What is the meaning of the yellow butterfly? See this and more information!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning behind a yellow butterfly?

The yellow butterfly signifies joy, prosperity, renewal and life changes. When it appears in your life, it indicates that positive changes are underway and that you should not resist them.

Like every butterfly, it is a symbol of metamorphosis and the passing nature of life's cycles. They appear as a sign of hope pointing to a more fulfilling phase. The color yellow symbolizes wealth and abundance brought by the rays of summer, and like these rays, the butterfly will envelop you with a positive and transformative influence.

In this article, you will understand the innermost meanings of this grand messenger being that is most present in the brightest part of the year, between spring and summer.

In addition to presenting its symbolism, we have also included interesting facts about this powerful animal related to dreams, tattooing, its mythology and spiritual messages. Get ready to embark on this transformative journey.

Symbology of the yellow butterfly

The yellow butterfly has a positive symbology. Its meaning is associated with joy, prosperity, renewal and life changes. It also calls your attention to be less controlling, as shown below.


The yellow butterfly symbolizes joy. It acts as a messenger of the Divine, to remind us that there is a small act of joy and happiness even in the small movements of its magical wings.

Being associated with spring, the butterfly brings with it the energy of clearer and more affectionate days, filled with positive feelings and away from the darkness brought by storms. If you have been going through a difficult situation, the yellow butterfly shows that joy has finally found its way.


The energy of prosperity is present in the color of the yellow butterfly. Associated with the energy of the Sun, astral ruler of all that glitters, including gold, the yellow butterfly appears as a sign that the energy of prosperity is passing through your path.

She calls attention that you should be open to change, for by doing so your path will be richer and more prosperous. As the life cycle of the butterfly is short, she calls attention that this phase of prosperity will also be brief, so make the most of it.


Renewal is another symbolism of the yellow butterfly. With the beating of its wings, it brings with it the freshness of spring, with the promise of a more blooming and abundant life. Its message is that the old must be left behind so that the new can take over and renewal can happen.

It symbolizes a new phase of life, more prosperous and happier, but, like everything in life, it reminds us that everything is transient and has a finite cycle.

Changes in your life

No matter how your life is going, the yellow butterfly brings a reminder that changes will soon occur. In general, the yellow butterfly is always an indication of positive change that is approaching.

The time has come to finally leave the cocoon in which you have been imprisoned to face the world from a new perspective, with more grace, beauty and lightness.

Be less controlling

As an indicator of changes that are on the way, the yellow butterfly reminds you that it is important to be less controlling because there are things that cannot be controlled. As a symbol of transformation, the butterfly points to a time of metamorphosis. Even if you resist this change, it will happen and resisting it will only make the process more difficult.

Many times, people end up clinging even to bad things because they have a certain level of familiarity and, consequently, control over these situations. The yellow butterfly shows that it is time to let go of past issues and embrace the new phase that is about to happen in your life.

More information about the meaning of yellow butterfly

Now that you have read the main meanings of the yellow butterfly, you will learn about its symbolism in dreams, what happens when a yellow butterfly appears inside the house, besides the meaning of the tattoo and the myths and superstitions.Check it out.

Meaning of black and yellow butterfly

The black and yellow butterfly means that a positive change will happen soon. Also, it indicates that something important will be changed, but that you cannot prevent this change from happening. This type of butterfly signifies the end of a cycle in life so that from it, it is possible to start again.

This change will have the closure of a negative stage, which could be the end of a relationship with a toxic person, or the end of a bad situation that imprisons you and prevents you from being happy. Wait, because positive change is on the way.

To dream of a yellow butterfly

To dream of yellow butterfly means prosperity. However, since the life cycle of a butterfly is short, the prosperity that will arise in your life will be fleeting. Also, you will undergo a transformation with something related to your own personality so that different areas of your life can improve.

Therefore, take advantage of this change and this momentary prosperity to use your money to travel and rest, because in this way you will be prepared for when the change happens, and you can face it with all your energetic potential.

Yellow butterfly indoors

When a yellow butterfly enters your home and flies near you, it is a sign that you are about to receive good news. This may be an invitation to a social event like a party or concert or that you are about to enjoy better financial conditions, even if they are brief.

Butterflies when they enter your home also signify happiness, joy, hope and positive changes, which include new relationship, unexpected help, the arrival of a child and end of an unpleasant phase of your life. Be aware of the details of their flight: butterflies are spiritual messengers and you are receiving an important message.

Yellow Butterfly Tattoo

The yellow butterfly tattoo represents happiness. In Scotland and Ireland, for example, yellow butterflies are signs of peace of mind, so they are tattooed on parts of the body that represent the direction of this energy. Another important meaning of the yellow butterfly is prosperity.

The butterfly is also a universal symbol of transformation. When tattooed on the chest, for example, it brings changes in the area of love and relationships. Therefore, having a butterfly tattoo on your body is a way to not only adorn it with more beauty, but also attract positive energies to your life.

Superstitions with butterfly

There are many superstitions related to butterflies around the world, some of the main ones are:

- Seeing butterflies represents a healthy life and countries like China;

- In Japan, when a butterfly lands on a bamboo screen, you will receive a visit from the person you love most;

- Butterflies contain the eyes of god and are therefore considered his spies;

- In Russia, legends tell that butterflies are witches in disguise;

- Seeing a butterfly at night means a change in perspective;

- Killing butterflies brings bad luck, drives away money and hinders the love life throughout the year;

- If a blue butterfly enters your house at night, it's a sign of death news;

- If a sailor sees a yellow butterfly while at sea, he will die.

Myths about butterflies

Myths about butterflies occur quite often. In many cultures of the Native American peoples, the butterfly represents the spirit. One legend says that if you whisper your wishes to a butterfly, they will be taken to the Great Spirit to make them come true.

The butterfly is present in the myth of Eros and Psyche. In some myths of northern European peoples are depicted that dreams were the results of the butterfly's soul wandering through the worlds. In Mexico, a flock of monarch butterflies is believed to represent the spirits of ancestors who are returning to visit their living relatives at the time of 'Día de los Muertos' (Day of the Dead).

Ecological importance of the butterfly

The butterfly has extreme ecological importance. Scholars use it as a model to study the impact caused by climate change on the planet. Butterflies are important pollinators for agriculture: about 90% of plants need the help of pollinators to reproduce.

In addition, they have the ecological function of feeding birds and other small animals such as lizards and spiders. Because of their ecological importance, scientists fear that if butterflies disappear, many ecosystems will collapse, affecting even human life on earth.

Other meanings of butterflies

The butterfly is a symbol present in several cultures and its general meaning is associated with metamorphosis. However, there are meanings that are quite specific to different cultures and religions. Read on to understand its meaning in spiritism, christianity, psychoanalysis and in several places around the world.

General symbology of butterflies

In general, butterflies are associated with transformation. It shows that it is possible to get around life's adversities by transforming yourself as part of the natural process of growing to achieve a better and more beautiful version of yourself.

In addition, the butterfly symbolizes rebirth, hope and bravery, so seeing a butterfly is a positive sign that something is about to change and that powerful forces are watching you to ensure that changes occur in your life in the best possible way.

The butterfly therefore indicates that you let yourself be involved with the energy of transformation so that your life can change.

Meaning in Spiritism

In Spiritism the butterfly is the symbol of renewal and transformation. For Spiritists it represents the process of reincarnation, indicating the stage of change of matter and the transformation that is present when the soul finds a new body to begin a new stage in the cycle of incarnation.

The butterfly is also a sign that a person's soul has broken free from its cocoon, the body, and moved on to a new life.

Meaning in Christianity

In Christianity, the meaning of the butterfly is related to the resurrection of Christ. It represents resilience, change, hope and the life that triumphs over adversity, including death itself. It is a symbol of reflection on change and the cycles of life itself.

Meaning in Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of the butterfly is love and freedom, so they are used to decorate any environment in homes, to attract the energy of their symbolic nature to your life, bringing more love and freedom.

In addition, the butterfly also represents transformation and is used to manifest changes in this reality. Its positive energy is able to transform the astral of environments and help bring positive changes to life.

Meaning in Psychoanalysis

In Psychoanalysis, the butterfly means rebirth. Its meaning is also linked to the idea of transformation and the human soul, since it is present in the Greek myth of Psyche, the personification of the human soul.

The butterfly is also seen as the breath of life and soul, representing, during its transformation process, the untying of knots from the past so that the soul can proceed to its flight through the eternity of the afterlife.

The meaning of the butterfly is so important for psychoanalysis, that many times, Psychology students use it to symbolize this area of knowledge.

Meaning in Mayan and Aztec culture

The ancient Mayans believed that butterflies were the spirits of their ancestors who were visiting their relatives to ascertain if they were well. Therefore, butterflies were treated with respect and care, otherwise the ancestral spirits might seek revenge on their own family.

In Aztec mythology, the butterfly was the representation of the goddess Iztpapalotl, considered the obsidian butterfly, who governs purification and rejuvenation through sacrifice.

The god Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent, is also associated with the butterfly, for he came into the world in the form of a cocoon and became a butterfly as a symbol of perfection. In addition, the god of fire, Xiuhtecuhtli was represented as a butterfly.

Meaning in Sino-Vietnamese culture

In Sino-Vietnamese culture, encompassing countries like China and Vietnam, the butterfly symbolizes freedom, conjugal love, beauty and the soul. However, butterflies also symbolize negative or darker aspects such as death, the vulnerability of life, the passing nature of happiness and even female vanity.

Another important meaning is the universal theme of transformation, which requires a difficult process, but whose result brings more beauty and light to the world. The butterfly is associated with the chrysanthemum, as both transform at different times of the year.

Meaning in Greek Mythology

The butterfly signifies the human soul in Greek mythology, as this beautiful animal is associated with the myth of Eros and Psyche. Psyche is the personification of the human soul and is represented by a woman with butterfly wings or even a butterfly.

When she is together with her love, Eros, they are depicted surrounded by butterflies, symbolizing their transforming love.

Meaning in Irish Mythology

In Irish mythology and folklore, butterflies are considered the souls of the dead who are departing the physical world to the other world. This concept is common to several cultures due to the natural transformation process of metamorphosis of this insect.

The butterfly is also the symbol of transformation and creation and a popular Irish saying goes that "butterflies are the souls of the dead who are waiting to pass through purgatory".

The butterfly is also associated with the myth of Midir of the Tuatha of Danann. He falls in love with Étaín, who is bewitched by his first wife, turning her into a puddle of water, worm and then into a butterfly.

Meaning in other countries

In many Asian cultures, the butterfly is a symbol of love and peace. In Japan, butterflies are related to the meanings of transformation and metamorphosis. In addition, they are connected to recently departed spirits and are therefore present in many traditional family coats of arms.

In sub-Saharan Africa, especially in the largest country of that region, Congo, the butterfly is a sign of social change and female puberty. Therefore, the symbolism of the butterfly is part of many traditional songs, stories and dances.

The people of the Congo also believe that man's journey on earth follows the same cycle as the butterfly, transforming until his death. In Scotland, seeing a yellow butterfly near a dead person means that he will enjoy eternal happiness.

How to act when seeing a yellow butterfly?

When you see a yellow butterfly, you should act in the most positive way possible, because a positive change is on its way. Part of your life is about to transform and the end of a bad phase is about to end.

Like the natural transformation process of the butterfly, this change is inevitable, so don't resist it and act naturally so that its effects are more easily perceived.

As this is a brief positive period, you can also use the full potential of this time to enjoy life. Visit friends, eat your favorite food, but don't forget to relax as you need to be in your fullness so that the changes don't occur in a painful way.

To change there is acceptance and detachment and this is the message that the yellow butterfly is bringing you: surrender your being to the power of change, to leave the cocoon that imprisons you and take off in a more beautiful version of yourself.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.