What is the defect of each sign? Gemini, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the defect of each sign

All the signs have unique characteristics which stand out from the rest. Sometimes they are very positive, but they can also have negative things. In this article you will understand how the mind works, what is the character and also the defects that each person of the respective signs has.

All things have their good and bad sides, and many issues depend on people's point of view. In astrology it is no different. These polarities define the personality of an individual and who chooses how to channel these characteristics is the person himself.

Check below, what are the character defects of each sign, how the mind works and what the character of each of them!

Defects, Character and Mind of Aries

People who have the sign of areas are very enthusiastic and like novelty. They are very creative and willpower is one of their strengths, besides having a lot of courage to run after their goals. Learn more about this sign below!

Aries Defect

The worst faults of people of this sign are impulsiveness, aggressiveness and stubbornness. As the Aryan individual is very impatient, he often does things without thinking and ends up acting on impulse, in a hasty way, putting everything at stake. Aryans have a lot of aggressive energy, and if all this is not channeled, they can become quarrelsome.

The stubbornness of Aryans has to do with the fact that when they want something, they persist until the end, most of the times even without thinking about the consequences of their actions and without caring if it would hurt someone or not.

Aries Character

The Arian has a very perceptive character, tireless and finds it very difficult to be patient in most situations. People of this sign are able to endure adverse conditions, as long as they get what they want in the end. Generally Aryans are enthusiastic, generous and cheerful.

Besides these characteristics, Aryans are quite irascible people, in other words, they are easily angered. Another character trait of those who have this sign is that they are extremely selfish, to the point that the desire to take care of themselves overrides the act of thinking of others.

Aries Mind

As for the mind, the Aryan may seem a difficult person to deal with and not make friends easily. However, these people have enormous energy, both jovial and powerful. Aryans also do not accept restrictions and do not deal well with a monotonous life.

People of this sign also need space and freedom in personal and professional relationships. Aryans are also people who can make their friends laugh, even in the most unlikely moments.

They are people who have an enviable reasoning capacity for the speed with which they think, however, this ability has a defect: for thinking too fast the tendency to make mistakes is greater.

Defects, Character and Mind of Taurus

The qualities of people who have this sign should be valued. One of the main ones is the ability to persist. Added to it, there is also the seriousness with which they work to have comfort, in addition to common sense. Learn more about the mind, character and defects of the sign of Taurus!

Taurus Defect

Among the main faults of Taurus people, we can mention stubbornness and inflexibility. It is very difficult to change their minds, because they do not like change, not even opinion. Taureans also tend to get attached to things easily, so they tend to accumulate many objects.

Also because of their attachment, they are possessive and jealous people. They can spend a lot because they value comfort and quality things, the opposite extreme is also true as Taureans can also be extremely hard bread and refuse to spend what they own.

Taurus Character

The character of someone of the sign of Taurus is characterized by the need to feel like he belongs somewhere. Therefore Taureans present to the world a solid, secure, stable and entirely trustworthy aspect. The feeling of security is very important for people of this sign, whether at home, at work or in relationships.

Taureans take a long time to lose their temper, but when this moment finally comes, they tend to be quite fierce and difficult to deal with. Especially in the context of marriage, the bad mood of Taureans tends to be aroused by jealousy, something that comes from their worst defect, possessiveness.

Taurus Mind

The Taurus mind works in a way that allows these people to fully express what they think. They are usually quite inflexible, so from the moment they express an opinion, there is no point arguing, because people who have the sign of Taurus hardly change their minds.

Obstinacy is one of the main characteristics of Taureans. The Taurus mind is quite slow and lacks creativity, but their thoughts are very constructive. Taureans are very methodical and tend to get irritated when something doesn't go as planned.

Defects, Character and Mind of Gemini

Geminians are cheerful people and are able to adapt easily. Creativity and the ability to do several activities at the same time is one of the strong points of people with this sign. Learn more about the mind and character of people with this sign below!

Gemini Defect

Among the main faults of Gemini people is the fact that they tend to talk a lot, which makes them inconvenient. People of the sign of Gemini also tend to be gossips, because they consider that the information they have can be useful to other people, which leads them to pass on everything they know.

Gemini people change their minds easily, so they can end up compromising themselves. Moreover, these people make promises and end up not keeping them. They can also start several projects and ventures and not finish any of them, simply because of lack of constancy.

Gemini Character

The Gemini believes he is always right and will not change his mind, at least not until the moment the subject is brought up again, which is when his opinion will change completely and he will refuse to admit that he once expressed such an idea. This is infuriating for the interlocutors of a person of the sign of Gemini.

Two of the biggest faults of a Gemini are inconsistency and superficiality. Gemini people are always on the go and usually, when they are talking, do more than one thing at a time. This duality is an important part of a Gemini's character.

Gemini Mind

The Gemini is always full of activities to do, however, he always tries to give priority to two subjects to delve into. For example, if someone of the sign of Gemini is in the library of a university, this person will certainly take a book and shortly after will exchange it for another.

This characteristic makes people of the sign of Gemini have difficulty in exercising some professions such as, for example, being a teacher. On the other hand, there are functions very well performed by Gemini people, such as journalism, for example. There is always a tendency for people of this sign to lean towards cunning and fraud.

Defects, Character and Mind of Cancer

The sensitivity and the way of being of a Cancerian makes him always concerned about the welfare of people and they usually have a lot of affection for him. People of the sign of Cancer are usually very creative and have a powerful intuition. Learn more below!

Cancer Defect

The main faults of Cancerians are drama and being overly sensitive. Besides, Cancerians are very good at emotional blackmail, they are also very attached, they keep everything that has some emotional significance and they are also very jealous and needy.

People of the sign of Cancer demand too much attention from others, besides being very attached to what happened in the past. It is never good to demand too much attention from people. This is a clear indication of lack of affection and the feeling of loneliness. It is important to value the company you already have.

Cancer Character

Certainly, the character of a Cancerian is not something that can be easily understood, nor even endured. The best character traits of a Cancerian are kindness, helpfulness and the ability to understand, but they can also prove to be, for no apparent reason, temperamental, ill-tempered, rude and rude to each and every person.

At times the Cancerian individual is completely willing to listen to another person's problems and even help. At other times he or she finds it extremely difficult to listen to other people's reports, even manifesting a certain impatience.

Cancer Mind

In the mind of a Cancerian is always full of worries and people with this sign tend to keep to themselves, rejecting anyone who is willing to seek dialogue with them. The imaginative capacity of an individual of the sign of Cancer is something impressive and can serve as an escape from tension.

Among the positive elements of a Cancerian's mind we can mention the fact that they have an incredible memory and intuitive capacity, because generally their instincts are very sharp, making them able to perceive a situation before others. The negative point is that people of the sign of Cancer usually do not have their own thoughts.

Defects, Character and Mind of Leo

The contagious joy, the self-confidence and the strength to fight for one's own goals, are admirable characteristics of the individual who has the sign of Leo. However, Leonines should be very careful with pride, because this can be a big trap. Learn more below!

Leo Defect

Individuals of the sign of Leo are arrogant and like to be the center of attention. These people have the need to be praised constantly and receive applause, so they will do anything to get attention. Leoninos are very self-centered and think that the whole world revolves around them.

In addition, holders of the sign of Leo usually express their opinions as if it were the most important among all, and in fact it should not be so, because this attitude despises the other points of view, generating a general malaise.

Character of Leo

There is no difficulty in dealing with people of the sign of Leo, however, they are much better at organizing other people's lives than their own. Leonines have obvious and evident character flaws, they can be very intolerant, pompous and super dogmatic.

The individual of the sign of Leo needs to reevaluate his own opinions constantly. The positive points of the Leo character are: joviality, affection, enthusiasm, optimism and the ability to enlighten other people's lives. Despite these characteristics, Leo people are very susceptible and easy to hurt.

Lion Mind

The opinions formed by a Leo in youth are retained until the time of death, for people of this sign have a dangerous tendency to be closed-minded. The first opinions may be quite advanced for the time, but in time they may become obsolete, yet the Leo clings to them very strongly.

People of the sign of Leo are very perceptive in having a wide vision of things, but they leave something to be desired when it is necessary to observe the details. One of the most important elements of the personality of a Leo is the ability to think long term and in large scale, sometimes even too much.

Defects, Character and Mind of Virgo

Practicality, intelligence and organization are the keys to success for a Virgoan. The ability that people of this sign have to analyze what happens around them and reverse the facts in their favor are very important. Learn more about this sign below!

Defect of Virgo

Virgoans are extremely critical and perfectionist, this makes them overly demanding with each other. They criticize for sport and are seen as boring people. They are excessively methodical and full of mania. They are detail-oriented, which makes them waste a lot of time doing things.

Because they look so much at details, Virgoans end up forgetting the whole. They are also exaggeratedly concerned about health. Everything must be dosed and have a limit, even what seems to be good, because everything in excess can bring bad consequences.

Virgo Character

The Virgo character consists of a lot of hard work, practicality, and an immense appetite for detail. Virgoans at their best are extremely caring and possess an eagerness to help their fellow man. In addition, people who possess this sign have energy to spare, the hard part is finding an activity where it is spent completely.

A Virgoan's taste for detail can even overwhelm him. In his intense search for perfection in the smallest things, the Virgoan can easily lose sight of the big picture. The driving force for the Virgoan is to "serve", in one way or another. This makes him feel grateful.

Virgo Mind

The mind of a Virgoan may not be of the highest intellectual order, for he cannot see the whole picture fully, but he is as capable as any other of making a detailed and analytical assimilation of facts. When confronted with a problem, the immediate instinct of a Virgoan is to break it down into parts and analyze.

Virgoans are great researchers, as well as being very perceptive, logical, and work well together. However, there are some negatives in the Virgo mind, such as nervousness and high sensitivity, which are triggers when they experience inhibitions and restrictions.

Defects, Character and Mind of Libra

The gentle, balanced and peaceful way of people of the sign of Libra make other individuals like to live with Librians. In addition, the ease of negotiating and getting around difficult situations is also a characteristic of people with this sign. Learn more below!

Libra Defect

One of the main faults of Librians is indecision, because they don't like to displease anyone. Therefore, even if inwardly they know exactly what they want, they may take a long time to decide, or even manipulate others to decide for them. People of the sign of Libra also have difficulty being alone.

This is due to the fact that relationships are very important for people of the sign of Libra. However, relationships with other people should not be the greatest goal of life, because everyone has his or her own individuality and autonomy, and these things should not be overshadowed.

Character of Libra

A Librian's character needs to express itself, in all spheres of life, and others have to accept that expression generously and fully. A complaint that is often uttered by an individual of the sign of Libra is, "it's not fair that this should be done to me, after all the good I've done."

Not always people are able to correspond to what a Librian wants, but a healthy relationship consists of give and take. Added to this, there is the fact that balance is something indispensable for someone of the sign of Libra, because it generates the feeling of happiness and promotes the proper development of the human being.

Libra Mind

One of the reasons why the Libra is often indecisive, is because he can see all sides of an issue clearly, this causes a deep indecision in him. People of the sign of Libra have a strong sense of justice, and have an instinct that makes them take the right decisions.

The mind of a Librian needs to be constantly forming its own opinions, for it is very easy for it to be dominated by the ideas of others, and may even depend on the strongest personality to form opinions.

Defects, Character and Mind of Scorpio

The strong, decisive, intense and passionate personality of people of the sign of Scorpio are characteristics that conquer everyone. The sincerity is remarkable and so is the ability to keep secrets. Learn more about the flaws, character and mind of this sign below!

Scorpio Defect

People of the sign of Scorpio are very mysterious and do not like to talk about themselves, but they are observant and want to know everything about other people. For this reason, they can investigate and even try to control other people's lives, because they do not want to lose control of the situation or be surprised.

They are extremely jealous and possessive people, and can even be vengeful. If they are, they do it like no one else, since they know how to wait for the right moment for it. Being good observers, they can discover people's weaknesses. Cunning is a remarkable characteristic of people with this sign.

Scorpio Character

Among the characteristics of people of the sign of Scorpio as far as character is concerned, strong sexual impulses can be mentioned, as well as the depth of their passions. However, the Scorpio is also passionate about other fields of life, such as political interests, work and entertainment.

Scorpios are very jealous, not only in love. They don't like anyone to occupy a function for which they feel suited. Even in some extreme cases, people of the sign of Scorpio can commit some cruelty. The powerful energy of a Scorpio allows them to go deep emotionally.

Scorpio Mind

Although the Scorpio native does not lack reasoning power and has a keen perception of facts, they also possess a high intuitive power. The way a Scorpio native reacts to problems is also quite unique, as they often do not know exactly how to react to them.

Scorpios tend to be quite analytical about their own reactions, even more so than the problem itself. In many cases, even totally unnecessarily, they can turn resentments and jealousies against yourself. This ends up exploding in some cases, even in the form of an unjustified conflict.

Defects, Character and Mind of Sagittarius

The incomparable joy, combined with curiosity and creativity, makes people want to be close to a Sagittarian. Generosity, optimism and sincerity also make people of the sign of Sagittarius very friendly. Learn more about this sign below!

Sagittarius Defects

Sagittarians can be quite arrogant and consider themselves to be the owners of the truth. They tend to believe that their own experience and opinion are the only ones that count. They are usually very sincere and this can end up hurting others. They preach their own truth, opinion or religion.

Individuals of the sign of Sagittarius are not attached to anything or anyone. This inability to attach themselves to anything makes it difficult for Sagittarians to create constant and solid relationships. This tends to leave people of this sign isolated and alone. This is a point that needs to be better worked on.

Sagittarius Character

Sagittarians are quite negligent in their youth, and enjoy adventurous and radical experiences, always enjoying the sense of excitement this causes. A good point to emphasize in the character of a Sagittarian is the fact that they are more capable than people of other signs to learn from their own mistakes.

The charm of a sense of freedom never fades in a Sagittarian, but he is also attracted to themes which are complex to the mind, for he possesses a formidable intellectual capacity. He is very motivated to explore unknown themes and to discover new things which he can make good use of in the future.

Sagittarius Mind

The mind of a Sagittarian tends to skim over details, yet the sense of planning of people possessing this sign is admirable. As long as it is trained and disciplined, the mind of Sagittarians is capable of accomplishing feats. People of the sign of Sagittarius are best at dealing with old problems from fresh perspectives.

All difficulties are approached from many angles, some even unusual, and inevitably many re-evaluations will occur throughout life. A challenge presented by a particular problem is something pleasurable for a Sagittarian, for this incites him to explore and exercise his mind.

Defects, Character and Mind of Capricorn

Individuals of the sign of Capricorn are very reserved and realistic, this makes their friends trust them. Their answers are also very sensible, sincere and useful. Responsibility is also a positive point, especially in the work environment. Learn more below!

Capricorn Defect

Among the defects of people of the sign of Capricorn, we can cite the fact that they may want power and do whatever it takes to get it, even going over the heads of others. They are very critical, demanding and demand too much of other people. In addition, they express insensitivity.

Capricornians are very practical and objective and put themselves above others. They are very annoying because they are very specific and pragmatic. They have great difficulty in dealing with change, as they always like to be sure about what is happening and where things are going.

Capricorn Character

In general, Capricornians are very ambitious and are always aiming for a promotion or a pay rise. People of the sign of Capricorn are excellent negotiators and are sure to achieve success if they set their minds to it. Capricornian wives usually move their husbands up the ladder of success.

One of the most striking personality traits of people of the sign of Capricorn is their sense of humor. Also, Capricornians speak little, but dry and even somber comments can be funny. Capricorn natives are quite reliable, patient, cautious people, among other things.

Capricorn Mind

The mind of a Capricornian is extremely rational and serious. The behavior patterns of people with this sign are very constructive and they have an incredible ability to plan the details. They are able to set aside everything that does not come close to their standards of coexistence.

Capricornians are usually cold and calculating, and they do not understand certain situations easily. However, once something has been learned or understood, people with this sign will never forget it. The Capricornian is a person who worries a lot and is the sign most prone to develop depression.

Aquarius Defects, Character and Mind

Creativity, originality and sense of justice are characteristics that make individuals of the sign of Aquarius loved. In addition, Aquarians always defend equality and fight against prejudice. Learn more about this sign below!

Aquarius Defect

Aquarians are very stubborn, hard-headed and difficult to change their mind. They are very dual, since they have a side which likes change and another which is afraid of it, they like modern things and traditional things. One side is alternative and the other conservative, and this can create difficulties.

Individuals of the sign of Aquarius can be cold and insensitive, although they are also sociable, as they love having people around, but have difficulty creating intimacy with people.

Aquarius Character

Aquarians are kind, cordial, very aloof, and often unpredictable. Usually the first impression you get of an Aquarian is that he is nice, and in fact his temperament appears to be that. The feeling of being aloof is also important, as the Aquarian is always willing to help, without getting personally involved.

It is common for people to find it difficult to feel close to an Aquarius person. Personal independence is of enormous importance to an Aquarian, and he is capable of making great sacrifices for it, even rejecting intimate relationships because of it.

Aquarian Mind

The Aquarian generally doesn't care what others think of him, and often simply doesn't bother to even form an opinion about others' behavior. Aquarians do not lack imagination, as they are usually ahead of their time, in a crisp and clinical, rational, intelligent, and intuitive style.

Generally, individuals of the sign of Aquarius are not concerned with fully understanding how others think. The mind of an Aquarian is extremely analytical and when faced with a problem tends to analyze all the points involved in the issue.

Defects, Character and Mind of Pisces

Individuals of the sign of Pisces are quite docile, dreamy and affectionate, this delights everyone with whom they relate. Generosity and the fact that they can always count on you make you a friendly person. Learn more about this sign below!

Fish Defect

People of the sign of Pisces put themselves so much in the place of others that they end up feeling what is alien to them, which causes a confusion of feelings. They also get hurt very easily because they are very sensitive, besides being overly dramatic.

They are capable of putting themselves in the victim's shoes all the time and have great difficulty in detaching themselves from the past. This causes problems that were apparently dead to reappear and directly influence the present of people of the sign of Pisces. They need to learn to better control their own emotions.

Pisces Character

Of all the signs, Pisces is the most susceptible to external influences. Pisceans are very sensitive, extremely detached and impractical, and they are always trying to escape from reality. The positive side of people with the sign of Pisces is great compassion and also the ability to alleviate the suffering of others.

If the Piscean acts rationally, he will escape from reality through art, poetry, drama, mime or even dance. If this person is unwary, he may fall into the world of drugs, which will accentuate the Piscean's lack of willpower.

Pisces Mind

When a Piscean presents their own ideas in a coherent way, they probably won't even know how they got to this point. There will be no shortage of ideas for the Pisces individual, but it will be difficult for them to organize them in order to put them into practice. Some of the Piscean's ideas are completely unfeasible, and someone will need to show them that.

The individual Piscean is someone more receptive to religiosity than people of other signs. In addition, he needs to have someone to inspire him, so it is important that he chooses someone of the highest caliber. One of the greatest needs of the sign of Pisces is to identify with someone, to have a source of inspiration.

Can the defect of each sign be circumvented in love relationships?

The answer to this question is yes! No matter how much someone has a lifestyle, habits or a way of being, it is always possible to reprogram the mind to think and consequently act in a different way. The personality of people influences many things in life, but it can be subordinated to rationality.

Rationality is a fundamental characteristic for all signs, since all decisions need it. A person would be unable to make an intelligent choice if the faculty of rationality did not exist. This is an ability to be developed in individuals of all signs.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.