Scorpio man: in love, how to conquer, in bed, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The personality of the Scorpio man

Scorpio is one of the signs that attract the most attention due to its mysterious, enigmatic and passionate nature. The presence of natives of this sign stands out in any environment. Scorpio people are deeply involved with their emotions and are sensitive about their feelings and relationships.

Although they may seem lonely in some environments, they tend to form long-standing friendships creating a close and strong bond with their friends. Valuing trust and sincerity, it is natural for them to feel wary of strangers.

So, if you want to approach a Scorpio man, it's worth reading this article. Know your characteristics and understand what works best so you don't make any mistakes when you try to approach him.

Special features about the sign of Scorpio

The various particularities of the sign of Scorpio are in its striking personality and its power of attraction. People of this sign tend to attract attention wherever they go, which ends up leaving traces of their presence anywhere.

Because they are living life in such an intense way, Scorpio men go through many transformations throughout life. They are always observing and learning with the context, with people and with themselves. Are you interested in knowing more about the Scorpio man? Read on and understand more about this sign and why these men are so special.

Symbol and date

The Scorpio symbol is born from Greek mythology. It portrays the story of a giant named Orion, who wins as a gift the power to walk on the waters of Poseidon. Facing this power, Orion dreams of reaching the sky.

He saw the chance of this happening when he tried to take it by force through Artemis, the goddess of chastity. She decides to take revenge on him by sending a giant scorpion to kill him. The animal stings the giant and kills him. In honor of this feat, Artemis decides to reward the creature by turning it into a constellation.

People born between October 23 and November 21 belong to the sign of Scorpio. Those born with the Sun in the sign Scorpio can identify with characteristics such as intensity and the power of transformation. Thus, natives of the sign of Scorpio appear to be intense and possess a strong magnetic field.

Governing element and planet

The element of the sign of Scorpio is water and its nature is emotion. Because of this, people of the sign of Scorpio have the ability to connect with their own emotions and have empathy for others. In addition, this sign also has two ruling planets which are Pluto and Mars.

For years Mars was considered the ruling planet of Scorpio, until Pluto was recognized as planet. Then it becomes the new ruling planet of Scorpio.

Being influenced by the Mars ruling planet, it is remarkable that they appear impulsive, questioning and angry. But for more mature Scorpios, who are able to control these emotional outbursts, they can use this energy to their advantage.

The ruling planet Pluto describes Scorpio people as mysterious, attentive, observant and focused. They are people with powerful qualities, but they need to be careful not to be obsessive and possessive.

Scorpio Man Characteristics

The Sun in the sign of Scorpio marks a mature stage in the life of this person. They usually value their freedom and are full of energy, which gives them an intense and magnetic temperament.

Generally, Scorpians are people who connect strongly with their emotions, being loyal to them and to those who do them good. If you do something wrong to a Scorpian, he will hold grudges from you and may even try a revenge. So, don't approach these people to make enemies.

Other characteristics belonging to the Scorpio man are in loyalty, intensity and determination. Scorpios are amazing people when they are right with you or life, possessing the ability to accomplish great things.

Learn how to conquer a Scorpio man

For a Scorpio man, life is only enough for him if it is lived with intensity. They are considered suspicious people, but at the same time they are very sensitive and kind to those who are closest to them. Learn what you need to do to have the first contact with a Scorpio man and involve him in a long-lasting relationship with you.

How to drive a Scorpio man crazy

What most interests the Scorpio man is sensuality. Maintain eye contact, be confident and show your interest. Show that you are attracted to him and this will be enough to get the Scorpio man's attention.

Also remember that Scorpios love to be in control, make it seem like he is in charge and let him take the lead, especially in sex. That way he will go crazy for you.

How to win back a Scorpio man

If there has been a disagreement between you before which led to the break-up of the relationship, he may still harbor hurt feelings. So when trying to win back a Scorpio man, you'll need to take the focus off the problem and show rationally why it's worth continuing the relationship.

What is the weakness of the Scorpio man?

The weaknesses of the Scorpio man is that they are jealous, manipulative, suspicious and possessive. They like to have your attention and that you show affection in the relationship, this puts you in a situation of dependence in the relationship.

So you need to be careful, even if you act in a compassionate way in the relationship, do not show at any point that he depends on you. Scorpios cherish their independence.

What not to do to conquer a Scorpio man?

People of the sign of Scorpio tend to be proud and like to appear strong and independent in relationships. Due to these characteristics think well before making any jokes towards this person. If, by any chance, your words sound like a criticism in his ears, he may feel hurt.

Another important point is attention. Be close and whenever possible return any kind of communication that the Scorpio man tried to create with you. Never fail to give attention to a Scorpio man. This does not mean that you need to be always at his disposal, but they love it when you give a minimum of satisfaction.

The Scorpio man in love

The intensity that Scorpio men experience love is fiery and total surrender to their partner. A Scorpio man in love is capable of many things and you can't wait to tell him you love him. Want to know why? Follow the reading below to find out more.

How is the Scorpio man in love?

When a Scorpio man is in love they become one of the best lovers you can imagine. Due to the intensity of their emotions, Scorpios tend to give themselves completely to the relationship. All their attention will be on you.

In a relationship, a Scorpio person is sensitive and likes to give himself to love unconditionally. So that this doesn't get lost, it is very important that you preserve the trust between you, as well as being affectionate and attentive to him.

When the Scorpio man says he loves?

The delivery of a Scorpio man is body and soul, this is one of the best definitions that a Scorpio man can have. When he says he loves you, it shows that he is truly in love with you.

He will show himself dedicated to the relationship and will do everything possible for you to feel good and happy with him. Live by his side and feel the intensity with which he surrenders to your emotions, you won't regret it.

What does the Scorpio man like?

Scorpio men like people who are truthful, sincere and have a strong personality. Authenticity is another important characteristic, as it arouses the Scorpio man's curiosity and he becomes interested in you.

When starting an approach with a Scorpio man it is necessary to be patient, because due to his mistrustful nature you will need to gradually gain his trust.

The Scorpio man in the family

In the family, relationships tend to create deep bonds which have a direct impact on the individual's development. For the Scorpio man, because of the intensity with which he lives his experiences, these family bonds are complex and full of emotions. Learn more about the father and son of the sign of Scorpio below.

The father of the sign of Scorpio

Attention is the fundamental characteristic of the Scorpio father. He will know when his child is lying, becoming strict in the way he raises the child. However, the Scorpio tends to be dedicated to the education of his children and are very zealous for the safety and comfort of the children offering the best they can to them.

The son of the sign of Scorpio

Scorpio children seem passionate, but this is due to the fact that they like to observe and are attentive to everything. The child of the sign of Scorpio will try to control his emotions and this will serve as a process of maturation.

Therefore, never break the relationship of trust that you have built with your child so that he can count on you in the most difficult moments. The love he has for his parents is unconditional and any hurt, if not repaired, can generate a trauma for his life.

The Scorpio man in other areas

People of the sign of Scorpio can be defined as people who are dedicated to their goals up to those who have a desire for revenge. In other words, there are many ways to define people of this sign. Do you want to know which ones define the Scorpio man at work, in friendship, in sex and in other areas? Follow the reading below.

The Scorpio man at work

The sign of Scorpio has a controlling personality and likes to exert power over other people. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant about your intentions at work, depending on your motivations he can be causing friction in the team and creating a hostile work environment for everyone.

However, if the Scorpio man's goal at work is in accordance with the growth of the company and everyone around him, this person has great capacity to achieve goals that are considered impossible for most.

What is needed to maintain this positive rhythm at work is balance, the Scorpio man must exercise self-knowledge and deal with competitiveness in a healthy way. Only then he will be able to preserve his determination in a positive and growing way.

The Scorpio man in friendship

Scorpio men are suspicious and hardly approach strangers in a friendly way. It is part of their nature, but it is worth pointing out that by winning their trust he tends to build a strong relationship of loyalty and reciprocity.

The Scorpio man's problem in friendship lies in his jealousy and possession towards his friends. Therefore, he prefers to nurture few friendships, but ones which are trustworthy and long-standing friends.

For those who want to get closer to a Scorpio, a tip is to seek an approach through close friendships or, from a friendly conversation where you show sincerity and sympathy towards the person you want to meet.

The Scorpio man's kiss

The Scorpio is considered one of the hottest signs of the zodiac, and the man of this sign is considered engaging, attractive and sensual. His kiss is capable of transmitting various emotions and experience these sensations will make you not want to stop kissing him.

The sex of the Scorpio man

The Scorpio's fame goes far, known as the most sensual sign he has an intense sexual energy and attractive. For the Scorpio man sex is an important part of the relationship that should not be put aside. Be attentive to his needs and make the most of each relationship, at the same time he loves to feel pleasure, he also likes to please his partner.

They like all the stages of sex, but it's in the foreplay that they go crazy. It's worth generating expectations with him, spicy conversations and the reciprocal exchange of desires and fantasies makes it seem that you are interested in him and that Scorpios love dedicated partners.

Caprice in foreplay and seek to surprise him with dances, sexy lingerie or even with different positions will win him over and will make him fall for you. A tip is to know his preferences, this will create a more intimate approach and help keep the sexual relationship alive.

The Scorpio man dreams

Scorpio guys tend to be ambitious and dream big. They love to dream and imagine their lives in another air, far away from their reality. Although they possess this dreamy characteristic, Scorpio man's dreams are just glimpses of what they may become in the future.

After all, Scorpios have a great potential lying dormant within themselves, but when they are focused and determined behind their goals they know how to use it in an unimaginable way. Their determination becomes unshakable. Therefore, the chances of making their dreams come true are very high.

How the Scorpio man dresses

The key word for the Scorpio man is elegance. The fact that he is mysterious is that he is a person of few words, but who arouses deep interest due to his elegance. The Scorpio man dresses in such a way as to have his presence noticed.

Despite this, he always opts for darker colors to maintain discretion, not adhering to garments loaded with ornaments and colors. Discretion is of utmost importance to him, the basics are enough.

How the Scorpio man behaves

Scorpio men have a serious, mysterious, controlling, determined and passionate personality, characteristics which accentuate their behaviour to the extreme, with a great tendency to act impulsively.

They tend to behave in a discreet way, always observing situations and paying attention to everything that is going on around them. They are people who like to be close to friends or family with whom they have trust and a great friendship. Besides being a great company for life, for being loyal and partners in any situation.

Regardless of their defects or qualities, people of the sign of Scorpio tend to exert great influence on other people. Because they understand others better, they usually act in a suspicious way and are slow to approach strangers. But from the moment you win their friendship, they will be your friend for life.

Pros and cons of a relationship with a Scorpio man

Just as Scorpio natives have qualities, from them also come their faults and negative impulses that also result in some disadvantages. Want to know more? Read about the advantages and disadvantages of having the attention of Scorpio man below.

Advantages of having the attention of the Scorpio man

One of the biggest advantages of having the attention of the Scorpio man is in sex. They live intensely the emotions and the sensations that sex arouses makes them crazy with passion. Sexual pleasures instigate you and living this experience with them will make you fall more and more in love with the Scorpio man in bed.

The Scorpio man's trust and delivery is what makes the relationship so enjoyable, if you have his attention this indicates that he is deeply interested in you. Enjoy this moment and never break the trust, because regaining his attention again if this happens will be complicated.

Disadvantages of having the attention of the Scorpio man

Scorpio men are obsessed and want your attention at all times. This is due to the sense of possession that is deeply rooted in the Scorpio personality. Therefore, one of the disadvantages of getting attention from Scorpio men is that they seem controlling and always want to know everything you are going to do.

Other characteristics of the Scorpio man

There are also other characteristics that apply to men who are born either with ascendant or descendant in Scorpio, which reflect the intensity of their emotions and the way they feel in relationships. To find out what these characteristics are continue reading below.

Man with Ascendant in Scorpio

Those with Ascendant in Scorpio do not like to show themselves vulnerable. Keeping their negative emotions to a minimum, they seek protection by hiding their feelings and internalising their sorrows as a sign of self-protection.

All this is due to his temperament which can be tenacious, determined and cold. What matters to him is to be in control of the situation, without showing any weakness and that is where he seeks his strength from.

Man with Scorpio Descendant

Men who have the descendant in Scorpio are very intense people and look for people who are in tune with them. Passion is the basis of the relationship for them, which makes routine abhorrent for so many Scorpio men. They are in constant search for the intensity of passion and seduction is something he loves.

Scorpio man compatibility with other signs

Scorpio has greater affinity in love with Cancer, since they tend to attend the emotional need of the other. The nature of who is of the sign Scorpio is in its ability to prioritize relationships and bring security to those who love him. Balancing emotions and bringing balance in relation to those born in Cancer.

Other signs compatible with Scorpio are Taurus and Capricorn, the former because they are the complementary opposite of each other. While Scorpio lives their emotions intensely, Taurinos are grounded and seek a balance between the two. The latter exists because Capricorn is patient and hardworking, also complementing Scorpio's power.

Is it worth having a relationship with a Scorpio man?

If you are looking for a relationship of intense emotions and a faithful partner, yes, a relationship with a Scorpio man is worth it. Because, the way Scorpios live their experiences and their passions make them dedicated and zealous in the relationship. He will do his best to make you feel good and confident.

However, you need to be aware of the possessive and controlling nature of the Scorpio man. As intense as they are about love, they are also about exclusivity. It's a sign that you need to be careful, putting limits on the Scorpio man's desires and impulses so that he doesn't make the relationship abusive.

The Scorpio man is sensitive and intense in the relationship and in sex, one of the advantages of having a relationship with him is the fact that the couple does not fall into a routine. Always seek adventures and explore the most of life together. Preserve the good things, limit the bad and do not lose your partner's confidence and everything will be perfect.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.