Card V - The Hierophant: look, meaning, combinations and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning of the Major Arcane The Hierophant?

The Hierophant is an archetype present in the symbologies of the 78 tarot cards. A tarot is a divination oracle, which captures the energies of the consulter (who asks for advice) and encodes the message through the mysteries of each archangel (tarot cards). Of the 78 cards, there are the major arcana, which show the trajectory of the hero to his personal and spiritual evolution.

The card number 5, the Hierophant, has a high degree of importance within the oracle, as he represents the bridge between the divine and humanity. Elements such as traditionalism, teaching, faith, control and guidance are key points to understand the Hierophant. Come and discover the mysteries of this magnificent card!

What is tarot?

The tarot is a divination oracle used over the centuries to help people in their lives, especially in the areas of work, love, spirituality and family. Historically speaking, there is evidence that the tarot appeared in the Middle Ages, so its iconography shows people with clothes, customs and acts typical of that time.

The division of the tarot consists of 78 cards, and these are divided into two parts: 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana. The major arcana represent dense energies and very impactful on reality, while the minor arcana represent actions more timely and quick. The term arcana means "mystery", so each card has a secret essential to live.

Origin and history

When dealing with the origin of tarot is necessary to return in the period of the Middle Ages. With the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the rise of Christianity, began the persecution of so-called heretics, people who followed religions and ideologies different from the Catholic Church. Many of the books of ancient peoples as Egyptians, Macedonians, Greeks and Easterners were called "forbidden" for containingancient spiritual knowledge.

Those who did not follow Christianity needed to resort to ways of transmitting their knowledge and connections to spirituality in natural and mystical ways, without being killed for it. In an attempt to keep alive the heritage of the oracles among their people, the tarot emerged. Bringing the symbolism of a mere medieval daily life to throw off the severe eyes of the church, but bringing the mysteries of thelife.

Use and benefits of tarot

The tarot is a wonderful tool to help you in any moment or situation. It brings clarity to the consulter, because it can codify the situation that the person lives, obstacles, possibilities and possible traces of the future through its iconography and semiotics. But it is also important to remember that you should not make daily or constant use of draws, because this can cause addictionand insecurity of making their own choices.

How does it work?

The dynamic is very simple: the tarologist connects with the energy of the consulter and anchors it in the tarot. When shuffling the cards, a question is asked to the tarot. The tarologist uses a method of drawing to facilitate the interpretation of the message. Then either he makes the cut of the cards or the consulter does. After that, the oracleist removes the cards and interprets the message for his client.

It is important to note that tarot, in the first instance, captures the energy of your present moment and, consequently, captures the actions of the past that brought you to your present moment. About predicting the future, you need to understand that it does not exist yet.

The tarot can bring a glimpse of the future through the actions of your present that will take you there. In other words, the future is changeable, depending on the attitudes you take in the present.

What do the Tarot cards look like?

Tarot cards are colored and depict people, mostly. There are many types of tarot, but there is a basic structure to all: four colors associated with the four elements, being fire for red, blue for water, green for earth and yellow/purple for air. In addition, there is the presence of people performing specific actions: watching, walking, crying, dancing, playing and so on.

Especially the major arcana portray the trajectory of the hero, represented by the card of the madman, which indicates the journey to the world card, signifying the transition of evolutionary levels.

Another point present in both the major and minor arcana is the representation of light and shadow, indicating the polarities of the human essence in them. In the minor arcana we find very specific and objective actions, either a celebration or a loss.

In case you are looking for tarot cards, be sure to check out the top 10 best tarot decks 2022 to purchase the ideal tarot deck for you!

Getting to know the Hierophant Card

The hierophant or also named priest is a card that brings the mystery of the bridge between the divine and the human. In antiquity, the middle ages and even today, it is common the image of someone who assists you in your spiritual path, showing the paths and pointing out the dangers in it. So is the hierophant, the bridge to transit to the divine within materiality.

It is in the ritualistic and the commitment to the studies that a being can awaken to a higher plane than his current one. The hierophant works with time, building his knowledge little by little. His symbolism brings the idea of balance, of rigidity, of traditionalism, of methodology to conquer what one desires. The priest brings the teaching that only knowledge liberates and connects you toCheck out more below!

Visual description of the Hierophant Card

The hierophant is a man of advanced age with long white hair and beard, seated on a throne around books, sometimes keys or candles, while wearing a tunic and a crown. Usually he is circled by people or is within a time, surrounded by the moon and the sun. His serene but firm gaze demonstrates his security acquired by the knowledge of humans and the divine thatconquered.

Meaning of the Card V

The semiotic representation present in the letter brings the idea of wisdom, of knowledge of both the divine and the material. The hierophant is the man who knows everything, the communicator between god/gods and man. He represents communication and the ancient customs, rites and dogmas.

Because of his advanced age, he represents the traditional, the domain, the measurer. He is the bridge between earth and heaven, so he has a throne similar to the king, symbolizing the respect of his noble function.

The Hierophant is the bearer of absolute truth, for he alone is able to communicate with the divine, distinguishing him from the plebs and even from the king. The number 5 present in the card represents the balance of the four elements (fire, air, water and earth) and the rise of the fifth element: the spirit.

The fifth number represents man before the universe, therefore, the influence of the spiritual and the destiny over all mankind will dictate its evolution.

Meaning of the Card Inverted V

When the hierophant arcanum is inverted, it brings the idea of the escape from knowledge. You are having obstacles either to seek knowledge, or to establish yourself in something you seek to do.

It shows disinterest, fanaticism, and even the act of manipulating people just to achieve your personal goals, without a purpose of collective evolution. It is time to review your posture before those who trust you.

Furthermore, the inverted priest card brings the idea of promiscuity, the excessive materiality, which vibrates only the carnal desires and not the spiritual desire for ascension.

This position represents the arrogance of the human being before the universe, positioning himself as the owner of everything, the bearer of truth and absolute knowledge. Betraying the concept of spiritual guide, becoming a tyrant who takes advantage of the faith and naivety of others.

Interpretation on the spiritual plane

On the spiritual plane, the Hierophant represents your spiritual mentor/guide. He brings the messages of the spirituality to you. He may also represent the need to seek help from a spiritual leader to carry out a healing process, initiation or fortification.

It is time for you to take more care of your astral and spiritual field, consuming esoteric knowledge to raise your consciousness or even to help people around you.

Sometimes it represents the time for you to take more time to develop your spirituality or mediumship. You need to rebalance your essence to walk in harmony with materiality without hurting spirituality.

It's time to meditate, get away from dense and negative energies, seek to elevate yourself and know how to balance reason and emotion to make the most assertive and wise decisions in your life.

Interpretation on the mental plane

When it comes to the mental plan, you need to be careful with your thoughts. You need to organize them in the most constructive way possible. Don't just dream, plan and put your plan into action.

Be patient and seek ways to control your anxiety, because without focus, persistence and discipline, it is complicated to materialize your dreams. You need to know where you want to get and reflect if you are striving for it.

Another interpretation is in the field of studies. It is time for you to bring more knowledge into your life. Your mind needs to feel stimulated to know new subjects, do not allow yourself to stay in the comfort zone.

Beware of arrogance, there is a lot of knowledge in the world, do not think you already know everything, always seek to improve yourself, especially in a collective way. Share what you know, do not let knowledge die with you.

Interpretation on the physical plane

On the physical plane, the Hierophant asks for organization. Your life needs more planning and discipline. You have many ideas but you need commitment and patience to materialize them. Prioritize the most important things of your day, of your routine. Maybe you have some stationary objects and materials, like books, get rid of what you no longer use, share with those who need it.

On the physical plane the priest asks for attention to your body. Have a more balanced, light and nutritious diet. Your body is your temple, so take good care of it, not in the aesthetic sense, but in the sense of it being well taken care of so you can perform your routine without any stress or worry. After all, a healthy mind, a healthy body and vice-versa.

Different aspects of the Letter V - The Hierophant

The V card is full of mysteries, keys to a better life with more balance. It brings positive and negative aspects, points of attention for relationships, love, work, finances, health and spirituality which are fundamental for you to live the best life possible. The Hierophant brings teachings from the earth and from above for you to know how to deal with various situations.

In addition, the hierophant can be associated with the sign of Taurus in astrology and within mythology he is associated with the centaur chiron. These representations further strengthen the image of consistency, security and wisdom that the arcane V brings as teachings and warnings in each drawing that a tarologist makes. Check out more in this article!

Positive aspects of the Charter The Priest

The positive aspects of the card V are perseverance, discipline, fluent and objective orality, strongly based arguments, direction and connection with spirituality. The priest has a very acute sense of analysis together with genuine leadership, elements that enable him to be a pioneer and mover of the masses. His firm and direct words bring security to those who listen to him;

The Hierophant is an impeccable orator, a factor which helps him to be an excellent teacher. His great vocation for teaching is dazzling, for he has experienced much, he has known much, he has overcome his own wounds and pains of the past. Thus the Hierophant has power to help human beings to overcome their wounds through benevolence and wisdom.

Negative aspects of the Letter The Priest

The shadow aspect of this card talks about perfectionism, rigidity and stubbornness. The Hierophant is the wise man, the one who knows the knowledge of heaven and earth, lord of knowledge, so it is common that the card expresses rigidity and arrogance at certain times. The sense of balance often leads to an exacerbated perfectionism. The priest brings a rigid posture to changes.

A point to watch out for in the priest is inertia, because he thinks he has already lived too much and therefore he does not need to seek more knowledge, experiences or development. When the Hierophant loses the sense of balance and pondering between what is divine and what is human, he ceases to be wise, becoming fanatical, instransigent and attached, vibrating his negative side.

The Hierophant in the Tarot of love and relationships

When the Hierophant comes out in love and relationship draws, he represents someone older in the life of the consulter. A person who will show life in a totally different and profound way. The V card talks about an apprentice-master relationship. When the Priest comes out, the person may be someone spiritualist, a teacher or an academic.

In this position the person has a temperament very similar to that of the Hierophant: focused, objective, dedicated, not very romantic but faithful to the relationship, and sometimes very stubborn and right-winged. When the V sign for your relationship comes out, it can mean that it tends to be a lasting relationship, solid, persistent and blessed by the divine with much protection.

The Hierophant in the Tarot of work and finance

When it comes to finances the Hierophant will speak about someone who is very firm in his decisions and disciplined and methodical in his actions. It also refers to more formal and intellectual work, in which you need to use your mind, do a lot of research, analysis, pondering and guidance. Usually it refers to academic and religious work.

In the area of finances, the priest expresses the idea of control and the search to know the financial world in order to have greater understanding and mastery. He will not show propensity to riches, but whenever necessary, a male figure will help you in small and medium earnings. You need organization in your finances to be able to live well, without lacking anything.

The Hierophant in the Tarot of health and spirituality

The V sign for health expresses the need to take care of your body. Pay attention to your throat, thyroid, vocal cords and cervical spine, as these points are your base. Be careful with overload of activities and inertia. Try to have balanced meals and respect the time you eat, besides looking for ways to eliminate stress such as meditation.

In spirituality, the Hierophant asks for dedication, zeal and constancy. It is time to improve yourself and try to do your best to share what you know with others. Many times he represents a being of light in the drawings that is protecting and guiding you. Try to let go of the excess of materialism in your life and understand that we all have a higher purpose, a mission to fulfill.

The Hierophant in Mythological Tarot

In the mythological tarot, one of several types of tarot that exist, the hierophant is represented as the centaur Quiron. The being half man and half horse was educated by the gods brothers Apollo and Artemis (Sun and Moon). Quiron was holder of a unique wisdom and spiritualities, being responsible for the teaching and guidance of young princes, teaching them about spiritual and earthly values.

Quiron has a wound that never heals, reminding him that despite so much wisdom and knowledge he is not able to heal himself. This maxim brings the sense of benevolence and humility, because without the pain, only arrogance would remain in the face of so much knowledge. Quiron represents the balance between the animal and human side, which transcends in the search for its inner mission.

The Hierophant in Astrology

In astrology the Hierophant is associated with the sign of Taurus. The Taurus energy is the voice of the divine word on earth, transmitting its inner prosperity, love and dedication to those around it. The sign of Taurus brings the idea of perseverance, dedication, inspiration and construction present in the figure of the Hierophant. Both are dogmatic and seek traditionalism through their methodologycontinuous.

Top Combinations with the Hierophant Card

During tarot runs you can deepen the meaning of the cards with a complementary card. It would be no different with the card V, depending on the major or minor arcane that will come out, you will have greater specification of the message you received in the run, so you can distinguish which direction you should take. Check out the most common combinations with the Hierophant in a run!

The Hierophant and The Priestess

The combination of the Hierophant and The Priestess expresses the urgent need to work on your inner self and the connections with spirituality, as both cards speak of the sacred. You don't need to choose a specific religion, but you must know yourself and ponder your animal and divine nature, so that you can use your intuition to the maximum, in an open way for the benefit of you and the collective.

The Hierophant and The Lovers

The combination of Hierophant with The Lovers expresses the need to make choices. It is impossible to walk on two different roads at the same time. One reason is emotion, choose what is more compatible with your essence, after all, only you know yourself. Be authentic and honest with yourself, the choice is yours and no one else's, only you know what you really want or want.

The Hierophant and The Moon

When the Moon joins the Hierophant it is necessary to seek knowledge to remove the clouds that hide your reality, your interior, your mind. Beware of fanaticism, false prophets. Always have attention and critical thinking to escape the traps of the earthly world. Beware also of negative thoughts and self-sabotaging processes.

The Hierophant and Kings of Wands

The King of clubs with the Hierophant portrays a very charismatic, determined and deep spiritual leader. Someone who is not afraid to share his knowledge, because he knows that knowledge belongs to no one. His arms are always open to welcome and fight for his pupils, neophytes and followers. He just needs to be careful with exaggerations, arrogance and lack of tact in his oratory.

The Hierophant and Ace of Cups

A divine gift is coming when the Hierophant comes out with the Ace of Cups. A surprise will bring motivation and a deep sense of belonging to you. Your chalice will overflow thanks to your kindness and love shared with those around you. It signals the ideal time to seek to nourish your spirit with positive elements such as nature, meditation and positive company.

The Hierophant Card indicates a connection of the divine with the human!

The Hierophant expresses wisdom, dedication to study in order to know himself and the nature around him. In the daily trials of life it is possible to understand how far faith in oneself and in the divine goes. To live on earth is to balance between the spiritual and the material, without unbalancing the scales. This is the Hierophant, the bridge between the divine and the human.

Knowledge is the key to access the self and spirituality. The arcane of the madman when facing the hierophant questions how far the knowledge about the self, about life and the divine goes. The reflection is about controlling the wild and human side in order to transcend the essence to a higher level for the sake of the collective, goodness and love.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.