Exu Mirim: its history, characteristics, performance, offerings and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is Exu Mirim?

Exu Mirim is an Umbanda entity that acts in the left side of the religion. His participation as a phalanx brings fundamentals and knowledge in works, breaks demands and mainly brings out and sees the inside of the mediums and consulters.

He was never incarnated, for he is an enchanted being of nature. His strength, his child-like archetype and his magic enchant, cheer and bring confidence to all those present at the gira.

Therefore, with this entity, people will always be told the truth in order to see themselves and to resolve traumas, fears and karmas that are stored in the subconscious or hidden in their hearts.

To know more about this magnificent entity, check out the details in this article!

The history of Exu Mirim

One always hears within Umbanda that "without Exu, nothing can be done". With Exu Mirim, one usually hears: "without him, nothing can be done". To understand its importance and justification, justifying its presence in Umbanda, we will address some important topics in this article.

Exu Mirim assumed the archetype that was constructed for him: the bad boy. When manifested inside the terreiro, this unknown entity showed himself to be impossible to control, swearing, making mischief in absentia and embarrassing everyone - especially the father of saint, who had no control over the incorporation.

Finally, in face of this reality, they were excluded and kept away from the works, with many terreiros manifesting a prejudice in working with this line. However, with its mystery revealed and spread, today, this line of work is considered one of the most important and powerful within Umbanda.

Exu Mirim, in his manifestation, externalizes the inner self of his medium, becoming a mirror that reflects his inner self to everyone. So, when manifested in an "uncontrolled" way, it was actually the medium's lack of control and unbalance coming to the surface - therefore, excluding them represented excluding his own inner self.

Read on to learn more about the history of this entity!

Never incarnate

Contrary to what many people think, Exus Mirins are not spirits of street children or disincarnated criminals. They are not human spirits, under no circumstance. In fact, they are enchanted beings of nature, coming from the seventh dimension to the left of our human dimension.

These beings have their own evolutionary cycle and come to our plane to help us in our evolution. The line of Exu Mirim is not the only one in which these spirits present themselves, as the line of Erês or the Children of the right manifest these same beings, but with a different field of action and energy.

They just look like children

All lines of work in Umbanda assume an archetype. This is the way the entities present themselves (for example: the figure of the black slave, the Brazilian Indian, the immigrant from Bahia etc.). Each one of these archetypes represents the message and the field of action of that line.

In the case of the Exus Mirins, they assume the archetype of children, in the way of speaking and acting and in the tastes. This happens because of the main function of the Exu Mirim with the medium, which is to act within the innermost feelings, those that, many times, are hidden from the medium himself.

Childhood is the period in which we develop and absorb information in order to build our personality. Therefore, a child has no pre-established fears, has no filter and is extremely pure.

This is the codified message that Exu Mirim passes on as he assumes the archetype of the child. He acts on the formation of personality, old traumas and his original personality which is often suppressed within him by the events of life.

Spirits of the Left

Exu Mirim forms the triad of the left, together with Exu and Pomba Gira. These 3 forces are responsible and act on the negative side of creation. In Umbanda, there is a vision that everything that is formed in the universe and even the universe itself is energy. These energies are polarized, that is, everything has its positive energy and its negative energy.

However, it cannot be confused with the concept of good and bad, as negative energy presents itself as absorbing, paralyzing and exhausting, none of which are bad by definition.

For example, a person who persecutes the one they love and acts abusively out of love is obviously experiencing that feeling in an addicted and misrepresented way. That's where the negative energy of the universe comes in, absorbing that addicted feeling so that the person can find balance.

Connection with the human

Because they are in a vibrational range closer to the earthly one, which is where incarnated humans live, the Exus Mirins tend to be closer to human feelings. It is common for a medium who is still developing to have more facility to incorporate spirits of this vibrational range.

The Exus Mirim and the Pombas-Gira Mirins have even more of this facility, since their incorporation is more a manifestation from inside to outside, than from outside to inside.

Therefore, it is normal that, as the medium becomes more mature, the way these entities present themselves also changes, because they start to present themselves as they really are, without the medium's sentimental or rational interference.

It is understood in Umbanda that the manifestation of the spirits happens through a partnership, in which the medium gives up his vanities and authoritarianism, to make room for another spirit who, through him, comes to help and give charity.

In Umbanda

Umbanda is a Brazilian religion, and not an Afro-Brazilian religion, as many people think. This information is important to understand the difference of the left of Umbanda and other religions that also worship common entities.

In Umbanda, Exu and Pomba-gira are known as working spirits who have disincarnated from the earthly plane and, because they have reached a higher evolutionary level, come to help and guide the mediums in their own spiritual evolution. Exu Mirim, although not a being that has incarnated, fulfills the same purpose.

In Candomblé

Candomblé is an Afro-Brazilian religion. Each region of Africa worshiped only one or two Orixás, each village having its own. But when the African slaves arrived in Brazil, they were mixed and this caused the Orixás to begin to be worshiped together, each one in its own way.

In candomblé, Exú is an Orixá who has the responsibility of being the intermediary between the other Orixás and people - therefore, Exú would be a messenger of the other Orixás. The main difference is in the form of culture, since, in Umbanda, Exu is an entity, just like Preto Velho or Caboclo. In candomblé, Exu is an Orixá, being worshiped and revered as such.

Thus, the way of worshipping Pomba Gira in candomblé houses is also different, and in some older houses, little or nothing is seen of her presence and even less of Exu Mirim. These energies can be present, but do not incorporate as in Umbanda.

In the Sacred Jurema

The Cult of Sacred Jurema, also known as catimbó, is a religion practiced in the northeastern region of Brazil and is a hybrid cult, born of the contacts that occurred between indigenous, European and African spiritualities. It has its foundations around the Jurema tree, where it is used from the root to the leaves.

The leftist entities within this ritual present themselves in a very similar way to Umbanda and are seen as less evolved than the rightist masters. Their names can also be similar, however these are called Exus Catimbozeiros.

Characteristics of Exu Mirim

The archetype chosen by Exus Mirins is the figure of the child, because it reminds us of innocence and joy. Consequently, they end up bringing the most childlike traits and tastes, but they use smoking and drinking for their spiritual works.

Exu Mirim, contrary to what was interpreted in decades past, is an entity of extreme importance to Umbanda and the world, as it is his essence that maintains cosmic balance. To learn more characteristics of this entity, keep reading!

Cunning and fun

Exu Mirim, with his archetype, represents happy children who have enjoyed their childhood. From arts and mischief, as some children do, pressing the doorbells of houses and running away, to the presence of crazy ideas of fun games, living childhood in its essence, Exu Mirim has a very striking and specific behavior.

Responsibility and seriousness

The Exu Mirim develops a very important work, deep inside his mediums and the consulters. So, as soon as he starts working, his posture changes and alters very fast.

The jobs given to them demand a responsibility and seriousness, so don't be surprised by this change of mood. It may be normal that they already incorporate this way: more discreet, calm and thoughtful.

This happens when the energy of the environment is already charged, or when the medium is out of his ordinary energy. So they first develop cleanliness and balance and then find time to enjoy themselves.

Very powerful and wise

It is common to ask a child a complex question and he will answer you with something simple, but that makes total sense. This is the feeling of an Exu Mirim consultation, because they are spirits much more evolved than we are. So, mundane questions, for them, are simple.

The Exus Mirins help you to see this simplicity in life, because they know powerful spells and nothing is hidden or concealed from them. They are also used to hide protection spells and solve situations up to where the power of the Exu and Pomba Gira is limited.

Performance of Exu Mirim

The Exu Mirim closes the triad of the left in Umbanda, which carries its external attributions, but also its internal attributions, with its mediums.

Exu is the entity that will work in your actions to the world, because he will act in the rational and give more attitude to conquer your goals. Pomba Gira will influence the internal of how you feel the world and how you let the external influence the internal. That is, she will give you more patience to treat others, will bring you self-esteem, not to let yourself be subjugated, and so on.before.

Thus, the Exu Mirim is responsible for the influence of the internal with the external. He takes care of and influences your deepest thoughts and feelings and nothing is hidden from him. Check out more about his performance below!

Contributes to mental cleansing

Thoughts are responsible for generating feelings, and in the mind are stored the reason for suffering and the solutions to these feelings. When we speak of the mysterious Exu Mirim in creation, we are speaking of the ability to find the hidden, to see what no one else sees, and to know how to deal with the most complex issues.

Therefore, look within yourself, for surely you carry unresolved issues, traumas and fears that end up paralyzing you at some point. For protection, this information is played and suffocated within your being. However, if not dealt with at some point, they come back as pain in the future.

Exu Mirim is responsible for externalizing these pains, not as a form of punishment, but as an opportunity for you to resolve, accept and make that become a page turned in your life.

Eliminates negative work effect

Bad energies do pick up, however you need to be vibrating in the same energy range as that negative work. This will probably not kill you, but it can hinder you greatly. Therefore, one of the activities of all beings of light is the cutting out of these negative magics.

Exu Mirim has a special ability in cutting these works, because, besides his agility, which allows him to enter and leave very quickly, he also dominates the power of the occult. So, nothing is hidden from Exu Mirim: to him nothing is secret and he can see the intentions behind each one.

Besides being responsible for depleting and regressing the negative spirits, when Exu Mirim enters a battle to defend someone who has the deserving, he acts quickly and effectively, leaving no time for the negative forces to see him.

Increases optimism

How you view the world is directly linked to how you let the world get to you and how much you allow negative feelings to linger. Every bad news, badness and sensationalism you see and hear is processed by your brain and no matter how much you don't see it, it starts to accumulate like dirt.

In this way, Exu Mirim is the great cleaner of the mind and spirit. After a pass with him, you have the same feeling of cleanliness after a nice bath. The forces of Exu Mirim deliver the same satisfaction as a clean house.

With a clean mind, soul and house, anyone feels much better. Thus, this entity can be a great help in cases of people with depression, although this is no substitute for treatment. This person may have hidden wounds so deep that no one knows and with this, Exu Mirim can bring them to light, helping in the effectiveness of the sections.

Help and advice

In practice, hardly Exu Mirim will tell you what you want to hear, but you can be sure that he will say what you need to hear and at the time you need to hear. Exu Mirim does not beat around the bush, because he speaks exactly what he wants and needs to speak at that moment.

Despite this, do not be afraid to ask for his advice and his help. Among all the entities or all the people, he is the one who can help the most, because he can see into your innermost being. When asking Exu Mirim, always ask for wisdom and understanding, so that you can know which path to follow.

In the practice of justice

Exu Mirim is a Guardian of Divine Law and an Executor of Justice. Because he is an executor, Exu Mirim exhausts his karmas, whether of the consulent, the medium or of those who have the desire to do evil.

Ogum is the Orixá that rules the throne of the Divine Law - all laws are Ogum's responsibility and nobody and no spirit is outside the law. Xangô is the Orixá responsible for justice: he judges in his scales who breaks the divine laws, applying his sentence.

Thus, the Exus, the Pombas-Gira and the Exus Mirins are executors of the law: they are the ones who, in practice, make the people who are in debt pay and those who deserve it receive it.

The main names of Exus and Pomba Giras Mirim

The spirits, when they become Umbanda guides, enter a hierarchy called phalanx. The phalanxes are ruled by one or more Orixás and can work within the force of others. So, when we talk about names of entities, it is not about an individual or a specific entity, but of the phalanx of which that entity is a member.

Therefore, it is normal to have two or more entities in the same terreiro and with the same name. This does not mean that an entity is incorporated in three people at the same time. In fact, it means that those three mediums incorporate different spirits, but that they are part of the same phalanx.

These spirits are united to a phalanx by affinity and energy compatible with the method of work. Below, we will see some names of Exus Mirins and Pombas-Gira Mirins. Check them out!

Names of Exus Mirim

Exu Mirim is a phalanx that has its various names and specific entities. Check out the main ones below:

  • Toquinho from Calunga
  • Calunguinha
  • Porteirinha
  • Corisco
  • Block Breaker
  • Poeirinha
  • Dimple
  • Brasinha
  • Foguinho
  • Pedrinho from the Cemetery
  • Sprinkle
  • João Caveirinha
  • Bone Breaker

Names of Pomba Giras Mirim

The entities of the Turtle Doves have their various names. Learn the main ones in the topics below:

  • Mariazinha of the Cemetery
  • Rosinha do Cemitério
  • Bridesmaid of the Night
  • Black Rose
  • Cruzeiro Girl
  • Maria Mulambinho
  • Road Girl
  • Maria Caveirinha
  • Mariazinha of the calunga

To relate with Exu and Pomba Gira Mirim

Everyone has within themselves the mystery of Exu Mirim and Pomba Gira Mirim. To know them and relate with them can be something extremely positive for your evolution and to understand this mystery is to understand yourself. Therefore, you should not fear or disturb their visions, because Exu Mirim and Pomba Gira Mirim are beings of Light.

Understand how to best relate to them below!

Day of Exu and Pomba Gira Mirim

The day to salute Exu Mirim is June 13, together with Exu, and Pomba Gira Mirim, together with Pomba Gira, is March 8. But it is not uncommon to see tributes to Exu Mirim before or after Erê parties.

Other than that, in the week, your day is Monday.

Salutation to Exu Mirim

To greet the Exu Mirim, say: "Laroyê Exu Mirim". This phrase means something approximate to "hail the messenger".

Salutation to Pomba Gira Mirim

When you want to greet the Pomba Gira Mirim, repeat "Laroyê Pomba Gira Mirim". This means something like "hail the messenger".

Colors of Exu Mirim

For Exu Mirim, the main color used is black, but there are also the representative colors of the Orixá, which are those that govern and represent each one.

Colors of Pomba Gira Mirim

Black and red are the colours used to greet the Pomba Gira Mirim, but there are also colours that represent the Orixá that rules them.

Prayer to Exu Mirim

To say a prayer to Exu Mirim, repeat the following words:

"Laroiê Exu Mirim, Exu Mirim is Mojuba. Hail your sacred and divine forces, I ask forgiveness for my faults and for my mistakes, if I hurt someone unknowingly, I ask for wisdom from that person so that they can forgive me, just as I can forgive the one who hurt me.

I ask for your strength, that you keep, protect and guide me and mine in my spiritual and physical journey. I ask the Lord that any negative energy that is lurking, hiding, doing me harm, that it be revealed, neutralized and directed to its place of merit.

Cleanse and balance my forces, as well as my house, in the faith of Oxalá and all the Orixá fathers and mothers, so be it, laroiê Exu Mirim, Exu Mirim is Mojuba".

Ponto de Exu Mirim

Pontos are little songs that are sung to entities. Like other Orixás, Exu Mirim has his own ponto. Check it out below:

"Good evening, people, how are you, how did you pass?

Exu mirim is tiny, but is good worker!

I saw a boy sitting at the crossroads

I asked what, I asked, what do you do (bis)

I came here to undo the spell

But to Calunga I'll be right back (bis)

I am Exu Mirim, and I learned to work

Who taught me, was Mr. Tranca Rua

Your spell, I will break

I saw a boy sitting at the crossroads

I asked what, I asked, what do you do (bis)

I want a marafo to drink

And a cigar to smoke

Your spell, I sent away

Never to return

I saw a boy sitting at the crossroads

I asked what, I asked, what do you do (bis)"

Ponto de Pomba Gira Mirim

Each Orixá has its own chanted point, which are songs dedicated to a specific entity. Just like the others, Pomba-Gira Mirim has its own:

"What girl is that?

Padilha was the one who sent

So handsome, so beautiful

It has the scent of a flower

She's not a queen, but she's the daughter of a king

It's been cutting demands

Of the paths I've walked

A flash of light in the calunga

Makes the moon announce

That big turtle dove

Who just arrived

With her magic she clears my path

With your axé, I'll never be alone

Clap your hands, people.

To praise this woman

Who has the stature of a queen, is daughter of Exú Lúcifer

And works at the crossroads

On the beach, wherever you want

Just like Exú Mirim

She's a girl woman

Bell tolls at midnight

Rooster crows in the calunga

Ogã firm in the yard

Let's all heal

For this girl to give me her protection

When I fall Miss, reach out your hand

For this girl to give us her protection

When I fall Miss, hold out your hand"

Offerings to Exu and Pomba Gira Mirim

Like the Exus and Pomba Giras, the Mirim's point of force is at the crossroads, but also at the natural points of force of the Orixás that govern them. For example, an Exu Mirim Tranca Tudo is ruled by Ogum, so his point of force is also on the paths; while Pomba Gira Mirim do Cruzeiro is ruled by Obaluaiê and, therefore, his point of force can also be in the cemetery.

It is worth noting that none of these mysteries can be activated in order to harm someone or for petty purposes, because they are aware of the intention of the being. With this, check out the following topics and learn how to make your offering to these entities!

Offering to Exu Mirim

To make an offering to Exu Mirim, you will need only the following objects: Towel or black cloth, black candles, black ribbons, black threads, black pemba, fruits (mango, papaya and lemon), food (farofa with beef or chicken offal, liver steak fried in dende oil with onions and pepper), drinks (brandy, whiskey, currant, honey and wine).

Thus, the offering should be made so as to bring these items together.

Offering to Pomba Gira Mirim

If you wish to make an offering to Pomba Gira Mirim, these objects cannot be missing: 1 black and red towel or cloth, black and red candles, black and red ribbons, black and red threads, black and red pembas, fruits (strawberry, apple, cherry, plum and blackberry) and drinks (apple champagne, grape, cider, gooseberry, honey and liquor).

What is the main power manifested by Exu Mirim?

The main power manifested by Exu Mirim is to bring to light that which is hidden. This entity brings light to repressed emotions that do harm. He brings to light your strength to face your problems, your eyes and how much life is worth living.

In the same way, Exu Mirim brings to light your hidden wickedness, your selfishness, your vanity, your pride and your fears. All this so that you have the courage to face your defects and really become a better person, evolving your mind and your spirit!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.