What does Lilith in Libra mean? Physical aspect, love and work!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Lilith in Libra

Lilith in Libra is connected with harmony in relationships, precisely because these are very strong characteristics in the personality of Librians. Although it is a positive quality, it also brings overload to their natives, because they feel more responsibility and want to meet all the demands of relationships.

In a not so positive way is the lack of ability to say what you really think and feel about situations and people. In this way, people with the influence of Lilith in Libra end up creating disagreements and grievances.

For these natives the idealisation of love is seen as a difficult task but one which is totally attainable, so they are full of excitement and idealise relationships too much, which can lead to waiting and patience, but also frustrations with relationships.

In this text we will talk more about the influence of Lilith in Libra on its natives. Thus, you will understand the meaning of Lilith, the Black Moon, its influence on the houses and signs, some characteristics of the sign of Libra and the interference of this conjunction on the personality of people.

The meaning of Lilith, the Black Moon

Lilith, also known as the Black Moon, appears in different forms and with different names in various cultures. Her representation has been shown as an owl, a sorceress and a nocturnal demon, but she became better known as being a primitive instinct and the most feared and dark face of the feminine.

In this part of the article, we will present and the meaning of Lilith for Astrology, how to know which is the positioning of the Black Moon in the Astrological Chart, the myth involved her history, what she shows in the Birth Chart and her biblical meaning.

What is Lilith for Astrology

For Astrology, Lilith symbolizes the emotions and desires that people seek to hide and repress within themselves, and also from themselves. This is because people with this influence deeply fear being judged or even being excluded from life which for them is a private paradise.

However, despite the negative meaning, the positioning of Lilith in people's birth chart shows important information about the expression of their desires. Another important information about her natives is about how faithful they are to their desires.

How to discover the position of Lilith in your birth chart?

Lilith is always represented in your birth chart, as a black moon, which has a cross underneath, so it is easy to find her in your chart. Many people do not know her positioning and even her existence and meaning.

To discover the positioning of Lilith in the birth chart of each individual, the process is very similar to other processes of discovering elements in the chart. It is necessary to know the exact date and time of birth and also the birth city of the individual. Some sites do the calculation online.

Black Moon

In Astrology Lilith is also known as the Black Moon, because she is seen as a virtual point in the lunar orbit, at a time when the moon is further away from the Earth, it would be like an exile. She represents the lunar apogee and speaks about emotions and feminine strength.

Therefore, it is important to understand that Lilith translates the importance of the feminine being and the strength that she represents and possesses, especially in a society turned to patriarchy that tries to reduce this importance.

The myth

According to Babylonian mythology, Lilith was known as a demon in a female body, who lived in hell. As time went by, and with the arrival of contemporary times Lilith was interpreted differently. She starts to be seen, no longer as a demonic being, but as a representation of sensuality and seduction.

This change occurred through European artists and intellectuals, who began to honor Lilith with works of art. In one of them, John Collier's painting of 1892, Lilith is represented by a very beautiful and sensual woman, with a serpent wrapped around her body. So, she is no longer seen as evil, or as the proliferation of the plague.

What Lilith shows us in the Birth Chart

Lilith in your birth chart shows how the dynamics of your relationships are and so it is possible to understand which values are important in people's lives. In this way it is easier to know which of these values are negotiable and which are indisputable. So the decision of which situations you have to give up becomes easier.

This does not mean that the needs of those around do not matter, but it is clear what cannot be left aside about one's own needs. In this way, people will know how to respect themselves and welcome what makes them happy and keeps them going.

The Biblical Meaning of Lilith

Lilith is also represented in biblical texts, in the Old Testament, there she is seen as being Adam's first wife, before Eve. She was a person who questioned and demanded that her rights be respected, besides her pleasures.

As Adam did not accept her rebellion and claims, Lilith was expelled from paradise. Thus, her myth tells the story about the expression of female desire, which does not accept being submissive, does not accept having her rights denied, even if she has to face solitude and life in other lands.

The Influence of Lilith in the signs and houses

The influence of Lilith in the signs and houses of the Astrological Chart is related to a very strong energy, which sometimes brings negative points because it is the expression of the dark and gloomy side of individuals.

Therefore, it is important to understand where Lilith is located in the chart of each person, thus knowing the blockages, pressures or even dissatisfactions that are necessary to face in order to live in a more balanced way. See how this influence is in the signs, in the astrological houses and in the sexuality of people.

In Signs

Lilith's influence in the signs symbolizes a powerful force which connects people to the stars and cosmic points. Therefore she is seen as a celestial point by astrologers, which has a lot of force and represents a long dissatisfaction, with many frustrated expectations.

Moreover, Lilith also represents a point of tension in the signs, which causes situations to occur in a contrary way to what is expected, causing an imbalance and weight to the native. Another point brought by Lilith in the signs are situations not experienced in the past, leaving a void never filled.

In the Astrological Houses

The positioning of Lilith in the Astrological Houses explains about frustrations and the need to look at life to notice points where people are coming back and making the same mistakes. Therefore, you need to take care of these points to change this pattern.

The house where Lilith is in the astrological chart refers to the great expectations created by people, which ends up leading to dissatisfactions. In addition, its positioning shows where it is possible to commit your strength and creativity, finding your own resources and talents.

Another point brought by the location of Lilith is the need for detachment, to have a more impersonal behavior, to reverse situations of the past in which he got too involved in various situations, leaving himself aside.

Lilith and sexuality

In sexuality the influence of Lilith usually leads people to seek adventures, because they have an urgent need to be seen and attract others. With this constant search for adventures, they end up putting themselves at risk, almost unconsciously.

Furthermore, the sexuality of these people is linked to excesses, due to the need to find satisfaction for material pleasure. They also have the need to experience these pleasures in the body and in life, through the five senses.

Sign of Libra

The influence of Lilith is exercised differently in each of the signs of the zodiac, because it is joined to her characteristics, the behavioral attitudes present in each of them. This is no different for the sign of Libra.

In this part of the text, we will understand a little more about the characteristics of the sign of Libra, its influence in the 7th house in the astrological chart, the influence of Venus on the Librian and the aspects brought by the air element to this sign.

Libra Characteristics

In general, people of the sign of Libra are more focused on the field of ideas and rationality, so they like to think a lot and do not like limitations in their lives and way of thinking. Often, their opinions are very intelligent, because they usually reflect a lot before expressing themselves on a subject.

Librians are very fond of harmony, peace and pondering, which is why their symbol is a scale. Therefore, they are people who avoid conflicts, and want to be treated with education and respect. A negative point in Librians is indecision, because they are very careful with their decisions due to the consequences.

Libra and the 7th house

The position of Libra in the 7th house of the astrological chart leads these natives to look for balanced partnerships in which there is an exchange of kindness. Because they have a more impulsive and even rude way of being, they need more diplomatic partnerships. They are usually interested in people with an active social life and with many friends.

This sign in the 7th house is also usually more domineering in your relationships, so you may attract a more passive partner, which will make it easier for you to take control of the relationship and conduct it your way.

Libra and the planet Venus

The presence of the planet Venus in Libra makes people more empathetic, more receptive to others. It can even make people with this influence more dependent on the company of others.

Therefore, having Venus positioned in Libra is favorable to love and to all forms of relationships, whether they are loving, affective or even commercial.

Libra and the Air element

The element that rules the sign of Libra is air, which, in Astrology, is linked to mind, intelligence, communication and exchange, which are the forces that move Librians. Being between fire and earth, this element is pervasive, diffuse and mobile, representing the self-conscious mind in human beings.

The symbol that represents the air element is the triangle, indicating upwards cut by a horizontal line. This element has the purpose of boosting reasoning and the exchange of information.

Thus, the air element is more focused on reason and logic, than on sensitivity and emotions, its main characteristics are: transmit, agitate, mobilize, communicate, oxygenate, encourage, energize and purify.

The interference of Lilith in Libra

The interference or influence of Lilith in Libra is very focused on the harmony of relationships, because this is also a strong characteristic of the sign of Libra. Thus, there is a great concern to maintain the smooth functioning of relationships.

This can lead to a certain overload for Librians with Lilith's influence, as you will have an increased need to take care of your partnerships, so you will need to double your care and thinking to manage the demands of a good relationship.

General features of Lilith in Libra

Lilith in Libra has as general characteristics the concern to keep relationships, whether love, family, friendships or work, always away from conflict. Thus, these natives are always busy and concerned to please everyone.

Because of this need to keep conflicts out of relationships, you tend to keep potential grievances and disagreements to yourself, something which can be damaging both to the native and to relationships as a whole.

Positive aspects of Lilith in Libra

As a positive aspect, Lilith in Libra favors the immediate recognition of traitorous people around, and also leads these natives to understand the outcome of these situations, using criteria of justice to guide their attitudes. Even though they understand the negative part of society, the evil and immoral attitudes of it, they do not let themselves be shaken or influenced by the temptation to act in the same way.

On the contrary, it seeks to defend justice, equal rights and opportunities for all. It feels it has the mission to go in search of morality and improvement of life in society. Thus, it is open to hear ideas from all, making a compaction of all and creating a proposal for improvement for all.

Negative aspects of Lilith in Libra

By the negative aspect, Lilith in Libra makes these people someone with the ability to present even the most repulsive attitude, as something that deserves applause. He does not measure his actions when he is focused on achieving his goals, he can even take the path of cheating, using other people and even hide behind the strongest.

These negative characteristics are easily found in corrupt or unfair judge, in traffickers, traitors and people who use emotional blackmail to benefit themselves. Another negative point is hiding behind a false harmonious personality, rebellious sexual adventures.

Lilith in Libra: work and business

The influence of Lilith in Libra makes these natives people who are concerned with harmony in their partnerships. Therefore, they are excellent for doing business, at work they will always seek to maintain a harmonious atmosphere among all.

Therefore, they are great for teamwork, because they will do everything to keep the group united and harmonious. However, you must be careful that the need to keep conflicts out of relationships, end up losing the direction of the work for not wanting to contradict anyone.

Lilith in Libra in the physical aspect: love and relationships

The presence of Lilith in Libra makes the love and relationships that these natives live are healthy, reminding them that dependence on another person does not bring happiness, believing that everything that is placed in a relationship by each of the participants is a complement, an addition, bringing the pleasure of having a life together.

In this way, one cannot put on the other the responsibility of bringing happiness, because this causes dependence, and if people are not capable of being happy alone, they will not be happy accompanied either.

Sexual behavior of woman with Lilith in Libra

About the sexual behavior of women with Lilith in Libra, this influence is about the freedom of their desires, and reinforces that they should not be subjected to situations that bring intimidation or even hurt these natives.

However, the presence of Lilith in Libra can show in some natives some repressed desires. But by being able to understand the nature of these desires, they are able to release them and feel ready to give themselves to them completely.

Sexual behavior of man with Lilith in Libra

The sexual behavior of the man with Lilith in Libra, with the help of the characteristic charm of the Librian, makes them easily attract partners. However, be careful with expectations, which are usually unrealistic and too idealized, which can cause disappointments.

Another strong characteristic point brought by the influence of Lilith in Libra in the sexual behavior of men, is their need for visual stimuli. Therefore, they love to relate with women who have more attention to the lingerie and an environment with candles and flowers.

What does Lilith in Libra reveal about my personality?

Having Lilith in Libra helps you understand better about the fears and desires people have, both in love and sex. It also makes your native realize what unconscious behaviors they usually have in their love relationships.

Moreover, it helps to understand how is the expression of sexuality of these people, how are their desires that are usually suffocated, or even frustrations in their relationships. With the analysis of Lilith in Libra it is possible to bring to the surface of the unconscious of people, the high load of energy directed to sexuality.

In this article we try to bring a lot of information about the influence of Lilith in Libra in the birth chart, and thus better understand behaviors, seeking new ways to solve situations experienced.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.