Fixed stars in astrology: what is it, which ones are of each sign and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are fixed stars in astrology?

Knowledge of the fixed stars dates back to antiquity and there is evidence that the Sumerians recorded them. In 250 BC, the Greek astronomer Timochares of Alexandria, assisted by Aristylus, produced the first known catalog of fixed stars.

The study of these stars is an important ally in the knowledge about the influence of the stars. They are stars that offer important insights into various aspects of the astrological charts. In general, the fixed stars reveal propensities and warnings. Thus, they provide clues about our potentials and qualities to be explored, indicating internal issues to beimproved.

The fixed stars belong to constellations and their symbologies are related to the myths attributed to their origin. In the West, the convention for their symbology is based on Greco-Roman mythology. Check out this article to find out everything about the fixed stars and which ones relate to your sign!

Understanding the fixed stars

In this section, we will see in what ways the fixed stars exert influence on us, from the place they occupy at the time of our birth and learn how to discover which ones are in our astrological chart. Check it out!

How do the fixed stars influence us?

Fixed stars appear in our charts in conjunction with planets and angles. Their presence should be read as additional information to what these planets indicate.

However, the fixed stars have their own symbology, derived from myths about the constellations they are part of. In an astrological chart, they offer clues to positive or negative aspects which guide personal behaviour.

Something important to understand them is to know that their influences are intense and often sudden. That is, they point to urgencies, warn of risks, but also bring good news in the short term.

How to find out which fixed stars in my birth chart?

Some factors are considered for the location of the fixed stars, such as their size and brightness, but also the angle at which they are within the four points which cross the astrological chart forming a cross, called Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Bottom of the Sky.

Another factor of great importance is its conjunction or opposition with a natal planet. A complete birth chart can provide the positions of the fixed stars at the time of your birth.

Astrologers basically use two methods to calculate these positions, one of them anonymous and more complex, and the other known as the Ptolemaic method, based on the studies of Ptolemy of Alexandria (2nd century AD).

The fixed stars of Aries

Now we will see how the fixed stars associated with Aries exert their influence, starting from their relationship with the symbolism of combativeness, resistance and violence. Check it out!


The star Difda, also known as Deneb Kaitos, is associated with the planet Saturn in terms of its nature. That is, it influences in terms of tendencies towards self-destructive behavior, prostration and serious psychological problems such as depression. Its constellation is the Whale.


Algenib is a star situated in one of the extremities of the constellation Pegasus. Its nature is considered to be that of the planets Mars and Mercury and the influences that this fixed star exerts are notably of inability and carelessness with finances, as well as violent tendencies.


The fixed star Alpheratz belongs to the constellation Andromeda and in essence has the qualities of Venus and Jupiter. It inspires very positive energies such as: independent spirit, sagacity and respect for animals. Freedom is fundamental for people influenced by this star.


Batenkaitos is a fixed star situated in the constellation of the Whale. Its energies emanate dense inspirations, influenced by Saturn. The presence of this star warns of dangers with accidents, especially in aquatic spaces and it brings propensity to considerable losses and dramatic changes.

Al pherg

The fixed star Al pherg has nature of Jupiter and Saturn. It is the brightest star in the constellation Pisces and inspires more positive than negative tendencies. Those influenced by Al pherg possess determination, finding no difficulties in achieving their goals.


The star Vertex is situated in the constellation Andromeda. Its influences are of lunar and Martian nature and extend, for those who have this star in their chart, as warning signs. Vertex points to vision problems and suffering related to the eyes.

Al Ferg

The fixed star Al ferg inspires perseverance to those who have it in their birth chart. By itself, it is a positive quality, but the energy of Al ferg directs a person's obstinacy toward recklessness and enjoyment of excessive risks.

The fixed stars of Taurus

In this section we will see some information about the twelve fixed stars associated with Taurus. We will understand a little more about what kind of influence these stars can have in an astrological chart. Follow along!


Mirach, star of the constellation Andromeda which has the nature of Venus, emanates energies directed towards the consolidation of love and the maintenance of harmony in the home, as well as kindness and forgiveness. It is a star which especially favours artists.


Scheratan is situated in the constellation of Aries. Its nature is Martian and Saturnine, inspiring disasters like earthquakes, as well as potentiating tendencies to violence. This star is an instigator of war and social conflicts. Its energy warns of the propensity to physical injuries.


The star Hamal is situated in the constellation of Aries. Its nature is Martian and Saturnine. This star inspires vigor and independence, but can also point to propensities to crime as it emanates an energy which accentuates cruelty in people.


Schedir is situated in the breast space of the constellation Cassiopeia. The symbolism linked to this queen of Greek mythology indicates influences of feminine strength, persuasion and diplomacy. On the other hand, it is a star that instigates the thirst for power.


Almach is a star with nature of Venus, situated in the constellation Andromeda. Its influence is exerted on the inclination to success and honor. People influenced by it tend to take prominent places, especially in the field of arts.


Menkar is a star of the constellation of Whale, with nature associated with Saturn. People influenced by Menkar are exposed to financial difficulties and are prone to throat and larynx diseases. The star also warns about injuries caused by animals.


Capulus is a star of the constellation Perseus. Its nature is of Mars and Mercury and its influences are ambiguous, pointing to virility and courage, and accentuated sexuality, but also warning of the danger of physical blindness.


Algol, from the constellation Perseus, is located on the head of Medusa. This star has nature of Saturn and Jupiter and exerts very negative influences, warning about tendencies to misfortunes and violent deaths, besides inspiring intense passions and emotional lack of control.


Alcyone is a star of the Pleiades group, located in the constellation Taurus. It receives the qualities of the Moon and Mars and influences love for collective affairs, positively inspiring people in political positions. On the other hand, it points to unbridled ambition.


In ancient times, the Pleiades were counted as six stars. After Galileo, we know that they are seven. In any case, the six sisters, as perceived in antiquity, have a lunar and Martian nature and exert an influence on optimism, favoring tranquility.

The fixed stars of Gemini

We will now see the main characteristics of the fixed stars associated with Gemini, deepening our knowledge about the influences they exert in an astrological chart. Check it out!


The fixed star Mirfak belongs to the constellation Perseus, being its brightest star. In terms of importance, however, it is behind the star Algol. Mirfak exerts combative influences, i.e. it can inspire determination, but also a sense of competitiveness and aggressiveness.

Prima Hyadum

Prima Hyadum is a fixed star which is situated in the constellation Taurus. Its nature is that of the planets Saturn and Mercury. Prima Hyadum exerts influence on introspective behavior, bringing sadness and negative surprises. It points to physical risks in the head region.


Aldebaran is situated in the constellation Taurus and its nature is Mars. It has an extremely positive action in an astrological chart, inspiring intelligence, bravery, honorable conducts and development of several capacities. Its warning points consist in irritability and use of violence.


Rigel is located in the constellation Orion. Its nature is deeply associated with Saturn and Jupiter. It inspires great capacity for inventions and the transmission of knowledge. It exerts a positive influence and sharpens tendencies towards generosity and concern for the collective.


Of nature associated with Mars and Mercury, Bellatrix is in the constellation Orion. It inspires great achievements in the military field or in high positions in other areas. It favors wealth and recognition. Its warning point is in relation to the loss of achievements.


Capella is located in the constellation of Charioteer. With a nature associated with Mars and Mercury, it inspires a keen sense of curiosity and ease of learning. It provides social and professional ascension. It favors respect and influence. In addition, it emanates energies of desire for freedom.

Cingula Orionis

The star Cingula Orionis is situated in the constellation Orion. Its field of influence covers memory, sense of organization, taste for progress and vigor for work. Its presence in an astrological chart indicates an immense propensity for happiness.


The star Phact is situated in the constellation of Columba and the planets which inspire its nature are Mercury and Venus. The positive action of Phact generates intense taste for knowledge and especially for exploring mysteries. It favors safe travels and hope.


Ensis is situated in the constellation Orion. This star has the nature of the Moon and Mars. Ensis influences are negative and dense, generating probabilities of diseases and tragedies. The physical fragility points to be observed are the eyes.


Mintaka is a star of the constellation Orion, being part of the three stars that draw its belt. Its nature is the same as Jupiter and Saturn. It is known as a star of positive manifestation, which inspires beneficial events.


The fixed star Mintak, associated with Gemini, exerts very positive influences when it appears in an astrological chart. It is related to increasing luck and the probability of success. Its energy favours business and success in many areas.

El Nath

El Nath is a fixed star in the constellation of Taurus. Its nature is from Mars and its influences lead to good results in financial projects. It inspires neutrality, i.e., it does not inspire moral inclinations for good or evil.


Alnilan has nature associated with Jupiter and Saturn. It is located in the constellation Orion. Its energies exert influence on the public sphere, bringing honor and prominence to those who are influenced by it. The warning lies in the potential transient character of these achievements.

Al Hecka

Al Hecka is a fixed star situated in the constellation of Gemini, with nature linked to the qualities of Mars. This star emanates quite heavy energies and inspires violent feelings as well as propensity to physical aggressiveness. Al Hecka also brings probabilities of accidents.


Betelgeuse is part of the constellation Orion and its nature is associated with the planets Mars and Mercury. The influence of this star is positive and is exerted on material gains, generating accumulation of wealth and providing recognition and fame.


The star Menkalinan has a nature linked to Mercury and Mars. It is situated in the constellation of Chariot. This star offers a warning sign regarding material risks i.e. its presence attracts financial ruin and instability.


The star Polaris is in the constellation of Ursa Minor and has a nature associated with Venus and Saturn. On the one hand, it inspires the healing of eye diseases. On the other hand, it emanates energies that incite afflictions, favoring burdens and misfortunes.

The Fixed Stars of Cancer

In this section we will see which are the fixed stars of Cancer and to which constellations they belong, as well as what influences they are capable of exerting. Follow along!


The planetary nature of the star Dirah is related to Mercury and Venus. It belongs to the constellation Gemini. It is a star which inspires positive and negative tendencies. It can attract heartbreak and trials, but offers spiritual protection and strength in turbulent times.


The planetary nature of the star Mirzam is related to the planet Venus. The energy of this star manifests itself through the inspiration of messages, that is, it is a celestial body that announces great achievements, inspiring action aimed at the common good.


Alhena is associated with the qualities of Mercury and Venus. It is a star situated in the constellation Gemini. It favors those who work with the arts and instigates concern for aesthetics. The feet are the physical point weakened by its influence.


Sirius, a star of immense brightness, is located in the constellation of the Great Dog. Its nature is of Jupiter and Mars. It exerts influence by activating the energies of desire, favors fidelity, but instigates rancor. In general, it favors intentions of collective good.


Canopus is a fixed star of the constellation known as The Keel. Its nature is of Saturn and Jupiter. The influence exerted by Canopus is of orientation, that is to say, it offers aid to navigators and travellers, it illuminates knowledge and the appreciation of traditions.


Vasat is a fixed star in the constellation Gemini. Its nature is Saturnian and it exerts a destructive influence, opening the channels for violence and bringing propensity to chaos. It has energies that generate impulsiveness and favor authoritarianism.

I proposed

The fixed star Propus is in the constellation Gemini and its nature is associated with Mercury and Venus. This star inspires success and recognition, but also incites chronic diseases in general. Those influenced by it tend to take risks in games.


Castor is in the constellation Gemini and its essence is that of the planet Mercury. Its influences confer social prominence and lead to leadership positions. However, this star also inspires loss of achievements, illness and ruin.


Pollux is located in the constellation Gemini and his essence is that of the planet Mars. Those influenced by him are prone to violence, are astute and know how to defend themselves well, but they are also vindictive and tend to pessimism, always learning through falls.


Procyom is in the constellation of the Lesser Dog and has the nature of Mercury and Mars. This star favors ephemeral gains and conquests, i.e. of short duration. It exerts a negative influence, giving propensity to maliciousness, pride and resentment.

The fixed stars of Leo

Now we will learn which are the fixed stars of Leo and to which constellations they belong, as well as what influences they are capable of exerting. Check it out!


Aselli is a fixed star with the nature of Sun and Mars. It is in the constellation of Crab and influences by bringing out violent passions. It favors malice and lies. On the other hand, it is a star that increases luck.


Praesaepe's nature is a conjunction of the essences of the Moon, Mars and Neptune. It is located in the constellation of Crab. It is a star that favors business and professional goals. Its weak point is visual deficiencies.


Acubens has nature of Saturn and Mercury. It is situated in the constellation of Crab and instigates in its influenced ones the propensity to lie and manipulation. Its energies propagate maliciousness and increase the impulses to crime, making people more dangerous.


Dubhe is a star in the constellation of the Big Dipper which offers success, but not without great risks of falling. Those influenced by it have a keen sense of justice and know how to exercise generosity, but are prone to anger and hurt.


Alphard has a Venus and Saturn nature. It is a star of the constellation Hydra which potentiates the taste for beauty, inspiring music. On the other hand, it is also capable of leading to vices, promiscuity and violent passions in general.


Algenubi belongs to the constellation Leo and has a Saturn and Mars nature. This star favors the taste for arts, but also inspires revenge. Those influenced by it are very determined and tend to be ruthless, extracting pleasure from cruelty.


Adhafera belongs to the constellation Leo and has a Saturn and Mercury nature. This star has dense energies, inclining its influenced to crime and making them prone to depression and suicidal tendencies. It also weakens them in relation to toxic products.

Al Jabhah

Al Jabhah has nature of Mercury and Saturn. It is a fixed star in the constellation of Leo. The presence of Al Jabhah in an astrological chart is a warning of great dangers, and its influenced ones should learn to overcome the losses.


Regulus has the nature of Mars and Jupiter. It is a star in the constellation of Leo. It inspires great ideals and remarkable deeds of recognition, but also brings failure and decay, with a propensity for consequences such as imprisonment and popular trial.

The Fixed Stars of Virgo

Now we will learn about the fixed stars of Virgo, discussing their constellations and their fields of influence on those who have them in their birth chart. Check it out!


The star Zosma has nature of Venus and Saturn, and is situated in the constellation of Leo. It favors originality, but propitiates psychic suffering, increases tendencies to irrational fears and phobias and induces its influenced to selfishness and pessimism.


Denebola has a Venus and Saturn nature and is situated in the constellation Leo. This star attracts natural disasters. It induces its influenced to irrational behavior and hasty judgments, prejudices and disgust, although it also influences the tendency to generosity.


Labrum has the nature of Venus and Mercury and is located in the constellation known as The Cup. This is a star that gives inner power and emotional balance, enhancing spirituality. It operates positively in obtaining riches by work and merit.


The star Zavijava has its nature associated with the essences of Mercury and Mars. It is situated in the constellation Virgo. It contaminates energetically with strength and courage, accentuating good character, but also exerting excessive influence on the combative spirit.


Markeb is a star of the constellation known as The Candle. It has a nature associated with Jupiter and Saturn and inspires a taste for knowledge and education. Those influenced by it are inclined to teaching and have a love for travel and discovery in general.

The Fixed Stars of Libra

In this section we will look at the fixed stars of Libra, discussing the ways in which their influences are exerted on those who have them in their birth chart.


The star Zaniah belongs to the constellation of Virgo and reflects its nature in conjunction with Venus and Mercury. This star has a positive influence on an astrological chart, refining sensibilities for love and noble feelings in general.


Vindemiatrix is of the nature of Saturn and Mercury and its location is in the constellation of Virgo. Its energies manifest in potentizing falseness and slippery character, inspiring emotional upheavals. Its influenced ones tend toward lonely endings and oblivion.


Diadem, located in Coma Berenices, or The Wig of Berenice, inspires Stoic behaviors, That is, it helps to bear great pain and its influenced have a tendency to sacrifice themselves for others, causing self-effacement, connivance with others' faults and inclination to excessive passivity.


Caphir is a star located in the constellation of Virgo, with nature linked to Venus and Mercury. Its influence activates sensitivity, offering taste for occult knowledge. Who has this star in his chart often develops gift for prophecy.


Algorab, from the constellation of Raven, has a nature linked to Mars and Saturn. The energetic forces of this star are dense and attract pride and arrogance, favoring aggressiveness and irrationality in the most trivial conflicts. It also attracts psychic diseases.


The star Seginus has the nature of Mercury and Saturn and is found in the constellation of the Oxen. The presence of this star in an astrological chart brings ambitious aspirations, perseverance and success. However, those influenced by Seginus tend to suffer from loneliness.


Foramen is in the constellation known as The Quilla. Its nature is of Saturn and Jupiter. The presence of this star in an astrological chart brings natural dignity, inclination to do good and to feel empathy. It attracts eye diseases.


Spica is in the constellation of Virgo, with nature linked to Venus and Mars. Spica's inspiration potentiates rash attitudes and unfair judgments. Those influenced by Spica love culture and science, but lack empathy. They are prone to sterility.


Arcturus has a nature of Mars and Jupiter and is found in the constellation of Boieiro. The presence of this star in an astrological chart leads to power with ease as well as recognition. It is a celestial body which attracts great prosperity and lucidity.

The Fixed Stars of Scorpio

Below we will look at the fixed stars of Scorpio, as well as the inclinations and tendencies they awaken from their presence in an astrological chart. Check it out!


Princeps is a star of the constellation Boieiro, with nature associated with Mercury and Saturn. Its influence reaches deeply into the intellect and who has it in his astrological chart is instigated to seek knowledge, cultivating curiosity.


Khambalia is a star situated in the constellation of Virgo, with nature linked to Mars and Venus. People influenced by this star have a tendency to confrontation, are scheming and eloquent, have difficulty trusting others and a disposition to aggressiveness.


Acrux has Jupiter nature and is the biggest star of the Southern Cross, also known as Magellanic Star. It inspires attraction for mysticism and all that belongs to occult and magic. It offers respect and appreciation for rituals.


Alpheca is a star that is found in the constellation of the Boreal Crown. Its nature is of the planets Venus and Mercury. Its energies offer fertility and union, being this a very favorable star for marriage and affective relationships in general.

Zuben Elgenubi

Zuben Elgenubi is a star of nature linked to Mars and Saturn. It is located in the constellation of the Balance and acts influencing the collective, so as to encourage social transformations. On the other hand, it instigates violent actions and can bring chaos.

Zuben Elschemali

Zuben Elschemali is a sister star of Zuben Elgenubi, and therefore is also in the constellation of Scales. It has nature of Mercury and Jupiter and influences ascension, power and social transformations. Its weak point is excessive ambition.


Unukalhal has a nature linked to Mars and Saturn. It is a star of the constellation Serpent with a propensity to increase negative energies, leading to violence of physical passions. It presents a marked disposition to venereal diseases. Its influence also extends to accidents.


Agena, or Beta Centauri, is in the constellation of Centaurus and has nature of Venus and Jupiter. It is a star that exerts positive influences and awakens to study and charity. Agena has the power to ensure good health.


Rigel Kentaurus, or Toliman, is a star in the constellation Centaurus. It has a Venus and Jupiter nature, and is a sister star to Agena. Toliman exerts a powerful and positive influence on society, inspiring great deeds for the common good.

The Fixed Stars of Sagittarius

In this section we will look at the fixed stars of Sagittarius, as well as their influences and warnings from their presence in an astrological chart. Follow along!

Yed Prior

Yed Prior is a star located in the constellation of Serpentarius. Its nature is Venus and Saturn. When this star appears in an astrological chart, it carries energies which cause great conflicts and dramatic changes. Moreover, it attracts immorality.


Isidis is a star with nature associated to Saturn and Mars. It is situated in the constellation of Scorpio and inspires the lack of modesty and modesty, influencing in those who have it in their chart the sneaky instinct and promiscuity.


Graphias, also known as Acrab, is located in the constellation of Scorpio and has a nature of Mars and Saturn. She brings inclinations to evil use of intelligence. Her influenced ones easily obtain knowledge, but misuse it and are prone to crime.


The star Antares is located in the constellation of Scorpio and has a Mars and Jupiter nature. When this star appears in an astrological chart, it brings tendencies to free thinking and independence, but also inclinations to obsessions and self-destruction.


Rastaban, star situated in the constellation of Draco, has nature of Venus and Saturn. This star attracts impulsiveness and taste for danger. It influences to recklessness and has highly negative effect on environments, generating discomfort and risk of accidents.

Ras Asalhague

Ras Asalhague has nature of Saturn and Venus. It is a star of the constellation Serpentary, and its energy promotes healing, inspiring knowledge and practice of medicine. Nevertheless, it potentiates tendencies to perversion and excessive surrender to pleasures.


Lesath is located in the constellation of Scorpio and has a nature linked to Mercury and Mars. This star is dangerous in terms of influence, inciting violence and danger. It brings propensity to poisonings and cruel and thoughtless actions.


Aculeus is a star of the nature of the Moon and Mars. It is situated in the constellation of Scorpio. It warns of eye hazards, which can also be interpreted metaphorically, i.e. it attracts difficulty of vision both physically and in the sense of understanding.


Sinister is a star of the nature of Venus and Saturn. Its point of location is the constellation of Serpentary. When it appears in an astrological chart, it brings tendencies to practice evil, inciting negative feelings and will to harm others.


Spiculum is a star of the nature of the Moon and Mars. Its location point is in the constellation of Sagittarius. The presence of this star in an astrological chart is a warning for eye related problems, indicating probability of blindness.

The Fixed Stars of Capricorn

We now know which are the fixed stars related to the sign of Capricorn and to which constellations they belong, as well as what influences they are capable of exerting. Check it out!


Pelagus has the nature of Mercury and Jupiter. This is the second brightest star in the constellation of Sagittarius, it influences the enhancement of intelligence, emotional strength and inclination towards faith and religiosity, also sharpening the communicative capacity.


Polis has a nature linked to Mars and Jupiter. Its point of location is the constellation Sagittarius. This star strengthens the physical body, especially the muscles, and also exerts influence on leadership and domination abilities, accentuating charisma.


Facies is a star in the constellation of Sagittarius, and its nature is linked with the Sun, but also with Mars. Its power of attraction is in a negative way, acting on the probability of physical diseases, especially in relation to the eyes.


The star Ascella has a nature linked to Mercury and Jupiter and is located in the constellation Sagittarius. It is a star of positive emanations and vibrates energies of prosperity, enhancing feelings of love and generosity. It also brings good luck.


Vega is a star of more positive than negative energies, and is situated in the constellation of Lyre. Its nature is of Mercury and Venus. It attracts longevity, symbolizes hope and influences intelligence. It inspires care, however, in relation to pride and lust.


Rukbat is a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. Its planetary nature connects with the Sun and Mars. Located on the left knee of the archer forming the design of its constellation, it inspires support, sense of strategy and perseverance in an astrological chart.


Deneb is in the constellation Aquila, and has a nature linked to Mars and Jupiter. This star favors the tendency to leadership, leading to positions of power. Deneb offers excellent possibilities for success, provided the leader acts with good intentions.


Terebellum has nature of Venus and Saturn. It is a star in the constellation of Sagittarius. This celestial body attracts financial success because it instigates greed and taste for money. It also impoverishes consciousness and potentiates dissatisfaction and inner emptiness.

The fixed stars of Aquarius

Now we'll look at some information about the ten fixed stars associated with the sign of Aquarius, including the types of influence these stars can have on a birth chart. Follow along!


Albireo has the nature of Venus and Mercury. This star is situated in the constellation of Swan and exerts benevolent influences, inspiring those who have it in their astral chart to practice good deeds. Those influenced by it develop a taste for cleanliness and order.


Altair, a star in the constellation of Eagle, has a Mars and Jupiter nature and gives to those influenced a lot of confidence and bravery. Honours often accompany those who have it in their birth chart. On the other hand, it warns of dangers related to reptiles.


Giedi has the nature of Mars and Venus and is located in the constellation of Capricorn. It is a star that inspires personal detachment, that is, those who have it in their chart are prone to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.


The star Oculus has nature of Venus and Saturn and is located in the constellation of Capricorn. It favors intellect and sensitivity to arts and aesthetics in general. It inspires constancy and serenity, but also attracts isolation.


The star Bos has the nature of Venus and Saturn and is located in the constellation of Capricorn. This star inspires perspicacity, that is, those influenced by it have no difficulty in understanding others and can gain advantages through their intelligence.


Armus has nature of Mars and Mercury and is located in the constellation of Capricorn. The power of attraction of this star leads to shamelessness and propensity to ridicule, with weakening of reputation. It indicates tendencies to emotional instability.


Castra has nature of Jupiter and Saturn and is located in the constellation of Capricorn. The presence of this star in an astrological chart influences negatively the personality, leading to self-destruction. Its influenced ones act by stubbornness and have cruelty easily activated.


Nashira has a Jupiter and Saturn nature and is located in the constellation of Capricorn. This star inspires overcoming, positively affecting with energy against evil and disposition to correction. The risk it warns against is interactions with animals.

Deneb Algedi

Deneb Algedi has the nature of Jupiter and Saturn and is situated in the constellation of Capricorn. This star emanates ambiguous energies, that is, it predisposes equally to good and evil, which brings to those influenced peaks of afflictions and joys.


Sadalsuud is a star situated in the constellation Aquarius. It has the nature of Mercury and Saturn and influences in a way that enhances coldness, insensitivity and selfishness. It generates uncontrolled sexual impulses and aggravates difficulties in the domestic environment.

The Fixed Stars of Pisces

In this section we will learn which are the fixed stars of Pisces and to which constellations they belong, as well as what influences they are capable of exerting. Look!


Sadalmelik is a star in the constellation Aquarius and its nature is Saturn and Mercury. Its presence attracts difficult challenges that once solved bring prestige and financial stability. The warning of this star is about judicial problems.


The star Fomalhaut belongs to the constellation Pisces Austral. Its nature is linked to Mercury and Venus. This star is deeply connected with spiritual development, providing amplitude of vision and thirst for knowledge. It brings enlightenment and favors luck.

Deneb Adige

Deneb Adige belongs to the constellation of the Swan. Its nature is linked to the planets Mercury and Venus. People who have this star in their astrological chart develop clarity of thought, exercise their will easily and generally have coherent behaviour.


The star Skat is part of the constellation Aquarius and its nature is Saturn and Mercury. It offers favor to personal achievements and grants wishes. Skat also acts to minimize risks and aid recovery.


Achernar is situated in the constellation known as Eridano and has the nature of Jupiter. This star offers great strength of spirit to go through difficulties and illnesses. It also favors public interests and emanates energies to help religious people.


Markab is situated in the constellation Pegasus. Its nature is linked to Mars and Mercury. It is a star that warns of dangers with fire and electrical appliances. It also warns against sharp instruments. It is a powerful memory activator.


The star Scheat is situated in the constellation Pegasus. Its nature is linked to Mars and Mercury. Scheat's influence extends to intellectuality, that is, it favors originality, strength of opinion and argumentative capacity.

Should I worry if I have a lot of negative stars in my chart?

The knowledge about the fixed stars holds the wisdom of antiquity. In other words, since ancient times, we have looked at and studied the sky and its stars in search of explanations for life. This includes our desire to analyze the personality traits of people, as well as their tendencies and inclinations.

It is these aspects that the study of the fixed stars helps to clarify. The presence of these stars in the astrological charts demonstrates probabilities and natural attractions.

Therefore, having negative stars in an astrological chart does not mean the certainty of a path of sufferings and doom. They only point to traces to be observed. They are signs for us to deviate from the easy path of error and seek the development of our deepest spiritual capacities.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.