What is the spiritual meaning of the mouse? Check this and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Know what the rat animal represents!

The rat is an animal that has lived largely alongside humans. Despite being small and slender, it is a creative animal, independent and able to survive even in the most difficult environments, adapting to it.

Therefore, the symbolism and meanings of the rat are linked to the power to achieve anything in life, regardless of how small you may feel. However, it is important to remember that not everything is positive when it comes to the meaning of rats: in many cultures, rats take on not only positive characteristics, but also negative ones.

For example, in some cultures, the rat is a symbol of sickness and dirt, while in others, it is considered a messenger between heaven and earth. Due to these different conceptions about this little rodent, this article presents an overview about these beautiful animals, rescuing their meanings around the world. Check it out!

Main meanings of the mouse

Since the meaning of the rat varies from culture to culture, we present, in this initial moment of our article, its main meanings around the world. Starting from the spiritual meaning of the rat, we go through its symbolism in the Bible, in Shamanism, extending them to the spheres of the spiritual animal and the totem animal. Understand more about this fascinating animal below!

Spiritual meaning of the rat

The spiritual meaning of the rat is associated with adaptability and flexibility. Since they are prey to many predators, they must learn to recognize dangers easily in order to survive.

Therefore, mice can appear as a sign that you should arrest to adapt to crises, rather than waiting for external circumstances to be the ones that suit you. The mouse is also associated with new beginnings and a message brought by the divine.

In addition, the mouse also shows that you are looking at the small details, but forgot to observe the whole.

Meaning of the mouse in the bible

In the Bible, the rat is seen as an unclean animal and unfit for human consumption. It appears in several biblical passages, as is the case in Leviticus 11:29, Isaiah 66:17 and Samuel 6:4-5.

In general, the Christian view of mice conceives of them as plagues, as is the case when Moses foreshadowed the plagues in Egypt, when the mice destroyed the grain fields and the homes of many citizens.

Due to the strong biblical influence in the Western world, many ideas we know about rats and their meanings are negative. However, it is worth remembering that not every culture sees the rat as loudly negative. The Egyptians themselves, for example, believed that rats were a divine creature that should be respected.

Meaning of the rat in shamanism

When it comes to Shamanism, the rat is a symbol of a being capable of many feats, regardless of its size. Therefore, these animals are seen as brave, agile and persistent creatures that can succeed in many areas where other animals cannot.

The mouse also symbolizes a somewhat limited view of the world, based on details. In some Native American peoples, they symbolize witchcraft or represent a clan, as is the case with the Hopi people.

Rat as spirit animal

A mouse presents itself as a spirit animal to indicate that you should rethink the way you have been behaving. You are acting in an arrogant or self-centered manner, so this animal appears to balance your life with its gentle energy.

It is also associated with themes such as fertility, serving as a prelude to the arrival of a baby or even to represent themes such as prosperity and abundance. In addition, the rat as a spirit animal can appear to enhance your creative abilities, guiding you on the path towards inspiration and bringing a fresh perspective.

Mouse as totem animal

The rat as a totem animal brings the ability to see well and pay attention, paying attention to the details of everything that surrounds it. Therefore, it can describe everything that happens in the smallest details, making people with this spirit animal able to recreate everything with exquisite skill. In addition, the rat is great at perceiving danger.

If the rat is your totem animal, you are someone who is quiet, shy and observant, yet agitated in your own feelings, so you prefer to remain more in the dark of anonymity than to expose yourself directly in the light. However, there will be times when you will relentlessly seek adventure and set out to explore the world.

Spiritual messages from the mouse

Like any animal, mice are associated with specific energies, many of which may be available through spiritual messages. But what are these messages? To better understand this subject and answer this question, we bring below the details you need to understand the energy of these tiny beings. Follow along!


Mice are animals that have an incredible capacity for adaptation, so they may appear in your life to indicate that you have within you the resources and imagination you need to find a solution to the dilemma in which you have been living.

Being extremely intelligent and hardworking, the rat will be able to see well what is happening, so he can easily project himself far away from any danger that besets him. If you are in a very difficult situation to bear and can't find any way out of it, work with the energy of the rat, for he will bring the solution you so desperately need.


The rat is a great symbol of fertility, being also associated with the potential for reproduction. This occurs because a female is able to get pregnant up to 10 times a year. Therefore, these rodents are considered beings capable of promoting fertility, since they can produce 140 puppies over a year.

So if you see a mouse, it is possible that it symbolizes a period of fertility and abundance. When it comes to family themes, it may even indicate the arrival of a baby or the beginning of a more prosperous phase in your life.

Remember that the fertility of the mouse can also be symbolic, even representing the great success of a project or a financial reward.

Connection with the earth and the underworld

Since the rat is an animal that has predominantly nocturnal habits and is able to dig holes in the earth to make them home, the rat thus establishes a connection to the earth and the underworld. For this reason, rats are linked to the occult and often with practices such as witchcraft. Depending on your beliefs, the appearance of a rat can bring you a positive message ornegative.

Regardless of your belief, however, the rat symbolizes a connection to the earth and its cycles, so it's time to connect with it to achieve centering, calmness, and stability.

Unpaid work

Rats have a habit of running around, sometimes for no apparent reason, so they bring the message that you may be trying too hard and spending your time on an activity or job that isn't paying off.

See the appearance of this little rodent as a possibility, so you'll be aware of what's going on around you. Reflect on what you're investing your time and energy into and decide if it's time to abandon ship and dedicate yourself to something that brings you more results.

Careful with resources and finances

The mouse also symbolizes the need to be more careful with resources and finances. In many folklore traditions, these animals are associated with the power to store what you need, so use the skills of mice to start storing money or other resources you need, so you're not left without a way out when something unexpected happens.

In addition, seeing a mouse symbolizes that you should use resources (food, money, etc.) in a conscious way, so that you don't run out of them when you need them. Be smart and strategic with what you spend and consume, because your resources are not infinite. Otherwise, you may experience difficulties in the future.

Diseases and threats

In many cultures, rats are associated with dirt, diseases and threats. In fact, they can proliferate many diseases, as is the case of leptospirosis, and because of this, they end up being so feared. Therefore, when a rat appears, it can symbolize diseases or even death, since they are transmitters of dangerous diseases.

A dream about a rat gnawing on clothes, for example, symbolizes death, which can be interpreted as both physical death and metaphorical death. The rat can also appear to show that you are cultivating a bad habit that may hinder your life. So rethink your life and see what you need to get rid of to improve it.

Other meanings of mouse

To further expand the knowledge about the symbolism of the rat, we bring, in this section, other meanings of this tiny animal. In it, we will touch on themes such as the rat in Umbanda, Hinduism, Eastern culture and in continents like Africa and Europe.

Finally, we conclude with the meaning of mice in the home, dreams and tattoos with these animals, check it out!

Rato in Umbanda

The meaning of the rat in Umbanda is associated with cleverness and dexterity, since it is an animal that can move quickly to escape enemies and accomplish its goals. Since the rat has the ability to accumulate food to sustain itself, it is an animal that symbolizes luck and wealth.

In addition, these animals are linked to themes such as determination, innocence, conservation and adaptation, also acting as symbols of fertility and energetic cleansing. The rat is also a symbol of impurity, so be on the lookout for other signs when you meet this rodent, because then you will understand its message.

Rat in Hinduism

In Hinduism, the mouse, also called Mushika or Akhu, is the symbol of the ego and represents the mind with its desires, its pride and its individualism. The elephant-headed god, Ganesha, is commonly represented on top of a mouse precisely to represent the ego that has been conquered and dominated.

Ganesha is the lord of intellect and so this figure reminds that an intellectual person should keep himself under control by not letting his ego interfere with the clarity of mind, especially in decision making.

Rat in Oriental Culture

In the East, rats symbolize various areas of human relationships, and may be associated with virtues or defects. In China, the rat represents fertility due to the immense number of pups that a single female can give birth to during a year. In addition, the rat is a sign of cleverness, cuteness and intelligence.

In ancient times, the rat was worshipped in China as a deity capable of bringing success and prosperity to people. In the Chinese horoscope, it is one of the signs of the zodiac, showing a creative person who can easily adapt to the various circumstances of life.

Mouse in African Culture

On the African continent, the mouse is usually associated with a silly and arrogant being. In a children's tale, a mouse is depicted as a childlike being who thinks he is the most powerful animal on the savannah.

In it, he sets out on a journey to find an elephant to prove his skills and strength, meeting animals along the way. Upon meeting the elephant, the mouse thinks he scared him, but in fact, the elephant was only scared due to the weather conditions of the savannah.

In Egypt, the rat symbolizes destruction as it usually feeds on grains and breads. In Nigeria, a rat can or usually is used in rituals to cause harm to people.

Mouse in Medieval Europe

During the medieval period, the rat was used as a cure for baldness in Ireland. It was also considered a symbol of witchcraft, linked to the devil and a promoter of plagues. It was commonly associated with the spread of diseases such as the Black Death, which decimated much of the European population.

Rats were believed to be familiar animals to witches, who granted her supernatural powers in exchange for being fed with the blood of their mistress.

Mouse in Ancient Rome

In Ancient Rome, the Romans were very fascinated by rats and so it was very easy to find small images of this little animal all over the ancient Roman world. They were used to protect places, especially those where food was stored, to prevent it from being destroyed by these hungry little rodents.

The Roman poet Ovid also associated the god Apollo with the figure of the rat, since he was considered the protector of crops, preventing these animals from destroying them.

Mouse in Ancient Greece

For Greek mythology, the rat was seen as a sacred animal due to its ability to adapt to different living conditions. In addition, it was used to understand the weather, as its appearance usually predicted certain climatic conditions. In the Iliad, a Greek epic, there are references to the rat as a symbol of the god Apollo.

The association of the rats with Apollo occurs because the god, when in a bad mood, used to launch a plague with these animals to destroy the crops as a form of punishment.

Meaning of mouse in the house

Generally speaking, when mice appear in your home, this is not a good sign.They appear to indicate that there is a lot of disorganization or a change that is about to come.It is important that you pay attention to details.If mice appear in your home and your home is clean, with no debris, it is a sign that something dark is being thrown at you.

However, contrary to what is said, killing the rat is not the solution. The ideal is, carefully, to try to capture and release it in nature, at least 300 m away from your house, so that it cannot find its way back to it.

Killing rats brings hunger and foretells financial hardship and disease. Keep your home always clean so they don't visit you.

Meaning of dreaming of a mouse

To dream of mice is a positive sign most of the time, as it foretells that you are not easily overwhelmed by things and stand firm to achieve your goals. If the mouse attacks you, however, brace yourself, as something not so pleasant is coming your way.

If you see a mouse running back and forth in your dream, be aware to review your attitudes, because you are wasting your time, money and energy on a project that will not go forward.

If the mouse in your dream was white, be prepared for difficulties that will arise until you find success. However, if you saw many white mice, the dream heralds creativity. Dreams of a black mouse, however, mean illness. If your house was infested with mice in your dream, this is a sign of wealth.

Meaning of the rat tattoo

The mouse tattoo takes on several meanings according to the color and design of it. In general, mouse tattoos symbolize fertility, innocence, shyness and loyalty. They mean the expression of your true self before the world, also bringing the energies linked to cleverness, fun, curiosity, friendship and sincerity.

The rat can also embody symbolism such as eye for detail, modesty and fertility when tattooed on your skin.

After all, is the meaning of the mouse positive or negative?

Overall, the message of the rat teaches us about communication, as it signifies themes such as adaptability, resourcefulness, focus, creativity, and conservation. Even though its spiritual symbolism varies by culture, these are the positive lessons that are recurring.

Therefore, even if you interpret the message brought by the mouse into your life as something negative, there is always another side to the story that is often kept hidden. The good thing is that you can use the energy of the mouse to go through the various paths until you find the true essence of the message it wants to bring you.

Be grateful for what you have and learn to enjoy life and what comes in it with the help of the symbolism of this animal. Thus, you can find a path that will guide you to a great journey with many achievements, because the mice bring to humans the opportunity to reflect on life and find what it takes to face the diversities and live in the best possible way.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.