Meaning of menstruating at full moon: the menstrual cycle and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of menstruating at full moon and other phases

Each phase of the moon represents an archetype, that is, a way you are during 28 days - the duration of both the lunar and menstrual cycles. This is because we live a life of cycles composed of beginning, middle and end.

In everything we do in relation to nature, things happen that way. And we women are no different. In fact, we are very similar to the moon and its phases. We are ruled by the moon. The inner moon, which is unique and singular in each woman, and the outer moon, which is the moon in the sky.

To menstruate when the Full Moon is in the sky, is to be the portrait of the archetype of the mother. Fertile woman, who takes care of everything and everyone. Woman who does not judge, only loves. The moon that brings us unconditional love. See more, in the sequence.

The meanings of the moon phases in the menstrual cycle

It is believed that in ancient times, during the matriarchy, all women bled at the same time and on the New Moon. This is how the cycle was: bleed on the New Moon, which is the time of rebirth, go through the Crescent Moon which is the time of the child, then Full Moon which is the mother's phase and go to the Waning Moon which is the sorceress phase, and continue the same cycle forever.

Nowadays, because of this world that asks us to be productive all the time, many don't menstruate on the New Moon anymore, so we start having our own internal moon. For you to know when is your lunation, notice the first day that your blood comes and see the moon in the sky, ready.

Understanding your cycle is essential to respect your moments and yourself. It is a self-knowledge that brings more internal comfort and much self-love, since the menstrual blood accompanies many years of a woman's life.

Menstruation, the new moon

This menstrual period is the inner winter. It is related to the New Moon, even though it is normal to menstruate on any other moon. During this period, it is common for a woman to be quieter and less willing to do work that demands too much of the body and mind.

The New Moon represents the archetype of the old woman, the one who has stopped menstruating, the wise woman, the witch, the experienced, the one who has a lot of knowledge and is in her period of gratitude and wisdom, the moment of observation.

Just like winter, the menstrual period is a time of more focus on the present, of living what is extremely crucial. It is a more introspective phase, which calls for more observation and less action. It is precisely the time to come back to yourself and understand everything that was done in the past cycle.

Pre-ovulation, the fourth crescent

This is the phase when spring comes around. It is the period of renewal and transition between winter, which is menstruation, and summer, which is ovulation. Therefore, it is common for women to feel calmer and in balance to start projects and new activities.

Pre-ovulation is a time when your intuition is sharpened and your concentration and will to plan is greater. Your emotions become more stable and your vital energy is at its peak.

The Crescent Moon is the archetype of the child. The woman feels much more fearless, joyful, without malice or meanness. She simply exists without the ego, just bringing optimism and purity, with the air of renewal and action.

Ovulation, the full moon

This is the time when women tend to have more of a desire to enjoy their days, to produce, create and go out with friends. At the Full Moon, it is common for the heart to be more loving, libido higher and understanding sharpened. It is a more empathic time, full of compassion and love.

This moon is the archetype of the mother, the woman who cares, does not judge and welcomes. This is exactly the feeling that a woman has during this phase of menstruation. Ovulation is when expression is easier and more loving, when communication improves and the woman feels beautiful and radiant. She already has an absurd capacity of surrender, especially when it comes to what she loves.

Premenstruation, the waning quarter phase

Pre-menstruation is the famous PMS. It is autumn, the time to let go of everything that is not essential for the menstrual period to be lighter and more harmonious. It is the time when women feel more comfortable to talk to themselves instead of interacting so much with others. It is in this phase that self-care and compassion with oneself should prevail.

During this phase, all the hormones are trying to get a woman out of her comfort zone. For this reason, moods can change more frequently, even without reason. It's a time of many inner challenges and a constant search for balance.

The Waning Moon is the archetype of the sorceress: free, strong, indomitable, furious, angry and independent woman who does not depend on anyone and always goes after what she wants. Therefore, it is a great moment to take some time for yourself and evaluate your inner self.

Menstruation in each phase of the moon

Each phase of the moon relates to a moment in a woman's life. That is why there is no way to say that all phases are the same when we talk about menstruation. The cycles change according to the internal.

There is no right or wrong moon for menstruating. On the contrary, each woman is unique and should prioritize her uniqueness and see it as a good thing. Intuition and the soul say more than the rational mind, and the menstrual cycle is very much driven by feelings. Learn more, in the sequel.

Menstruating at full moon

The full moon is seen as the apex of the moon's influence when it comes to emotions. The woman who menstruates in this phase can facilitate the healing of conflicts and wounds when it comes to the mother-daughter relationship. It is also the time of discovery and resolution of memories and painful processes related to the feminine, whether linked to menarche, pregnancy, abortions, infertility, and family relationships.

The energy of the Full Moon potentiates the pisque favoring the rituals of prosperity, nutrition and creativity. Even though it is a time of much action, when the woman menstruates in this period, the tendency is to want and seek quietness and this must be respected.

Menstruating on the waning moon

The Waning Moon is the archetype of the Sorceress, so it is the time of much strength. The sorceress is seen as one who visits the inner underworld. When a woman menstruates in this phase, it is possible for there to be many deep insights, especially about the inner shadows.

In addition, it is a very favorable phase for deep inner dives and moments of detachment from limiting beliefs. This moon seeks self-knowledge, so the tendency is that the woman feels more introspective and wants to know herself better and spend more time with herself.

Menstruating at new moon

The New Moon brings the energy of rebirth. Menstruation is a symbol of rebirth too, so it is important that the woman who menstruates during this period goes deep into her roots and let all the old die, so that the new is born with great strength and fertility.

This period is like the phoenix that is reborn from its own ashes. When menstruation comes in this moon, the woman will be nurturing the archetype of the Ancient One, which is the wise and experienced woman, so the tendency is that the woman feels more tired and fragile, besides being more introspective and reflective.

Menstruating on a crescent moon

Menstruation on the Crescent Moon is when the contact with youth and child is in greater evidence. It is the time that brings strength to cleanse and nurture all the patterns that are linked to these two phases of life.

It is possible that the woman who bleeds at this time aligns with this moon phase because her body is asking for more connection with the inner child. Also, it is the perfect time to let go of the Elder and find the young, joyful, and curious blossom.

Ovulation in each phase of the moon

The ovulation process of a woman is the phase in which the ovum is released by the ovary and reaches the fallopian tubes, so that it can follow to the uterus and be fertilized. It is the moment in which a pregnancy may or may not occur.

If pregnancy occurs, menstruation is stopped for 9 months. If fertilization is unsuccessful, then the menstrual cycle flows normally and blood flows down, letting the woman know that there is not a fetus being generated in her uterus.

Just like the menstruation phase, this ovulation phase is extremely important and has a meaning according to the phases of the moon that is in the sky and the internal moon of each woman. Check more, below.

Ovulate at full moon

When the woman is ovulating on the Full Moon, it is the moment when she tends to feel more open to others, wants more company and exchange more intimacies. It is the archetype of the mother, who besides being protective is fertile, ready to generate.

In addition, it is a time when the caring and maternal side manifests itself in the most intense way, regardless of whether this woman is a mother or not. Thus, it can be a great time to be close to those you love, open your heart to people and allow yourself to feel all these feelings of love.

Ovulating on the waning moon

When ovulation occurs on the Waning Moon, the energy can manifest in a more timid way and with some insights related to motherhood, neediness and excess availability, even if all this is in a very subtle way, it is preferable that the woman who ovulates on this moon is more attentive to the signs and details of this period.

Ovulating at new moon

When ovulation occurs on the New Moon it is like an alignment of complementary energies. It is the time when this woman must draw the potential from her roots so that all the projects she longed for will blossom.

It is possible that all creativity and energy is directed more towards the internal than towards the external. For this reason, it is necessary to respect the will to not always want to take care of the other, but to take care of oneself. It is from these moments that beautiful creations can emerge.

Ovulate on the crescent moon

When ovulation occurs on the Crescent Moon, it can be a propitious moment for the woman to see all the responsibilities of life in a lighter and more lively way. Expansion and internal energy manifest in a more tranquil way, for this is the archetype of the child, one who sees life without much malice.

It is in this period that it is extremely beneficial to give voice to the girl-woman and let her grow and blossom. With a happier outlook on life around her, it can be a beautiful period to resignify pains and traumas of childhood and adulthood.

The menstrual cycle and seasons

There are certain records that indicate that thousands of years ago, society lived in a matriarchal system, in which women dictated the rules, while men had the manual labor functions.

In addition, the seasons were more defined than today, since in the old days there was not so much influence of man on nature. With that, women saw harvesting and planting according to the seasons and menstruation was synchronized as well.

In the end, everything was connected with mother nature and all the women connected with each other, since the woman has the power to create, that is, to generate a child and nature also has this role of creating and generating food, species and so on.

Luteal phase, the winter

Winter is the time when nature is more quiet and internal. It is precisely when many animals, for example, prepare to hibernate. When we talk about menstruation, this feeling of quietness and wanting to be more in your own, is common. Since the woman will be menstruating here.

Just like winter, in this phase it's necessary to protect yourself, observe more than act. It's not necessary to create, but to rest. It's the time when sleep and the desire to be with your own company are at their peak. Some women, even, don't even want to eat as they've always eaten, they prefer to be more sheltered.

Postmenstrual follicular phase, the spring

Spring is the period when menstruation has come and the flowers start to come out. It is exactly the time when women feel more confident to blossom and can show their beauties, just like nature.

Here the feeling is that something new is being born and that there is no need to withdraw, on the contrary, it is a favorable time to get involved and see life with more positivity. Even the weather outside starts to get warmer in spring.

Ovulatory phase, the summer

In summer, it is common for people to like to go out more and have more contact with others. In the menstrual phase, for women, this is no different. She also begins to feel the urge to connect with the outside world.

The joy, happiness and fertility are things that come to the surface. The care that used to be for oneself, starts to be for the other. Love and affection become more frequent, whether in the form of words or attitudes. The woman becomes radiant and illuminated.

Premenstrual follicular phase, the fall

In this phase, the winds begin to blow colder and the sun starts to cool down. Inside women, something similar happens. It is the period of the famous PMS, which makes them go through the phase preparing for winter.

It may be that, like the animals in nature, this preparation is physical and mental, as in feeding, in keeping more energy and so on. Anyway, it is the period in which she needs more time for herself, she is not in the mood to create so much nor to relate much to the outside world.

It is the moment when, just as the winds change direction and temperature, she feels more withdrawn and withered. Like the leaves and flowers that fall from the trees in autumn.

Inner moon, outer moon and women

In the matriarchal period, thousands of years ago, women gathered in their tents to discuss the next cycle of society. They all menstruated on the New Moon, so it was sacred that they all stayed together for the period of 7 days so that they could enjoy this moment of rebirth together and to understand what would be the next steps for the crops, the economy and so on.

They were all very connected with their blood, their being, their essence, their purpose. Therefore, they were very listened to and used a lot the power of the surrounding nature and their own nature to decide and solve everything within the societies.

With the end of matriarchy and the beginning of patriarchy, the connection with their own blood ceased to exist and women were forced to live in a system in which one must follow the flow of material life forgetting their spiritual life. For this reason, there is the internal Moon, which is the phase in which a woman menstruates, regardless of the Moon in the sky.

Inner Moon

The Inner Moon refers to the cycle of the moon when counted with its beginning at the New Moon. So all women who are on their menstrual period, regardless of the moon in the sky, are experiencing their New Moon and this is how the meanings in their menstrual cycle are counted.

The moon may be the full moon, but if the woman is menstruating, she is with the Inner Moon being the New Moon and the Full Moon in the sky. Thus, it is important to understand that the phase of the cycle is that of death and rebirth, which marks the descent of blood, but do not leave aside the meaning of menstruating at Full Moon.

External Moon

The Outer Moon refers to the moon that is in the sky when a woman is menstruating, since the menstrual cycle counts its beginning when the blood descends. The moon in the sky can be different from the Inner Moon without any problem.

It is natural today to menstruate without being synchronized with the sky. This occurs because of the mundane life that all women are living in. For this reason, when it is spoken of the External Moon it will always be the moon in the sky. It may be a Full Moon and the woman menstruates, then she will have her Internal Moon in the New Moon phase and her External Moon in the Full Moon phase.

Red moon women

Women who correspond to the cycle of the Red Moon are those who tend to be turned inward. They are those women who are more intuitive and have a keener vision, turned not only to what can be seen and touched.

They are usually very exotic women, with a lot of freedom in their way of living and they do not usually fit into social standards. The energies of these women are focused only on the spiritual world and the mental field.

White moon women

Women who are part of the White Moon cycle are more energetic, enthusiastic, communicative and creative, have more maternal characteristics and the desire to protect others, either with their own children or just with the external world itself.

These are more fertile women who create projects from scratch very quickly and are very clever. All the energy of this woman is directed towards the material world, that is, she may be a person who likes to acquire many material goods for herself and that is how she feels pleasure in life and things.

Do contraceptives interfere with the meaning of menstruating at full moon?

The use of contraceptives does not interfere with the meaning of the Full Moon, but it can interfere with a woman's natural cycle. If a woman uses the pill and menstruates during the Full Moon, the meanings are the same, but it is possible that without the pill, her natural cycle is different.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.