Scorpio's astral hell: what it is, dates, astral paradise, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to act during Scorpio's astral hell

Astral hell is one of the most intense periods in people's lives and its date varies according to the sun sign. This period brings many complicated issues to the surface and reveals some bad behaviors even in the most patient and controlled signs.

The astrological influences can be felt throughout this period and unlike other times in life what is felt in this phase is much more negative than positive. This period is known to be that time of life when everything seems to go wrong and, in fact, this is exactly what happens.

Facing the astral hell is challenging and requires care with the things you say, because they can be irreversible and bring consequences to your life, even if they are said with your mouth, which is very common in this period due to the intensity of reactions and impulsiveness. Want to know more about the astral hell of Scorpio? Keep reading this article!

The influences of the Scorpio astral hell

Astral hell is one of the most difficult times of the year for the sign of Scorpio. According to astrology, at this time the Sun starts to pass through the last house of the native's astrological chart. This place brings a confusing energy, which makes the Scorpian unconsciously attract more and more complications.

This bad phase attracts all kinds of difficult situations for the Scorpio, who certainly doesn't react in the best way because the moment is so complex that it ends up leaving him cornered to the point that his reaction can become the most harmful possible. The strong influence of this moment is capable of affecting even the relationships of these people.

That's because since it's an intense time, the Scorpio can't get his ideas clear enough to converse and handle situations as he normally would if he were in his right mind. Want to know more about the influences of astral hell on the sign of Scorpio? Read on!

Scorpio characteristics in astral hell

During the period of astral hell, Scorpio people tend to go through a real roller coaster of emotions. The intensity and thirst for revenge of this native are the most striking points for this moment, besides jealousy, which appears in an even more intense way.

With so many difficulties to control their actions, Scorpios will also go through a complicated period in terms of socialization. Socializing with other people can be very complicated for this native, who will be without patience and irritable, wishing to be more alone to observe and enjoy their introspective moment away from possible mistakes.

Scorpio astral hell date

The Scorpio native's astral hell begins 30 days before the date of his birth. Therefore, if the native has his birthday on November 5, for example, this intense interval in the life of the Scorpio native will take place between October 6 and November 4.

This will be the most complicated and intense period in the life of a Scorpio person, so they need to be as careful as possible to overcome it without any harm. Another way to find out when astral hell will happen is to take into account the astrological order of the signs. In this way, you will need to count the 12 houses to find that the astral hell for a Scorpio person is the sign of Libra.

The lack of control and the astral hell of Scorpio

Lack of control is one of the most complicated points of the astral hell for the sign of Scorpio. There is a very strong tendency to lose your head over small things. Throughout this period, the native feels very cornered and cannot even make his own decisions, which greatly affects his behavior.

This is because generally the sign of Scorpio knows very well what it wants and runs after fulfilling its wishes and desires. But, during this period, indecision and the difficulty to define its desires will take over the Scorpian's head, making him feel increasingly without control.

Libra and the astral hell of Scorpio

The influence of Libra in this period of Scorpio's life will show itself from the smallest to the biggest actions. As the period of Scorpio's astral hell begins 30 days before their birthday, the sign that represents this period is Libra, a sign of air.

The differences between these two natives are very clear and easy to see. And so many opposite issues and completely divergent actions make this a very complex period to understand for the Scorpio. Everything this sign knows about itself ends up falling apart before the strong influence of Libra, which dominates the moment, transforming the Scorpio into someone he doesn't evenacknowledges.

For the sign of Scorpio, there is nothing worse than feeling out of control and not being able to understand the reasons that lead him to act in a way completely opposite to what he usually is. The mental confusion for this native will be all brought by the sign of Libra, which is master at causing these conflicting feelings.


The indecision of the Scorpio sign in astral hell reveals a side not yet known by this sign, which causes a real confusion of feelings. Naturally the sign of Scorpio is very determined and centered in its actions and goals.

But during this period, the Scorpian will feel very indecisive due to the influence of Libra which is a sign that brings this characteristic. So, this will be a phase of doubts about anything and everything, which will cause discomfort in the Scorpian. Therefore, it is a time to know how to balance things and find within themselves the personal characteristics to feel more at ease.


Intensity is already part of the actions of the sign of Scorpio, but during the astral hell this becomes a challenge for this native. The way of acting of this sign is intense, but there is more control over their actions and the Scorpian can control himself and think more about what he is doing.

At this time, this intensity is accompanied by an impulsiveness. Action will be taken without the Scorpian having time to think because at this time there is a need on the part of this native to act and react at all times to everything that happens.

All this intensity can be detrimental and affect the Scorpio's judgement, so greater care needs to be taken. Perhaps keeping a little quiet will help you not to commit actions you may regret.


Revenge is one of the most present elements in this moment of Scorpio's feelings explosion. This is also a characteristic that can arise normally in the sign of Scorpio, even in milder phases. However, this will be thought of in a less chaotic way.

During astral hell, if the Scorpian feels that they have reasons to dislike a person, they can take this situation to the ultimate consequences. Getting in the sights of a vengeful Scorpian is something very complicated, as they make a point of making the person's life a hell, which is potentiated during astral hell.


Feeling jealous in the astral hell is almost a certainty in the life of the Scorpio native. As his feelings are all very intense, he tends to focus a lot on his relationships and this, depending on how he acts, can end up bringing damage to the relationship.

In this period you have to be careful because the Scorpio will feel so focused on living their passions and love in an intense way that their partner can feel controlled and watched. The Scorpio will be at all times close and wanting attention, behavior that can become destructive, as well as possessive and jealous.

Difficulty socializing

The difficulty to connect with other people and socialize brings many worries to the Scorpio's head during this astral hell. In the social sphere, this native will go through a real emotional wear and tear as something that was once simple and part of his personality becomes difficult and can cause unusual anxiety.

As the moment tends to generate reflection, as usually happens in the period of astral hell, Scorpio seeks for more quiet to understand themselves. For this, the natives of this sign end up being more introspective, something that is not part of their personality. To avoid acting in the wrong way, it is normal that Scorpios seek to observe more than to act.

Do Libra and Scorpio go together?

Libra is a sign ruled by the air element, while Scorpio is of the water element. The two are very different in their main characteristics, but end up attracting each other. Something that both have in common and is very clear right from the start is the aptitude for seduction, which can be positive.

The relationship between these two signs is shrouded in sensuality, desire and passion. However, as time goes by, the Scorpio may show some of his excesses, like jealousy, for example.

The Libra likes to live life with a sense of freedom, so this will cause friction between the couple. The outlook between the two of you is good, but you'll need to be careful and have a lot of dialogue so that you don't overdo things and disagree until you reach a complicated point.

Scorpio's astral paradise

The period of astral paradise for the signs is a moment of relief in which you can breathe and feel that things are more under control. Unlike the astral hell, this is the most positive time of the year and can bring important revelations as well as a sense of accomplishment.

This moment is linked to the arrival of the 5th house in the astrological chart. This is the house responsible for governing issues related to creativity and personal and romantic relationships. Thus, the phase is favorable for the signs because their positive and valuable characteristics will be much more explored and seen by the people around them.

Another important point about the astral paradise is the fact that people tend to feel more attracted and have well-defined affinities with the signs that represent their astral paradise. This is because the signs that represent this paradise have many characteristics and desires in common with the native.

Scorpio characteristics in astral paradise

During the astral paradise, Scorpios will act in a very different way from the period of astral hell. At this time, all the points that can be considered negative for this sign are left aside and it shows its most valuable and attention-grabbing characteristics.

So this is a propitious moment for the Scorpio to show himself to the world and put into practice the projects that have been put aside for some time. As it is a phase in which everything tends to work out, this is the time to fulfill your wishes, to reunite with your friends and to live the experiences you most desire due to stability and positive achievements.

Date of Astral Paradise of Scorpio

The astral paradise for the sign of Scorpio occurs between February 19 and March 20. At this time the Sun enters Pisces, which is seen as the sign that represents the astral paradise in the life of the Scorpian.

Thus, there is a great potential for the moment to be influenced by the good characteristics of the sign of Pisces, and it is also possible to understand that this native makes a good impression on the Scorpian, who has a very strong tendency to be attracted by the characteristics of Pisces natives.

Pisces and the astral paradise of Scorpio

During the astral paradise of the sign of Scorpio, this native can be influenced by some issues, but this time they will be positive. As it is a favorable time for this sign, which feels lighter and more willing to realize their goals and desires, it is notable that there is an influence from the sign of Pisces.

Some important points will be raised at this time and the Scorpio will be able to understand that the bad phases are away from him. This is the time to enjoy the good fruits of his efforts. Therefore, there is a strong tendency to seek change in a creative way, since this time is focused on those issues that explore creativity and the will to go beyond.

The sign of Scorpio may not be one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, but this moment brings many aspects to your life through the influence of Pisces. The moment will be propitious for the Scorpio to be able to see things in a more sentimental way, as normally this is shown more by the negative side of this sign, such as impulsiveness.


Intuition is not normally a characteristic that Scorpio signs show a lot. In general, they are very active and try to act according to what they feel. This kind of feeling is much more common in Pisceans, who are full of sensitivity and intuition.

As this moment in the life of the Scorpio is being guided by some characteristics of Pisces, it is normal that he feels this way and ends up having some thoughts that he does not understand where they came from, but that make perfect sense and later the native will understand the reasons that led him to think about it.

Putting old projects into action

Projects that have been on the Scorpio's mind for some time may finally see the light of day at this time. If you've been wanting to do something for a long time but have only been thinking about it, now is the time to make a final decision and put things in motion.

This is a positive time to start new projects or to take up ideas which have been paralysed for some time. If in astral hell the native should be calmer and more guarded, in Scorpio's astral paradise is the time to throw ideas out into the world and show what he or she is capable of doing, as there is enormous potential for success.


Inspiration will be at its peak at this time in the life of the Scorpio native. As the house in which the astral paradise is located is favorable for issues involved with creativity, this is the time to bring out everything that is in your imagination and show your abilities.

The energy of Scorpio people is something remarkable and very noticeable from the first moments you meet them. This sign has a great capacity to reinvent itself and seeks inspiration in everything that makes it happy and gives it a sense of accomplishment. During this period, this will be even more intensified.

Do Pisces and Scorpio go together?

Pisces and Scorpio are ruled by the same element: water. Therefore, they show very similar characteristics, such as sensitivity, depth in their actions and the emotional way they usually show themselves. In relationships, these two have a huge potential to work out and there is a strong attraction.

However, there are some points that need to be raised about this relationship. Both of them end up getting very attached to each other and live a relationship of dependence. This can end up causing problems, because situations of insecurity can arise and the Scorpio shows this through jealousy and possessiveness, which can make the Pisces very scared.

How should one act during Scorpio's astral hell?

Astral hell is one of the most difficult times of the year and requires a lot of care because it can end up causing a big mess in the life of Scorpios.

It is important to understand your limits in this period and understand that what you are feeling is a reflection of the intensity of the moment and not necessarily the reality will be this way after you get out of the center of this mental confusion.

To deal with astral hell, the Scorpian must respect himself and not go beyond what he believes he can handle at this time. Taking hasty actions could end up influencing areas of your life which will not recover when you will return to feel and see things in a milder way.

The moment is hard enough as it is, so focus more on the things that matter to you and think that this period is complicated, but that soon it will pass and things will be calmer and clearer.

Focus on the people you love, what you want for the future and beware of self-sabotage because listening to your mind too much can be very damaging and will solve absolutely nothing.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.