Japanese signs: learn about the Japanese horoscope and its basics!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are Japanese signs?

The Zenchi Junichi Onmyodô, the Japanese horoscope, is the result of astrological studies by the country's sages. According to their observations, each of the 12 signs, represented by animals, is ruled by a Shinto deity, known as a spirit of light.

In addition, the signs are also associated with an energy source and an element. Unlike western astrology, the signs are not determined by months, but by solar years, always starting with Oshogatsu, and each of the animals rules the year with its most outstanding characteristics.

Throughout the article, more details about the Japanese horoscope will be explored. To learn more, keep reading!

Understanding more about Japanese Horoscopes

The Wheel of Destiny, the astrological chart of the Japanese horoscope, is composed of 12 signs, which are represented by animals and are always in the same order. Each of them is associated with a deity, an element and an energy. Therefore, they attribute characteristics to their natives.

In addition to the annual signs, there are also animal signs which are responsible for each month of the year. However, before this is assigned, a certain native is first linked to his or her annual sign. Therefore, the dates considered are comprised within a year.

Therefore, the next section of the article will be dedicated to explaining in more detail the basics of the Japanese horoscope. Read on to learn more about it!

Concept and rationale

The Japanese horoscope has 12 signs and is based on the Wheel of Fate, which always follows the same order. Each sign is represented by an animal and these are the rulers of their respective years, imprinting characteristics of their personalities in that period and influencing the behavior and temperament of people born during their regency.

Furthermore, it is possible to state that the Japanese horoscope was based on the Chinese and has many similarities, differing by the replacement of some animals, which happens due to cultural differences.


According to Japanese horoscope legend, Buddha organized an end-of-year party and invited the animals, but only 12 attended the celebration. Then, to reward each of them, Buddha gave each animal a year's gift and determined that they could influence the personality of that period.

Thus, while the ruler of one year works, the others sleep, so that they can accomplish their task during their period of influence. During this period, they practice good in a silent way.

Chinese Horoscopes vs Japanese Horoscopes

The Japanese horoscope was imported from China and based on the Chinese horoscope. This was about 1300 years ago, making this aspect another shared point between the culture of the two countries.

Thus, both horoscopes work through years rather than months like the accidental horoscope, but they have some differences. The main one is the connection between a deity and a sign among the 12 present in the Japanese horoscope. Also, some animals vary.

Japanese Sign Rato - Nezumi

Natives of the sign Rat have explosive personalities. They are very critical people and can easily become opportunistic. However, this is only their shadow side and their most negative aspects as they also have a marked generosity.

It is worth mentioning that the positive side of the sign reveals hard-working people who pursue their goals. They are ambitious, have drive to fight for what they want and use their intelligence and quick thinking to stand out among the others.

More information about the sign of the Rat in the Japanese horoscope will be covered below, so keep reading the article!


The years ruled by the Rat were 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948 and 1936. Therefore, all people born during one of these periods are ruled by the Rat and have their personality influenced by the most outstanding characteristics of this sign, according to the legend of the Japanese horoscope.

Positive and negative aspects

Generosity is one of the greatest qualities of Rato natives. They are people who are always willing to give of themselves. In addition, they are hardworking and have a lot of disposition to pursue their dreams.

On the negative side, it is worth mentioning that the Rat's ambition can end up becoming something harmful when combined with an explosive temperament. In addition, the native can end up becoming a very critical person, which tends to hurt those around them.

Compatible signs

The signs compatible with Rat are those who can understand its connection with career and who have patience to deal with its explosive temperament, which can be a problem for most of the natives of milder moods.

Thus, the signs that can handle these issues of Rat are Dragon, which welcomes the flaws of this sign with ease; Ox, which can keep Rat at ease, and Monkey, which exerts a natural fascination over these natives.

Japanese Sign Ox - Ushi

The sign Ox was bestowed by Buddha with characteristics quite interesting for someone in a position of leadership. Thus, they were given the gifts of patience and determination. Therefore, those born during the Ox years are inspiring and methodical people.

However, they have a tendency to conservatism, which makes them not very flexible and very stubborn. They do not find it easy to accept the opinion of others and prefer to think long and hard before taking any action in their lives, so as not to have to listen to what others have to say.

Below, more characteristics about Boi natives will be explored. To learn more, keep reading!


The Ox natives are the people who were born in the years 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949 and 1937, which were the years ruled by this animal most recently. Thus, the Ox is responsible for commanding the ways of thinking and feeling of these people, regardless of the other factors present in their Wheel of Destiny.

Positive and negative aspects

Among the positive characteristics of the natives of Boi, it is possible to mention patience. They always manage to persist to realize their goals because they do not give up easily and believe that eventually things will work out.

However, all this perseverance can easily turn into stubbornness. Thus, Ox natives insist on something, even when they notice that it is clearly a mistake on their part. Other points which characterize this side of their personality are the inability to accept others' opinions.

Compatible signs

The sign of the Ox needs a person in whom it can trust, so it tends to work well with the sign of the Rooster, which offers friendship and complicity, which can quickly evolve into love.

Moreover, the Rat is also compatible with Ox, since it keeps his secrets and is capable of being loyal. Finally, it is also worth mentioning the Snake, which will be an ideal accomplice for everything that Ox decides to do.

Japanese Zodiac sign Tiger - Tora

The Japanese sign Tiger is known for its courage. In general, its natives are very altruistic people who are very committed, especially in humanitarian actions. They have a progressive mindset and are very intelligent.

It is possible that their ideas are too advanced for some people and therefore they are frowned upon for this. Despite this possibility, they are endearing and are always surrounded by friends and admirers.

Over the next section of the article, more details about the Tiger in the Japanese horoscope will be covered. To learn more about it, read on!


People of the sign of Tiger were born in the years 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010. They are ruled by energy and possess the characteristics of this animal, being magnetic and engaging. They are also commanded by vitality and authority and aim to have prestige in life.

Positive and negative aspects

Among the main characteristics of Tiger, it is possible to mention their sense of loyalty to others. In addition, natives care about society and often get involved in humanitarian causes. They use their intelligence in the service of good and on behalf of others, being very active people.

When this energy is channeled to the negative side, Tiger tends to become eccentric and temperamental. Rebelliousness may appear in his behavior, as well as addictions.

Compatible signs

The sign of Tiger usually occupies positions of power and therefore needs people who understand this. Therefore, your main compatibilities are with the Horse, who will always tell you the truth, and the Dog, who will always be willing to get involved in your causes and defend them. In addition, you can also get along with the Pig, as both are gifted with sensuality.

Japanese Zodiac Sign Rabbit - Usagi

Rabbit natives are hardworking and very efficient people. However, when they are worried or nervous, they become unable to produce. In such scenarios, they become melancholic and may end up becoming depressed.

In general, Rabbit is an altruistic sign that does everything possible to help others. They are demanding people with those they love and do everything to be aware of everything they are doing with their lives. This support, however, can easily turn into criticism.

Below, more characteristics of the sign of Rabbit will be commented on. To know more about them, read on!


People of the sign of Rabbit were born in the years 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011. They possess an energy that acts to provide serenity and are very focused on the search for balance. In addition, they are reflective and wise, because they always seek depth.

Positive and negative aspects

Rabbit natives are very friendly people, they also have a strong intuition and value originality in everything they do. They are perceptive and can understand the environment and the people around them after a short period of observation.

It is also worth mentioning that the sign of Rabbit has a negative side, as it can become very pessimistic. Besides, its individuals are very emotional people, who have self-confidence problems and do not deal well with criticism.

Compatible signs

Rabbit is a very gentle sign and looks for people who have this characteristic in their personality. Their exchanges should always happen on the basis of cordiality and the native is a person who appreciates subtlety and creativity.

Thus, they can get along very well with Snake, which stimulates the creative side, and with Pig, which has exactly the same ambitions as Rabbit. Another sign that can form a productive bond with this sign is Dog, which will be its accomplice.

Japanese Dragoon Sign - Tatsu

People of the sign of Dragon are destined to be leaders, regardless of the area of activity they choose. In addition, they will be excellent fathers and mothers, if they decide to have children. However, they are people who do not know how to deal very well with love and become irrational when they are in love.

This makes it easy for them to be deceived, but because of their fighting ability, they always overcome the challenges that come their way. They are not afraid of anything and are always willing to fight for what they believe in. In general, they have a calm appearance, but this hides a complicated temperament.

Below, we will comment on more information about the sign of Dragon. To learn more, continue reading the article!


Natives of the sign of Dragon were born in the years 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012. They are connected to the divinity of the Waters and the Sea and possess an energy that acts to make them unpredictable, virtuous, original and extravagant, characteristics that contribute to their arousing the interest of others.

Positive and negative aspects

Dragon natives are born leaders. They are optimistic, hard-working people who are confident in what they do. They are also dynamic, generous and often speak well in public. They are not afraid to take the initiative to get what they want.

Among their negative characteristics, you can mention impatience. They are impulsive and do not think before reacting to events. Because they like to argue, they can become energetic and arrogant in some contexts.

Compatible signs

Dragon is a true sign which values love and friendship. Therefore, his ideal partners need to have similar characteristics. Thus, he matches a lot with Rat when talking about the business sphere because both have similar goals.

In other areas of life, you can get along well with Cobra, for his good humor, and with Rooster, who will be an excellent party partner. You should avoid associating with Dog, which can increase your stress.

Japanese Serpent Sign - Mi

Natives of the sign of Serpent are attractive, so they are constantly praised by others, especially by the opposite gender. However, beauty is not the only thing that makes Serpent attract interest, as the sign has a magnetic personality.

They are also excellent hosts and love to welcome people into their homes. Parties and other social activities are very present in the lives of Serpents, who love to surround themselves with people. They are lucky in financial matters and can receive unexpected amounts of money frequently. More characteristics of the sign will be explored below. To learn more, continue readingreading the article!


People of the sign of Serpent were born in the years 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013. They are connected to the God of Divine Births and possess an energy that acts to provide them with prudence. In addition, they are people capable of becoming calculating and Machiavellian, depending on the context.

Positive and negative aspects

In general, Serpent natives are stable and very patient people. They have a more conservative attitude and believe in work, so they become practical and responsible. Due to these characteristics, they are good counselors and seen by others as wise.

Their negative side, however, reveals personality traits such as stubbornness, resentment and possessiveness. Thus, Serpent people are resistant to change, materialistic and do not like to accept help from others, even when they need it. They also do not listen to advice.

Compatible signs

The power of seduction of Serpent is used to convince others of his ideas. Therefore, there are some signs that can connect efficiently with this native in various areas of his life.

So, when Serpent thinks about forming a family, he should look for the Ox. If he is looking for someone to grow by his side, the Rooster is an excellent option. But, if he only wants to have fun, another Serpent native is ideal.

Japanese Horse Sign - A

Horse natives feel the need to move constantly, they always look for alternative ways to earn money and do not think twice before taking risks. Therefore, they nurture admiration for people who are different from others.

Another outstanding characteristic of this sign is their stubbornness. They cannot rest until they get what they want and have a very marked sense of leadership, which they exercise safely and quietly in all areas of their life.

The next section will explore more characteristics of the Horse sign, so if you want to know more about it, keep reading the article!


Those who have Horse as their sign in the Japanese horoscope were born in the years 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014. They are associated with the God of War and possess an intense energy of movement. They are fast, persistent and have a keen sense of adventure, as well as being upright.

Positive and negative aspects

Versatility is one of the most interesting characteristics of the sign of Horse. When they are experiencing a moment of crisis, they are quickly able to react and use their strength to carry out their work. They are curious, creative and full of imagination, in addition to having self-confidence.

However, they can be selfish and very unstable people, and there is also the possibility that Horse natives are explosive and end up throwing their efforts away due to this characteristic and the fact that they get bored easily.

Compatible signs

The Horse native uses his presence, elegance and stateliness to win people over. However, he tends to be very impatient in love and ends up leaving aside this sector of his life to focus on work.

But when he is in search of partners, he ends up connecting with the Goat, for passing bonds, with the Dog, who also believes in freedom, and with the Horse himself, when he is in search of a romance that is lasting.

Japanese Zodiac Goat - Hitsuji

Those who are born under the sign of Goat are restless people who always need to be involved in some activity to be happy, because they can't stand standing still. Loneliness is also something that Goat natives fear a lot in their daily life.

When they are working, however, they prefer not to have contact with others, as this always ends up causing them problems. They are proud of themselves and their abilities, in which they have full confidence. Thus, there is a possibility that they have natural gifts.

The next section of the article will provide more details regarding the characteristics of those born under the sign of Goat. To find out more, read on!


People of the sign of Goat were born in the years 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015.They have association with the Moon God and their energy acts on the issue of sensuality.In addition, they are artistic, contemplative and dreamers.They tend to be amateurs in their fields of endeavor.

Positive and negative aspects

Among the qualities of Goat natives, it is possible to highlight their tenacity. In addition, they are sincere and excellent in business because they are not afraid to work hard to get where they want. Another point that counts in favor of these people in their career is their ability to manage funds.

However, Cabra can become a sign of people who are very jealous and prone to possessiveness. In addition, they adopt a defensive posture and are constantly worried. They can be very sensitive to criticism and are manipulative.

Compatible signs

The Goat sign is easily influenced and can become very capricious when contradicted. Nevertheless, it has an infectious smile and a good heart, so it needs partners who understand these nuances.

So, when Goat is looking for just a flirtation, the best option is the Cat. If you are looking for a more serious commitment, the ideal is to get involved with the Pig. Finally, your best chances of getting to the altar are with the Horse.

Japanese Sign Monkey - Sauru

The sign of Monkey has natives who are inventive and determined. They are also people who do not like to show how they feel and pretend that everything is fine, even if it is not. They can deceive well and have the ability to dissimulate until people believe what they want.

It is worth mentioning that Monkey natives are competent people in their jobs, but they do not like to take orders. Therefore, they tend to work much better when they are alone. They are proud, ambitious and exert dominance through intellect.

More characteristics of the Monkey sign will be explored below. To know more about it, keep reading the article!


Natives of the sign of Monkey were born in the years 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016. They are connected to the Sun Goddess and possess an energy that acts to ensure intelligence, diplomacy, adaptability and pragmatism to natives, ensuring that they are flexible.

Positive and negative aspects

Monkey natives are idealistic and kind people. They believe in sincerity, honour and responsibility. Due to this last characteristic, they have an enviable administrative capacity and are able to see things in a wider panorama. In addition, they are very willing to work.

However, they can easily become arrogant, sensitive to criticism and very intolerant on occasions. They can also become cruel when they feel cornered or have their pride hurt in some way.

Compatible signs

The sign of Monkey is friendly and has no problems making friends. He gets along well with his colleagues, regardless of the environment. However, it is important to remember that he is always looking for recognition. Because of these characteristics, he tends to be compatible with Dragon, which he uses as a mirror.

Also, the Rat is a great fit for the Monkey because of its ability to endure anything and the Goat is a sign that runs the show just as well as the Monkey itself.

Japanese Zodiac Sign Rooster - Tori

The Japanese Rooster sign depends on novelty and movement to feel happy. He hates routine and doesn't like to stand still, waiting for the things he wants to happen. So, even if he is not sure of what to do, he needs to act.

This characteristic means that Rooster can end up acting rashly and without thoroughly investigating the motivations for things. In general, these natives are not cowards, but they are liable to feel guilty and this happens thanks to their inconstancy.

Below, more characteristics of the sign will be commented. So, if you want to know details about Rooster, continue reading the article and find out!


The sign of Rooster was ruler in 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017. It has direct connection with the God of Admirable Perfection and has an energy that governs aspects related to more bureaucratic work. They are utopian people, courageous and with tendencies to heroism.

Positive and negative aspects

Efficiency is the trademark of Rooster natives. In addition, they are very practical people who value issues such as punctuality. They are judicious, analytical and very patient. They also tend to keep an open mind on all matters.

The negative side of the personality of this sign manifests itself in the question of the criticism he directs to others. Thus, they can become stingy, extravagant and even intolerant, by not recognizing their defects.

Compatible signs

The Rooster is usually sincere, even in a way that can hurt others. His eccentricity is just a facade for a person who is very attached to values. Therefore, you can get along with Dragon and achieve success with a partner of this sign.

There is also a chance that you can form a good connection with the Ox, with whom you share love for your family. You can also get along with the Snake, who will be a good partner for fun times.

Japonese Sign Dog - Inu

Natives of the sign of the Dog are naturally passionate about life. They also love living with people and generally do not see any meaning in their existence if it is not marked by love.

Due to this characteristic, they like to please and to make the people around them feel comfortable. Therefore, this attitude makes them always get what they want, no matter the means used to do so.

Another outstanding characteristic of the puppy natives is their romanticism. If you want to know more about the people of this sign, continue reading the article and find more information!


People belonging to the ruler of the sign of Dog were born in the years 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018. They connect to the Eternally Resident God of Earth and have an energy focused on faithfulness. They are devoted to people and are constantly vigilant.

Positive and negative aspects

The sign of the Dog has natives who are cheerful, ambitious and money-oriented. They have their diplomatic ability recognized by all, as well as their sense of justice and their sincerity. They are able to respect opinions and are quite refined.

They also attract people with their romanticism and warmth. However, they are people who cannot stand to hear criticism and may adopt ambiguous behaviour. They tend to be jealous and intolerant, as well as possessive and selfish.

Compatible signs

The Puppy native is restless and is always defending some cause, so he should find partners who also attach importance to social issues and join his fight in some way. In this sense, an excellent partner for the Puppy is the Horse, which offers him all the support in the world.

If the native is looking for a partner who likes to live adventures, the Tiger could be ideal. But if he is in a moment in which he prefers to live peace in love, the Cat is his best option.

Japanese Zodiac Sign - Inoshishi

Natives of the sign of Boar are independent people who are very dedicated to their goals. They like to act alone and don't expect others to do anything for them. This is because they are proud of being able to carry out their plans alone.

They are also very proud of the achievements of their children and other loved ones. They are devoted to their family and friends for whom they would sacrifice anything. When they decide to get married, they are very happy with their partners, but they need to learn to curb family interference.

Below, more information about the sign of Boar will be commented on. To learn more, continue reading the article!


People of the sign of Boar were born in the years 1911, 1923, 1935, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019. They are connected to the Deity of Earth Clay and possess the energy that governs epicureanism, as well as having a strong connection with materialism and the occult.

Positive and negative aspects

Those born under the sign of Boar are achievers, they like to investigate and are determined, so they find out what they want. Their ambition and creativity make them resourceful and very versatile and contribute to their magnetism.

However, this sign has some rather complicated negative points, such as a tendency to be posessive and impatient. Natives can become intolerant, tactless, jealous and vindictive in certain scenarios.

Compatible signs

The Boar is a sign full of scruples and very helpful, so he tends to get along well with other people of his sign, who understand his kindness and naivety. But apart from the Boar himself, he also forms a good pair with the Cat and the Pig for love.

Another sign with which Boar can get along very well is Tiger, with which he tends to establish long-lasting and very solid friendships.

Is Dragon the luckiest Japanese sign?

To the surprise of some, when it comes to financial aspects, the luckiest sign of the Japanese horoscope is Serpent. The natives are able to make good choices in this regard, which happens due to their characteristics. This happens even when they decide to take significant risks.

In general, people of the sign of Serpent have no problem in daring in their investments and are supported by their luck, which makes them bring the expected returns for the natives. But it is worth mentioning that luck is not only linked to this.

Serpent is a sign that sometimes receives unexpected amounts of money, such as in the form of inheritances or even profits that were not anticipated. Therefore, financially, there is no luckier native than this one.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.