Stone of Love and its meanings, benefits, utilities and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why use love stone?

Love stones can be used to bring unconditional love into our hearts. When used, they help attract love, aligning your life with this energy and improving your interpersonal relationships, awakening romance or bringing more harmony to different spheres of your life, such as work and family.

In addition to awakening love for others and assisting in the search for your soul mate, they also help in the development of self-love, an essential ability to nurture feelings for anyone.

In addition, they can help repair the damage caused by a broken heart after the end of a relationship, as well as unblock and balance the energies of the Heart Chakra, linked to emotions and love energy.

In this article, we present the secrets of 14 different crystals that act in different areas of the energy of love. We will present their meanings, benefits and their relationship with the chakras. Embark on this crystalline journey towards a life with more love and romance.

Rose Quartz Stone

Rose Quartz, as its name suggests, is a pink crystal, with pale tones that often blend with white, both in its raw and rolled form. Its meanings and benefits are presented below.


The meanings of rose quartz are linked to unconditional love, peace and harmony. It relieves stress, reduces anxiety and is excellent for increasing self-esteem. This beautiful crystal teaches us the essence of love, igniting within us the energy of unconditional love for ourselves and for other beings.

So, if you are looking for a love, this is the right crystal for you, as it attracts your soul mate and facilitates interpersonal relationships, also favoring new friendships.

Moreover, this type of quartz is a stone with excellent therapeutic properties. Its power calms the heart, bringing the comfort and security we need to feel full, relieving traumas and moments of crisis, stimulating forgiveness and detachment. Use it also to increase your beauty and attraction.


The benefits of rose quartz include promoting harmony and clarity, clearing negativity, increasing self-esteem and self-love, and encouraging forgiveness. To stimulate and cultivate your self-esteem, use it daily in an accessory such as jewelry or costume jewelry.

This simple act will bring about a significant change in your aura through a deep cleansing that will not only protect your heart but will cause any negative energy that can affect your well-being and self-esteem to be blocked.

It also stimulates the sensual imagination and can be used to awaken it in others. Also, if you want to learn to forgive someone who has done you wrong, meditate with this crystal, holding it in your hands very close to your chest.


Rose quartz is linked to the cardiac chakra, located in the region near the heart. This association occurs due to the pink color of the crystal, which is related to well-being and healing of problems related to the heart, both on a physical and emotional level. Therefore, it is indicated to reduce psychosomatic symptoms.

When placed near the heart chakra, rose quartz calms, reduces stress levels, fears and anxiety, promoting a better quality of life. In addition, it is excellent for removing emotional blockages, healing hurts and teaching forgiveness.

If you want to find love or make peace with yourself, using this crystal on your heart can promote true miracles.

Amethyst Stone

Amethyst is a type of violet quartz. It is a stone of powerful spiritual energy and its powers are ruled by Jupiter, the greatest among the planets. Understand its meanings and benefits below.


The word amethyst comes from the Greek 'améthystos' and means "not intoxicated", so it was used to cure drunkenness. Amethysts are powerful allies to transmute environmental energies. In love magic, the amethyst attracts a deeper connection with your partner, appeasing fights and bringing more harmony between the couple.

If you are very attached to the material world, simply owning an amethyst will connect you with your spiritual side, bringing a little variety to your extremely practical and palpable nature.

This crystal has intense protective energies, transmuting negative energies and protecting its users from spiritual dangers and addictions. Possessing an amethyst inside your home is excellent to stimulate contact with your spiritual guides and induce meditative states.


One of the main benefits of amethyst is the connection it establishes with the divine. From it, your prayers and prayers are heard more clearly by higher beings.

Besides its strong spiritual function, you can also benefit from its purifying properties. Using it on the body will promote cleansing of your aura and create a kind of energetic shield that will protect you from all energetic, physical and spiritual dangers.

If you suffer from lack of concentration and have difficulty completing your activities, amethyst can help you by bringing more clarity and focus so that you can successfully complete your tasks. If you wish to overcome the loss of a loved one or heal a broken heart, amethyst is the stone best suited for you.


Amethyst is connected to the uppermost chakras of the body, namely the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra. Positioned over the Third Eye, located between the eyebrows, amethyst promotes the development of psychic powers and, when combined with a rose quartz over the heart chakra, can guarantee the vision of your future beloved.

Positioned on the Crown Chakra, located above the head, the amethyst promotes connection with your spiritual guides and favors deeper meditative states.

Aventurine Stone

aventurine is a form of quartz that can be found in various colors, especially in shades of green and red. For this reason, aventurine in its greenish form is also known as green quartz and when in its reddish form, red quartz. Understand its meanings and benefits below.


The meanings of aventurine depend on its color. Its green form is linked to luck, love and empathy. When charged, it stimulates connection with other people, as well as transmuting their energies and promoting creativity.

Its red form is closely linked to the element of fire. It helps to balance over-emotionality and is also useful for very sensitive people. Although men benefit more from the power of red aventurine, since red aventurine is ruled by the planet Mars, women can also use it.

In addition, green and red aventurine transforms negative energies into positive ones and stabilizes emotion.


One of the main benefits of aventurine is to attract luck. For this purpose, give preference to its green form, carrying it with you to attract this energy into your life.

This green, soft energy crystal also aids in the search for love and affection, and is essential for anyone who wishes to align with this energy. In addition, it awakens a sense of worth in each of us. Its green energy also aligns it with the energy of healing.

Red aventurine is also associated with love, but in its more carnal and intense form. Use it to spice up your relationship or to find more ardent sexual partners.

Red aventurine also transforms negative energies into positive ones and stabilizes emotions. If you suffer from anger attack or even sadness, use it to improve your mood.


Aventurine is closely linked to the heart chakra, located in the region near the heart. This association occurs due to the green color of the crystal, which is related to well-being and healing, both on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Therefore, it awakens love, empathy, compassion and helps interpersonal relationships.

Emerald Stone

Emerald is a receiving energy crystal linked to the earth element. Ruled by Venus, its powers are related to love, money, mental powers, as well as protection. Learn more about its meanings and benefits in love magic, as well as its relationship to the chakras below.


Emerald symbolizes youth, love and truth. When used, it inspires its wearers to strive for love, bringing with it more compassion, justice and harmony. Emerald is excellent for attracting love as it nourishes the heart with its calming energies, incorporating within itself the energy of unity and unconditional love.

This is also the indicated crystal to attract friendships and to appease tense relationships between family members. If you constantly fight with your partner, try using an emerald and gift it with a specimen of this crystal and you will see how the tension will be dissolved.


One of the benefits of emerald is that it brings the energy needed to deal with the more sensitive and emotional side of your personality. In addition, emerald can be used to anchor its wearers to the ground, being ideal for those who live in a fantasy world or full of escapism.

Because it influences the mind, emerald is also excellent for filtering energies and thoughts, being very useful for sensitive people who end up attracting to themselves negative energies as if they were energetic sponges.

If you wish to revive the passion and taste for things, use an emerald, for it has the power to rekindle the fire of all that has been forgotten.


Being a green colored gemstone, emerald is closely linked to the heart chakra. Its use ensures a smoother energy flow to this power point, bringing emotional healing on all levels and instilling more vitality to your spirit.

Rhodonite Stone

Rhodonite is a pink crystal with black inclusions. Connected to rhodochrosite, another pink stone considered its sister stone, rhodonite is linked to the healing energy of the heart. Learn how to use it in love magic below.


The meaning of Rhodonite is linked to the healing of emotional wounds. In its healing process, it helps repair the effects of past emotional traumas, repairing their influence on the present.

Considered by the Russians as the "eagle stone", since it was found in regions inhabited by these birds, rhodonite is held as a sacred stone of protection.

It protects the one you love and so it can be gifted for this purpose. If you are experiencing a lot of stress, carry a rhodonite with you to ease its effects and break the negative influence on you.


Because it is considered the stone of brotherhood of mankind, one of the benefits of rhodonite is that it encourages cooperation. When used, it promotes interpersonal relationships, facilitating generosity and altruism.

In addition, it has the power to empower its user, developing their full potential and awakening their dormant gifts. In the healing field, it relieves stress, reduces anxiety and is great to be used given to children, as it prevents competition between siblings.


As a love stone, rhodonite is associated with the heart chakra. When aligned with the energy of this chakra, it develops inner peace, facilitates decision making, provides more compassion and facilitates the emotional healing process of its user.

In addition, it facilitates your interaction with the outside world, assisting in interpersonal relationships, preserving your identity and personality even in the midst of others.

Moon Stone

The Moon Stone is a type of feldspar found in the colors beige, white, yellow, peach and even black. All its varieties have on the surface an optical effect that resembles the moonbeams and therefore the association with the moon. Of strong feminine energy, this stone is associated with romance. Check it out.


The Moonstone means mystery and it is closely linked to the moonbeams. It is used as a talisman to attract romantic love, but one must be careful because it can be too fanciful.

It can be given to someone to awaken in that person love. Don't worry: this simple spell only works if the person has previous feelings for you.

As it follows the lunar flow, its energy intensifies in the crescent phase, reaches fullness in the full moon and decreases in the waning phase. It can be used to find your soul mate, as it has the ability to recover lost parts of our souls.

It can also be employed to increase your spiritual protection and find your own hidden spiritual truth.


One of the main benefits of the Moonstone is reconnection with your natural cycles, which is why it has been used by women to realign their menstrual cycles and by men who wish to understand their feminine side and reduce the effects of patriarchy in their lives.

It is extremely effective as an amulet of protection on journeys at night or over the sea, and its continuous use awakens the energies of care and teaches the subtleties of the energy of love. But beware: it should be avoided by people suffering from mental problems, as it can accentuate them.

When purchasing it, beware of imitations: it is often confused with opaline, synthetic crystal commonly sold as moonstone.


The energies of the Moonstone are connected to the Crown Chakra. Located on top of the head, the crown chakra is a connection point between the physical body and the universe and influences how we respond to what happens in the world around us.

In addition, it governs our beliefs and establishes connection with our own spirituality and truth. Use the Moonstone to balance it and to know your place and importance in the world. Its iridescent form can be used to balance all the chakras of the body.

Morganite Stone

Morganite is a pink variety of beryl. The transparent nature of this crystal, generally free of inclusions, awakens love fully and sincerely, as we show below.


The meaning of Morganite is love. Its energy attracts the abundance of love and allows your energy to be maintained and nurtured. It also encourages thinking about loving themes and is therefore commonly given to your loved one to make them think of you.

It can be used to attract your soulmate or, if you prefer, to bring your partner even closer to you. Morganite is a powerful crystal to inspire happiness and increase your chance of finding your loved one in this incarnation.


One of the main benefits of wearing morganite is its ability to awaken the energy of peace and externalize your inner strength to the world. When worn as a pendant, it will give you more confidence, establishing a connection between you and the purest form of love.

Wear it with you at all times, especially when you feel wronged, for this powerful stone will bring the justice you so desperately seek.

If you feel misunderstood by people, you can benefit from the energies of this powerful crystal as it facilitates understanding and develops communication. In addition, it can be used to work on different aspects of love in life such as friendship.


Morganite's pink energy puts it in tune with the heart chakra. Used on the heart, it cleanses the emotional body, ridding the body of tensions caused by stress, fear and anxiety. It also inspires compassion and promotes more inner peace, confidence and spiritual growth.

Pink Tourmaline Stone

Pink tourmaline, as the name suggests, is a pinkish form of tourmaline. Sometimes found in more ruby tones, pink tourmaline is the stone of love at its fullest and highest energy.


Pink tourmaline means full love. It promotes comfort for all those who have suffered some kind of abuse and that is why it is commonly given to children so that they are protected from any kind of violence.

Its high-vibration energy protects the afflicted heart, removing stress, anxiety and depression from your life. It also calms emotional tensions, helping sensitive people deal more naturally with the demands of everyday life. It is used as a support for pregnant teenagers and for bonding between parents and baby.


Pink tourmaline is excellent for purifying the body of any and all emotional tension. It frees the mind of destructive thoughts, increasing self-love and developing a healing process of wounds and bad feelings accumulated over time.

If you feel like an apathetic person, you may benefit from using this crystal to develop more empathy. Pink tourmaline can also be used to help shy people open up to the world and trust people more. Finally, it is a crystal that attracts happiness and increases feelings of well-being.


The Crown and Heart chakras are related to pink tourmaline. Use it to balance them and to develop your spiritual love, awakening compassion and seeing kindness and love even in the darkest moments of life.

Rhodocrosite Stone

Rhodochrosite is one of the most powerful love crystals. It is considered the stone of unconditional love as it awakens your purest and fullest energy. Learn its meanings and benefits below.


Rhodochrosite is the stone of the compassionate heart and symbolizes altruism. It is essential for those seeking emotional healing as it soothes past wounds and traumas from childhood and past lives.

It helps to awaken love in the life of its users, starting initially from self-love and awakening the gift of forgiveness and compassion for others. It is the stone to get in touch with divine love, since it connects the energies of the physical and spiritual worlds.


Due to its calming energy, rhodochrosite helps to bring more dynamism and happiness into the lives of its users. It stimulates creativity and dreams, and increases the energy of attraction and sexuality.

Use it to betray a love, find your soulmate or your next best friend. It is a stone that governs emotional healing, strengthening bonds between family, friends and life partners.

In addition, rhodochrosite stimulates love for animals and is therefore commonly used to heal them or to increase the bonds between pets and their human companions.


Because it reflects the light of love, rhodochrosite is associated with the heart chakra. When used on this chakra, it facilitates interaction with people and balances relationships.

In addition, it is excellent for activating the solar plexus chakra, located in the region between the navel and the ribs. When balanced, this chakra allows you to be more independent and understand your own emotions and thoughts, without subordinating yourself to others.

Granada Stone

Garnet is a bright red, brown or scarlet colored crystal, which is associated with the planet Mars. Besides being the birthstone of the sign of Scorpio, its meanings and benefits are excellent for the energy of love. Understand them below.


The garnet signifies physical energy, passion, protection and vigor. This intense energy the

aligns with the sign of Scorpio bringing necessary balance to your passionate and intense nature.

Its intense purifying effect is perceived in the physical body. In love magic, the garnet is used to attract and protect souls in love, awakening within its user a burning and overwhelming passion.

As a stone associated with physical energy, it brings vigor and motivates its user, inspiring the fulfillment of goals. As it inspires love and passion, it is used to balance emotions and sexual desire, bringing more harmony to life. Use it also when you want to protect yourself from danger.


The benefits of Grenada are related to its creative energy. In addition to awakening creativity, it grounds the body's energies and awakens the ability to work on them on the physical plane.

As it represents the primordial fire of life, it can help to awaken the libido. You can use it to awaken the truth and dispel sadness. Besides that, it brings great benefits to the physical body, acting in the healing of wounds and improving the circulatory system.


The garnet is associated with the first chakra, located in the region at the base of the spine. Known as the root chakra, it is related to the basic instincts and needs of human beings. To activate this chakra, use a garnet crystal near it.

Kunzita Stone

Kunzite is the crystal of happiness. Its pale pink color, often tinged with shades of violet, is considered the stone of emotions and stimulates communion between couples, as shown below.


Kunzite is considered to be the women's stone. It facilitates the bonding of mothers and their children, as well as enabling adolescents to learn to love their bodies. Use kunzites if you wish to better adapt to the rhythms of life.

Its pinkish energy brings comfort and clears the aura of any negative effects. It is excellent for all those who have had to deal with loss, especially after the end of a relationship. It is the ideal stone to unite couples who fight constantly.


One of the main benefits of kunzita is to awaken unconditional love. Its energy protects its users from emotional tension and it is essential to have in the work environment, as it filters out personal problems between co-workers.

Children and teenagers who have difficulties adapting to new environments can benefit greatly from this crystal. Finally, whenever you feel emotionally exhausted, kunzite is the right crystal for you.


The energy of Kunzita activates the heart chakra, besides being closely linked to the crown chakra. By this powerful association, it promotes a direct connection between mind and heart, bringing balance in these two important areas of the body.

Jade Stone

Jade is a green crystal connected to the sense of responsibility and happiness, helping its users to have control over their own destiny. Check it out.


The meaning of jade is closely linked to love. When charged, jade increases personal magnetism, attracting love and increasing the possibilities for your goals and desires to come true as soon as possible.

Jade is also closely linked to finances and money. Use it to attract more opportunities and especially to increase your luck. Jades can be used as a source of healing. In addition, it is excellent for stimulating reasoning and facilitating studies and concentration.

It is a crystal that aligns with Virgo as it enhances your best characteristics such as attention to detail and developing a keen critical sense.


As a dream stone, Jade has been used in different cultures to assist the manifestation of wishes. It also brings more knowledge, encouraging healing and increasing courage. If you desire more protection for yourself and loved one, wear jade beads next to your body.

The jade can also be used to attract friendships, a purer and fuller form of love. For this purpose, it can be exchanged between friends as a good luck symbol. Whenever you feel energetically charged, use a jade to transmute negative energies into positive ones and achieve balance.


The green jade balances and harmonizes the heart chakra. To do this, place it over your heart and you will feel a greater physical, spiritual and especially emotional well-being.

This chakra can always be activated with jade when you wish to balance the energies of your relationship and break away from controlling thoughts of yours or your partner.

Seawater Stone

Aquamarine is a type of blue-green beryl. It is linked to the element of water, especially the seas and oceans, and is therefore extremely suitable for Cancerians, Scorpios and Pisces. Read on to understand how to benefit from its energies.


Seawater means harmony. It is the indicated stone for all those who wish their love to return. It is excellent for people who have long distance relationships, because it narrows the relationship between people and makes them meet again soon.

A ring with this stone is given as a symbol of eternal love, also representing fidelity and reinforcing the bond of affection between the couple. It is also excellent for developing harmony and avoiding couple quarrels.

Since seawater is connected to the sea, it is most powerful when bathed in its waters, especially on full moon nights.


Being a crystal governed by water energy, aquamarine aids in relaxation and brings with it the energy of purification. Like the flow of the oceans, aquamarine allows the emotional flow to resume, inspiring more love, truth, and stinging detachment.

It can be used as a good luck talisman, especially during trips over the sea or near waterways. Moreover, seawater is a crystal that represents happiness and youth and can be used for these purposes.


Aquamarine is closely linked to the laryngeal chakra, located in the region near the neck, between the clavicles. When used, it breaks the fear of speaking and expressing your feelings. Therefore, it is an extremely powerful crystal for shy people and for all those who feel cold or apathetic.

Ruby Stone

The Ruby is a crystal whose energy is masculine, due to its association with the planet Mars. It is a crystal that arouses passions and develops the most seductive side of its users. Check it out.


Ruby signifies passion and intensity. In addition, it is an excellent stone of protection. It frees its wearer from dangers, negative energies and breaks spells and curses cast against him. It can be used both as a sexual energy stimulating crystal and to help control your extra sexual urges.

In relationships, its power is closely linked to sex and therefore stimulates pleasure during the sexual act, besides helping to channel desire. Since rubies are precious and expensive gems, you can benefit from its energies by purchasing a rough crystal, whose price is affordable.


Ruby instigates the sexual pleasures of life. It confers power and passion to its users, stimulating the heart and giving more courage to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Its power can be extremely beneficial for men, as it increases their sexual energy and activates the kundalini.

Ruby is also associated with love and can be gifted to symbolize commitment, love and passion. For this reason, this precious gem was given at weddings as a symbol of the couple's intimacy.

Whenever you feel tired, you can use a ruby to ward off lethargy and to stimulate your body. If you are hyperactive, the ruby is ideal for you, as it calms the body, directing your energy to other activities.


The Ruby is closely linked to the base chakra, located at the base of the spine. Its red energy increases vitality and increases the energy known as chi, thus increasing physical energy, vitality and bringing a greater sense of power to the one who uses it.

Besides, if you want to be more determined and less shy, the ruby is the most suitable crystal for you, since it acts on the chakras mentioned above,

How to use stones for love ?

One of the main ways to use stones for love is to simply carry them with you. Whether you leave them in your pocket or wear them as a pendant, your energies will be activated from the moment they come into contact with your aura.

Thus, they can act directly on it, changing it and attracting the energy of love into your life. Another very effective way to use the stones for love is to gift them to the people you love.

Whether as a symbol of friendship, commitment between a couple or peace between relatives, the gift will undoubtedly be greatly appreciated by those who receive it, increasing the bond between you.

Remember that before using them, you need to clean them energetically. For this, you can light an incense (sandalwood, rosemary or frankincense, for example) and pass your stone through the purifying smoke. Then let them take the sunlight and the moonlight for 3h and they will be ready for use. Follow these tips and there is no way to go wrong.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.