Meaning of Citrine Stone: know the chakras and signs of the crystal!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the meanings of Citrine stone?

The Citrine stone is very powerful in attracting abundance and material prosperity, but it also helps in energetic healing, pushing away negative thoughts. In this way, it provides determination, courage, self-esteem, self-love, focus and concentration. Therefore, the person can get out of stagnation and act in the direction of their own goals.

In addition, it provides clarity of thoughts, assisting in self-acceptance and awakening the inner glow contained in each being. For health, it is able to reduce addictions, regulate the digestive system and thyroid hormone, increase blood circulation, among other advantages.

However, people with explosive temperament should avoid this stone, since it promotes greater energy. Want to know more? Then understand below the meaning of the Citrine stone, which its corresponding chakra, its composition, benefits and more!

Citrus fruit characteristics

Citrine is a very powerful crystal for attracting good energies and dispelling negative thoughts, discouragement and limiting beliefs. It can be worn directly on the body, as a bracelet or necklace, or you can leave it in a specific environment.

But it is a fact that, in any case, the stone provides acceptance, peace and harmony. See below which is its corresponding chakra, its origin, composition, benefits and more.

Origin and composition

The origin of the name citrine is Greek, meaning "lemon stone". During the middle ages, this crystal was used to attract luck, even believed that it was able to provide eternal life. Moreover, the Romans used citrine to ward off evil eye and intrigues.

Its source materials are silica, iron dioxide, manganese, calcium and titanium. Most of the citrine sold is heated quartz or amethyst, and the natural stone is rare to find. The difference between the original and the manipulated stone is clear, as the original is transparent and has less intense colors.

Colours, hardness and chemical composition

The Citrine stone can be found in colors in variations of light yellow, light orange, dark orange (champagne) and golden brown, as well as in reddish brown and transparent tone.

Its chemical composition is formed by silicon dioxide (SIO2), thus, it is a mineral of the silica group and silicate class. It is a low cost stone, but it is rare, its hardness corresponds to 7 on the Mohs scale (responsible for quantifying the hardness of minerals).


The benefits of citrine stone are numerous, but in general, one can highlight the motivation and financial abundance. It is a stone that can promote courage and cheer, removing negative thoughts, mental fatigue, fears and anxieties. It also provides self-esteem and emotional balance.

Moreover, it boosts to get out of stagnation and make changes, leaving behind superfluous things, as well as offering peace and protection. It is the ideal stone for those who want to achieve goals and attract financial abundance, because in addition to motivation it also stimulates focus and concentration.


The Citrine stone promotes greater self-esteem and helps the individual to disconnect from limiting beliefs. In this logic, negative thoughts and insecurities are dissipated with the use of this crystal.

Thus, the person tends to attract abundance and prosperity, since it acquires motivation and self-affirmation to seek what you want. This occurs because the Citrine promotes clarity of thought, so it is possible to observe reality as it is, as well as act with wisdom.

In addition, it promotes emotional control, favoring personal and professional life, since the bonds tend to become lighter. But, in general, this stone is a great option to attract material wealth.

Signs and chakras

The sign corresponding to the Citrine stone is Libra, but it is also related to Leo, Aries, Gemini and Virgo. In addition, it is associated with the solar plexus chakra, also known as the umbilical chakra. Thus, for the stone to be close to the chakra it is advisable to use longer pendants or rings.

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra and is located above the navel, being responsible for motivation and attitudes in life. Moreover, it interferes in how a person relates to other people and to himself/herself. The alignment of this chakra can provide acceptance, peace and harmony.

Elements and planets

As the citrine stone corresponds to Libra, it is connected to the air element, promoting intelligence, memory and concentration in studies. This element favors willpower and the will to search for new information, as well as helps communication, but the crystal also has a relationship with the fire and earth elements.

The planet related to the Citrine stone is the sun, so it offers light to various areas of life, so when worn by a person or in an environment, this stone attracts positive energy, as well as boosting self-confidence and reducing blockages and discouragement.


The stones are related to specific professions and can help the work to be done in the best possible way. As Citrine is linked to communication, this stone favors mainly professionals who deal directly with the public.

It is also useful for those who need to convey messages, such as in marketing, advertising and journalism.

Effects of Citrine on the spiritual body

Citrine acts by enhancing the individual's connection with himself, dispersing negative thoughts that limit the courage and action to seek the best paths. Thus, it provides prosperity, wealth, harmony, balance, self-esteem, among other virtues. Check these and other effects of Citrine below.

Citrine in prosperity

Citrine acts by offering prosperity, as it drives away negative energies and attracts financial abundance. In addition, it awakens the inner glow that exists in each being, providing motivation, self-confidence, courage and harmony.

In this sense, the person becomes much more willing and excited to do their tasks and complete achievements. This is because this stone can maintain emotional balance, making it possible to deal with difficult situations without losing heart.

The citrine stone also brings clarity and prudence to make the right choices, especially in new and complex situations. Therefore, it is ideal to filter thoughts and understand your own emotions in order to obtain success and prosperity.

Citrine in wealth

Wealth can be attracted by the use of crystals, Citrine being a great choice for this purpose. In this sense, this stone removes negative energies that prevent the individual to go beyond and achieve their goals.

It still makes the person to be on alert to recognize his inner brightness, as well as the opportunities that the universe offers. Thus, it is a great option to put in the workplace, in order to attract good energy and protect against financial losses.

Citrine in harmony and balance

Citrine is the stone of the solar plexus chakra, and one of the benefits of aligning it is the feeling of peace and tranquility, as well as acceptance of one's own characteristics. In this logic, this stone influences by promoting harmony and balance.

In addition, Citrine acts on motivation and courage to pursue dreams and achieve great goals. As a result, the person tends to feel fulfilled, both professionally and financially. This stone also enhances self-confidence and chases away energies that cause imbalance.

Citrine in the transmutation of energies

The citrine stone offers positive energy in cases of discouragement and sadness, thus, it is a stone capable of transmuting negative energies. It also helps the person to have enough motivation to follow the best path.

In this sense, it provides clarity of thought, so that it is possible to look at life with sincerity and coherence, in order to follow intuition and accomplish what you want. But without falling into illusions. Furthermore, it provides wisdom to identify dangers.

Citrine in self-esteem

By using the Citrine stone, self-esteem and motivation tend to increase, since this crystal drives away destructive thoughts, aligning emotions and boosting self-confidence. This stone has energy similar to the sun, so it provides vitality and enthusiasm.

In addition, it increases the connection with spirituality and intuition, so that the person can recognize their own brilliance. With this, some internal issues become clearer and the individual can express their potential without fear of judgments.

Effects of Citrine on the physical body

The Citrine stone helps in energetic healing, but also directly in the physical body, helping in the regulation of the thyroid hormone, stimulating blood circulation, reducing discomfort of the menstrual period, increasing physical resistance, among other benefits. Understand better below.

Citrus in the digestive system

The Citrine stone operates positively on the digestive system, as it purifies and revitalizes, allowing a better functioning and balance of the body. It also regulates the appetite and decreases the propensity of addictions such as drinking and smoking.

In this way, the stone can be placed in the water used for drinking, in order to cleanse both the digestive system and the kidneys. Another factor, is that it also acts enhancing vision health and detoxifying the liver.

Citrus in blood circulation

Blood circulation can be improved with the use of Citrus, thus, it is ideal for those with allergies and skin irritation problems. Moreover, it also helps women suffering in menstrual period.

In this sense, it helps both to relieve pain and cramps, as well as to regulate the cycle, providing well-being. The Citrine stone also offers healing energy for nausea, fatigue and regulates the functioning of the thyroid.

Citrino in thyroid

Citrine regulates the thyroid hormone, providing balance. It also facilitates the reduction of thyroid growth, activates the thymus and relieves constipation.

Another hormonal action of Citrine is in relieving the effects of menopause, reducing excessive heat, for example. Thus, having the stone around is a good tip, but conventional treatment should not be replaced.

Citrine in metabolism

Citrine operates in metabolic regulation. It can even be useful for weight loss because it speeds up the metabolism. In this sense, the stone helps remove excess fluid and burns calories, so some people use the crystal in their drinking water.

Moreover, it favours the endocrine system and helps combat fatigue. Citrus also promotes greater physical endurance, strengthens the digestive system and provides stimulation for physical activity.

Citrine in healing

Citrine crystal provides healing for internal and external issues, that is, it favors the balance between body, mind and spirit. This occurs due to its properties that help regulating metabolism, thyroid, blood circulation, among other direct actions.

It is also very useful to disperse negative thoughts, fatigue and discouragement. Thus, the person tends to enter a positive and light cycle, with willingness and courage to pursue their goals. In addition, it enables clarity of thought, offering self-esteem and self-love.

How to use Citrus?

The citrine can be used directly in a place of the house, and there are ideal environments for it to be placed, as is the case of the office. But it can also be used as a pendant to attract prosperity or in meditations to balance the energies and especially the solar plexus chakra. Find out more below.

Warnings on the use of Citrus for explosive people

Explosive people should choose another crystal that is ideal for their temperament, this is because the use of Citrine receives solar energy and increases activity, which can aggravate cases of nervousness and irritation.

In this way, the person may become aggressive, being unpleasant and rude to others. Moreover, for those who are already prone to gossip and slander, Citrine should also be avoided.

Therefore, it is essential to be honest with yourself about your own personality in order to get rid of headaches. It is important to remember that Citrine does not cause this effect for everyone, on the contrary, it is a very beneficial crystal for attracting balance.

How to use the meditation Citrus

To use Citrine in meditation, it is ideal to place it directly on the solar plexus chakra, for this reason, the practice should be done lying down. The next step is similar to an ordinary meditation, the person should breathe in and out deeply, but slowly.

In this meditation it is important to mentalize that the Citrine is warming the whole body from the solar plexus, and the heat should start slowly, leaving the point where the chakra is and spreading to the other limbs.

It is essential to be conscious during the practice, to imagine the heat being disseminated with each breath. It is advised to do this type of meditation up to twice a week, and items such as flowers can be added to aid in the search for peace of mind.

How to wear Citrine as a bracelet or pendant

Having Citrine always around, like in a bracelet or pendant, is a great option to transform negative energies, in order to seek lightness and prosperity. This way, the stone is able to increase personal power, so the person tends to become more self-confident and determined.

It is a stone that promotes good energies and prosperity for achievements, so carry it as a bracelet or a pendant favors health, well-being and financial abundance. Remember that if you are going to use it as a necklace, it is ideal that it is large, so that it is close to the solar plexus chakra.

How to use Citrus in the environment

The Citrine can be used to energize various environments, and in some, it is more recommended. In this logic, it is interesting to place a Citrine stone in the external area of the house, as it favors the self-confidence of the residents.

Another favorable environment is the office or workplace, as the Citrine stone is able to promote motivation, determination, and courage. Thus, professional life tends to prosper.

How to use Citrine at work

The citrine crystal is great to use in the work environment, both for those who work at home and for those who work outside. You just need to find a place to leave it in order to attract good energies and prosperity.

At home, it can be left in the office or near the place where professional activities are done. Remember that keeping it close by through a pendant or bracelet can also favor the abundance in finances and work.

Citrus Maintenance

The maintenance of the Citrine stone is simpler than that of many other crystals, because it transforms negative energies, but does not absorb them. But be careful when acquiring a Citrine, because not always what is sold is the natural crystal. Understand it better below.

Citrine Cleansing and Energizing

Citrine is the crystal of prosperity that carries energy from the sun, so its amount of energy is always sufficient. In addition, unlike other crystals, Citrine does not absorb negative energies, but actually transmutes, so the energy cleaning tends to be simpler.

In this sense, the Citrine stone has the ability to self-charge, so washing it with running water is enough to maintain the properties of the Citrine. Thus, the bad energies are dissipated and the crystal can be used again. In addition, another more powerful option is to put it directly in contact with the sun for a few minutes.

Where to find Citrine crystal?

Citrine crystal is easily found on the internet or in specialized crystal and esoteric shops. However, it is worth remembering that most of the time the stone sold is not the natural Citrine.

In this logic, what is sold is the heated quartz or amethyst, and Brazil is the largest producer of these types of crystals. Therefore, the Citrine is not so easy to find and should be purchased in reliable stores.

Is Citrine stone ideal for the work environment?

The Citrine stone is ideal for the work environment, as it provides energy and helps to achieve financial abundance. This stone promotes greater motivation, reduces fatigue and enhances focus, so using it can bring professional growth.

Therefore, it is advisable to leave it in the work environment or even carry it as a pendant or bracelet to have its protection and energy always nearby. This crystal is powerful to stimulate and encourage you to go in the direction you want because it provides clarity of thoughts and self-esteem.

Therefore, the advantages of having a Citrine are countless, now that you know its applications and benefits, think if that is what you need and start using this powerful crystal.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.