Compatibility between Venus and Mars: meaning in each sign and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to know the compatibility between Venus and Mars

We know that the planets in certain cycles of our lives have major influences and can somehow change our mood. So check below which is the compatibility between Venus and Mars in your sign.

The planets Venus and Mars are planets responsible for the attention and the way we care for our relationships, we have as a basis some traits and behaviors that we have that can be explained according to the compatibility of Venus and Mars in our chart.

We have as an important instrument our astrological chart that is possible to discover, where each planet of the zodiac fits in the chart, and thus discover how each planet has influence in each area of our lives.

Meaning of Venus and Mars

If on one side we have the planet Venus which represents love, our way of expressing our feelings and how each one is in the affectionate sense, on the other side we have Mars as the planet of struggle, presenting what makes us insist in certain situations.

Meaning of Venus

Venus has in its meaning love, every form of love that we present to the world, is linked to the planet in our birth chart. In this way, our feminine power, our passions, our individuality is represented. The signs that represent each house in the zodiac, will not necessarily be the same as the sign that represents our sun.

If Venus in our birth chart shows how we face our relationships, our love side, what we look for and attract in our relationships, in a man's chart, the sign of Venus also shows his ability to relate and how he will be seen by other people who live with him.

Meaning of Mars

The planet Mars has conflict in its meaning. Whether it is sentimental or in relation to life's problems, it is responsible for our impulses in certain situations. Mars in our chart, shows the will we have to follow and conquer our goals.

Mars in the love or sexual part in women shows how they communicate with more masculine side in relationships, and in men's chart it shows how they get involved and what makes them happy.

Mars in each sign shows the way you react to anger, violence and arguments in times of exaltation. Although it shows perhaps our worst way of reacting to some situations Mars in our chart, shows the will we have to follow and conquer our goals, the ambition we create to achieve what we want, the effort we create.

Venus in each sign

We will discover how the planet Venus manifests in each of the signs and what consequences it can bring in each constellation.

Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries is overwhelming. Impulse and passion are words that rule this planet in this sign. Conquest for the sign of Aries is very common, living adventures is also one of its points to be observed. But the problem can be exactly that, the gigantic impulsive passion has in the same frequency the fast disenchantment, so this relationship must always be stimulated not to fall into sameness.

Aryans like to be in control of the situation, both in the sentimental and social areas, but this fervour to have control over everything can pass, the fact of the conquest of the world that attracts Aryans. The problem of impatience and impoliteness may be something that needs to be analysed in your actions which sometimes has consequences for others.

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus has sensitivity and romanticism as a chief position. The difficulty in the delivery, can become a hindrance, but for people of the sign Taurus, the conquest slowly and with confidence speaks louder. Sexually speaking, there is enough desire from Taurus, but this desire can end up becoming a jealous burden.

You like to have the best and maybe be a little too materialistic, you like to feel comfortable and be billed as lazy. Jealousy is a word that follows Taureans so be careful and have self-control, that way it's easier to satisfy the people around you in a natural way and without seeming forced.

Venus in Gemini

For people with Venus in Gemini, the conquest begins mentally. Subjects that both of you are interested in are the key to evolve with Gemini. They are famous for being a little distant from serious relationships, but only when they feel trapped. To win over someone with Venus in Gemini, talk about varied subjects and don't pressure them, this is sure to work out.

Geminians like to be attracted and stimulated through communication, a good conversation, which encourages you mentally and intellectually, also contributes a lot to the curiosity to meet new people. They show their feelings through art, conversation or writing. They are people more involved intellectually, so their relationships do not develop so much sentimentally.

Venus in Cancer

For those who live with Venus in Cancer, the feeling of feeling loved and having this love in their lives is something very important. Romantic by nature, they have love as a priority in their lives, even if in some circumstances they hide feelings, so as not to be hurt, when they meet their partners sensuality and attraction appear a lot in the relationship.

Because of the sentimental way they show they are very attached to family, friends, memories and the like, everything that can remind good memories and good feelings of the past. They like to celebrate with those they love and feel safe. You like to feel useful and become a person who can be a kind of protector.

Venus in Leo

The energy of those who have Venus in Leo is something involving. Generous, they are capable of great feats to conquer and make their relationship with their beloved work. This intensity is powerful and attractive, being the target of great lovers and worshippers, being able to experience great adventures with their partners, but being loyal to the one who is chosen.

As they like to be the center of attention, they like to be flattered and feel important, due to the intensity and extravagance go together side by side, either in common situations of everyday life, to appear is a necessity. They are very honest, as much as they like to be pampered, are cheerful and care much for beauty both inside and outside.

Venus in Virgo

Like Cancerians, people with Venus in Virgo, also take their relationships slower. They prefer to preserve themselves and wait for the right moment to declare themselves. Once they find out if someone is worth it, they are affectionate people who like to show their love in many ways. They like to make their intentions clear.

They may demand too much from everyone around them, and hope for something impossible like perfection. In this way, being with someone can take a long time, from the moment they start searching for someone they think is perfect. However, this search, besides being unlikely, can cause unnecessary frustrations.

Wants everything around to be neat and tidy, about the pursuit of mastery, can be solved if you seek for the simple, be kind and lovely with others

Venus in Libra

Lovers of Venus in Libra are very passionate, charming and seductive, they like to get involved with many people, but their motto is that each passion is unique and should be lived deeply and really felt. Romanticism is not lacking in these relationships and you can expect a strong love which will be beautiful to live.

Although pleasant with everyone, Librians know what others want to hear, and are therefore great manipulators. However, they like to keep calm where they go and look for people like that, they like art and have good taste for artistic activities. However, they like to simplify and go for the easiest, avoiding the path sometimes necessary.

Venus in Scorpio

Even though the sign of Scorpio has its little faults, those who have Venus in Scorpio give themselves totally to the relationship. People with this combination are driven by a passion, seduction and connection that cannot be explained. Sensuality and a taste for sex life is something very important in their relationships.

Self-control is something that must be worked on, because in the same way that the feeling of love is something big, so is the feeling of hate if you happen to go through some situation of lies, betrayal and others. They demand a lot from their partnerships what is not healthy, for some past trauma, you see through religion, a place of escape for emotions that have no control.

Venus in Sagittarius

When we talk about freedom, the first sign that comes to mind are the Sagittarians. But as we can understand, not everything is all flowers. Sagittarians live their love life with joy and energy. However, the need to find a love that comes close to perfection is what hinders this relationship.

The search for the ideal love can be a problem if you do not give up your freedom and it becomes difficult to maintain a healthy relationship. For this reason faithfulness is often difficult to maintain. You look to God for a love you want to share with your partner and a philosophy of contributing to society in a charitable way.

Venus in Capricorn

Those who have Venus in Capricorn like serious relationships. They are insecure people who sometimes let their fear hurt their relationships. They are considered cold, they delay but when they love, they want to show their beloved that she is there and that she will be capable of everything.

You are ambitious and desire power and prestige, but coldness and selfishness can make you take rash and perhaps wrong decisions. Even so, the fear of suffering can make you create a blockage as jealousy and fear prevent you from carrying relationships forward.

Venus in Aquarius

Venus in Aquarius, has the apparent rationality in your relationships, but does not mean that you do not love, on the contrary, you have loyalty and affinity. However I do not expect much romanticism or overwhelming passions, demonstrations of affection and above all jealousy.

Aquarians can't stand jealousy in their relationships and see every relationship as an experience of friendship, intimacy and collaboration in the relationship. They may feel more comfortable with friendships than with relationships. They like freedom and hate being bossed around.

They are authentic, calm and detached with everything, their feelings are more intellectual, so learning to approach and listen to those around is valid.

Venus in Pisces

Venus in Pisces is pure love. The feeling of being in a perfect relationship and that you have never been loved this way is the way Pisces treats their relationships. It is true paradise, sensitivity, romantic love and dedication are traits that Pisceans like to show in their relationships, making them the happiest and most satisfying enough.

Their need to always show help, can get in your way at times. They like the expression to be saved, and look for people who need that salvation. They can live on both extremes of quiet and submissive and not speak out lest they displease and cause some change.

Mars in each sign

Below we will learn how Mars acts in each sign and thus how are the relationships of each sign of the zodiac.

Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries, they like challenges and conquests. Impulsive, the search for success and achievements speak louder, they like consensual relationships without attachments, enjoyable pleasure but in a quick way and without too many complications.

Mars has in each sign the power to show how powerful and destructive it can be at the same time, this way in Aries, it shows the aggressive side, bossy and not afraid to face our challenges. They do not like to follow orders, nor anyone. They do not see themselves as someone selfish, but that you come first always.

Your impatience is one of your weak points and can be detrimental if you cannot keep up with any long-term project. You like short and quick deadlines, so the excitement and enthusiasm continues. Patience and restlessness must be worked on so that plans are not thrown to one side.

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus are persistent and like to achieve their goals. Determination is one of the great qualities Taureans have. They are interested in routines and organization in their life. The pleasure of slow sex is very intense and fruitful for them. They like to enjoy the moment without haste. Still, they live their sex lives in an intense way.

Persistence being one of the greatest qualities, attachment to seeing the outcome of your interest in work, for this very reason stability and certainty are considerable. Jealousy can be a problem, and the way you communicate can sometimes be rude.

Mars in Gemini

Gemini Mars twins are brilliant, they like to be challenged and are not interested in routine, they love change and diversity. They do not mind routine changes, they even prefer them. In the sentimental area, they like novelty to keep the relationship on track, something new will always keep the relationship from cooling down and they can live the fire of passion.

As they like movement, they are constantly absorbing knowledge, projects that demand persistence can be complicated, trips can be complex. Still, they use their intelligence to communicate and conquer their plans.

Mars in Cancer

Those who have Mars in Cancer are very emotional, they don't go head first, they take it slower, but they get what they want slowly and always. Emotionality speaks louder, so the involvement with other people can take a while, but if you are chosen, you can be sure that the feeling is true and that he really wants to be with you.

Some behaviors make them uncomfortable, being well with yourself is more important than fighting for something. Overprotective with their family, they will do anything if they need to for the family. They are not very good with pressure and can end up getting stressed with the situation. Controlling their emotions is perhaps the most complicated part.

Mars in Leo

Mars is already a planet that has fire in its characteristics, when it is together with Leo, the impulse, the flame, the energy are very apparent. As they love to be seen as the center of the universe, some particularities such as drama and a keen eye for wealth can be small obstacles in relationships.

Drama can be a part of your life, to be recognised for what you have done, or to get the attention you need. You don't like to admit you are wrong, and you don't give up easily, you like to be competitive, and very honest, but your arrogance and overbearingness is visible, but can be shaken off.

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo has a calmness that can be confused with coldness in sexual relations, but the way they see sex is different. They like their experiences to be enjoyed as much as possible, both physically and mentally.

They are people who like everything their way and may even reject some idea, because if it is seen that they will not get it to come out their way. As great workers, they seek to do their best and preferably without interference. Perhaps because they always seek perfection, their concerns may be too big and make it a great challenge in life.

Mars in Libra

People with Mars in Libra, prefer to be conquered than to have the challenge of conquering. Idealistic, romantic, they opt for the touch and sensation. They like to enjoy the moments of calmness for two.

You like to help others and when you don't see yourself useful, this bothers you, even if you don't have the necessary support, you like teamwork, but you also seek balance in working independently of other people. You are people who value reason and justice, you don't like to insist, you are calmer, but you don't stop expressing your opinions when necessary.

Mars in Scorpio

Those who have Mars in Scorpio live in their own active volcano: intensity, attraction, intense sexual desire and, of course, disposition and willpower. These are the qualities that make people who have this union in the zodiac stand out.

They are very observant, reserved, and energetic, but they use subtlety which can be difficult for other people to understand. The need to have must be something that requires control, and although they have deep emotions, they do not show it and are distant in their relationships, amplifying possession and jealousy in the relationship.

Mars in Sagittarius

Wild and free, Mars in Sagittarius, they admire free and sincere love, whether it is strong and overwhelming or calm and tranquil, but that has sincerity and is natural, like their search for adventures and challenges. This is the reason why they have this passion for life and who accompanies them better be open and willing to new emotions.

Mars in Capricorn

Even if the desire is great, those who have Mars in Capricorn do not show their feelings. Owners of an incredible self-control may even be feeling a dominant feeling, but in no way will let this feeling dominate.

Even though the desire is great, they don't let it show or be dominated. In this way they have control of the relationship and like this control over the other.

Mars in Aquarius

For those who have Mars in Aquarius, mental involvement is more pleasurable than carnival, but the attraction is still there and, by the way, enormous. However, commitment to someone can be complicated for Aquarians, since they do not like to show their feelings.

However, you are adept at adventures and love experiences together, so you don't get involved differently with someone, but the same with all relationships.

Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces is pure sensitivity, surrender is one of the greatest qualities of this combination and always cherish being the other half of the person. They like to be with the person and make them feel good and engaging.

Pacifists, they will not go into combat, and sometimes giving up is the best option they see. They like to work with people, helping and doing good, without aiming too much. They do not follow and run after what they want most, because they do not know what they want yet. They have dreams, of course. But the imagination and restlessness inside can make them lost in what they really want.

What is the importance of knowing the compatibility between Venus and Mars?

In the same way that through our astrological chart we can discover love combinations, certain behaviors and the best way to live in society, it is interesting to know that the positions of each planet in our chart, has a meaning and somehow influences all areas of our lives.

One example is to know the importance of the compatibility between Venus and Mars. First of all, they are planets that have attraction as a characteristic. Therefore the energy and chemistry that are part of relationships can be observed through these two planets.

As we have seen throughout the text, Venus shows us how we relate to our partners and how are the feelings in relationships, Mars shows us how we behave in the face of difficulties and even in our sexual appetite and how we demonstrate it.

Therefore, it is of great importance that we have notion of the planets in our chart, since they are of great relevance to know the peculiarities and even some situations that we can avoid or learn in a conscious and educational way.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.