What is Grabovoi? Origin, fundamentals, number sequences and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what Grabovoi is?

If you do not know what Grabovoi is, rest assured, because in this article you will understand everything about this universal number theory. With followers and practitioners around the world, the Grabovoi number sequence has several high moments.

Its application and functionality diverges opinions to the point of having become a police case, because there are a large number of people who have opinions about it. However we suggest you to have your personal experiences, because the connection generated from this sequence with the universe can be something beneficial for you.

In this article, you will know everything about how this technique works and the benefits of it in your life. Check it out!

Understanding the Grabovoi method

The Grabovoi method consists of opening a connection with the universe and attracting energies to a certain end. The sequences are numbers that come into consonance with the universe, attracting money, health, love, etc. The method is very well known in Brazil in a positive way, but it is not so around the world.

In the opinions, Grabovoi walks between science, spirituality or simply charlatanism. There are defenders of these 3 theses and, knowing the history of its creator, you will surely be divided. But the fact is that, in Brazil, many people report success in the application of this method.

In the country, the Grabovoi sequences spread differently than it is done in Russia, for example. This method did not come accompanied by the history of its creator and is easily accessible on the Internet. Learn more about this story below!

Origin and history

Born on November 4, 1963 (age 58) in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Grigory Grabovoi is a naturalized Russian. He was an aircraft mechanic who held several jobs in his career and became an academic scholar, completing 5 doctoral theses before the age of 35. He received awards worldwide for his methods.

However, a slightly more frightening truth is that he has no proven doctoral thesis and no various recommendations, awards and decorations that he claims to have. Grigory Grabovoi made a lot of money in Russia selling the miracle of his pseudoscience, until his arrest.

He is seen as the leader of a sect and is said by him to be the second coming of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Grabovoi sequence of numbers is one of the techniques taught by him, which spreads in Russia in a very different way than it is applied in Brazil. He even charges hundreds of dollars to write a sequence, which, here, is found on the Internet for free.

Grigori Grabovoi gathers thousands of people in his name and has always been on the run from justice, but the case that got him four years in prison was when he told some mothers who lost their children in a school massacre that they could resurrect their children for $1200.00. This led to a trial and then to prison.

In counterpoint, Gravoboi's defense claimed that that trial was rigged and politically motivated, as he announced in 2014 that he would run for the presidency of Russia. The supreme court dismissed several charges against him, and in 2016, the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Russian government to pay $2800,00 in compensation for the abuse of pre-trial detention.

Thus, his story is disputed and sometimes even found to be fraudulent, but he has gathered followers who seem fanatical in his figure and a team of powerful enemies. Whether guilty or a victim of political persecution, his following has many supporters who, even without knowing him, attest to his veracity and effectiveness.

Curiosities about Grabovoi

Recently, the Grabovoi number sequence became the sensation on the social media app Tik Tok,. Several influencers attributed their growth to these sequences and started spreading more and more. The hashtag #grabovoicode passed 56 million views on the app and has been gaining more and more followers.

With the feeling of receiving quick content, it is extremely difficult to delve into deeper discussions. The numbers technique is pervasive, and sequences are known, tested, and generate their results to the point where people engage to spread their results.


The fundamentals of the Gravoboi theory are based on the following: Already known to all and verified by science that the universe is in constant motion, all objects, including us, are composed of micro particles that move. These particles generate an energy when moving and resonate at a specific frequency.

Gravoboi holds that everything produces an energy and a frequency: feelings, health, prosperity, etc. He is not alone in this interpretation, as several religions share this thought, including some scientific studies. But he discovered a way to connect with these energies through the frequency emanating from numbers.

How does it work?

Basically, each number has a frequency that generates an action, and the numbers combined make a sequence for a certain purpose. The act of you visualizing these numbers and repeating them puts you in the desired frequency and attracts that benefit into your life. So, the secret is in the visualization and repetition of the numbers.

One theory that has become a best seller is "The Law of Attraction" by Rhonda Byrne. This has been put to the test and studied all over the world, receiving several positive feedbacks. Although not mentioned, it is possible to state that the Grabovoi sequence is largely just another exercise of the law of attraction.

Internal and external changes

It is extremely difficult to prove something that is based on personal experiences. However, an experiment conducted by IKEA Dubai, using two identical plants with the same treatment, showed the power of word of mouth, so that one plant was praised and the other went through constant cursing.

One month after the beginning of the experiments, the praised plant was strong and healthy, while the other, which was being cursed, was visibly deteriorated. This experiment was conducted in other places around the world, leading the scientific community to wonder if it was possible through proving the energetic action of words.

Thus, this example is the closest we can get to prove that words and thoughts interfere directly in the physical world. The Grabovoi sequence is praised by many people around the world, who prove its veracity and effectiveness. Therefore, it is interesting to do the test for yourself and check the internal and external changes caused by the method.

Meanings of Grabovoi numbers

Each number will be responsible for transmitting a specific frequency to the universe and attract that specific energy. Although each number has its own meaning, to build a sequence that gives results, you need to have much more knowledge than just putting the numbers together. That's why there are ready-made sequences. Learn more below!

Number 1

The beginning is represented by the number 1. It is the beginning of each and every journey, whether it is the beginning of life, of love, of a job or even the beginning of a new habit or behavior in your life. In addition, it can also be associated with the beginning of creation and the Divine, as the real beginning of all things.

Number 2

The number 2 means action, the force that moves us. The act of moving generates energy, whether it's the turbines of a hydroelectric power plant or the blades of a wind power plant, they are part of the movement.

So, action is what really generates result and makes you achieve your goals. Thinking and planning is essential, but no crisis can resist hard work, so promoting action is promoting result.

Number 3

Within Grabovoi, the number 3 signifies the result to be achieved. Symbolizing directly with determination and resilience in order to achieve a defined main goal, the number 3 brings the firmness of purpose and focus needed to achieve that result, whatever it may be. Thus, whether the result is greater or lesser, it doesn't matter, because it has its own importance.

Number 4

The number 4 signifies the correlation with the external world, the social contact with other individuals and with humanity itself. The phrase "nobody does anything alone" illustrates well the need for this number, either to complement our weaknesses or just to keep us company. In this way, the human being needs another person, just as he needs a community.

Number 5

Self love is represented by the number 4, value yourself. This feeling so necessary and essential that, many times, is left aside is the cause of many psychological and social problems. Just as the human being has the ability to give only what he owns, a person can not deliver love to the next, if he does not love himself.

Number 6

Within Grabovoi numerology, the 6 signifies values and principles, and your awareness of what is right and wrong. Ethics is a small word of only 5 letters, but it generates heated debates and is the basis of studies within almost all university courses. Being aligned with your principles and values leaves you aligned with the universe and the path you are walking.

Number 7

Number 7 means love and development of yourself and your soul. This number represents your IN, that which is within you, hidden under lock and key and which only you know how it really works. Thus, it will help you understand everything within you and develop yourself as a person and as a spirit.

Number 8

For the method, Grabovoi, the number 8 means the space/time relationship, it refers to the infinite. The doubt about space and time has always been one of the main questions that has moved humanity for centuries. Perhaps, this question is so important because it brings other questions and, thus, humanity goes evolving and developing more and more.

Number 9

The number 9 signifies faith and connection with our creator. The creator, in various religions, may be presented in different ways. In some, there may even be more than one, but the fact is that most people believe that there is someone or something that watches over them, and the number 9 delivers this connection with this sacred force.

Number 0

The meaning of the number 0 is transition, the point of passage in the physical and spiritual world. When talking about transition, many people relate it to physical death, but this transition can be the end and the beginning of everything. In addition, it can also be interpreted as the passage between planes, the development or even the connection with the spiritual world.

Sequences of Grabovoi numbers

For Grabovoi, the numbers are important, but the great achievement is in the sequences made with them. Are the sequences, written and repeated, which generate the result and have their specific actions. See below how to use each sequence in the correct way and the meaning of each!

Some sequences that can help you

Below are some Grabovoi numerical sequences that may help you and their respective affected areas:

  • love = 888 412 1289018
  • health = 1891014
  • windfall = 520
  • fight against alcoholism = 14843292
  • harmonize the present = 71042
  • lose weight = 4812412
  • depression = 519514 319891
  • self-esteem = 4818951749814
  • immediate solution = 741
  • unemployment = 318514517618
  • prosperity = 71427321893
  • ease nicotine addiction = 1414551
  • protection = 9187756981818
  • relationship = 528147 81814181
  • miracles happen = 777
  • personal development = 138

How to use Grabovoi codes?

The correct way to use Grabovoi codes is very simple, but you need to pay attention to achieve the desired result. Write on a sheet of paper, every day, the numbers and repeat aloud the complete sequence.

Also, the right way to speak is number by number. For example, 520 is spoken "five, two, zero" instead of "five hundred and twenty", because this is an important detail.

Other ways to use the sequences

The goal of Grabovoi repetition is to make the numbers enter your subconscious. The moment you remember the numbers, even without realizing it, is when they begin to act most effectively, because it is your internal antenna sending the signal to the universe and getting ready to receive its signal back.

To achieve this goal, you can use some tools to help you memorize.Check them out:

  • Write the numbers in various places in your home and office;
  • Make an image and put it as the lock screen of your phone;
  • Instead of digital, put numbers as a password to unlock your phone or computer;
  • Writing on the bathroom mirror helps you look at the numbers first thing in the morning;
  • Record an audio saying the sequence and play it at night while you sleep;

Can the Grabovoi method bring change to your life?

It is possible to say that thousands of people have had their lives transformed through the Grabovoi method. But what will really determine whether it will work out for you is your faith and how much you will really dedicate yourself to make it happen. It's not easy, but persistence is the way.

After you succeed in your first sequence, you can move on to the next one and so on. Do one at a time and start with an easy one with more visible results, because, this way, you will feed your belief and decrease the difficulty for the next ones. Abuse and use it, because it won't bring any harm to your life if it doesn't work out, but it can help you, if it really works foryou.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.