3 of Swords in Tarot: meaning, history, love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card 3 of Swords mean in Tarot?

Many people attribute to the 3 of Swords card in Tarot the meaning of betrayal. However, this card goes far beyond that. In this article you will learn how to read this card beyond the conventional meaning and discover its various interpretations.

Combined with other cards within the reading, the 3 of Swords card in the Tarot may indicate sadness, falsehood, rivalry, even health problems. Read the full article to understand more about the 3 of Swords.

Basics of the 3 of Swords in Tarot

For a complete reading, absorbing the maximum information in the consultation, it is interesting to study the symbols that the card presents, combining the meaning of the card within the deck and the suit.

This is a card of the suit of Swords, commonly associated with the element of air, which speaks about ideas, thought and all mental areas. And in the same way that the major arcana tell a story, a cycle, here we are in the third step within the cycle of the suit of Swords. Understand now the history and iconography of this card!


Swords is a suit about the mental plane, which involves desire, will, creating situations and fighting for what you want. It is also a suit that talks about having ideas and innovating, that is, it talks about the plans and ideas we create and what we are willing to fight to put into practice.

At the same time, it talks about fears that prevent us from moving forward. The numbers of the cards, in turn, tell the moment in which the consulter is in the cycle. The third cards have the sense of balance, movement, expansion. The 3 of Swords is no different, continuing what the card 2 of Swords means.

The 3 of Swords needs to regain the balance lost after the contest of the 2 of Swords. The 3 is the card that implies pain and wreckage. Instead of the balance guaranteed in other cards of the same number, the 3 of Swords warns that it is necessary to find the balance that was lost.


Traditional art and decks that are inspired by the art of Rider-Waite-Smith feature a red heart pierced by three swords at the same time and a storm in the background. It is also common representations that show scenes with sad people, or taking serious attitudes.

The Sweet Twilight deck, for example, shows a person piercing through their own heart with a dagger. The image is quite literal: the heart will be struck by truth and something will come out in response. Or even that a torn heart allows one to understand truths we want to escape. And so the storm passes.

3 of Swords Meaning in Tarot

This card implies that something is dissonant, something on the mental plane is so unbalanced that it triggers to suffering, which is even unnecessary. The following meanings of suffering and separation are results of either carrying doubts and not taking attitudes ends up generating in the life of the consulent.

Emotional distress

Unresolved situations, fear, mistrust, negative emotions were fed for a long time leaving pain, sorrow, the feeling of betrayal, fatigue, the doubts. Decisions were pushed into the future and indecision also generated pain. The mental area is in tatters and one does not know how to continue.

It is a time when many words are being used as a weapon and no understanding is being reached. The consulter needs to reflect on which areas he feels worn down.

You have to create some distance to analyze what can be done and separate what you want to save, make this decision and stand firm. Above all, seek balance in what you say and in your actions.


About relationships, the chart shows that after many quarrels, silence and estrangement, the relationship has come to an end. Perhaps jealousy was not talked about or another person may have appeared. But, all in all, many things were hidden, cultivating the situations that eventually led to the end of the relationship.

The separation is only the consequence of the attitudes of the consulent or his partner. The 3 of Swords is a card that shows the exhaustion of one of the parties, because the pain is too much and it is necessary to distance oneself.

With this card in the drawing, it is very important to reflect on what you want in that relationship and if it is worth it to continue fighting for it. Without effective change, resentments will deepen and the separation will eventually happen.

Realism to achieve overcoming

As an exercise in self-knowledge, when the 3 of Swords appears it is necessary to recognize one's own pain and the difficulties one is going through. The truth has been revealed and running away is only a way to prolong the pain. It is necessary to move away from what is bad for you and face the fact that there is no growth in that area without a change of attitude.

Facing the truth can be difficult and, like the Tower card, it is necessary to reevaluate some aspects of life before the house of cards collapses. An advice card or the rest of the draw may indicate what changes will be needed to start over, but the truth needs to be faced.

Bright side

It is a card that asks for attention and that points out the existence of lies and disillusions. And so it seems to have no positive side at all, but there are evils that come for good. Always keep that in mind. Enjoy, through the 3 of Swords the truths are coming to light and there is nothing hidden anymore.

This is a unique chance to re-evaluate and bring the balance that the 3 cards usually possess. Take advantage of the possibility of new beginnings, to exclude falsehood and resolve issues that need an end point.

The consulter must allow himself to grieve and feel the pain before preparing for the future. Without this time of mourning, there is no possibility of healing which this card offers. The hurt and resentment which were fed by the suit of Swords will leave and allow a new beginning.


Betrayals, falsehoods and other attitudes taken against you will be exposed or recognized. And this hurts, but it is necessary to understand it as a learning process and a form of inner development. Seek to get rid of ties that bind rather than connect, and thus, abandon what is bad and no longer serves.

It can also indicate the need for medical intervention, as will be explained below. And so, the consulter should pay attention to health problems when drawing the 3 of Swords.

3 of Swords in Tarot in different areas of life

The 3 of Swords applied to different areas responds to what was left behind and needs attention. Note that these are truths that the consulter needs to face and decide to move on calmly and free himself from the suffering he is in. See now the interpretations of this card related to love, work and health.

In love

Combined with other cards, it points to some kind of betrayal, something your partner has done that is outside the dynamics of your relationship. It indicates that your loved one is not being completely truthful in that relationship and soon the truth will come out, if it hasn't already been revealed.

Another interpretation is the existence of someone who is a rival, or whom the consulent feels is a rival. Not having an honest conversation about the situation can create an untenable snowball and destroy the relationship. This is a good time to reassess feelings and whether jealousy is unfounded.

At work

For work issues, disappointment is the focus of the reading. Expectations placed on that position do not succeed or prosper. It may also be difficult feedback from bosses, in which the consulter has issues to improve and needs to listen, filter criticism and rethink attitudes.

Have you thought about a new career, or a new job? Maybe this is the sign to think about new opportunities and leave a position without growth prospects. If the consulent has plans for growth or try something new, leaving the current job may be what the consulent needed to find happiness again.

In health

Maybe you are running away or denying some recurring symptom, but don't do that. Don't ignore your health and especially take care of vascular and heart issues. The need for surgery is also possible, especially if the draught involves other health-related cards of spades, so consult your doctor and take every care.

A little more about the card 3 of Swords in Tarot

The 3 of Swords card in the Tarot reveals that there is jealousy over a third person, or a situation that should have been resolved a long time ago. It may also indicate that your health has been set aside, or even something from the past that has not been allowed to heal.

To better understand what situations need to be resolved for peace of mind to return, read on!

Inverted card

If you draw reversed cards, or draw this card in a negative house, you can interpret it as indicating that the situation that brought problems is over. Those difficult moments are behind us and today there is the possibility of peace and harmony. The pain still exists, but it is a step after that moment of anguish.


It is never easy to face the truth completely. It is normal to run, to hide, to look for culprits. To face the problems, in itself, is already difficult. This card indicates that many painful things have happened and have not yet been solved or talked about.

In cases like this, changes are necessary and need to be made, or the pain will continue and small situations can snowball. It takes honesty and dialogue for the situation to have the best possible solution. You can be sure that the effort is worth it.


Reflect on the situations that bring suffering and plan to take that first step for inner change. Don't let small situations become unsolvable, solve the small hang-ups that bother you. Say and do what is important to you, whether it is good or bad for other people. The heart gets better after the truth comes out.

Is 3 of Swords a message to move on?

More than moving on, the 3 of Swords is a card about facing facts, acknowledging what hurts. Moving on is the next step after reflecting on what is worthwhile and changing your attitude about that area.

In addition, check if there is a possibility of forgiveness, of giving another chance, and especially, as it is a letter that involves two people, if there is a chance for dialogue. Only then is it possible to move on.

Follow your intuition, it is very important in this process. Put everything in the balance and reflect whether it is worth insisting or moving on is the best option, but it is necessary to change.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.