Eucalyptus Oil: benefits, what it is good for, how to use it, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the benefits of eucalyptus essential oil?

Eucalyptus is a very old tree, dating back thousands of years. Its trunk has various uses, whether used in construction to extract wood, to produce furniture, or to obtain paper and cellulose, the latter being the best known and most famous.

With the plant, we can also obtain the eucalyptus essential oil, which has several uses and benefits, among them treating respiratory diseases, preventing infections, caring for wounds and scars, producing cosmetics, and helping with relaxation and muscle pain.

In this article we will talk more about all these benefits and how to use them correctly, since like all herbal medicines, we must handle it with caution and not use it in an exaggerated manner, avoiding side effects contrary to what was expected. Follow and understand!

Understanding more about eucalyptus oil

To better understand what eucalyptus oil is, we will talk a bit more about its characteristics, origin, properties, and uses. In the following topics we will have more detailed explanations for each of these designations.

What is eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. Approximately more than a dozen species of eucalyptus trees are used to create essential oils, each of which has various therapeutic benefits.

Both its fragrance and its medicinal effects come from a compound called eucalyptol, commonly known as cineol, which can serve as an expectorant, mouthwash, and also used in flavorings and fragrances because of its pleasant smell with a spicy aftertaste.

Origin and characteristics of the eucalyptus plant

Eucalyptus was only discovered by Europeans, specifically Portuguese navigators, around the year 1512 and 1515 on the islands of the Sunda Strait and in East Timor.

However, it was the British, through Captain James Cook in his exploratory voyages between 1770 and 1777 where they collected specimens and made scientific records of them, which led to the most detailed scientific description of this species in 1778.

Many other countries took by curiosity ended up seeking the eucalyptus, however, as the plant did not adapt to the cold climate, countries in central and northern Europe were unable to raise the species.

In Brazil, the first eucalyptus seedlings were planted around 1868 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, however its use was only for afforestation and decoration. It was only in mid 1903 in São Paulo that the tree was cultivated for industrial purposes.

The Eucalyptus is an Angiosperm, from the Mystaceae family whose trademark is its thick, bulky bark used for making essential oils and cosmetics. However, its most popular use is for extracting cellulose, which is used for making our sulfite paper.

The tree is also used to manufacture columns and beams, as well as finishing components for doors, windows, and in furniture manufacturing. In biomass energy generation, the eucalyptus tree also plays an important role, which is to extract steam by burning it and obtaining electricity, in addition to manufacturing biofuels.

What is eucalyptus essential oil used for?

Eucalyptus essential oil can help in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma, and can be used for inhalation.

It works as a great repellent against insects. The product can also be used to reduce anxiety, emotional neediness and feelings of abandonment, as well as helping to relax. It can also be used for cleaning the house.

Properties of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has the following properties: antiviral that can fight viruses such as influenza, bactericidal by eliminating harmful bacteria like Staphlylococcus and Micrococcus glutatmious, fungicidal by fighting Candida albicans, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, diuretic, and helps improve immunity and repel insects such as mosquitoes.

Ways to use eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil can be used in several ways in your daily life. It can be used in moisturizing creams, body or massage oils, compresses, clay, and hair shampoo.

Purifying the air in your environment can also be a great use for your eucalyptus oil. Just put a few drops of the oil in the water of your spray bottle or electric diffuser and spray it around your home or wherever you are.

To treat respiratory diseases you can inhale using the product. Insert a few drops of the oil in hot water and breathe deeply. You can also insert a few drops on a tissue and breathe intensely.

Finally, to relieve the pain symptoms, you can use a carrier oil and insert a few drops of the eucalyptus oil and mix, then massage the sore area using the mixture.

Benefits of eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has many benefits for our body, among them are pain relief, infection prevention, blood level control, relaxation and much more.

Improves cold symptoms

The plant is present in many remedies to relieve cold symptoms thanks to its antiseptic, expectorant, and spamodic effects, whether in the form of lozenges, teas, syrups, and inhalable products. Its use is also present in popular medicine, where eucalyptus leaves are used to perform gargling and, in addition to relieving sore throats, it also helps with inflammation.

Acts in the treatment of respiratory problems

Being a powerful expectorant, eucalyptus oil can decongest your nostrils in the form of various remedies containing the compound. It can be used in inhalation or as a chest poultice.

The oil is very effective against respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, cold or flu, thanks to the stimulation of the immune system, whose antioxidant protection improves respiratory circulation.

Strengthens the immune system

It strengthens and stimulates our immune system, since the product helps in performing phagocytosis, which is an immunological process in which our cells consume large particles, thus destroying bacteria and other foreign bodies in our organism.

Relieves pain in muscles and joints

Eucalyptus prepared topically can be used to treat muscle or joint pain caused by strains, contusions, sprains, and also back pain.

It can also relieve the pain of diseases such as osteoarthritis in which the cartilage of the bones wears away, and also in rheumatoid arthritis. Eucalyptus oil can also be used in athletes as a form of pre-workout warm-up.

Assists in skin healing

Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties it helps with healing and care for burns, wounds, insect bites, and cuts, which is why it is often used as a healing ointment.

The oil has also been shown to be very effective against blisters, boils, bacterial dermatitis, injuries caused by athlete's foot, etc.

Helps control blood sugar levels

Eucalyptus oil can control diabetes, precisely by controlling and reducing blood sugar levels, because it prevents lipid peroxidation that leads to cell death and ketoacidosis which is the complication caused by diabetes that can be fatal and cause death.

Prevents infections

Through its main component, eucalyptol, the oil has antimicrobial actions that can fight several bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It can be used both aromatically and topically on the body to eliminate the microorganisms in our body that cause several diseases and illnesses.

Laboratory research also indicates that eucalyptus oil is also effective against infections caused by Candida albicans and toenail fungus.

Acts in the treatment of herpes

Being a potent antiviral, eucalyptus oil can be used to treat viral diseases such as herpes. The oil is able to reduce the incidence of the virus by 57.9% to 75.4% in laboratory tests.

According to research, the product has a direct antiviral effect on both HSV-1 and HSV-2 herpes viruses, the former causing labial herpes and the latter attacking the genitals.

It has repellent action

It can serve as a natural repellent, as well as an insecticide, miticide by repelling pests such as ticks, mites and so on, and also repelling rats.

Researchers in New Delhi, India, have found that eucalyptus oil of the species E. globulus helps to fight larvae and flies of the domestic species and is very effective in controlling this pest.

For those who want a natural but effective repellent, a solution containing 32% eucalyptus oil diluted in water can offer around 95%+ protection against mosquitoes and other insects.

Decreases anxiety and emotional neediness

It can be used in aromatherapy to deal with problems such as anxiety and emotional neediness, loneliness, abandonment, as well as clearing the mind of obsessive thoughts, and dealing with problems such as stress and depression.

Helps with relaxation

Due to its invigorating and soothing properties, eucalyptus oil can be a great relaxant, and in addition it can help to invigorate your energy, and clear your mind. Since it clears the airways and gets oxygen into your lungs, consequently relieving brain fog.

Not only relaxation, but also cognitive performance is dramatically increased along with the relaxation of the muscles and the mind itself, which, being calm, can reason more clearly.

How to use eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is extremely versatile, having many different uses, which can be in aromatherapy, inhalation, bath, massage, balm, and compresses.


In aromatherapy, eucalyptus oil can be a very effective option to combat various diseases and emotional problems. However, be aware that aromatherapy treatment using this oil should be avoided in people undergoing homeopathic treatment or in children under three years of age.

To use this product in aromatherapy, insert one to two drops of the oil in your personal diffuser, so you can enjoy the aroma wherever you go in your home.


Eucalyptus oil can be used for inhalation to fight respiratory diseases such as sinusitis, cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, and even asthma. There are two types of inhalation that you can perform using the oil, which is the process with an electric inhaler or using hot water vapor.

In the electric inhaler just drip one drop of eucalyptus oil and 5 ml of saline solution, and in the inhalation using hot water vapor, put four drops of eucalyptus oil in a liter of hot water, and put it in a container. Bring your face close and cover your head with a towel, but avoid it if the water is too hot by waiting for it to cool down a bit.

Remember not to go out into the wind or cold weather after finishing your inhalation. If you want you can also add two drops of Tea Tree oil (Maleleuca) which has a bactericidal action, thus potentiating the effects if you have a cough or nasal congestion.


The eucalyptus bath is a good way to relax, even more so in times of pandemic. It will help remove anxiety, stress, and further decongest the lungs, relieve muscle and joint pain, aid in wound healing, and improve your breathing.

To make this bath you need some eucalyptus branches, wash them well and let them dry, then tie them with a line to your shower so that the branches are away from the water stream. Open the shower so that the water is warm, so that the leaves don't get wet and the steam releases the eucalyptus scent.

In the tub insert ten drops of eucalyptus essential oil, and enjoy this delicious and relaxing bath. Remember that the bouquet lasts only for two baths, and preferably do it once every two weeks as too much steam can bring redness to your skin.


Eucalyptus oil can be used in massages not only to relax, but also to improve blood circulation, relaxing tense muscles.

You can prepare a tonic massage oil by mixing five drops of eucalyptus oil, five drops of geranium essential oil, and 50 ml of almond or grape seed oil.


Eucalyptus oil balm has relaxing properties, and is usually composed of ingredients other than eucalyptus oil, such as mint oil and ginger, which when combined provide a delicious and refreshing feeling of well-being.

It should be applied to the chest area, making a circular massage around it. It is recommended to use it at night to let its active ingredients act during the whole night.


To ease pain or bruising, or joint pain, eucalyptus oil can help this process in the form of compresses.

The process is very simple, just put three to four drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a basin with 500 ml of warm water. Soak the cloth in the mixture and then wipe the sore spot.

Further information about eucalyptus oil

To complement this, we will tell you more about eucalyptus oil, how it is manufactured, how to choose the best one, the contraindications when using it, and its prices.

How is eucalyptus essential oil made?

The extraction of eucalyptus oil is made through steam distillation. The leaves of the plant are placed in a kind of chamber that will be under considerable pressure and steam will pass through this chamber, breaking the cavities of the eucalyptus leaves, consequently releasing its essence, which will evaporate and join the steam of the machine.

The evaporated steam and essential oil will pass through a kind of collecting tube surrounded by cold water, where they will condense into water and liquid essential oil, and then pass into a collecting vessel.

Since the oil does not mix with the water, it will be in a layer above the water, which will make it easier to separate. Since the water will have the scent and essence of the eucalyptus, it will become aromatic water.

How to choose the best eucalyptus oil

To choose the best eucalyptus oil you will need to keep an eye on a few things such as what ingredients are used, the price, the applications used, and whether the product is bottled, in capsules or dropper. Based on this information you can choose the best eucalyptus oil that fits your uses and is cost-effective.

Cautions and contraindications of eucalyptus oil

As much as eucalyptus oil is a healthier option for you and your environment, there are some cautions and contraindications that you need to keep in mind before using it.

First of all, the use of eucalyptus essential oil is not indicated for people undergoing homeopathic treatment or in children under three years of age.

In this case the child's parents can opt for eucalyptus vibrational oils, which have the same beneficial effects as essential oils, since they can be ingested safely and without contraindications.

Since the vibrational oils are more diluted, they act in a milder way, since they use less pure essential oil, but they maintain the same therapeutic quality as the essential oils.

Be wary of very high doses of eucalyptus oil, as it can cause stomach pain, vomiting, burping, nausea, dizziness, and even itching and redness on your skin. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid consuming the product.

Price and where to buy eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil can be bought in the main pharmacies in the country, in sites such as Amazon, Mercado Livre, Americanas, in online drugstores, or in stores specialized in phytotherapic products. Prices can vary from R$ 12,74 to R$ 35,72.

Eucalyptus oil has many benefits!

Eucalyptus oil is a great healthy alternative for those who wish to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma, colds, flu, and pneumonia. It can also be used in aromatherapy to relax, reduce nervousness, and feelings of abandonment.

If you want to relax or have your nerves on edge, eucalyptus oil can also be used in aromatic baths and massages. It can also be used in the form of beauty products such as shampoos, moisturizing creams, etc.

In addition, it can be an excellent repellent and insecticide, fighting pests such as flies, mosquitoes, and even rats. However, keep in mind to use this product with caution, since even though it is natural, any unrestrained use can cause problems ranging from stomach pains and vomiting to severe allergies.

Use the product in the right and ideal dosage that you need, and follow all the procedures before using it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.