How to play Gypsy cards: know the suits, the 36 cards, interpretation and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the Gypsy Deck

The Gypsy Deck is composed of 36 cards and derives from the Tarot of Marseille, which originally has 76 cards. Its origin occurred when the Roma people met the Tarot of Marseille, and quickly felt a great fascination for the practice. Thus, in addition to reading hands that was already a very common technique among them, they also began to perform the reading of the deck.

This version was created by Anne Marrie Adelaide Lenormand, a former fortune teller, gypsy and astrologer. She then made some changes, adapting the deck to the gypsy culture, to arrive at the version known today.

As good nomads, the gypsies spread the cards all over the world, making it possible to find answers in the cards for the most different areas of one's life.

The Gypsy Card

Throughout its 36 cards, the Gypsy Deck has the proposal to help people find answers that can guide them in different areas of life. Thus, in times of uncertainty, this oracle can arise to enlighten your ideas. Follow below the most diverse interpretations of all the cards of this deck.


The Gypsy Deck has four suits: gold, clubs, spades and hearts. The golden suit represents the earth element, as well as the entire plane corresponding to material existence. In general, its cards have a neutral and favorable meaning. The suit of clubs represents the fire element and the plane of creativity.

This suit is responsible for most of the bad predictions in the reading. The suit of Swords represents the element of air and the plane of mentality. Its cards usually have neutral meanings. Finally, the suit of hearts represents water and the plane of feelings. Its cards usually bring with them good omens.

The cards of the Gipsy Deck and their interpretations

From the first card called "The Knight", to the last one entitled "The Cross", the Gypsy Deck carries numerous messages that are able to direct you on your life path.

So, according to experts, this oracle is able to reveal certain points that can get you

Through it it is possible to have answers in relation to your financial, academic, love, professional, family life, among others.

Card 1: The Knight

Opening the deck, the card "The Gentleman" brings encouraging messages to those who draw it in the reading. This arcane is generally a representative of the achievement of goals

In addition, it also means good luck, search for wisdom and the ability to always improve situations for the better. So, if this card appeared in your reading, understand that you have only reason to celebrate.

Card 2: Clover

Although the clover symbol means good luck for many people, in the Gypsy Deck it is not quite like that. If this card appears in your reading you will need to be careful because it represents difficulties, challenges, delays and disorientation.

Although the messages are not positive, this card still indicates that the problems will be temporary. In general, it still represents that it will be a necessary time for you to overcome them.

Card 3: The Ship

The third card of the deck, "The Ship" represents new airs and horizons that will bring changes, trips, good business and transformations. So be happy, because your life will take new directions that will be positive for you.

In addition, this card also indicates the need to be more open and receptive to these new situations. Therefore, do not be afraid and face the news with an open heart.

Card 4: The House

A house usually reminds people of family structure, and in the Gypsy Deck this is no different. The card "The House", represents your personal balance, solidity, inner structure and of course, family.

So this may be a good time to use these characteristics to assist in your family relationship.

Card 5: The Tree

If the card "The Tree" came up in your reading, rejoice, for it brings with it excellent news. Like a good tree, it indicates that you need to plant the seeds so that you can harvest the fruit in the future.

Thus, this card brings with it messages of progress, fertility, luck, growth, abundance, health and strength. In addition, it indicates new projects coming up soon.

Card 6: Clouds

The sixth card of the Deck, "The Clouds" asks for a moment of reflection in your life because the messages it brings are not very encouraging. This card means emotional instability, indecision, financial losses and precipitation.

Furthermore, it shows a difficulty to see these situations clearly, so it may be a time to pause and analyze everything that has happened in your life.

Card 7: The Snake

The card "The Snake" or "The Serpent" brings with it some warnings. This card is a representative of envy, betrayal and discord. So it is essential that at this time you be careful with the falsehood around you.

The snake also warns of situations in which you could be "caught", so redouble your attention and be careful not to trust the wrong people.

Card 8: The Coffin

Despite its frightening name, the Coffin Card can bring good news, depending on the analysis. This card indicates a cycle of life and death. However, it can mark a renewal for a certain area of your life.

It is as if it represents an end, so that a new beginning arrives, thus indicating new cycles in your life.

Card 9: The Bouquet

The ninth card of the deck, entitled "The Bouquet", represents a deep and contagious joy. Thus, it is related to the union between people, fraternity and fulfillment of dreams. It also represents a happy state of mind, because the flowers of the bouquet indicate beauty to your life.

Card 10: The Scythe

As you might expect, the "Scythe" card carries strong messages. It signifies breakups and letting go of everything that is outdated.

This can be linked both to love relationships, friendships, projects, and other aspects. In the professional sphere, for the most part, this card represents a resignation.

Card 11: The Whip

The number 11 card in the Gypsy Deck is called Whip, and brings with it great messages for analysis. It is related to strength, justice, leadership and energy. However, it also represents disputes, which in turn can generate annoyances.

Thus, in the midst of all this, she indicates that there is a need for action on her part to achieve what she longs for.

Card 12: The Birds

The card "The Birds" represents the same lightness that these animals have in real life. Thus, it indicates romanticism and much joy for you.

She even teaches you a lesson by reminding you that the true meaning of life is found in simplicity, and the freedom to be who you really are.

Card 13: The Child

If in your reading appeared the card "The Child", understand that this represents authenticity, purity and spontaneity. Thus, it is understood that this card represents your inner child. Moreover, it also relates to childhood situations and children.

Card 14: The Fox

"The Fox is another card that demands a lot of your attention. It indicates complications, traps and certain problems in your life. To understand in depth what these divergences are, it is essential to analyse the other cards in your reading. However, in any case, it is valid to be attentive to everything that has happened around you.

Card 15: The Bear

The fifteenth card of the Gypsy Deck, "The Bear" brings with it numerous meanings, both positive and negative. Thus, it is related to falsehood, sadness, motherhood, seclusion and even sexuality.

In this way, to really understand the message conveyed by it, the interpretation of the other letters of its reading is fundamental.

Card 16: The Star

If during your reading the card "The Star" appeared for you, be happy, because it is a representation of light, luck, personal brilliance and intuition. This card is also related to overcoming obstacles and achieving desires, also reflecting your inner light.

Card 17: The Heron

The card "The Heron" or "The Stork" is an indication of the opening of new paths in your life. With this, it brings numerous opportunities for different areas of your life. Therefore, it is essential that at this time you reorganize and have focus to achieve your goals.

Card 18: The Dog

In the Gypsy Deck, the dog is a symbol of loyalty and friendship, so if this card appeared in your reading, this is a reason for happiness. This arcane reveals that you can count on a great ally, who will help you in many situations in your life. Moreover, it will be someone you can trust.

Card 19: The Tower

The tenth new card in the Gypsy Deck, "The Tower" indicates a period of isolation and withdrawal. These attitudes serve so that the person can meditate and reflect on various situations in his life. Thus, this card can also represent a spiritual elevation and search for his inner light.

Card 20: The Garden

The card number 20 is called "The Garden", and represents conversations and integration with others. These dialogues can be marked either by meetings between friends or by dating. The integration preached by this card can also be through social networks or in person, allowing greater social interaction. The garden also represents diversity in relationships.

Card 21: The Mountain

"The Mountain" is another strong message card that represents fairness, strength, balance and perseverance, so with that set of characteristics, this card marks effort and dedication during your journey towards your goals.

Card 22: The Path

This is another card that cheers everyone up when it comes up in the reading. "The Path" indicates advancement in life, as it is a representative of open paths free of obstacles. So, be at ease in charting your life path, and continue steadily in the direction of your goals.

Card 23: The Rat

The card number 23 in the Gypsy Deck is known as "The Rat", and the messages that come through it are not encouraging. It is related to a certain physical and mental weariness, besides representing financial losses, stress, addiction, and a tendency to depression. If this card appears for you, try to stay calm and try to get rid of negative thoughts.

Card 24: The Heart

"The Heart is a card to cheer you up whenever it appears in your reading. It means love, compassion, solidarity and affection. It also indicates a lot of enthusiasm and romance in your life. Therefore, the card "The Heart" only gives you reasons to smile.

Card 25: The Ring

If the card "The Ring" was present in your reading, understand that this represents a union of goals and strength to achieve them. The ring is related to union, professional and personal partnerships, marriages and agreements. Thus, this card is linked to alliances in general, whether affective or professional.

Letter 26: The Book

The 26th card of the Gypsy Deck, "The Book" is an indication of improvement and search for wisdom. Thus, it is related to studies, knowledge and reflection. It can also mean the need to keep a certain secret, or to be a more discreet person.

Card 27: The Letter

"The Letter" enters your reading to indicate that you must have the strength to keep a matter of utmost importance confidential. This is something you know needs to be handled in a confidential manner, so remember the saying, "No mosquitoes can enter a closed mouth," and keep this information to yourself.

Letter 28: Man

As the name implies, the card "The Man" represents the male figure in the life of the person who receives the reading. This man can be yourself, if you are one, or your father, a son, husband or even a friend. To understand the message conveyed by the card is essential to interpret the other cards of the reading.

Letter 29 The Woman

The card "The Woman" is obviously related to the feminine figure. Thus, it is a representation of femininity, joviality and intuition. Once again, to really understand the message that this card wants to send you, it is essential to understand the meanings of the other cards of the reading.

Card 30: The Lilies

Thirtieth card of the Gypsy Deck, "The Lilies" come into the reading representing your inner peace, tranquility and purity. As it relates to goodness, happiness and divine joy, this is an excellent card, and only attracts good news.

Card 31: The Sun

The card "The Sun" brings with it good news related to money, prosperity, growth, creativity, positive energy and expansion. With this set of characteristics, "The Sun" highlights that the more a person releases his inner light, the closer to prosperity and abundance he gets.

Card 32: The Moon

Card number 32, "The Moon" is strongly related to the sensitivity of each one. Thus, it is linked to intuition, anxieties, fears, doubts, hidden forces and the unconscious. If this card came up in your reading, it may be a good time to refine your intuition and connect with your inner self.

Card 33: The Key

"The Key" enters your reading as a kind of solution to certain problems. It further represents free will, giving you a sign to refine your decision making further. In addition, this card also points to the beginning or closing of a cycle.

Card 34: The Fish

The card "The Fish" brings with it many reasons to smile. It represents wealth, prosperity, good business, personal satisfaction, profitability and profits. So it may be a good time to get that old project off the drawing board.

Card 35: The Anchor

The penultimate card in the Gypsy Deck, entitled "The Anchor", is a representation of happiness, security, stability, confidence and success. With all its characteristics, "The Anchor" shows itself to possess the firmness necessary to deal with challenges.

Card 36: The Cross

The card that closes the Gypsy Deck is called "The Cross", and brings great news for the reading. It is related to victory, triumphs and goals achieved. However, it is worth remembering that all this will only be possible through much effort and sacrifice.

Cartomancy and the Gypsy Deck

If you are interested in finding out everything about the Gypsy Deck, it is essential that you stay on top of everything that surrounds this world. So, follow the reading below and find out what is fortune telling, the rituals for playing the cards of the Gypsy Deck, among other things.

What is Cartomancy

Cartomancy is the name of the technique used to use a deck of cards for the purpose of divination. According to experts, any deck of cards can be used for this purpose, even the one you have at home to play.

However, it is worth mentioning that besides the common deck there are also divinatory cards, which were made especially for divination. Thus, by learning the technique of fortune telling, it is possible to predict future events through the deck, in a refined manner.

The Fortune Teller

A fortune teller is a person who specializes in the art of reading cards and is usually sought out by those who wish to discover what the future holds for them. Consultation with a fortune teller usually works as follows: first she plays the cards on the table in general, to get to know her consulter better.

The number of cards drawn depends on the type of game being played. According to the meaning and position of the cards, the fortune teller uses her intuition to discover the answers to the consulter's questions.

How to become a fortune teller

The profession of fortune-teller has the recognition of public agencies as a labor activity. In 2002 the Ministry of Labor began to recognize this profession as a paid occupation. Thus, some rules of professional ethics and conduct to be followed were created.

Because of this the CBO has determined some prerequisites for you who want to be a fortune teller. It is necessary to have completed high school, added to the proven practice of at least 5 years of uninterrupted oracular attendance, attested by mystical stores.

Or else 200 hours registered classes, such as symposiums, congresses, esoteric schools, among others. Thus, it is essential to take specialized courses in the area.

Warning to future fortune tellers

As you have already discovered in the course of this article, with the study of fortune telling it is possible to make divinations through the deck. However, it is worth remembering that the future depends on the actions of the person in the present.

For this reason, a good fortune-teller should guide her consulter on how he should act in each situation to have a positive result. If you notice that the person has been heading towards a negative outcome, guide him to change this path.

Ritual to play the cards of the Gypsy Deck

Before you actually begin to play the cards and do your readings, it is essential that you clean and energize your Deck, for only then will it cease to be an ordinary object.

Fill a glass with water and add a pinch of salt. Then place the deck in the glass and let it rest for two hours. After that, with the fire element, light a candle and pass the cards over the flame. To symbolize the earth element you will need a crystal, which can be amethyst, quartz or selenite. Take one of them, place it on the deck and let it rest for two hours.

Finally, in reference to the air element, light an incense of cinnamon, rosemary, arruda, sage or capim santo and pass the smoke on the cards. After that place it under the moonlight for a whole night. Finally deposit it on a table with a symbol of each of the 4 elements, and leave it there for a few hours to be energized. After that it will still be necessary to consecrate it, for this consult aexpert to guide you.

How to play Gypsy cards

Before you go out there playing the Gypsy Deck, it is extremely important that you learn about some points. For example, you need to understand about all its reading methods. To do this, follow the reading below carefully.

Reading methods

There are several methods of reading the Gypsy Deck. Although this subject may seem a little complicated, know that the reading methods are extremely simple. Besides their illustrations are very instinctive so that facilitate their interpretations.

So, to make a good reading, first of all you must choose the method in which you will follow. After that, find a suitable place for this practice. It is necessary that it is a quiet place that allows you to concentrate.

Three-card method

Start shuffling already thinking about the question you would like to ask the cards. Next, using your left hand, cut the deck into three parts. If you are doing the reading for someone else, ask them to cut. Take the top card from the pile, and remember that the cards should be read from left to right.

The first card (left) shows the past, the middle card shows the present, and the last card (right), indicates the tendencies for the future. All related to the question in which you put in front of the deck.

Five-card method

First, shuffle the cards and ask your consulter to cut the deck into 3 piles. Then join the cards from left to right, and open the deck on the table making the format of a fan. Remember to leave the images down. After that ask the consulter to choose 5 cards at random.

The first card will be the one in the middle, and will talk about the person's present situation. The second card will be the one to the left of the central card, and will show your client's past. The third card will be the one to the right of the central card, and will represent future situations. The fourth card also talks about the future, but not necessarily about the client's present problem.client.

Finally, the fifth card is where you will find the conclusion of the current moment of the consulter, which will affect his future.

Can only women play Gypsy cards?

The answer to this question is simple and objective: Yes. Unfortunately, if you are a man and you want to be a fortune teller, understand that it will not be possible, at least not in the Gypsy Deck.

In this culture only women are allowed to play cards. This is because gypsies believe that only the female sex possesses the occult energy that enables a person to be able to predict the future, and to make divinations in general.

However, if you are a man and would like to be involved in this medium, don't be sad. There are other exoteric practices in which you can dedicate yourself. Or even study deeper and understand about the Gypsy Deck for pure knowledge. You just won't be able to play the cards at the table.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.