North Node in Pisces: Meaning, Moon Nodes, South Node in Virgo, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the North Node in Pisces

Pisces in the North Node indicates that the native has very high dreams and expectations, and to achieve them, gives way to imagination and vivacity. For this, he usually works hard (many have two jobs), but he still has time to worry about receiving attention and love from loved ones.

Because you follow your own spirit and direction system, you have great discipline, keen insight and a flair for leadership and management, and your passion for what you love makes you successful. However, this energy can turn into an excessive preoccupation with perfection.

This puts pressure on him, making him anxious all the time, and ends up generating problems of balance between soul and mind. To learn more about these Pisces characteristics and more about the Lunar Nodes, as well as other tips, keep following along.

What are Lunar Nodes

Questions about life purpose, why you repeat the same behaviors and what would bring happiness find explanations with the Lunar Nodes within an Astrological Chart.

So, read below to understand the meanings of the Moon Nodes and the position of Pisces within this astrological context.

Meaning of the Lunar Nodes for Astrology

Astronomically, there is an imaginary circle that traces the annual apparent orbit of the Sun around the Earth, and the Moon crosses it. Astrologically, the Moon Nodes are sensitive points where the meetings between these orbits of the Sun and Moon occur, thus, always opposing each other. Thanks to that, they are separated in North Node and South Node.

In Chinese Astrology, the North Node is the Head of the Dragon, and the South Node, the Tail of the Dragon, thus symbolizing what the head, the front, seeks to achieve, and what the tail expels, leaves behind. Therefore, in general, they reveal life purposes and past heritages, connecting the personal impulses of the Sun and the emotion and instincts of the Moon.

South Node

The South Node represents all the inheritance of the past, whether from childhood or past lives. Thanks to its deep roots with the self, this Node symbolizes behaviors accumulated and practiced for a long time, as well as the ancient part of the psyche, where unresolved issues reside.

As in the South Node everything seems natural, easy and comfortable, the native risks getting stuck in habits, remaining in a comfort zone where he enters stagnation. Thus, he can become a dull and limited person, for whom inflexible behaviors tend to bring desolation.

North Node

The North Node represents the mission, the purpose and the growth potential of the soul. Even if the South Node comes unconsciously to the native, the North Node is what he consciously seeks. This is the Node that indicates the characteristics that the native wishes to develop in this life, where he can grow more, even if it is not easy.

The Moon Nodes are meant to balance and harmonize the opposing forces over time. Because of this, it is necessary to overcome fears and stagnation of the South Node and follow the sign of the North Node, which is where the person feels happy and fulfilled.

North Node in Pisces

Pisces in the North Node represents the space of manifestation of the native's yearnings, in which he strives to the utmost to achieve everything he dreams, plans and desires.

This thirst for achieving your wishes is beneficial to your plans, but too much criticism can affect your mood and your good relationships with people.

North Node in Pisces retrograde

The retrograde North Node in Pisces indicates that the native still carries issues from his past in his present life. This is because the retrograde Nodes indicate this connection with what has passed, while the non-retrograde Nodes indicate absence of connection with that past (these cases, in general, are rare).

The Moon Nodes in the Signs

The Moon Nodes are astrological bases which help to unveil the manifestations of the personality and recognize the difficulties which slow down the evolution of the soul. For this reason, they are strongly linked to the signs which are positioned in these Nodes. So, to know more about the Nodes and the signs of Pisces and Virgo, read on.

North Node in Pisces

As the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces is special because of its characteristics of being creative, of excelling and of excelling, belonging to a different realm, above the everyday physical existence, guided by more predictable mundane goals. The symbol of this sign in Astrology represents the fish that are united, but swim in the opposite direction.

So this duality manifests itself when Pisces is in the North Node: his incessant search for his goals and imagination is addictive, and causes him to acquire a perfectionism complex which can be negative for him and those around him, as well as taking away his attention from his own peace of mind. So this native needs to take care in order to avoid these problems.

How to Identify the North and South Nodes in your Birth Chart

As the Nodes are opposite and their periods in each sign are 18 months, the most assertive is to calculate them through the date of birth.

Therefore, a person who was born in the lunar node interval between 09/11/1987 to 28/05/1989, for example, has Pisces in the North Node, and in the opposite, the South Node, has Virgo.

North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo

The South Node in Virgo points to a critical and perfectionist attitude. With this placement, the native is rarely satisfied with himself and always strives, being a critic by nature and a workaholic, aiming to be the most productive and efficient. It is common for him to feel that if he is not perfect, he is not worthy of love and acceptance.

The North Node in Pisces, on the other hand, suggests the need that the person feels to get in tune with something different from the mundane daily reality, risking himself for his creativity and dreams. In this way, there is a combination of this opposition: the individual works incessantly to achieve perfection in the realization of the desires and goals of his imagination, and does not usually rest.

North Node in Pisces for Karmic Astrology

Karmic Astrology refers to past lives, and since sun signs symbolize people's personality traits, knowing more about the karma of the signs makes it possible to use the lessons and experiences of the past in the present life. This is important as it helps to deal with future challenges and evolve in the pursuit of happiness.

Thus, the sign of Pisces inherits the influence of problems from past existences based on the difficulty to evolve spiritually and focus on the concrete world. Therefore, Pisces in the North Node, in this astrological perspective, is constantly struggling to achieve its desires, and at the same time, having difficulties to avoid unrealism.

Pisces in the North Node and the growth of the soul

As the North Node embraces the quest for evolution and growth of the soul and material life, it is essential for a dreamy sign like Pisces. So read below to know about the challenges, confidence and more about this astrological position.

Challenges of those who have North Node in Pisces

To increase his capacity of evolution, who has the North Node in Pisces needs to abandon negative behaviors, like the lack of attention to his own mind and the search for strict perfection. This is because he forgets himself and gets frustrated with others, who do not reach the perfection he projects in them.

The karma of past lives

This native lived his previous lives immersed in reason, in logic. Therefore, in the present, his mind is always in the world of imagination, of projection. Criticism represents the rigidity acquired in past lives, when he criticized and judged everything and everybody, including himself.

Spiritual mission

Pisces in the North Node finds the soul growing in its spiritual mission, that is, opening up to experiences that transcend the world of imagination and the material world.

The person needs to be open to the new, and can experiment with the different strands of faith and vision until he finds the one that pleases him the most. The important thing is to always meditate and not leave aside the care of the spirit.

Learning to forgive and to forgive yourself

The North Node in Pisces indicates that the soul of the individual feels the need to enter into a sea of love, for it is a sign that gives a lot of value to feelings and affection. However, he needs to reduce his own and other people's charges, thus forgiving himself and others.

Therefore, what has no relevance and only serves to delay, pine or cause estrangement should stop being practiced. Demanding well-done jobs and attention does not necessarily imply having negative attitudes. The goal has to be to take life more lightly.

The Pisces dreamer

Although the forces of the Ascendant and other positions in the birth chart influence the sign of Pisces, in general this native is sensitive, emotional and intuitive, and always oscillates between his feelings. Being a great impulsive and dreamer, he has his own universe of ideas and fantasies.

Those of this sign are also very empathic and have a great talent for adapting to situations and people. In addition, they find satisfaction in playful activities like art, music and others that develop their imagination.

Love and acceptance

The person with Pisces in the North Node has a great need to feel loved and also accepted. This is because all the demands on themselves and others make them feel that people are moving away, and that the love, affection and care they could receive (and also give) is going away with them.

Thus, she needs to understand that she is being loved and accepted, yet she must allow others to criticize her, no matter how much she refuses to believe that she is not perfect. This helps not only to demonstrate to others that she is open to dialogue, but also to realize that certain imperfections are normal. Loving and being kind to yourself attracts love and kindness from people.

Learning to trust

Another problem arising from the excessive search for perfection is the difficulty to trust your own tasks and those of others, because the Pisces in the North Node is always seeing defects in different activities.

Some attitudes that the individual can take to help him learn to trust people more is, first of all, to trust himself, that he is competent and efficient even with his imperfections; to meditate that he does not control the attitudes of others, but controls his own responses; and to be open to conversation, being sincere and really listening to what the other has to say.

How can the person with North Node in Pisces deal with their need for control?

Excess of criticism and demands to reach the imagined goals is a serious problem for the person of Pisces in the North Node. Anguish, anxiety and the feeling of failure are some of the consequences. Therefore, to work on the mind in own knowledge in the analysis of situations that are independent of the native is fundamental.

It is necessary that the individual does a reflection of his thoughts and emotions and realize what he has a mania to control, as well as work on his expectations to reduce frustration and disappointment in the future. It is also necessary to accept the situations that he does not have control, such as unforeseen events and people's opinions.

Thus, Pisces in the North Node has limitations and imperfections, and this, in fact, only enriches the path to be traveled by him, and is essential in the search for love, happiness and fulfillment.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.