their own welfare in relationships, and at the slightest sign of insecurity, they do not think twice to let go of the loved one and run into the arms of another person, as long as they feel happy and satisfied, there is not the slightest problem for them.

Bitter and apathetic

The bitterness and apathy of the children of Oxumaré comes from the fact that they are often people who think selfishly, for their own benefit.

When they feel frustrated or some situation does not happen the way they want, it is common that the children of Oxuamaré feel disconnected from the world and apathetic, because they feel extremely frustrated. The bitterness comes from the fact that they cannot stand not having their requests and desires fulfilled. This frustrates them immensely.

Vengeful and treacherous

One of the biggest faults of the children of Oxumaré that can be clearly noticed in their attitudes is the fact that they are people that when they feel irritated, they do not think twice before answering the one who took their patience away from them in the way they believe he deserves.

Therefore, before they even think of anything, they may act treacherously and vengefully so that those who have caused them trouble will pay for it. It may take time, but the rancor of the children of Oxumaré coupled with the desire for revenge will never let them forget it.

Sons and daughters of Oxumaré at work

The sons of daughters of Oxumaré have distinct ways of dealing with various areas of their lives. At work they act in a very clear way, which shows the influences caused by the characteristics of this powerful Orixá.

In this area of life, several qualities can be noted that make them very dedicated people who will surely achieve their goals and reach the top. Since the children of Oxumaré are attracted by riches, the way they act at work is all geared towards assuming positions of power.

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Organization and dedication

At work, the children of Oxumaré are dedicated and very organized, as these characteristics benefit these individuals so that they can achieve their goals in life. This is because this organization of dedication makes it easier for them to carry out their projects and achieve the results they expect.

For the children of Oxumaré it is very important that they have a prominent position and that they are seen as capable people, because for them this elevates the social position in which they find themselves.

Passion for what you decide to do

Everything that the children of Oxumaré decide to do in their lives is done with great passion. Nothing is done by halves or just to fulfill an obligation. If they face a challenge, they go deep and do it in a passionate and dedicated way.

For these individuals work is a priority, it is always in first place, so they make a point of performing their tasks with good will. Passion is what moves these people in their daily tasks, and because of that they are excellent at solving problems in a quick and simple way, without having to despair over anything.

Outstanding professional areas

The professional area is a highlight in the life of the children of Oxumaré. The desire to be above being noticed is what makes these people dedicated to areas that can guarantee it. And work is a very important starting point for them in this sense.

For the children of this Orixà, work is what will make them stand on top of the world, and be seen as people of great worth. These questions will always come back to the fact that the children of Oxumaré are extremely attached to possessions and wealth, and almost everything they do in their lives is driven by this.

Sons and daughters of Oxumaré in love

The way the children of Oxumaré act in love is something quite particular. As much as they are people very dedicated to the professional area and have this focus in their lives, there is also room for them to experience passions and love.

But the way they act is quite particular in this sense, and needs to be understood by partners who get involved with the children of Oxumaré, because it will not be so simple to understand these individuals so complex and full of particular details.

Keep reading and understand more about the children of Oxumaré in love!

Mystery amidst passion

The first word that comes to mind when talking about the children of Oxumaré in their love lives is mystery. They are indeed very mysterious people and they hide behind it so that they can be sure not only of their feelings, but also of those of the people they get involved with.

Even when they are already totally in love, the children of this powerful Orixá cultivate this mysterious pose to evaluate more about their feelings before they give themselves up completely. Their way of acting with their loved ones can even be misinterpreted by others, because they disguise their feelings very well.

They prefer not to expose the romance

A common characteristic among the children of Oxumaré is discretion. No matter how committed and dedicated they are to their partners, they cannot fully expose their romance to the world.

They even manage to make their partners be seen by others as just friends. Much of this behavior comes from the fact that these individuals rely on a very great fear of what other people can do against him, through envy and evil eye. Thus, they prefer to act more discreetly to avoid problems with the relationship.

They like people who can afford their luxury

Once again showing their desire for wealth, the children of Oxumaré tend to get closer to people who are financially well-off in some way so that they can afford their luxuries.

This kind of attitude is not even discreet on the part of these individuals, as they have no shame in admitting that in fact they prefer to approach people who can guarantee them a more comfortable and luxurious life indeed.

Another fact is that for the children of Oxumaré, there is only a real possibility of growth in life if they are associated with others who have goals as ambitious as theirs.

Routine can lead to infidelity

The children of Oxumaré reject routine and monotony so for them this type of relationship is reason enough for them to be unfaithful people. As much as they love their partners, if they begin to live a life ruled by routine, these people soon end up seeking movement and fun outside their relationships.

They resort to infidelity so that they can feel more active and happy. Since the desire for change is very great, if they get involved with people who do not have the same goal as them, the resource they find to solve these impasses is betrayal.

Jealousy is part of the relationship

Possessiveness and jealousy are always present in the ways of the children of Oxumaré. In their relationships it is inevitable that at some point these people will act in a totally jealous way with their partners.

As they are very demanding people and want everything to be the way they want it, the children of Oxumaré can make mistakes in this control of their partners. Therefore, you must be very careful when letting these negative feelings dominate you.

How do you live with sons and daughters of Oxumaré?

Living with the children of Oxumaré should not be seen as a challenge because, although they have some very complicated faults to face, especially in their love relationships, they are very positive individuals in many other areas of their lives.

They are good-hearted people who help those in need, are outgoing, talkative and love to have fun with those they love. It is also important to take into consideration the qualities of these people because their communicative and creative way of acting charms everyone who lives with a son of Oxumaré.

The challenges of coexistence are remarkable, as well as any kind of relationship, whether it is love or friendship, but the qualities of the children of this powerful Orixá need to be highlighted as well, because they are many.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.