Wheel of Fortune in Cancer: For Astrology, in Birth Chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Wheel of Fortune in Cancer

When the wheel of fortune is in Cancer or in the 4th house, which is the domicile of this sign, this represents happiness and fulfillment whenever the native is close to his family. However, this does not always take the meaning of blood ties.

It is possible to point out that the wheel of fortune in Cancer makes people need to feel that they belong to something, so that they have a sense of connection with their surroundings, whether we are talking about the environment itself or people.

Want to know more about the characteristics and meanings of the wheel of fortune in Cancer? See throughout the article.

Characteristics of those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer

The Wheel of Fortune in Cancer highlights people who need to feel connected to their surroundings and people in order to believe they belong to something. When this happens, they find happiness and personal fulfilment.

In addition, they may have a keen maternal instinct and a welcoming attitude that comes naturally. Want to know more about the general characteristics of the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer? Read on in the next section in more detail.

General features

When the Wheel of Fortune is present in the sign of Cancer or in the 4th house, this represents natives who need family unity to feel at peace. Once they find it, they feel fulfilled and secure. In this way, the sense of belonging to some group is fundamental for these people and does not necessarily need to be associated with blood ties.

It is also worth mentioning that it is fundamental for these people to have harmony in their social gatherings. When they cannot find it, it is natural that they spend their lives searching for it and feel a bit empty and lost.

Caring for others

Caring for others is a defining characteristic of people with the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer. As they value their family life very highly, they may have a strong maternal instinct. So they need to care for others in order to feel emotionally balanced.

Also, when the Wheel of Fortune occupies this space in the chart, the native becomes a naturally welcoming person. However, when relationship problems arise, if not properly worked out, they can become people who override their own desires to please others, which is quite harmful.


Creativity is also a striking feature in the lives of people who have the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer. This is because it is already normally associated with this sign, which becomes creative due to its keen sensitivity.

Therefore, those who have this astrological positioning tend to do well in more artistic areas. Therefore, these issues will work as a kind of guide in the life of these people and, in parallel with the appreciation of family, it is their motor to do anything.

Contact with nature

The sign of Cancer also has a very close contact with nature, which it considers the mother of all things. So, those who have the Wheel of Fortune in this space of the astrological chart also tend to have this concern and this close relationship with the environment.

Therefore, natives need to feel connected to their surroundings. No matter where they are, they need to create a home in that place to feel in balance. In addition, they may also turn to nature when they need to find some way to take care of their health.

Relationships with birth

The act of giving birth is something very happy for people with the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer. If the native with this position is a woman, motherhood will be a real joy and understood as a kind of life mission. They will therefore devote themselves fully to this function.

Caring for your immediate family or the people you bond with is essential for those with the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer to feel balanced. So with your own children this would be no different.

The pleasure of creation

The pleasure of birth is not only associated with motherhood for those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer. Because of their creative and sensitive impulses, these natives feel the same excitement whenever something is starting in their lives. This is because it is also seen as a birth.

Therefore, whether it is a personal project or a venture, the person with the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer will feel fulfilled in the same way as if she were becoming a mother. Moreover, she will have the same care and affection for him.

The Opposite Point of Wheel of Fortune in Cancer

The sign of Capricorn is considered by astrology as the complementary opposite of Cancer. This happens because of the divergent characteristics of the two signs. However, it is as if one finds in the other what it misses. That is, the emotional instability of Cancer is supported by the firm and practical way of Capricorn.

This reflects in the Wheel of Fortune, which adopts the same opposite point. Want to know more about this? See below the impacts of the opposite pole in those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer!

Sign of Capricorn

Capricorns are mature and practical people, they value independence and tend to go their own way in a solitary way as they find it difficult to trust others and their good intentions. They also value work very much and can easily get absorbed in their tasks in this environment.

They are also patient people, something that is usually very favorable for them in the conquest of their personal goals. Capricornians rarely give up on their projects and always see mistakes as opportunities to learn to take new routes that enable them to reach success.

How to use the opposite point to your advantage

The Cancer sign is usually driven by their emotions, and they are often guided by family and love. They also tend to have an inner life which is busier than their outer life because of their intense and sometimes conflicting feelings.

Thus, he can benefit from a number of Capricorn's characteristics. Given this, one way to use the opposite pole in your favor is to adhere to the practical sense of Capricornians and try to have a little more focus on the objective issues of life. This can even help you learn to control your emotions.

Negative effects of the Opposite Point in Capricorn

The opposite point in Capricorn can bring some problems for people with the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer. This happens because when the concept of family of these natives does not compare with what they have established as an ideal, the feeling of emptiness takes over.

However Capricorn tends to put this in the background by focusing people's efforts on other areas of their life, so it is only when they reach maturity and realise the importance of material security that the influence becomes positive.

Understand the Wheel of Fortune in Astrology

The wheel of fortune is a point of the astrological chart which serves to illuminate some aspects of the life of the native which are capable of bringing him/her more luck. It is also known by the name of part of the fortune and highlights in which sectors a person can easily get what he/she wants, whether we are talking about money or even love.

Want to learn more about the wheel of fortune? Read on to find out more!

The origin of the name Fortuna

In terms of origin, the wheel of fortune is ancestral and has connection with mythology. Thus, its name is due to the Roman goddess Fortuna, whose responsibility was to assign the fate of people through the spinning of a helm, similar to a wheel. Thus, people would be lucky or unlucky in an area of life depending on the position of the wheel.

However, as the wheel is unpredictable and can behave in a different way each day, in astrology its operation is related to the destiny of each individual and calculated on the basis of birth.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant to find the Wheel of Fortune

In order to find a person's Wheel of Fortune, it is necessary to have the three dominant elements of the chart in hand, namely the Sun, the Ascendant and the Moon. Through this it is possible to have a more comprehensive understanding of the influence of the stars on the destiny of a certain native.

This is because you need more exact information about the time of a person's birth to be able to determine what the horizon was like at that time, something that has a direct bearing on finding the wheel of fortune.

Although it is possible to calculate the wheel of fortune through the predominant information of the astrological chart, it is interesting to point out that modern astrology in general, does not consider this positioning due to the possibilities of calculation errors.

However, as an illustration, it is worth mentioning that to calculate the wheel of fortune, it is first necessary to calculate the birth chart, which will provide information about the ascendant and the moon. This is because there are differences between the calculations for daytime and nighttime births.

How is the Share of Fortune on the Map calculated

Although it is possible to calculate the wheel of fortune through the predominant information of the astrological chart, it is interesting to point out that modern astrology in general, does not consider this positioning due to the possibilities of calculation errors.

However, as an illustration, it is worth mentioning that in order to calculate the wheel of fortune, it is first necessary to calculate the birth chart, which will provide information about the ascendant and the moon. This is because there are differences between the calculations for daytime and nighttime births.

the differences in the calculation for day and night births

It is important to note that the wheel of fortune depends on the analysis of the astrological chart as a whole. However, an essential characteristic to avoid miscalculations is to know if the native had a day or night birth.

For those born during the day, it is calculated by the distance from the Sun to the Moon, considering the degree of the ascendant. So the Sun is at a higher point and has to be subtracted. However, for those born during the night, the Moon is at a higher point and has to be subtracted from a previous sum between Sun and ascendant. So when the division of the hours is done, the calculation will becorrect.

The relation of the Wheel of Fortune to money

The Wheel of Fortune talks about earnings, but these are not necessarily financial, so it highlights areas in which a particular native can achieve success more easily. So it shows the influences which help a person to be happier in a particular area of life.

Therefore, the interpretations of the Wheel of Fortune differ according to its placement and money will not always be the main theme.

What is the "pot of gold" of those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer?

For those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer, the "pot of gold" is in the family relationship. That is, the native will find it easy to feel connected with people who are family, even if they are not necessarily of the same blood.

Those who have this astrological placement feel the need to transform all spheres of their life into harmonious and comfortable spaces with which they feel at home. This happens because of their attachment to family, which makes the native need to feel constantly at home.

Also, motherhood can be another pot of gold for people with the Wheel of Fortune in Cancer, as they feel fulfilled when they manage to have children.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.