Temple of Aphrodite: meet the Tarot of love relationships!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what Aphrodite Temple Tarot means?

The Tarot Temple of Aphrodite is a way of positioning the cards in the Tarot game, focusing on predictions for relationships. This card reading presents aspects about the future of the couple and the sexual desire between them, as well as mental issues and how is the emotional involvement.

Normally, to do the card reading in Aphrodite Temple Tarot, a card analysis is done for each person separately. Then, the energy of the two is joined for the common reading.

In this way, it is possible to understand, in a more accurate and complete way, how is the harmony and affinity between the couple. Then, it will be possible to advise them on ways of acting and seeing the situations, to improve the relationship.

In this article, you will get to know what the Aphrodite Temple Tarot is, how its card arrangement is in the reading and what answers are obtained by it!

What is the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite

The Tarot Temple of Aphrodite is a way of doing the reading of the game, with a specific positioning. Each position in which a card is drawn tells about an aspect of life as a couple.

Below, you will know a little about the mythology related to Aphrodite, the origin of this form of Tarot reading and how the reading works. Check it out!

Aphrodite in Mythology

According to mythology, Aphrodite, well known around the world, is a Greek Goddess who also receives the name Venus in Roman culture. She is the representation of beauty, seduction and pure and deep love, so she is always exalted when there is some disagreement about love.

In this way, the Goddess Aphrodite has connection with matters that refer to relationships, mainly about the understanding between the couple, the harmony of the relationship and the way of seduction between the lovers.

Origin and fundamentals

The Tarot Temple of Aphrodite is a specific reading for relationships, precisely because of the symbolism present in mythology, which involves the existence of the Greek goddess. This form of analysis of the cards is focused on three deeper levels of a relationship.

Generally, the points analyzed between the couple are focused on their romantic ties, the idea of the two about the relationship, the sexual desires of each and the vision they have about their involvement.

How reading works

The reading of the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite is made through a specific positioning of the cards. They are arranged in columns and rows, two columns on the sides, representing those involved in the relationship, and one in the center, which talks about the relationship itself.

These cards arranged in this format will bring information to the consultant about the behavior of both partners. In addition, they will also talk about the relationship as a whole. From these predictions, it will be possible to take some attitudes and make changes to solve problems.

What are the benefits of using this Oracle?

Below, you will understand what are the best benefits brought by Aphrodite Temple Tarot reading:

  • Knowledge about the harmony between the couple;

  • Opportunity to understand the weaknesses of life as a couple;

  • Opportunity to correct these points, leading to a strengthening of the relationship;

  • Possibility of revealing the difficulties and contrasts between the couple;

  • Knowledge of the positive points of both;

  • Understanding what needs to be changed to preserve the relationship;

  • Wisdom to understand whether this relationship will be lasting or not;

  • Collaboration of both to make good use of that which strengthens the relationship.

Layout of the cards in Tarot Temple of Aphrodite

When reading the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite, the cards are arranged in three columns. The two in the corners refer to each individual in the relationship and the third column, in the middle, represents the direction of the relationship. Thus, one column refers to the consulter and the other to the partner.

The position of the columns is chosen by the consultant, he decides who is in which, before starting the reading. In the first column, the cards 1, 2, and 3 are placed; in the third column, the cards 4, 5, and 6 are placed; in the central column, the card 7 is placed.

To begin the game, the initial drawing of the arcana for the reading is done. One of the ways used for this is to cut the cards into three piles and turn one from each pile. This way, the reading begins. Below, you will find some meanings of the cards drawn!

Letters 1 and 4

In the first line formed by the columns are the cards 1 and 4, which speak about the mental level of the couple. It is in this line that will be shown the ways in which each one sees the other and also how both observe the relationship.

In this part, it will be possible to identify grievances, communication difficulties between them, the goals of each one involved and what each one expects for the relationship. Thus, there is the opportunity to better understand each other

Cards 2 and 5

The cards 2 and 5, which are in the second line of the arrangement of the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite, makes an analysis on the emotional of those involved in this relationship. This field is reserved for the study of the feelings of the couple.

Reading this line leads to knowledge about how each spouse feels about the other. It also shows how these people have expressed their feelings, giving a clue about improvements that can be made in this area.

Cards 3 and 6

The sexual part of the relationship is analyzed through the cards 3 and 6, in the third line of the formation of the game. Here, the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite will help to understand what are the desires and attractions that each one possesses.

In this part of the reading, it is possible to identify some differences in relation to the desires of each, the way each person is satisfied, as well as the desires directed outside the relationship. It is an opportunity to reach a common point in the physical part of the relationship.

Letter 7

In the center of the three columns is the 7th card, which is used to close the set of previous cards. It helps to understand what the others mean about the relationship. From this closure, it is possible to analyze how the future of this couple will be.

Here, balances are made which reveal what possibilities this relationship has to be lasting. Ways to improve the coexistence are presented, if there is hope, or the conclusion is reached that the best for both is the end of the relationship.

Answers obtained with the Temple of Aphrodite

In the reading of the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite, it is possible to understand how the harmony between the couple is and understand problems that need attention. In this way, it is shown what possibilities for resolution.

In the following session, you will understand what the answers brought up by this reading are, with regard to what the couple thinks about the relationship, what their feelings are, their wishes, recommendations and trends for the future!

What the couple thinks about the relationship

In this part of the relationship, the Aphrodite Temple Tarot reading will bring information about how the couple has seen the relationship. It is possible to know if there are thoughts about the need for physical distance, anger or discomfort by some attitude.

At this point, the consulent will also be able to understand if there is some mental confusion in some of the partners, some need to seek new horizons, or if there is coldness and detachment between them.

The feelings

The reading of the cards of the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite will show how the feelings of the couple are, if there is affection and friendship between them, if there is a lack of sincerity and loyalty, and even reveal if there are extramarital relationships.

The Tarot also helps to define if there is a need for greater freedom, if the couple has the knowledge about what they want or not for their lives and if there is still affection between them.

The physical attraction

The Tarot reading Temple of Aphrodite talks about the libido of the couple. It is possible to know if there is a selfish way of both for satisfaction in sex or if they can share this moment in a harmonious way.

Here it will also become clear whether there is reciprocity in desire or if they are at odds, so that each thinks only of his desires, without caring about the partner.

By reading the cards of the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite, it is possible to understand what are the points to be improved. But it is also possible to come to the conclusion that it is best for both of you to put an end to the relationship.

However, if there is still love, it is possible to look for ways to improve the relationship and recover the good coexistence. Couple therapy, for example, may help to understand the differences. Another possibility is to reinforce the positive traits and police yourself to avoid negative and stressful attitudes.

The Tarot Temple of Aphrodite will show what the possibilities are for the couple. At this point, with analysis of all the other information obtained, the decisions that can be taken will be understood.

From here it will be possible to say if this relationship can become something mature, with the integration of partners in a happy and pleasurable way. Honest and respectful conversations can help to solve pending issues and unite the couple.

How can the Temple of Aphrodite help with love issues?

The reading of the Tarot Temple of Aphrodite can help in love affairs, because the appearance of the cards during the drawing will give information about problems faced by the couple. From the analysis of these predictions, it is possible to take some attitudes that can save the relationship.

This reading serves to show what needs to be emphasized and what must be improved in the relationship. However it is up to those involved to understand if it is still worth investing in the relationship or if the wear and tear has already been too damaging.

Whatever the conclusion about the future of the relationship, the most important point to be taken into account is the happiness of both partners. It is not healthy to maintain a relationship that no longer brings any joy.

We hope that this article has helped you understand how the Aphrodite Temple Tarot works and what the predictions are for your relationship!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.