When you think a lot about a person, can they feel it? Can they be attracted?

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of thinking a lot about a person

It is undeniable that the power of thought has an absurd energy. During the course of a day, many things happen in your life, and these thoughts can dwell in your mind for days and days. Thus, it is understood that the thought waves of every human being can go far.

Following this reasoning, the same thing can happen when you think a lot about someone. Often the reason for this is the strong feeling you have for them. When this happens, it is natural to wonder if, because you think a lot about them, the same can also happen there.

On the other hand, love may not always be the reason for these thoughts. It could be that there has been some remarkable situation between you, something has bothered you, made you tense, and so now this person lives in your head.

Anyway, whatever your situation may be, below you can understand all about the energies surrounding thoughts. check it out!

Reasons to think a lot about a person and more

One of the main reasons for thinking about someone a lot, certainly, is the feeling you have for them. So, when you are charmed by a person, it is natural that thoughts towards them take over your entire mind.

However, as not everything in this life is flowers. this can also happen because of negative feelings, such as a fight, a misunderstanding on the street, among other things, that can take your mind for several days. Understand all the details about this below.

Reasons why you think about a person a lot

If a person has been in your thoughts for days in a positive way, one thing is certain: you have probably fallen in love with them. Even if you come to reluctantly say no, if they have filled your mind so much, chances are you have fallen in love.

So, passion is by far one of the biggest reasons to think so much about someone. You meet someone and automatically your eyes light up. Their voice, their perfume, everything they do, causes you an inexplicable sensation. So, when you leave and get home, that same person doesn't leave your thoughts.

However, it can be said that if a negative event strikes you, it will probably also stay in your head. For example, you end up making a mistake in a procedure that could hurt a certain person on the job. It certainly won't leave your head until you can fix it.

Are thought transmissions through spiritual pathways real?

According to experts, human beings live in a constant communication, both mentally, emotionally and also spiritually. Thus, by analyzing this deeply, one comes to the conclusion that everyone is connected to each other through a spiritual path.

The answer to the initial question can therefore be said to be: yes, thought transmission via spiritual paths is real. But no one has come to this conclusion in a superficial way. According to leading scholars in the field, each person is part of a kind of network, which in turn connects each human being with others through so-called spiritual paths.

Therefore, a very interesting fact is that separation only exists in this world in a carnal manner, but never in a spiritual one. Thus, it is as if the spirit of every soul present in this world breathes the same spiritual energy, which nourishes all.

Spiritism's teachings about thinking too much about a person

According to the study of spiritualism, the spirits of each person possess the ability to detach themselves momentarily from the body, during the period of sleep. This allows them to wander through the spiritual plane, which also enables contact with other spirits, both of incarnate and disincarnate people.

However, one point that you may find even more interesting is that according to spiritualism, it is also possible for two people to connect through spiritual pathways when they are awake.

This is because according to this religion, spirits have the ability to radiate from all sides, which makes them able to communicate with others. However, it is worth noting that this is something much more difficult to happen.

The connection of energies for spiritualism

Spiritism makes it very clear that the connection of energies between people is entirely possible. However, it also points out that this mental communication is only really possible if there is an ideal spiritual attunement between these people. In addition, it is also necessary that the other person is open to a state of receptivity, otherwise this spiritual connection will not happen.

In summary and in a more simplified way, what spiritism means is that it is of no use for you to think all day long, without stopping, about a person, if that person is not open to this contact and does not have any kind of emotional connection with you.

The power of thought

You may have already noticed in the course of this article, that the power of thought has an absurd energy. However, some points should be taken into consideration. First, amid the rush of everyday life, it is known that there are people who can receive a large load of information through spiritual paths, however, end up not even paying attention to it, because of the concerns thattake up your whole day.

So if you are thinking a lot about such a person, it is likely that the connection with that person will be very difficult. However, before you are saddened by this information, know also that if the person in question has some kind of feeling and emotion for you, and is also someone who attentively observes your spiritual perceptions, he or she will be able to feel whenever you think of him or her.

How to attract someone with the power of thought

Attracting someone through thought unfortunately, or fortunately, does not depend only on you. As you could learn earlier, in order to connect through spiritual avenues with a certain person, it is essential that they are open to it, as well as paying attention to all their spiritual perceptions.

However, do not be sad and think positively, for if you keep your thoughts on your target, if he is open to receive these connections, he will feel your spiritual contact.

And that's when the magic happens, because if this connection happens, the person will feel a strong impulse to come to you. Then, they will be able to contact you immediately.

How the person you are thinking about feels and responds

Thought waves are capable of emitting energies that you can't even imagine, so the way for the person you're thinking about to figure that out is to connect with that energy.

You already know that this is possible, however, it is not always an easy task, so there is some information that can help you. Follow more details below.

Does thinking about someone a lot make them think about me too?

It is known that for this to happen, it is easier when you have already had a certain contact or even a relationship with this person. However, there are those who are enchanted by people, in which the other does not even imagine that you may be thinking about him daily.

So, it's important to clarify a few points about this for you. Through the energy waves that are emitted through spiritual pathways, if this person has a certain connection with you, they can receive this energy, so it will cause an immediate memory in them. For example, "it's been so long since I've talked to such and such a person.

Thus, it is understood that if your interest in the person is somewhat reciprocated, there are great chances that your thought will reach him, causing him to think of you simultaneously. On the other hand, it is important to make it clear that if there is no connection between you, this exchange of thoughts will be almost impossible.

Thinking a lot about a person and they show up or get in touch

According to scholars, to think a lot in a person and out of nowhere she comes into contact with you, can yes occur. This occurs because of the energies that are transmitted through thought waves. However, it is worth emphasizing again that this only happens when there is connection between the two people.

Turn your thoughts to the person you want to mentally connect with, and if at that moment an unexpected phone call comes from that person, an interaction on a social network, or something like that, it could be a sign that the force of your thought is working.

Can thoughts attract a person?

The answer to this question is yes and no. If this confused you, calm down, because it will be explained. The thoughts can yes attract a person, but depends on the connection between you. So if you saw someone on the street, in which you do not know, and he probably did not pay attention to you, know that thinking about him every day, hardly will cause him to think of you too. For, in this case, nothere will be emotion necessary to be transformed into energy.

Now, if it is a person in whom you have had a history, the energies contained in the spiritual pathways can cause them to receive this information and feel attracted to you, in the sense of wanting to meet you, or even seek you out personally.

How to stop thinking about someone too much

If thinking about a person too much has started to hurt you, the first thing to do to get rid of it is to change the focus of your mind. So, there are some processes that can help you in this mission.

It has the power to keep you more focused, which will give you greater insight into your mental reality. In addition, looking for new activities that give you pleasure and occupy your mind can also be a good idea.

Thinking a lot about a person and visiting them in dreams

It may even seem a bit gruesome to some, but know that when you think about a person a lot, dreaming about them is more common than you might think. Of course, there are reasons for this.

If this is something that has been happening to you and has been scaring you, stay calm. Follow the following reading carefully and understand all about it!

What does it mean to dream several times about the one you like?

It can be said that, dreaming about the one you like, several times, is almost a kind of prank of your subconscious. This is said, because, it is extremely likely that you are dreaming about her, because you think a lot about this person during the day.

So, it is as if this information is registered in your subconscious, so that you end up reproducing it during your sleep. Therefore, this may not always be a sign of destiny. However, it is important that you observe all the details of the dream, in order to be able to interpret it correctly.

Is it normal to dream a lot about the same person?

One can say that a dream is a kind of journey between the real world and the subconscious of the dreamer. So, when you start having repetitive dreams, such as dreaming always about the same person, for example, it may be a sign that you have some unresolved issue with that person, or that something related to this person has been bothering you in real life.

With this information alone, it is difficult to give a complete interpretation, for it would be necessary to analyze the larger details of the dream. However, in general, it can be said that this is connected with your emotions connected with this person.

Does it mean to dream of the same person over and over again?

This is another question that deserves as an answer the complex yes and no. This dream may have a specific meaning or even a sign, depending on the details contained in it. So if it happens to you, know that it will be necessary to analyze everything.

At the same time, if this is a person you hang out with a lot, like a lot, or think about all day, this may simply be just a memory from your subconscious reflected in the dream.

Meaning for spiritualism of dreaming of the same person

For spiritualism dreams can be classified in three ways: ordinary, reflective or spiritual. Thus, to know in depth the meaning of dreaming about the same person, it is interesting to analyze the dream completely and know which category it falls into.

According to Allan Kardec, dreams can be mainly a way for the spirit to be freer to meet other incarnate or disincarnate souls, with the objective of seeking improvements or advice.

Indications that a person is thinking about you

When you are in love, wanting to know if that person is thinking about you is certainly one of the biggest desires of hearts in love. For many, this is also a great mystery.

However, according to experts, there are certain signs that indicate that your loved one is thinking about you. Find out what they are below!

You feel unexpected emotions

You know that moment when you're at home or at work and out of nowhere feel a strange sensation that takes your body and joy and good energy? Well, know that this is not always a coincidence and may mean that someone has missed.

Another very common situation, may be at a time when you are nervous, stressing, and suddenly feel your body being invaded by a sense of peace. This may also indicate that there is someone who does not take your thoughts away from you.

One of your eyes itches

This sign requires a lot of attention not to be confused, because if you are allergic or have some sensitivity in the eyes, certainly they will scratch. But if this does not usually happen with you, and out of nowhere, for no reason, your eyes start scratching, this is also a sign that someone is with the thought on you.

This is because, according to some experts, the eyes are capable of reflecting thoughts that other people have for you.

Your cheeks and ears burn

This topic deserves the same attention as the one previously discussed about the eyes, so if you have no health reason that causes this feeling, understand that it may also reflect someone's thoughts about you.

According to scholars, when your cheeks turn red, it's a sign that someone is thinking about you. However, if this feeling gets too strong, like a burning sensation, it's a sign that these thoughts are negative. On the other hand, the burning sensation in the ear, shows that there is someone with a crush on you.

You get goose bumps all over your body

If you get goose bumps all over your body for no apparent reason, this may indicate that you're in someone's thoughts in an intense way. Whether they're positive or negative, only you can tell, because it depends a lot on what kind of sensation that goose bumps cause. Like when you feel a negative feeling, or a good energy, for example.

However, experts give an important warning about this. If someone has the ability to cause such a sensation in you, it means that they have psychic powers under you. Thus, it is good for you to analyze this situation because these powers can be used both for good and for your harm.

Sneezing or sudden hiccups

Experts say that a sudden sneeze is a clear sign that someone can't stop thinking about you. According to them, to find out who the person is, you should ask someone to tell you a number that contains three digits. These should be added up, and the letter of the alphabet equivalent to that number will be the initial of the person who can't stop thinking about you.

Hiccups are not such a good sign, as they indicate that someone has been complaining about you quite often. If you can find out who it is, try to avoid them, as they will only transmit negative energy to you.

Sensation of physical contact

Some say that the level of power of a thought can be so strong that it can be able to transmit that as a sensation of physical contact. This will depend on the strength of the thought, as well as the telepathic control of the person.

This feeling can be both good and bad, this will again depend on the intentions of the one who is thinking of you.


If your dream about this person relied on specific attitudes, or even certain emotions touched on the part of this person, this may represent that he has been thinking a lot about you.

This may occur because her thoughts are managing to be so deep and penetrating, that they are managing to invade your dream world. Once again, it will be fundamental that you try to identify whether this dream passed you positive or negative sensations, to identify the intentions of this person.

Can thinking too much about a person be harmful?

As with everything in life, there are two sides to this question. On the one hand, being in love with someone and thinking about that person with joy every day at first seems to be okay, especially if you feel that it does you good.

On the other hand, when this thought becomes something with unhealthy indications, it is essential that an alert is turned on. If you think about someone so much that you forget about your own life, stop doing your own things, stop taking care of yourself, among other things, this will certainly not be healthy for you.

Also, if you realize that this person surrounding your mind wants nothing to do with you, you need to be careful not to fill yourself with negative thoughts, full of anger, since this will be extremely harmful to you. So here is some advice: know how to balance your emotions and thoughts, so that this does not cause harm even to you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.