Which sign does Sagittarius go with? Love, dating and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Sagittarius goes with which sign?

Having Jupiter as ruling planet makes Sagittarians people who have as a differential the greatness of life. They have in their essence the confidence, good humor and joy that contagious to all. Moreover, this need to always be learning or seeing something new, makes them the great adventurers of the study of astrology.

The search for growth, freedom and fun makes them very independent, which can make some signs get along well from the first contact and can also be what generates friction in the first look.

However, the advanced studies that allow us to better understand the signs, such as characteristics, positions, elements, etc., also help us to know who matches more with whom. So, check out the main combinations for the sign of Sagittarius in this article!

Which sign of Sagittarius is right for you in love?

If you are Sagittarius and are looking for someone to love, check out the list below and see which are the best signs that go with Sagittarius in love!

Aries and Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Aries are ruled by the element of fire. Just imagining it, you can already see the explosion that their encounters are. Sagittarians have happiness and exaggeration as their motto, and in a way, not everyone welcomes these emotions.

Aryans can be characterized as practical people and Sagittarians as belonging to the most vague sign of the constellations. This could be the reason for the difficulty of the relationship of these signs. But don't think that this is a problem, because both can easily fit the difficulties, if there are no demands in the relationship.

The Aryans have their peculiarities, they are a bit aggressive and sometimes they can create unpleasant arguments. Because they are more rational people, the coming of someone from Sagittarius can be the best and the worst thing that could happen. These are intense signs and this makes the surrender mutual, but both of them do not give up their freedom.

In sexual life, the relationship will hardly fall into a routine: the search for adventure, fun and excitement is one of the reasons for a successful relationship. Both have a strong libido and sex life will be very active. The relationship will not be one of great attachment, as both opt for space, which is important to both of them. One and the other are not easily offended, but this does not mean that there will only be simple arguments.

Despite their differences, when they connect and respect their individuality, this relationship has everything to flow. Look for sincerity and respect, as this will make the relationship amazing.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Sagittarians go well with some signs, but Taurus is not one of them. Taureans, besides food, have a great apprehension for who is with them. With this, their possessive jealousy makes Sagittarians pass away. Routine, programming and projects is the vibration of Taurus' life, being quite different from Sagittarius, who prefers to worry about other things.

Taureans show a lot of sexuality and eroticism, whereas Sagittarians use spontaneity in bed. This possible romantic connection can have problems such as seriousness and the need for something concrete.

So, this relationship can even work out, if there is a lot of willpower and one knows the other well, respecting each other's space.

Gemini and Sagittarius

One of the doubts that are generated is whether Gemini, one of the signs that form the trio of air elements, really matches with Sagittarians. It is possible to affirm that this is not the best couple of the zodiac, but it has its qualities.

The two signs are opposite in the zodiac, but they share interests in the same subjects. Therefore, in a conversation, there will be a very nice chat, if the subject is not too futile. Both like subjects that make each other think and question. In this case, they complement each other's company.

In addition, the signs which have more compatibility with Sagittarius are those of a nature guided by freedom. Gemini fits this question, but the time to expose and express feelings can be a problem. Neither of the two are able to demonstrate too much and so a balance is needed.

This freedom in question is very well enjoyed by both, but the need for change can become the great villain of the relationship. Then, the search for the new can drive them apart, causing the estrangement. So, it is important that they are attentive to the connection and the union of the couple.

In this way, the attraction of the two can be fatal from the first moment, as they both have their difficulties in showing affection, which can drive them apart out of fear. However, they can still create strong and lasting bonds.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Cancer's sensitivity can be tiresome and an enclosure to Sagittarius. We can say that this, therefore, can be a difficult relationship. Cancerians demand a lot of attention and it can be that the attention and the way of life that Sagittarians live is not enough for them.

Some considerable differences can be a big obstacle for this couple. For example, Cancerians are secretive and like to play with personalities, but Sagittarians don't have much patience to discover and see beyond that.

Plus, there's the Cancerians' resentment and memory. If you say or do something that wasn't to their liking, zodiac crabs will remind you of that situation for as long as you're together.

The extrovert way of Sagittarius can be a nuisance for the more calm and dramatic Cancerian. Meanwhile, the emotional side of Cancer can suck the energies of Sagittarius, but this doesn't need to become a reality, it's enough that the Cancerian takes advantage of this energy and brings it to the relationship.

Cancerians are always in love and see romanticism in everything, but Sagittarians are more down to earth. This doesn't mean that the relationship can't work, as both will learn from each other about freedom, expansion, empathy and romance.

Leo and Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a perfect match for Leo. Both are lively, motivated, remarkable and have a lot to do with each other. They like to live life to the fullest and this is one of their common characteristics. The confidence of the Leo is one of the trumps of conquest for this sign, which is unlikely to experience scenes of jealousy.

Both are very sociable signs and will always be with many people around, making great parties and circles of friends. The sign of Leo can be a little too arrogant and vain, but for the Sagittarian, who lives life in a frenzy, this difference will not be a big problem. Besides everything, both are great companions and accomplices.

In addition, the sexual life of both is very animated, but it is important that the dialogue is willing. The controlling way of the Leo can be a terror for the Sagittarian. So, to have balance is necessary so that the Sagittarian does not feel imprisoned and neither invaded.

On the other hand, the energy of Sagittarius can be a nuisance for the sign of Leo. Leo people are static and fixed, while Sagittarians are changeable and easy to adapt to different situations. Thus, a danger for the relationship can be the lack of patience of both. Although people of the sign of Leo are not very jealous, not being the center of attention can be a torment.

Sagittarians, on the other hand, are outward and extravagant, without much effort. Perhaps, this could be the biggest problem of the relationship with this sign. Anyway, the two go together very well.

Virgo and Sagittarius

Virgoans, despite their regrets, have low compatibility with Sagittarius. For them, Sagittarians are inconsequential and don't weigh up problems. Meanwhile, for archers, Virgo natives are too worried and tense.

So, we know that one is the opposite of the other: adventurous and lively on one side and planners and careful on the other. However, intellectually speaking, both are perfect. Being great communicators, the dialogue between them tends to be very enriching.

Both have focus and responsibility in what they want to achieve and succeed in their conquests. In the financial sector, for example, Virgoans always get the back foot over Sagittarius. But the relationship itself has many obstacles along the way and lack of understanding can be seen by the Virgoan as a great lack of respect.

Libra and Sagittarius

The Libra native carries the doubt of not knowing if they match with Sagittarius. One of the great personalities of the Librian is their charm and charm. Even though they have their problems with indecision, romanticism hangs in the air when you are with a Librian. Besides, they are good listeners and great for conversations.

Perhaps a slight need to know who rules the relationship can be a nuisance, but nothing that the balance of your ruling planets can't solve. These are two signs that, together, match. Both are intelligent and appreciate the good side of life.

Therefore, the union of this couple can bring great personal benefits for both and "growth" is the key word governing this encounter. Friendship is a great strength and the lightness of Libra will be the attraction Sagittarius needs. Sex, besides romance, friendship, companionship and adventure, will never be boring.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

The sign Scorpio is not the best option for Sagittarius. Scorpio is the astral hell of this sign, causing this relationship to have several fights. Repeated patterns by Sagittarius can bother Scorpio. Jealousy, exaggerated joy and sincerity can be attributes that will leave the Scorpio very unhappy with his partner, not to mention, if you offend him, he will hardly forgive.

The exaggerated jealousy of Scorpio disturbs the freedom of the Sagittarian. The fact that this is a sign that loves change bothers the Scorpio's unchanging way.

The attraction between these two can be enjoyed by the exaggerated Sagittarius. Scorpio should enjoy it, but sexual attraction alone does not sustain any relationship. With this, Scorpio's bossy ways come back in full swing.

Besides, Sagittarians are not usually aligned to serious and lasting relationships, unlike Scorpios. Even at the risk of ending chaotically, the two of them don't stop enjoying each other for the moment.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

The combination of Sagittarius and Sagittarius can go very well and very wrong, too. It is the famous 8 or 80 relationship. Firmness is one of the characteristics of archers and, as their motto is to live life while you can, wasting time is not in their repertoire.

Thus the optimum combination of courage, happiness and independence is the strong point of this relationship. Both of you have no difficulty in respecting your space, as you value this in your relationship.

However, we can't say that the relationship is perfect, but if both of them are willing to invest in their relationship, it can work out. Although they change their minds easily, they will still enjoy each other's company.

One thing is certain: if you have, travel, sincerity, optimism, new experiences, a lot of disposition and many adventures, this relationship has everything to work out. However, you have to be careful with the financial side, because both are signs that are a little unreasonable.

Even so, the lightness with which the Sagittarian leads life makes things easier. Sincerity and freedom are the ways he finds to live through the difficult days. Besides, the connection with his partner is something that Sagittarians seek. Despite the lack of showing feelings, good conversations and laughs are guaranteed.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

With different lifestyles, Capricorn and Sagittarius make a good pair. Despite being billed as the boring and cold ones of the horoscope, Capricornians also have love to offer. However, this sign doesn't mind sticking to rules and Sagittarians do their best to break them.

In love, the two have a very good connection, as Capricornians are sensual and Sagittarians come in with the flame. The energy of both, when together, is a some of the positive traits of the relationship. Thus, the two will need patience and willingness to learn, making this combination strong and good.

Aquarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarians and Aquarians have a very good connection. Both signs are very curious about life and talking about different subjects, including current affairs, is the right way to go on a second date. They enjoy the lack of routine, as nothing that is always the same interests them. So a certain tone of dynamism and agitation is necessary.

They are not able to show much feeling and, to the outsider, it may seem that they are dry or that they don't like each other, but they can make it work. Respecting space is something very important for any person, or any sign.

In addition, sincerity can be something that bothers the zodiac couple, as the Sagittarian's lack of sense can cause a certain discomfort and impatience in the Aquarian.

Still, even though the Aquarian is of a somewhat difficult genius, Sagittarius doesn't get carried away with the way he lives life, searching for the inside of the one he chose to be together with. As seen in many other combinations, the sign of Aquarius with Sagittarius doesn't have long lasting relationships.

But, if the two are willing to make it work, they have a great chance of it happening. Both should empathize with each other and conversations about feelings should be held so that balance can flow in the relationship.

Pisces and Sagittarius

One aspect of Pisceans' reality is their delicacy and their high level of fantasizing about situations, unlike Sagittarius. The two, for this reason, can have some friction, and over time the emotional contact that Pisces needs can become something that makes the Sagittarian feel trapped.

A lovely combination comes out of this couple, but it is essential that the Sagittarian is patient, since Pisces natives are more theoretical and Sagittarians are more practical. This way, it is possible to create a good relationship, while it lasts.

However, in this relationship, it will take a lot of patience and not much haste to make it work. They need to go slowly, as both of them have their peculiarities. This way, they will make the relationship work super well.

Influences on compatibility between signs

What are the interferences in the compatibility of the signs? The planets can interfere directly in this meeting, because they represent feelings that are analyzed to know if the characteristics of the relationship will work out. Check more about this below!

Planets and compatibility

The success of any relationship is all about how you engage. So it's important to remember that building a relationship can sometimes be extremely difficult, regardless of whether it's loving, platonic, or familial


Therefore, the making of an astrological chart is of great value as it shows the position that the signs were in, exactly at the time an individual was born. Therefore, be aware that when comparing the charts of two people, this analysis is done in relation to the ways of coexistence and this includes finding ways of relating.

This analysis of relationships should take into consideration several situations that the planets Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto are able to describe. Check out a little about:

- Sun x Sun: The Sun is the center of everything. It indicates identity, harmony between people who have it in the same place, flexibility and demand. The position in the same place is a difficult angle, but in the end it is very assertive.

- Moon x Moon: The Moon represents habits. A harmonious relationship is fundamental for a good relationship. So, when they are equal, some tensions can appear, due to the sensibility that the Moon carries.

- Sun x Moon x Ascendant: When these three aspects combine, the relationship flows in a perfect way. Balance and partnership stand out and so both of you can grow in the relationship. Obstacles will appear but they will be overcome quickly, making this encounter sensual and involving.

- Venus x Mars: The conjunction of these two planets is the ideal sexual symmetry. Sexual tension will not end easily, but this same solution can cause problems where there are unequal libidos. So, having these two planets in perspective is interesting. You need to think that not only the combination of the planets is important, as the partners should help each other.

- Saturn x Jupiter: It is very important to have the balance and equilibrium of these two connections. Saturn brings strength and unity in the relationship, while Jupiter brings joy and optimism. Therefore, it is important to have the stability of both for a relationship to work properly.

- Mercury: Mercury, as much as it is forgotten, is one of the most important planets. In times when communication has become very easy, it seems to have more problems in communicating relationships. It is through conversation that bonds and ties are created with the ideal partner. Staying interested, perhaps, is one of the greatest difficulties in the present times and Mercury helps in this.

Constellations and compatibility

Constellations are groups of stars near each other, which form different figures, such as animals and objects. Thus, they were named according to their images.

Also, the Sun is not necessarily exactly in the constellation in which you were born, because the Sun's path changes according to the stars, so we cannot say that constellations and star clusters have a definite relationship to compatibility between two individuals.

But they all have their particularities and the most famous are the 12 we know, which are: Pisces, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Serpentary - this one being recently included.

The constellation of Sagittarius follows the story of Chiron, who was accidentally shot by a poisoned arrow, without achieving a cure. With much suffering, his body was taken to the heavens, appearing the constellation of Sagittarius.

Having a relationship with someone of the sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is represented by archers in the zodiac. Being one of the most cheerful signs, this native is hardly shaken by anything. But what is it like to relate to someone of this sign? Check below!

Sagittarius love characteristics

The freedom that the Sagittarius native cherishes so much, on the one hand, can be a great quality for his relationships, if the person he is getting involved with is someone intelligent, open minded, who likes to have fun and loves an adventure. This way, you can be sure that it is the right match.

"Optimism" is the main word that describes this relationship, besides: friendliness, animation, curiosity, mutability, etc.

Negative characteristics of Sagittarius in love

Sagittarians have in their spirit freedom as one of the most important things in their life. However, impulsiveness and the need to live in the now can get them into situations which can get in the way of a relationship. For example, the fact that they always want to make their opinion clear can get them into trouble.

They are very expressive and this is what characterizes their attitudes considered ignorant, when they want to strengthen their opinion. With pride, they consider themselves owners of the truth and, in addition to these, they also have the following characteristics: impatience, demand, irony, pride and self-confidence.

What to expect in a relationship with someone from Sagittarius?

One of the things that you can definitely expect in a relationship with someone from Sagittarius is intensity, both in passion and day to day life. Sagittarius is a very open sign, so their native will have no problem with lack of communication.

They are very persistent in their goals and curious about life, so if you are looking for a partner of adventure, fun and affection, Sagittarians are the right match.

Find out if the Sagittarian is your ideal match

If you are one of the fire signs, you have everything to work out with the sign of Sagittarius. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the best combinations of this sign because they are all open minded, like fun and adventure and look for relationships that do not fall into a routine. In this way, these signs can combine in exceptional ways.

But this doesn't mean that he only goes well with these natives. The signs of air, Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, are also partners who can work well. But they must always respect the space of the Sagittarian.

Does the sign of Sagittarius have a perfect match after all?

If we analyze deeply the human relationship, there is no perfect match, because what we can do is find someone who has the same interests and the will to make it work. Therefore, no specific sign is good or bad. In fact, what we can analyze is the astrological chart reading, the conversations throughout the relationship and the certain characteristics of the signs.

So, it's no use insisting on someone who has all the zodiacal qualities you desire, but who, for the moment, is not in tune with you. Nor to continue with a person who has no similarity with your characteristics, because it is very likely that the relationship has no future.

But, if you are looking for a relationship with a sign, Sagittarius is a good bet .If you have willpower, companionship and admiration for life, and like space and time for you in the relationship, for sure, this will be a very successful relationship.

After reading this article, we hope you have a better understanding of the combinations of Sagittarius and other signs!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.