Pisces stones: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Sapphire and others!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, do you know what is the stone of the sign of Pisces?

The stones of the sign of Pisces are aquamarine, amethyst, sapphire, fluorite and moonstone. These stones are called birthstones because they have astrological correspondences with the passage of the sun over the house of Pisces. In addition, they are related to the waters of the planet and the ruling planets of this sign.

Due to their predominantly intuitive nature, fish crystals have feminine vibrations, linked mainly to the emotional character of this sign. Fish birthstones should be used to enhance their positive characteristics, reduce their negative traits and anchor their users in this reality.

In this article, we will present the fish stones along with their properties, meanings and precious tips on how to use them. Get ready, to dive headfirst into the deep home of this sign and discover hidden treasures in it.

Symbolisms of Pisces stones

Fish stones are symbolically aligned with the energy of the waters. In general, they sharpen intuition, calm the mind and stimulate imagination. They also help Pisceans to deal with the flow of emotions to which they are usually exposed. Discover their powers below.


Aquamarine is a variety of beryl and governs the energies of the oceans. Its greenish blue color associates it with the element of water and with the realm of emotions, the domain of this element. It is the crystal of peace, happiness and calm. It is used by piscians who wish to listen more to their intuition and develop their psychic abilities.

Sea water is commonly added to the bath to purify the energies, as well as neutralize the emotional charges generated by daily tensions. This property is extremely important for Pisceans, as they naturally tend to carry with them the emotional charge of others.

To increase its power, it should be cleaned with sea water, preferably on nights when the moon is full.


Amethyst is a purple form of quartz with powers linked to healing, happiness, peace and protection. Due to its extreme power to transmute energies from the environment, it is undoubtedly one of the most popular crystals in the world.

Its purplish surface emanates light into the environment and creates an atmosphere of peace essential for fish natives. Amethyst has intense protective energies, freeing its users from negative energies and protecting them from dangers and vices.

It stimulates courage and allows Pisceans to be anchored in the present, serving as an ideal tool for developing full attention in meditative states. When you wish to obtain the answer to your worries, keep an amethyst close to your heart and your intuition will indicate the solution.


Sapphire is a precious gem governed by the Moon and the element of water. Its energy is receptive and is closely linked to love, money, psychism, as well as intuition, mind, protection and luck.

Whenever you wish to awaken your intuition, try placing a sapphire over the third eye chakra located in the region between the eyebrows. This simple act will give you access to your subconscious mind and allow you to receive psychic impressions easily.

Sapphire is a stone which brings a lot of luck in business and love and therefore facilitates interpersonal relationships, an area of extreme relevance for Pisceans. Finally, wearing a necklace with a sapphire will protect you from negative energies, envy as well as from bad-intentioned people.


Fluorite is a crystal found in multiple colors, with mixed tones of lilac and green being the easiest varieties to find. The energy of fluorite is projective and works mainly with the conscious.

As one of the most striking characteristics of Pisceans is the tendency to live in a world of imagination and fantasy, this stone brings the essential balance for natives of this sign, helping them to deal with life in a more rational way and not only through the lens of the heart.

Additionally, fluorite is excellent at dispelling negativity, helping its users deal with fits of anger or anxiety, as well as acting to help the mind reach higher stages of consciousness.

Moon Stone

The moonstone is a type of feldspar governed by the star that names it. Like the moon, its energy varies according to the lunar phase, reaching its peak of power at the full moon. This powerful stone possesses feminine energy and its powers include love, youth and magic.

The moonstone is famous for helping in relationships, and as Pisceans have a very emotional nature, it is excellent for helping them in their day to day life. In addition, the moonstone connects them to the cycles and energies of the moon, awakening their creative and imaginative potential. However, it is important to dose its use, as it can cause emotional instability if used excessively.

More information about the sign of Pisces

Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac and makes up a triad with the signs of Scorpio and Pisces, for sharing similar characteristics due to its ruling element. Considered a sign of changeable quality, Pisces is also associated with planets, flowers and specific colors as we will show below.

Symbol and date

The astrological symbol of Pisces shows two fishes swimming in opposite directions, connected by a cord usually positioned between their mouths and tails. These two fishes represent the duality and dubiety present in the personality of the sign.

According to the classical tradition, the symbol of the constellation of fishes derives from the ichthyocentaurs, mythological beings that helped Aphrodite when this goddess was born on the foamy waters of the sea. Another symbol strongly associated to the sign of fishes is the shark.

The Sun transits through the constellation of Pisces between February 19 and March 20, so these are the dates ruled by this sign. If you have a birthday during this period, it means that Pisces is your sun sign.

Governing element and planet

Pisces is ruled by the element of water, the governor of intuition, emotions and the subconscious. In the zodiac, Pisces closes the cycle of water, which justifies its changeable nature. As a chameleon and the very adaptable essence of water, Pisces adapts according to situations, easily changing even personalities.

Neptune is planetary ruler of Pisces according to modern tradition. However, Pisceans have Jupiter's influence and therefore this is the planetary ruler of Pisces according to classical tradition.

The strong influence of Neptune transforms Pisceans into true dreamers, with a tendency to live in a world of fantasy to escape the harsh reality which easily affects them. In addition, Neptune gives Pisceans an excellent intuition.

Flowers and colors

The sign of Pisces is closely linked to all flowers ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Generally, these flowers are born near waterways, on beaches, with intense colors petals that refer to water as blue and lavender.

The most suitable flowers for fish are: angelica, cosmos, dandelion, passion fruit flower, blue ipomeia, lavender, lilac, narcissus, water lily, poppy and Victoria Regia. To benefit from the energies of these flowers, use them in natural arrangements in your home, or plant them in your garden. You can also burn them as incense.

The colors that govern the sign of fish are: blue, lavender, silver, purple and green, as well as shades of colors that occur in seas and oceans.

Pisces in the birth chart

Having Pisces in your birth chart is a sign of sensitivity. Pisces is a sign of water and is therefore extremely fluid and emotional. Piscians tend to be extremely empathic and usually feel in their own skin the experiences and feelings of others.

Although empathy is a positive trait, when out of balance, it causes natives of this sign to cancel themselves out in relation to others, clinging to the impressions of others and forgetting their own needs.

Those born under the influence of this sign are imaginative and have a habit of being vague, idealistic and escapist. Furthermore, the sign of Pisces in the chart instils an intuitive nature, permeated by compassion and, on the negative side, neediness, excessive drama and sentimental dependence.

How can knowing the Pisces stone help you in your life?

Knowing the Pisces stones will bring the knowledge to use the energy of nature in your favor. This will bring the essential balance to reach your goals and fulfill your dreams.

As we have shown in the article, each stone has unique properties aligned with the energy of the twelfth house of the zodiac. Therefore, you can use one or more stones, either simultaneously or alternately, as you need to accentuate or reduce the influence of the sign of fish in your life.

If you are not sure which crystal you should use first, choose the one that most attracts you visually. Start by reading the characteristics we have described and write down the ones you think are most important.

Once you have decided which stone you will use, have it preferably close to your body. In this way, you will benefit from its energies and properties and will be ready to manifest in your life the potential of Pisces and all that you most desire.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.