To dream of kiss: passionate, tongue kiss, on the mouth, on the neck and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of kissing

This dream can tell you many things about your life, everything will depend on the context and the meaning that your dream is applied. There are several meanings in dreaming of kiss, but all of them will talk about a better future for your life, even if you are going through a bad time, this dream comes to help you and motivate you to change your life.

Read this article carefully until the end. To understand everything your dream has to tell you, it will give you a lot of advice on how to change your life; if you follow what it tells you, you will soon see that great opportunities will come into your life.

This article requires a lot of attention, because it talks about some sensitive points of your life. It may talk about your marriage or your financial life, so you must read it very carefully, to understand everything that your dream has to tell you.

To dream of kissing on different parts of the body

There are 6 different meanings of dreaming about kissing on different parts of the body. Be happy that you had this dream, because in case you are going through some difficulty, or commenting on some mistake, your dream will help you improve and move on to a happier phase of your life.

But to understand this topic, you must read it all the way to the end. Apply the advice that is given here, only then you will have the effects of this dream, materialized in your life. Remember all the details of your dream, to know in which meaning it best fits.

To dream of a kiss on the cheek

To dream of a kiss on the cheek means that you are feeling very lonely lately and this feeling of loneliness is making you very ill. Over the days, you realize that you have no one by your side, with whom you can talk and get something off your chest. Your dream shows that soon this reality will change.

Your life will undergo a great transformation in the coming days, new people will appear in your life and you will be very happy because they will love you just the way you are.

To dream of kissing on the hand

To dream of kiss on the hand, is a great sign that you are afraid of losing your job and now do not know what to do to continue in this company. Because of this fear, you have been getting sadder and sadder with each passing day in your life, because your family depends on you.

Be happy that you had this dream, because it says that your job will not be lost, that person who hinders you within your company will be fired in your place and you will have her position. Wait, because soon, your life will be transformed, with this great opportunity for promotion that is coming.

To dream of kissing on the mouth

When you dream of a kiss on the mouth, you should be very happy. You have been dreaming of entering a competition, but you have lost your strength to continue studying to win that long-dreamed-of position. Because this position is very competitive, people tell you that you will not get in.

And, with this, your strength has been decreasing more and more, and your hope of winning this contest is running out. However, your dream shows that this position is, yes, possible, and if you continue to fight for a place in it, you will soon succeed and prove to everyone the immense capacity you have to realize your dreams.

To Dream of a Kiss on the Forehead

Be happy when you dream of kiss on the forehead because this dream shows that in a short time, a dream of yours will be realized. A long time ago you made the planning to get a new car, but by experiencing some difficulties, it was not possible to save money for this car, and with this, you think that you will never be able to realize this dream.

Keep saving your money, because soon you will be able to purchase this expensive car. A friend of yours owns the same model of vehicle you want to have, and in a few months, he will sell this car, and you will have the chance to buy it for a much lower price. Wait with much patience for soon your dream will be realized.

To dream of kiss on the cheek

Be careful when dreaming of a kiss on the cheek because this dream shows that you feel very jealous of your boyfriend. This feeling can greatly damage your relationship, because your boyfriend is already becoming sad and discouraged to continue fighting for the love he feels for you.

Reflect on your attitudes and unnecessary feelings, because if you continue in this way that you have been treating your relationship, soon it will end and there will be no return. Listen to the voice of your dream and sit down to talk with your boyfriend about everything that has been happening. Only then, it will be possible to save your relationship.

To dream of kissing on the neck

To dream of a kiss on the neck means that you are in love with a friend of yours, but you do not want to reveal this feeling because you think that your friendship could be affected because of your feeling for your friend. However, your dream shows that in a few days the time will come for you to reveal this feeling.

And you need to be prepared for when that moment comes, don't think that your friendship will be put to riches because your friend is also in love with you. Wait a few days and you will find out the right time to reveal your feeling to her.

To dream of a stolen kiss

This is a very difficult type of dream to have and in this topic we will address the 2 most common meanings in dreaming of stolen kiss. Be happy that you had this dream, because it shows that without delay, you will leave a bad phase and live a happy and joyful phase in your life.

To understand this entire topic, read it completely to the end, only then you will understand what your dream is asking and, with this, manage to change your life, and get out of any bad situation that you are going through.

To dream that you steal a kiss

When you dream that you steal a kiss, you should be very careful, because this depressive feeling that you have been feeling may put your life at risk in the coming days. You, in recent years, entered a strong depression that no medication is effective anymore, and your family and friends do not know what to do to help you.

Your pain cannot be solved with words, much less with the love and affection of the people around you. The medicine you need to cure your depression is already in the palm of your hands. You yourself will get out of this situation that fate has placed you, this bad time is for you to mature and learn to be stronger, wait with patience, because without delay, it will end.

To dream that they steal a kiss from you

To dream that they steal a kiss from you means that your son has been facing big problems, but you do not know how to help. He entered the world of crime, stealing from innocent and hardworking people, and with this, a huge sadness has entered your heart, which no longer allows you to feel happiness.

However, your dream shows that in a few months, your son will find the way out of the life that he entered and will be released from crime and will return to honest life. Stay in peace and trust in your dream, because your son will still give you much pride in this life, wait with patience, because in a little while, that time will come.

To dream of kissing different people

Now, we will talk about dreaming about kissing different people. This dream has different meanings, so you should remember the details of your dream to know which of these meanings your dream best fits.

Be happy that you have this dream, because if you are in a bad phase it will help you, and if you are doing well with life, it will show you even better moments to come. Read this entire topic completely to understand everything that your dream has to tell you.

To dream of two people kissing

Be careful when you dream of two people kissing, because this dream shows that you are very sad, with some mistakes that your wife has been committing. She told you several things that hurt you a lot and now you do not know what to do to restore the flame of love that your marriage once possessed.

Do not give up fighting for this marriage because your dream shows that there is still a chance that you will not end up separating. Your wife loves you very much, but she has been going through a very difficult time, which she did not want to tell you to spare you the pain she feels. Talk to her about everything that is happening and understand why she treated you so badly.

To dream of kissing a woman

To dream of kissing a woman is given a very good sign for your life, because this dream shows that in a short time a dream of yours will be realized and will transform your life forever. For a long time you have dreamed of having a new house, but people tell you that this will not be possible because you do not have a good financial condition.

Your dream shows that, in a short time, your dream will be fulfilled and the house you so desired will be yours. Keep battling in your job and striving to have a better life in the future, because all your struggle and perseverance will be rewarded with the dream of having a house realized.

To dream of lover's kiss

It may seem like a bad dream, but to dream of a lover's kiss has a good meaning for your life. Over the past few years, you have planned new dreams and have been striving daily to achieve them, but your family does not believe in you and tries to discourage you from continuing to fight for these dreams.

But do not be sad or disappointed with them, your parents love you very much and want to see only your good, but they think that if your dream does not come true, you will be very sad and discouraged to continue following his path. But do not give up fighting, because your dream shows that with much struggle, you will achieve everything you dreamed for your life.

To dream of kissing someone

Now, we will talk about a very common dream to have, dreaming about kissing someone, can have several meanings. In this topic, we will address 11 different meanings of this dream. They will talk about your financial life and about some bad moment that you have been going through.

For this reason, it is important that you remember everything that you dreamed in order to know in which meaning your dream best fits. Be sure to apply the advice that your dream gives you, because only then can your life be transformed through the words that your dream has to tell you.

To dream that you are kissing a child

Be careful when you dream that you are kissing a child, because this dream indicates something very bad for your life. In recent days you have greatly improved your financial life, you can now obtain new assets and realize various dreams. However, you have been making several friendships that can harm you very much in the future.

These friends are with you only because of your money, they envy you and wish you harm. Do not blindly trust all people, because many of them do not want to see you happy. Be careful who you reveal your dreams, secrets and your planning to have a better future.

To dream that you are kissing a stranger

Be happy when you dream that you are kissing a stranger, because this dream shows that you will receive a great opportunity, which will transform your life forever. You are dedicated daily in your job, but realize that you have not been recognized, for all this effort and dedication.

But this dream shows that you will be rewarded, for having worked so hard in your company in recent years. Soon, you will be promoted to a position that you never imagined you could achieve one day. Keep striving and dedicating yourself in your company, because new opportunities will arise in your life.

To dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex

To dream that you are kissing someone of the same sex indicates that you are afraid to reveal to others the sexual orientation that you have since childhood. You think that your parents will not understand your choice and will judge you for thinking that this option can hinder your life.

However, don't be afraid to come out, because the people around you will support you, and your parents will also support this decision you are about to make. Don't hide who you really are from the world, but allow yourself to be happy by revealing to everyone your real sexual orientation. You will still be an inspiration to many people.

To dream that you are kissing someone who has already died

Be careful when you dream that you are kissing someone who has already died, because this dream shows that you are very sad, because your wife died recently and now you do not know what to do with your life, because all dreams that you had were planned together with your wife. But only time is able to heal this pain that is in your heart.

This feeling of sadness and loneliness is growing more and more in your life and now you don't know what to do anymore. However, your dream tells you to go ahead and take care of the child your wife gave you. Live to bring happiness to him, fight to give a good future to the child of this marriage, which has given you so much happiness in this life.

To dream that you are kissing an ex

To dream that you are kissing an ex indicates that you are stuck in past feelings, that make you suffer every day that passes, you no longer know what to do to be happy again and be free from this past that imprisons you. Be happy that you had this dream, because it shows that, in a short time, this feeling will no longer exist.

Your ex-boyfriend made you suffer a lot, and the trauma of this relationship made this feeling stuck inside of you. But, be calm, because soon your life will be transformed, because a very special person will arise and love you very much. Wait with patience, because soon this feeling will be extinguished from your heart.

To dream that you are kissing the person you love

Be careful when you dream that you are kissing your loved one, because although it seems like a good dream, it indicates a time of great sadness in your life. A phase of financial crisis will begin for you, and the people around you will move away because they are only interested in your money.

You have been treating your investments irresponsibly and the way you treat your money is completely immature. You haven't thought about tomorrow, but the bill of having treated your money badly is coming in your life. Don't be afraid but learn from this crisis because in future you will have friends and financial prosperity as well.

To dream that you are kissing a friend

To dream that you are kissing a friend means that your friends are telling you to give up your dreams and projects that you have made for your life and this is making you increasingly sad, because you think they feel jealous of you, for wanting to change your life and have a successful future.

Your friends love you very much and want only your good, but they have already made plans and dreams like yours, but they have not succeeded and think that if you also have not, will be very sad and discouraged with them were. They criticize you not to see you sad, but do not think they envy you or wish your harm.

To dream that you are kissing someone's hand

Be careful that you are kissing someone's hand, since this dream shows that you are stuck in the past, because the current days of your life have been sad and the happiness that you once felt has run out in your life. With this, you live stuck in your thoughts, remembering the time when you were happy.

This dream shows that soon this reality will be changed, but for you to be happy again in the present day, you must leave this past behind, because if you stay stuck in it your future will be harmed. Start living in the present and seek solutions to the problems that have arisen in your life.

To dream that you are kissing the boss

To dream that you are kissing the boss means that you really want a new job, because the people in your current job do not recognize the effort and dedication that you have for your job. But, what most made you think of leaving this job was the pressure that your boss put on you.

Be happy, because your goal of owning a new job will be realized. Wait patiently, because this opportunity will soon come, do not tell anyone from your work this dream, because they feel a lot of envy of you, so they do everything to hurt you.

To dream that you are kissing a known person

If you dream that you are kissing a person you know, you should be very happy. This dream shows that in a short time a dream of yours will be realized. You have a great desire to play an instrument, but it is very expensive and beyond your means at the moment.

And because of this, you feel very bad, because you can not realize one of your greatest dreams. But wait with patience, because soon you will be playing this instrument, and in the future you will play in a great orchestra. Be prepared, because through this dream, fate will bring great opportunities in your life.

To dream that you are kissing an unknown person

Be careful when you dream that you are kissing a stranger. This dream shows that you are feeling an emptiness within yourself and are trying to fill it with material things like parties and drinks. However, this emptiness cannot be filled with anything material because it is something spiritual.

You have not fed your soul with good things, your spirit needs a relief, only then you will feel that emptiness filled again. Take care of your soul and your spiritual life, because it has a strong connection with your material part, and if you do not take care of it, you can have great losses in your life.

To dream of different types of kisses

We will now talk about 4 diverse meanings in dreaming about different types of kisses. This dream will talk about your financial life, your way of dealing with people and also about some dream that you have to transform your life and improve your reality.

This dream has several meanings and you should pay close attention to the details of it to understand in which of these meanings it best fits. Read this topic completely to the end to know how to apply the advice, which your dream will pass you through this article.

To dream of tongue kissing

Be happy to dream of tongue kiss because this dream shows that your financial life, is very well taken care of. You have planned and made good investments, and your dedication to taking care of your money is bringing you great results.

Soon, you will be able to live off the income from these investments you made. Several dreams of yours can be realized, continue having this attitude in treating your money well and seek more and more knowledge to make good investments, so you will live from the profit they will give you.

To dream of kissing in the rain

Be careful when you dream of kissing in the rain, because this dream shows that you can be very damaged in the coming days. You care a lot about people and try to treat all with great respect and dignity, but some of them did not value your love and wish evil for your life because of the goods you have conquered lately.

Remember all the details of your dream, to know who are the people who want so much to see your failure. Continue treating everyone well, with much love, affection and respect, but be careful with what you reveal of your life to people you barely know, because this attitude can bring great harm to your life.

To dream of a passionate kiss

A great opportunity is coming in your life and to dream of passionate kiss indicates that it will be soon. Your story will be completely transformed, for a long time you have been dedicating yourself in your college, but feel sad because no one recognizes this effort.

But this dream shows that great opportunities will come into your life and you will be transformed forever. A professor of yours has recognized your efforts and will offer you the opportunity of an internship, which is very competitive in your college. So accept this proposal, because it will transform your life.

To dream of forced kissing

Be excited to dream of forced kiss, although this dream seems bad for you, it shows that a great dream of yours will be realized. You have the desire to pass a vestibular that is very disputed in your region, and people tell you that you are not able to pass.

Keep studying and dedicating yourself to pass this vestibular, because your dream shows that, in a short time, this dream of yours will be realized. Don't listen to what people say about you, because they don't know your real capacity to accomplish your goals.

Does dreaming about kissing indicate repressed desires?

To dream of kissing indicates, yes, repressed desires, but it is important to understand that this dream talks about several things in your life, he can talk about some time of depression, or about your dream of entering a college.

It has many meanings, so it is important that you remember the details of your dream, to understand which meaning it fits.

By reading this entire article, you have already realized that this dream comes for the good of your future. Your dream is your inner voice warning you about something, or notifying you of an opportunity that is coming up in your life.

Listen to that inner voice and apply everything she asks you, only then the effects of this dream can be contemplated in your life. Wait with patience because everything you have been told in this article and soon will be realized.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.