Dream interpretation: Freud, bible, antiquity and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the interpretation of dreams?

The first thing that needs to be said about dream interpretation is that it is not an exact science. There are several ways to interpret dreams, from different perspectives and even for different purposes. In addition, the same dream element can have different meanings, depending on who is interpreting it.

But this does not mean that there is no organized knowledge behind this interpretation, or that it is superficial or without foundation. There are millenary traditions in dream analysis, studies and systematizations, such as those of Freud and Jung, for example, which are highly respected as a real source of knowledge and even as science.

Throughout this article, you will better understand how dreams work and in what ways you can use them to deepen your self-knowledge and always make the best decisions for your life.

How the dream happens

To begin, let's take a closer look at what dreams are and how they happen from the perspective of science, that is, in what refers to the physical and neurological processes involved in the act of dreaming.

Sleep stages

Sleep happens in cycles of four phases which are repeated throughout the night until you wake up. The first phase is the lightest sleep and lasts about 10 minutes: this is when you start to fall asleep and sometimes you feel as if you are falling asleep. The second phase lasts about 20 minutes, it is still very light and you can wake up from some noise or movement.

The third phase is deeper, the mind turns off and the muscles relax completely. It is only in the next phase, called REM sleep, that dreams begin to appear. After passing this phase, you return to phase 1 of light sleep and start the cycle of the 4 phases again, which will be repeated until you wake up.

REM sleep

REM sleep is the last and deepest stage of sleep, and is when dreams happen. It is reached about 90 minutes after falling asleep and lasts approximately 10 minutes. Each time the cycle restarts and it reaches REM sleep again, its duration increases, and it can reach up to 20 or 30 minutes.

In this phase, the heartbeat speeds up and the eyes start to move very quickly. It is also during this phase that sleepwalking, a sleep disorder in which the person can get up and walk around the house without waking up, is manifested. It is not a phase of deep rest, but it is essential for our mental and emotional reorganization.

What dreams are like

Scientists define dreams as a work of the imagination in our unconscious during the period of sleep. For Psychoanalysis, according to Sigmund Freud, dreams are expressions of repressed desires. But, the fact is that there is no consensus or definitive answers about how dreams are formed or what their purpose is.

In general, they are visual manifestations that apparently do not obey any logical rule. But, it is also possible to have auditory, olfactory or dreams that involve more than one of the senses simultaneously. It is also possible that they are perfectly logical and form complete stories, like movies, and there are cases in which the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming.

What are dreams

There is at least one psychological function of dreaming on which there is some consensus in the scientific community: it helps organize information in the brain and thus favors the formation of long-term memory. In addition, it allows sleep to continue without waking up during the REM sleep phase.

Many consider that dreams function as a kind of mental and emotional training for us to face difficult situations in our daily life. Outside the field of mysticism and spirituality, very little is said about premonitory dreams, and yet these are also very common forms of dreams.

The interpretation of dreams

Dream interpretation happens in different ways according to the culture or time in which it is done. Below, you will learn a little more about some of the main ways to take this approach.

Joseph's interpretation of dreams in the Bible

In the book of Genesis, in the Bible, there is a character who develops the ability to interpret dreams and find divine messages in them: Joseph, first son of Jacob and his second wife, Rachel. Joseph was declaredly the favorite son of the patriarch and this fact aroused envy in his eleven brothers, who ended up selling him as a slave to the Pharaoh of Egypt.

But once Pharaoh learned of his ability to interpret dreams, Joseph was called in for a special consultation. His understanding of Pharaoh's dreams ensured that he saved the Egyptian people from a coming famine, and with that Joseph was elevated to the status of Pharaoh's official dream interpreter.

The interpretation of dreams by Freud

The father of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, understood dreams as manifestations of the individual's unconscious in an unparalleled moment of communication with consciousness. For him, dream contents are generated, above all, by repressed desires. Freud organized tools and concepts related to dream interpretation in the book "The Interpretation of Dreams", released in 1900.

But, it was his disciple, Carl Jung, who deepened the analysis of dreams and other symbolic representations produced by the mind. Jung's theories, in general, are based on Freud's studies, but the two had several divergences that ended up separating them. Today, the Jungian approach to dreams and human symbols is, perhaps, the greatest reference among theorists on the subject who enjoyprestige in the scientific community.

The interpretation of dreams in antiquity

For many primitive peoples, dreams were moments when the spirit detached itself from the body and started moving in the spiritual plane. It was the spiritual leaders of these peoples, the shamans, who best knew the secrets of this other plane and the hidden meanings of its manifestations, therefore they were also the ones who provided the explanations for everything people dreamed.

In this spiritual world, there were all sorts of creatures, and it was also where one came into contact with ancestors or forces that guided and protected individuals. Thus, through dreams it was possible to access ancient knowledge, meet power animals, or even fight epic battles against evil creatures - all on a plane distinct from reality, but still very real.

The interpretation of dreams in Egypt

The Egyptians believed that the god Bes protected them against demons of the night and ensured that their dreams were pleasant. Thus, there was much communication from the spirit world being done through dreams, although the Egyptians did not believe that the dream was an actual experience of the spirit disconnected from the body.

The world's oldest dream book is the Chester Beatty papyrus, written by the Egyptians around 1300 B.C., and there is evidence that the original may be up to 4,000 years old. The papyrus contains dream interpretations and rituals to avoid the negative effects of bad dreams.

The interpretation of dreams in India

For the Hindu people, there are four possible causes for dreams: illnesses, food consumed at night, desires or premonitions. The goddess Maya would be, for them, the divinity related to dreams, and she transits in the limit between reality and illusion, making more fluid the borders between the two.

In a sacred text at least 3500 years old, the Atharva Veda, Hindus classify several types of dreams as good or bad omens. A curious fact is that aggressive images, such as amputations, are identified as good omen dreams. A bad omen could be the loss of hair, teeth or nails.

Dream Interpretation in China

According to older Chinese traditions, the dream is the moment when the upper part of the spirit detaches from the body and can walk among its ancestors and other spiritual beings or sacred creatures. Thus, the dream would be a channel of communication with both high and lower spirits.

Understanding that body and mind were deeply interconnected, the Chinese, as well as the Hindus, recognized the possibility of dreams generated merely by the expression of desires or, still, if it was a very strange dream, as a consequence of indigestion.

Dream interpretation in Greece

Dreams had a great spiritual implication for the ancient Greeks, being an opportunity to talk to the dead, find ways to cure diseases or even make predictions for the future or see something that was happening at a distance.

Among the ancient peoples, the Greeks were the ones who gave most attention to the subject of dreams. In works such as the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey", which originated all Western literature, dreams were direct communications from the gods, who appeared to men as ghosts to transmit their messages.

Dream interpretation and spirituality

In general, spiritualist traditions understand dreams as a moment when the soul is freed from the body and literally experiences the events that we understand as dream. In this sense, the symbolic character of the dream objects and events is much smaller, that is, there is little metaphor there, everything is real, just occurring in another plane.

Still under this perspective, the people who appear in your dream have great chances of really being there, in spirit, even those who have already died. There is little space for imagination, that is, it, at the most, generates some distortions, illusions or simply fills in the errors of perception. As dreams allow greater access to the spiritual world, through them it is possible to obtaindivine guidance, premonitions or experiences of clairvoyance and telepathy.

Most common dream interpretations

Next, you will learn some of the most researched terms for dream interpretation and a possible explanation for the dreams in which they appear, from a symbolic analysis of each one.


Dreams with water are connected to the emotional state of the dreamer, and the quality of this water reflects the state of his heart and spirit. Because of its physical characteristics, it also represents aspects of the dynamics and fluidity of life, and may mean uncertainties or processes of change.

Other aspects of the relationship of the human being with water can cause its manifestation as a symbol in a dream, so, in this way, it often appears with a sense of cleaning or purification, nutrition, restriction of movements, etc. The different forms that water can take in a dream (dirty, flowing, rain, among others) are also decisive at the time of interpreting it.


To dream of bathing reveals concerns with cleanliness, which, as a metaphor, may suggest excessive preoccupation with organization, purity and perfection. In general, it expresses the perception that something is not right, something that can be changed with a little attention and care.

The place where you bathe and the quality of the water add new meanings or change those mentioned above. It is also common that there is some localized dirt, as a symbol of a specific problem, and that the dream is with repeated and concentrated attempts to clean this single point.


It is understood that the appearance of a dog in a dream is caused by the deeper perception we have, as a species, of the closeness of these animals and their daily presence in our environment. Thus, in general, it refers to issues of loyalty, protection and emotionally welcoming or familiar environments.

In many cases, there may be an identification of the dreamer with the figure of the dog, in which case the dream will be expressing contents perceived as primitive, animalistic or wild at some level. Likewise, it is possible that the animal in the dream represents known people or their behaviors and opinions.


Dreams about someone or something unknown generally reflect the dreamer's relationship with that which is beyond their realms. They may indicate a still unconscious perception that some newness is approaching, or at the very least, the desire for something new to happen.

In many cases, the stranger in the dream is a representation of yourself or of people close to you. In this case, the dream reveals that there are many things about this person that you do not know. Finally, it is worth noting that the dream often includes unpleasant feelings, because in general it expresses the vulnerability that we experience in the face of the unknown.


There are many positive aspects to dreaming of rain, even if you are one of those people who hate it when it rains. It brings into your life some renewal, purification or strengthening, just as rain does for life on earth. And just like real rain, this internal transformation happens by obeying forces over which you have no control.

Negative aspects that may be being addressed in a dream of rain are destruction or circumstances in which a greater force prevents something from happening as planned or expected. The intensity of the rain and other characteristics of it can considerably affect the interpretation of these dreams.


Money in a dream represents the dreamer's perception of his own value and social position, his relevance to the community and possibilities of establishing links or achieving goals that depend more on his attitudes. Thus, there is no way to say that a dream about money is good or bad, because everything will depend on how you feel about yourself.

The situations of the dream are essential to understand the meaning that this dream has and can help you identify which specific circumstance or relationship in your life the dream refers to. The feelings experienced in dreams are always very relevant, but in the case of dreams about money, it is essential to include this information before interpreting them.


Stairs appear in dreams as symbols of growth and evolution, as much as of approaching hidden and deeper aspects of our psyche. In this sense, they are very connected to our definitions of "good" and "evil" and can represent any elements that we can classify into levels or divide between "better" and "worse".

Dreams in which one descends by stairs, in general, express very deep contents and are usually the most fanciful and confusing, since they are beyond the reach of the rational mind and its logical control.

Dreams in which you climb stairs are connected with everything we consider "high", especially in emotional and spiritual matters, but eventually also in relation to social status and material achievements.


Like staircases, elevators appear in dreams related to level classifications and definitions of "good" and "evil." However, they present a slightly more fluid aspect to what belongs to each level and thus may express some vagueness or transitions in these matters more directly than staircases.

There is also a character of imprisonment that is usually present in a dream of this type, perhaps a feeling of claustrophobia. The restricted space may still have a sense of security and intimacy, and when the elevator descends to great depths, then the dream is dealing with really intimate and profound contents, perhaps, surprising even to the dreamer himself.


Dreams about a party move various energies, in general feelings of joy and fulfillment, but mainly desires and great interests. Thus it is common that a dream about a party includes elements that rationally you would not associate with parties, because they belong to other areas of your life.

As an expression of satisfaction, it may serve as a kind of omen or guide, in the sense of anticipating potentially very good futures for you. As an expression of desire, it probably represents the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and devote a little more attention to your true interests and needs.


Naturally, a dream about church is associated with spirituality, but it has less to do with the contents of it than with how they manifest themselves, that is, how you express and experience that spirituality. It can therefore be a good gauge of how integrated you are into a community or committed to its true principles.

Problems and successes in the way you manifest your spirituality will show up in the state of repair of the church and everything inside it, including the situations that unfold. For people who go to church very often, it may appear in a dream with the same meaning as your home or any other public and common space.


Dreams about gambling more freely express your ambitions and other feelings that may have a more negative weight associated with achievements and victories. They can either express the desire to win or the difficulties experienced in the process. They can represent omens or guidance on how to act to achieve a goal.

On the other hand, and sometimes even simultaneously, the dream is the mere expression of pleasure and satisfaction in being in a certain situation. In many cases, it reveals the desire or even the need to have fun and leave a little aside the worries of everyday life.

Chess or checkers

To dream of games of chess or checkers usually reveals a deadlock or situations of great intellectual demand in the life of the dreamer. In general, the situations represented involve relevant issues of "good" or "evil", "right" or "wrong", where these definitions do not happen easily or you no longer know very well how to assign them.

But beyond this more specific interpretation, there is still a possible reading in which the board game is just a game, and thus the dream should be interpreted as a dream with game. In this case, it is more common that it is the expression of the desire to win rather than the expression of satisfaction or pleasure, although these feelings also exist related to intelligence.


The sports field in a dream refers to the same issues addressed in dreams about games, emphasizing a specific and very important aspect which is the collectivity. Thus, the dream works issues of ambitions and achievements in general, drawing your attention to social and collective aspects.

In this sense, an empty court would be an indication of isolation and that you need to work better on your ability to create and deepen bonds. Other people and situations that appear in the dream give greater clarity to the message and the exact identification of which area of your life is being represented.


When someone dreams of a card game, they are involved in some specific project, which may be personal or professional, quite relevant to your life and involving many emotional, intellectual, social aspects and even issues of luck.

Thus, it is possible that the situations shown in your dream are only drawing your attention to one or another more sensitive aspect of your project. Also, it is common for the dream to involve feelings of confusion or frustration, or even the feeling of being naked and exposed.


Facing death in a dream can be as terrifying or devastating as facing it while awake, but it is still possible that in a dream it has good purposes and is even loaded with very positive aspects.

Of course, in many cases it will still be frightening, capable of provoking unpleasant feelings that will accompany you even after you wake up. Often, even dreaming of your death or that of someone else is precisely what wakes you up.

But, there can also be much wisdom in dreams of death, advice and omens of transformation that will lead you to better days, not worse. Finally, it can be a dream of empowerment, a representation and celebration of the victory of life over death.


Perhaps the most common of the dreams of anguish is the one in which the dreamer suddenly finds himself naked in a public space and in view of other people. In general, dreams like this are the mere expression of anxiety and confusion in the face of life, a very human feeling of helplessness and vulnerability.

In cases where they refer to a specific situation in the dreamer's life, they indicate a certain unpreparedness to face the situation, perhaps, the complete exhaustion of all your resources. It may mean that you are much more involved than anyone else, sometimes even far more than necessary.


The meaning of dreaming of an antique varies greatly according to the value you attach to the past, to the traditions or to a specific tradition represented by the dream object. In general, it happens precisely so that you pay more attention and sometimes even review something of your relationship with the past.

It may be an omen of good fortune and a warning that you already possess what you are seeking. In many cases it will be associated with grand issues in your life, connected to your sense of your purpose or the mission you have in this existence.


When night is an element that stands out in a dream, then it represents hidden things and usually points to very deep regions of the dreamer's psyche. Sometimes it works as a harbinger or a warning of obstacles, professional difficulties or in more practical areas of everyday life.

Very often it is just a dream of distress, an expression of fear, usually involving some kind of external threat. In this case, it is most likely to be merely the expression of a primitive fear and not something caused by a specific situation in your life.


Although it is most common for dreams about the father to be determined by the dreamer's specific relationship with his father, many dreams of this type are actually generated from a general idea of fatherhood. In this general idea, you, as a son, should receive material protection, guidance and intellectual and logical support from the father, while the mother is more responsible for emotional issues.

It is possible that the father in your dream was yourself, an expression of your own ideas of what a father should be like, perhaps even a desire to become a father.


The appearance of a snake in dreams is generally understood to be an omen of betrayal or warning as to the deceitfulness of a person nearby. This understanding comes, of course, from our perception of snakes as treacherous animals and a deceptive reassurance.

A simpler and deeper analysis suggests that dreams with snakes are nothing more than an expression of dread on the part of the dreamer. Another possible reading associates snakes with health issues, especially physical health, and not infrequently there are interpretations that suggest some relationship with sexuality.


Dreams of betrayal originate in the dreamer's feelings of insecurity about some specific relationship. In many cases it may be the expression of the desire to betray, or even - bizarre as this may sound - the expression of the desire to see your partner having relations with someone else.

Although it is highly inadvisable to take dreams as faithful representations of reality, it is possible that a dream with betrayal reveals a betrayal that in fact existed, is happening or will happen. In this case, there would have been an unconscious perception of the betrayal that is revealed to the consciousness at the moment when it lowers its defenses.


To dream of missing someone is basically an expression of this feeling. Even if the people you miss in your dream are not people you miss when you are awake, or even if they are people you don't like.

It may sound disturbing, and indeed there are many dreams in which we experience for someone feelings contrary to those we feel awake, and it may even be difficult to admit to ourselves that such feelings are really ours, but, yes, they are.


The feeling of anger experienced in a dream corresponds to a real feeling that you may or may not experience when you are awake. It is quite common to be surprised, in dreams, with feelings of anger directed at things and people that you didn't know you felt anger toward - and as much as it really won't have any impact on your life, it is there.

In any case, even when in the dream the anger is directed at something or someone, it is possible that it is just the expression of a generalized anger for no specific reason, something that is simply part of your emotional apparatus and needed a means to be communicated.

How does dream interpretation help in waking life?

In general, dream interpretation helps in waking life in the same way as any other oracle, that is, any other aura or fortune telling system such as Astrology, Quiromancy, Cartomancy, etc. However, it differs from most of these other systems by the fact that the material analyzed and interpreted is produced by our own mind.

Like the other models, dream interpretation offers not an infallible, unquestionable answer, not a totally specific and certain set of information. It's like looking at yourself in a broken, dirty, or fogged up mirror.

So what it does is draw a more or less accurate map of areas of your life and psyche that can be used for your personal guidance and growth, and you are solely responsible for sorting through the information you receive, selecting the ones that are valid for you, and how you are going to use them.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.