Learn 7 panty sympathies with his name: black, red and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the simpatia of the panties with his name

For a long time women have sought ways to attract attention and seduce men and or people for whom they feel desire. In the middle of this path they may have disagreements, cries, sorrows and disappointments, because they run away from the natural course of things.

For these untimely things do not happen, you can resort to spells that arouse the desire and looks of someone for you. There are two situations in which the sympathy of the panties with his name can be used: the first is to win someone and attract the looks of this person you have the interest or desire.

The second is if you have fought or ended a relationship, but want to win the person back. If you fit in any of these situations, continue reading the article and find the right sympathy for your case:

Sympathy of panties used with his name and soap

This is a powerful dove gira sympathy, which has great results and is known to be very effective. It is intended for those who wish to have the loved one all to themselves, which means you need to nurture the feeling of love or passion for that someone.

It is highly recommended for those who have fallen out, ended a relationship or are fighting with the person you love and want to win it back. Write down everything you need and prepare this ritual following the step by step below:


Because it is a sympathy that involves a request to a pomba gira, you must believe in the entity. If your belief is not compatible with this step of the ritual, look in this article for other sympathies that are better suited to your desire.

Another recommendation is that the whole process is done at night, until 00h00 (midnight), regardless of the day or phase of the moon. This is a procedure that can be repeated whenever you feel the need.


To prepare this sympathy you will need a panty that is used and unwashed, a new soap (if it is a motel is even better, if it is a motel where you have gone with the person, it is excellent), red tape of any material, paper without lines and pen.

How to do

Start by taking the paper and, with the pen, write the full name of the person you want three times. After that, you will lick seven times and pass your saliva on this paper while thinking of the person having sex with you, preferably in bed.

After finishing this step, take the soap and wrap with the paper, then, wrap the two with your panties used, if possible, with the inside of the intimate piece in contact with the soap and paper. To finish, tie all items with the red ribbon while asking and mentalizing to pomba gira do cabaret bring the person for you.

While making the request, tie seven knots in the red ribbon and then keep it inside your wardrobe or under your mattress. It is important to emphasize that even after the person comes looking for you, it is necessary to keep the package stored and tied, so that the spell continues to make effect.

Sympathy of black or red panties with his name

This is a sympathy belonging to the pomba-gira Rosa Caveira, which helps the wronged and loves abundance, positive energies and everything very correct. So, you can be sure that it is a very strong sympathy, with great chances of realization to enjoy good times with your loved one. Learn more about how to prepare and the steps you must follow:


The ritual is done during 7 days, so it is necessary to have availability to do it without interruptions or unforeseen events, keep an eye on this period and make sure you can fulfill the sympathy until the end.


You will need to separate the following materials to use during the ritual: a red satin ribbon, a sewing needle, black sewing thread, a used black or red panty, black pencil or pen.

How to do

Write the full name of the desired person with pencil or black pen on the piece of red satin ribbon, and over the person's name, write your full name. You need to do this on the entire length of the satin ribbon, putting the person's name and your logo on top.

When you have completed the ribbon with your name, wrap the ribbon in five loops and attach it to the front of your panties, on the inside of the waistband. With the thread and needle, sew the ribbon to the panties with 7 knots, so that it is very strong and does not fall out. Let it rest until the next morning.

When you wake up, take the panties in hand and ask for the pomba-gira Rosa Caveira to help you, speaking the full name of the loved one and asking him to stay at your feet, stuck on you and with desire and eyes only for you. At the end, keep the panties under your bed and before bed, put it on, making the same prayer.

Repeat this procedure for 7 days in a row, praying when you wake up and go to bed. On the seventh day, bury the panties in a pot of plants, which can be swords of St. George, with me-nobody-pod and roses, preferably red. Do not let anyone know and wait for the man to come running to you.

Sympathy panties with his name and perfume

If you really want a man, and for some reason you can not or can not be together, this sympathy can give a helping hand in this situation to unite you. It is ideal for those who already have the loved one and just want to unite with her, being desired and loved by this man. Understand better how to prepare it:


This is a sympathy very suitable for those who already have the loved one and is facing some problems such as termination, arguments, fights, estrangement, among other reasons. If you are looking for a stronger energy of attraction, it is indicated to seek another sympathy here in this article.


Are simple and easy ingredients to prepare this ritual, get a red panty that has already been used by you, a 3x4 photo of the man you want, red thread, a needle, honey, perfume and a potted plant, important that the plant is one that you like and very beautiful.

How to do

Start with the panties, you will transform them into a basket with the red thread and the needle, make it so that whatever is inside does not fall. After this step, place the 3x4 photo of the person inside this basket and finish closing it with the thread and needle.

The next step is to put honey and sprinkle your perfume on top of the wrapping twice in a row. It is interesting that it is a perfume that you use often and like very much. When you are done, bury the mixture in the plant pot you want and grow this plant with much love, so that it stays alive. If the plant dies, your sympathy will not work.

Sympathy panties and underwear with his name for him to return

Indicated for those who want to rescue the relationship and ignite the desire that exists between both parties, this sympathy is very powerful and known to bring excellent results. It can be done by men or women, just exchange the panties for underwear and perform the procedures in the same order. Learn more about this sympathy in the topics below:


It is extremely important that the person involved in this sympathy does not know about it, or even suspect it, because this can change the course of your request and the ritual performed, and may even reverse the effect, causing you to have even more desire for the loved one.


To do this ritual you need a panty or underwear used by you, and a panty or underwear used by the person you want to conquer, a red thread, needle and a plastic bag.

How to do

Begin by sewing the underwear onto the panties with the red thread, making sure it is so tightly bound that you cannot unfasten them. Out loud, while you are sewing the underwear, say: "Just as I am fastening this underwear/ panties, I am also fastening your love. I will win you back (name of person)".

When finished, put the two underwear pieces inside the plastic bag and hide it in a way that the other person will never find it. The two underwear pieces that are hidden should never be found or even worn again.

Sympathy black panties with his name to St. Jude Thaddeus

St. Jude Thaddeus is the saint known for the impossible causes or difficult to be solved. If the barrier to have the person you love and live a happy relationship next to her is very large and difficult to deal with, we have a good ritual for you.

By pleasing St. Jude Thaddeus and asking in the right way for what you want, you will soon achieve your cause and have the man you love at your feet. Check out all the steps below:


It is recommended that this sympathy be done in the morning or afternoon, avoid doing it after 6 pm (six o'clock in the afternoon), because it will not have the same effect and may bring other intentions along.


You will need a used red panty, a red cloth or fabric, a sheet of unlined paper, a pen, safety pins, thread and a needle.

How to do

With the fabric, needle and thread, make a small bag and separate it. After that, take the sheet of paper and write a request to St. Jude Thaddeus, asking for his help to win the heart of the loved one, in this request, do not forget to put the full name. Then place the paper inside the bag you sewed and finish closing it with the needle and thread.

After everything is ready, each time you wear your red panties, this bag should be inside them. When the order is fulfilled, you should keep the panties with the bag and no longer use them.

Sympathy of panties with his name with daily absorbent

Well known for bringing back not only an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, but also a person you are flirting with or longing for, this sympathy encompasses all genders and is very effective in its outcome.

It is linked to Maria Padilha, a seductive turtle dove, very connected to worldly pleasures and desires. Therefore, she will guide you to the realization of your desire. Learn more about the sympathy and what is needed to do it:


It requires commitment, since it demands that the ritual be followed on more than one day. So, if you are not available to continue it until it is finished, wait until the most opportune moment to do it in the right way and with the energy that the ritual asks for. After all, it requires dedication and a lot of positive thinking.

Another very important indication is that, because it is linked to Maria Padilha, a pomba-gira, this sympathy requires a request to this entity. If you do not believe and your beliefs do not allow this contact, look for another sympathy here in this article.


To perform it you will need a new red panty, a piece of white paper without lines, a pen, a crepe tape and a daily absorbent (those of smaller sizes).

How to do

To begin, write three times in a row on the piece of paper, with the pen, the name of the person you want to attract and draw attention. Then, stick it with the crepe tape on the bottom of the red panties, which must be new and never been used, done that, stick the daily pad on top of the crepe tape.

At the end of the process, put on the panties while mentalizing and asking Maria Padilha that the person does not feel desire and attraction for anyone else but you. It is important to say it out loud, and specify in your request the full name of the person.

Use the panties for a whole day, and repeat this process for another 7 days, you can wash the panties and use it on alternate days, it is not necessary to leave it unwashed or use it every day in a row. At the end of the 8 days, put the panties away and wait for the result, when the person comes to you, you can use it normally.

Black panty sympathy with his name carnation, sunflower and vanilla

Light the flame between you and your loved one and renew the sexual attraction between you, bringing new desires and new energy to your time together with an energetic and attractive bath. It is ideal for those who are already in a relationship or are involved with someone and want to improve their sex life. Learn about the sympathy and the steps to perform it:


It is recommended that this ritual be prepared and performed on a Crescent Moon night, but it should not go past midnight. So, it is interesting to plan to do everything calmly and, preferably, alone.


For this sympathy you will need cloves, sunflower petals, vanilla essence, black panties already used by you and two liters of water.

How to do

Look at the calendar and make sure it will be available on a Crescent Moon day, then, separate all the ingredients and, in a pot or aluminum container, put the two liters of water to boil and add the ingredients one by one, including the panties. Wait for about 5 minutes and turn off the heat.

When the mixture is warm, remove the panties from the pot, put to dry on a clothesline outside your home and save the bath water to take it the next morning. After taking the bath in the morning, mentalizing this man in a sexual way, wear the panties and if possible, meet him that same day that you are wearing the panties.

Can I do more than one panty charm with his name on it?

Yes, it is possible to do more than one sympathy with the panties and the name of the loved one, but it is important to be cautious and descriptive, because some of the sympathies mentioned in this article have as ruler very powerful entities, which may not like to be requested at once for the same purpose. Therefore, make sure which sympathy you want to perform together.

It is worth remembering that people have free will and it may happen not to get the result exactly the way you imagine, even being powerful sympathies, some details may not go as planned. Understand how to rescue the loved one and win her back again with a good ritual, read the full content!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.