Saturn in 12th house in the birth chart: retrograde, transit and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Saturn in 12th house

These two elements do not have a very good reputation, having Saturn in the 12th house of the birth chart, is therefore a point of the chart which brings negative influences. It is possible then to expect unpleasant events most of the time.

People with the influence of this planet in the 12th house sometimes feel alone, as if they were surrounded by walls, inaccessible. And in fact that is almost what happens with these natives, since they have formed a very strong defense system, not letting people get close.

Another influence brought by Saturn in the House, makes these people very sensitive and prefer to be alone. So, to replenish their energy, these natives need a good dose of solitude.

To better understand the influences brought by Saturn in the 12th house to people's lives, know the meaning of this planet in the birth chart, the fundamentals of this astral conjunction, its influence in the personality of these natives and the karma brought to their lives.

Meaning of Saturn

Having Saturn in the birth chart means that people's lives will have great influences from this planet on their behaviors in various areas of their personality. These characteristics are brought part of the sign of Pisces which resides in the 12th house, part of the planet Saturn.

Know below some explanations about the meaning of Saturn in Mythology and Astrology. Read on to understand all its definitions.

Saturn in mythology

Saturn's origin comes from ancient Italy, there he was a well-known Roman god, who in Greece was known as the Greek god Kronos. According to his story, Saturn came from Greece to Italy after being dethroned from Olympus by his son Jupiter.

Jupiter, who was Saturn's only son, had his life saved by his mother, Reia, from being devoured by his father, for the latter feared that his descendants would dethrone him. Soon after being expelled from Greece, Saturn went to Rome, and there founded a fortified village, called Saturnia, on the hill of the Capitol.

Saturn in astrology

Saturn in Astrology brings messages about restrictions in earthly life, obstacles that need to be overcome and about a sense of responsibility. The position of this planet in the Star Chart in certain areas of life, will show the sector that people will need a little more effort to achieve the expected evolution.

Because of these characteristics, Saturn is known as the planet of fate, Karma or The Great Evil One. Moreover, this is the symbol of time, patience, traditions and experiences. On the positive side it helps to strengthen your efforts, and on the negative side it does the opposite, it restricts your efforts. Therefore, greater vigilance and willpower are necessary.

Saturn Fundamentals in 12th House

The fundamentals of Saturn in the 12th house speak about a form of energy that causes people with this influence, to be more afraid of what they do not know. In addition, they are people who try to keep their innermost feelings under lock and key, in order to keep themselves safe.

In this part of the article understand how it is possible to discover the position of Saturn in the birth chart, the meaning of the 12th house, the meaning of astrological houses for Vedic Astrology, the revelations of Saturn in the 12th house and much more.

How to discover my Saturn

Discovering the position of Saturn in the birth chart helps people to understand the fears that afflict them. Knowing in which house this planet is located, reveals which will be their difficulties and lessons throughout life.

This house of the chart is where it is demonstrated how rejection, the feeling of belonging and which are the experiences lived in a certain area of life. Moreover, this Astral House helps in the conquest of great knowledge.

There are several websites that do the calculation to find out your Saturn, you just need to have your exact date, place and time of your birth.

Meaning of the 12th House

This is the last house of the element of water, its meaning is related to the incorporation of emotions received through experiences. It is through these experiences that people can reach the most intimate and profound feelings of their being.

In the 12th house is the representation of the discovery of hidden memories in people's innermost being, where they can confront themselves. This position in the astrological chart asks your natives to be more attentive so as not to get trapped in illusions.

The Astrological Houses for Vedic Astrology

The Astrological Houses, in Vedic Astrology, are not organized in a circular form, as it is done in Western Astrology. The Vedic Astrological Chart is formed by the junction of several rhombuses, which correspond to the houses, which are known as Bhava.

Thus, the 12 Vedic Astrological Houses are the representation of each area of one's life. Moreover, they are connected to the purposes of life, which are 4: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha, meaning Purpose, Wealth, Desire and Salvation.

12th House in Vedic Astrology

The 12th house in Vedic Astrology talks about financial expenses, isolation, end of life, detachment and family separations. It represents the way people see their lives and future. Besides, this house in Vedic Astrology is also related to Karmas, past lives and spirituality.

It is in the 12th house that we find the results of attitudes taken in the past, in an individual way or in a collective way. For instance, to have Saturn in the 12th house of the Vedic Astrological Chart, means that there is a heavier burden of Karma in the person's life.

What Saturn reveals in the birth chart

Having Saturn in the birth chart reveals how the destiny of people will be, this planet is also known as the master of patience, experience and preserved traditions. Moreover, being the last social planet, it is also related to old age and accumulation of life experiences.

Saturn is the representation of authority figures who set limits, such as a parent, judge, police officer, or boss. It sets boundaries, causing people to make choices and have a sense of analysis of right and wrong.

Saturn in 12th house

The position of Saturn in the 12th house, speaks about obstacles, difficulties and challenging situations. The characteristics of this planet are to solidify situations, which causes problems when trying to align with the 12th house, which has more dissolving characteristics.

In this way, people with this position in their birth chart, may feel trapped in the past, for example, even if unconsciously. For this reason, it is common that these natives have a predisposition to deny their problems.

Also, the 12th house is related to empathy and forgiveness, however the presence of Saturn causes people to have difficulty forgiving themselves.

Saturn in 12th House Natal

The 12th house is related to the element of water, which makes it a very mysterious house, much more mysterious than all the other houses belonging to this element. It is connected to the sign of Pisces in the birth chart, and speaks about the change between reality and dreams, imagination and collective unconscious.

Astrological studies say that the 12th house refers to places of seclusion such as hospitals, asylums, prisons, but it also talks about fantasy, spiritual inspiration and deep love. Natives with this influence are usually more sensitive people who like to be alone.

Saturn in 12th House in the Annual Chart

People who have Saturn in the 12th house in their annual chart, are constantly bothered by guilt, and they also have difficulties to find out where this guilt and anxieties come from.

This position also brings difficulty in accepting help, causing these people to isolate themselves trying to solve problems alone. For these natives, putting their feelings out there makes them feel vulnerable and dependent.

Saturn in Transit 12th House

Saturn in Transit 12th House, makes people see themselves in heavy situations, in which it is necessary to make a careful cleaning of their life. To get rid of this feeling, it will be of great help to exercise detachment from everything that hinders progress.

In addition, you need to look at the problems that have been denied, and give attention to be able to solve them. Facing challenges head on is the best way to move forward and achieve success in various areas of life.

Personality traits of those with Saturn in 12th house

The personality traits of people who have Saturn in the 12th house have many influences from this position. Usually these natives experience very deep self-confidence problems, which come from childhood and are difficult to solve.

In this part of the text you will understand which aspects are affected by the influence of Saturn in the 12th house, and which are the positive and negative characteristics that these natives present.

Positive features

The positive characteristics brought by Saturn's influence in the 12th house are mainly directed towards social life, as Saturn brings a generous and open-minded behaviour, but you have to be careful with opportunistic people, and not open up to just anyone, as they may want to take advantage.

Another positive point brought about by this astrological chart sign is that it benefits new ventures, guiding the actions to be taken for this purpose. Your goals will be conquered, and if necessary you can seek help from someone you trust.

Negative characteristics

The negative characteristics brought by Saturn in the 12th house speak about not accepting help from other people, even when it is needed. It also makes your native keep his feelings to himself, and he may have emotional problems.

Insecurity is also another negative point brought by Saturn in the 12th house, which hinders the life of these people, making them not insist in the search for their dreams. It is important to seek help and try to get rid of insecurity, to be able to move forward.

Saturn's influence in the 12th house

The influence of Saturn in the 12th house brings a certain limitation to people, putting barriers in the way, not only in this house, but in all of them. In the 12th house this planet can lead its native to self-destructive behavior.

In this section we will talk about some of the influences brought by Saturn in the 12th house, such as fears, its influence in love and sex, health, family, and also the influence on the career of these natives.


The influence of Saturn in the 12th house makes people with this conjunction afraid of causing frustration in others, and this can be an obstacle for them to follow their path to achieve their goals, whether in professional or personal life.

In this way, it is important to look critically at the situations that present themselves and think better before acting, so as not to cancel yourself out for the benefit of others. Generosity is important and should be practiced, but people should not set their plans aside for it.

Love and sex

In the field of love and sex, people born under the influence of Saturn in the 12th house, can go through painful moments. Although these natives easily attract suitors, their relationships are not lasting.

This occurs because these people have difficulty in giving their feelings to others. Thus, it is necessary to look at this difficulty and seek help so that you can create deeper bonds with people.


Regarding the health of people with the influence of Saturn in the 12th house, they can face vision, skin and hormonal problems, they can also have a fragile liver, have difficulties to maintain normal blood pressure, having spikes and problems with the platelets in the blood.

Therefore, it is important to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, trying not to eat too many processed foods. Having a routine of physical activities and doing periodic exams can also be useful to mitigate possible problems.


People who have Saturn in the 12th house in their birth chart, will go through moments in which they will have to give up something important to them, in order to help someone dear to their family. These people are the only ones who can take this attitude.

Even if it is a great sacrifice, these natives will accomplish the task without problems, without complaining. With a good Saturn placement, these people will know how to face these personal challenges with courage and determination.


One of the problems faced by natives with Saturn in 12th house, is their lack of confidence in themselves. Due to the problem of self-confidence, they face mental instabilities. These factors are quite detrimental to their plans and needs for professional advancement.

In addition, they also have to face an unfounded feeling of guilt, which also hinders their career. Therefore, it is necessary for these people to seek professional help to understand where these self-confidence issues arise from in order to succeed in life.

A little more about Saturn in 12th house

Having Saturn positioned in the 12th house, in the astrological chart, causes people to have several influences that alter several sectors of their lives. This astrological conjunction interferes in the professional life, in the family and also in the relationships of these natives.

To better understand how are the consequences of this influence in the life of these people, it is necessary to talk a little about Saturn Retrograde in the 12th House and its Solar Revolution. Also, below you will know the famous people with this astral conjunction.

Saturn Retrograde in 12th House

When Saturn is Retrograde in the 12th House, that is, when it is moving slower than normal, or even making a path opposite to the normal one, it is possible that people with this influence go through moments of good news.

Perhaps the career of these people begins to grow, or even that family life has many moments of happiness and union. Another point that can benefit from this movement, is the financial life, which can yield good fruit, but care is needed in this sector, as it can lead these natives to more coarse and arrogant behavior.

Saturn in Solar Revolution in the 12th House

To have Saturn in Solar Revolution in the 12th house in your birth chart is a sign of facing some Karma. This phenomenon is also related to spiritual problems, which indicate a need of evolution in this area of life.

The Solar Revolution of Saturn in the 12th house is also related to the respect for others and their beliefs, so a possible analysis at this time is the need to evolve and grow both in the spiritual and personal life.

Famous People with Saturn in 12th House

There are many famous people who have Saturn positioned in the 12th house in their birth chart. Below, get to know some of them.

- Barack Obama;

- Angelina Jolie;

- Beyonce;

- Scarlett Johansson;

- Vladimir Putin;

- Mariah Carey;

- Zayn Malik;

- Kendall Jenner;

- Ted Bundy.

What is the Karma of Saturn in the 12th house?

People who have in their birth chart Saturn in the 12th house have a great fear of having their freedom restricted, of being confined, incapacitated, helpless or dependent of others.

This fear is very connected to the experiences they had in previous lives. Therefore, they are more closed people, because they want to avoid at all costs to go through something similar again. This fear, even if incomprehensible can lead these natives to feel that they are losing their reason, seeking professional help is the best attitude.

In this text, we try to give you all the information related to the position of Saturn in the 12th house in your birth chart. We hope you find this information useful.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.