To dream of procession: funeral, in church, with priest, catholic and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of procession

The first step in understanding the meaning of dreaming of procession is to pay attention to what the word represents. A procession comprises a group of individuals who walk in an orderly fashion toward one direction. It is a continuous, forward movement toward a specific destination.

Uniting this information we realize that to dream of procession holds a general meaning that concerns "being part of something". And more than that, to move in a direction related to this something you believe or wish to achieve. Sometimes it will speak about your current relationship, attachment to the past or the raising of your children when there are any.

It can happen on the street, at sea, in a church; it can carry funeral motifs, Catholic celebrations or involve the presence of illustrious characters. Each scenario reserves a particular meaning that we will talk about below. Follow and understand.

To dream of procession in different places

To dream of procession in different places adds meaning to the overall interpretation of your dream. Accounts from various cultures and religions show processions with varied motifs taking place in the countryside, in the streets, in church and at sea.

Each of these places carries a particular symbolism. The street, for example, is the road; water is the universal symbol of human emotions and the church, of our values. It is necessary to understand how each of these elements connects to your dream to reveal its final meaning.

To dream of a procession in the street

To dream of a procession in the street puts you in front of two very strong symbolic elements. On the one hand, we have the street as a representation of a path with trajectories, risks and possibilities of direction. On the other hand, the procession, which brings the symbol of movement together with a group.

The union of these elements speaks about your professional life and the need to get support to achieve success. The people who walk beside you are your co-workers who have in common the goal of meeting the goals of a business or company.

It will be necessary the recognition of their skills and for this to happen you should keep well informed, without hesitating to position yourself as the expert that is in your area and not being afraid to expose their ideas, because in them may be contained the secret of success.

To Dream of a Procession at Sea

To dream of a procession at sea does not tell about your religiosity, but about your faith. Because it contains the element of water, this faith is not random, but speaks about your emotions and recent disappointments in a relationship, loving or not, that made you stop believing.

Although the procession is a joint manifestation seen in different peoples and not always containing religious motifs, walking on water is an emblematic passage within Christian literature.

Jesus Christ walked through the waters because he knew God would not let him sink. Peter was able to keep up with him while keeping his faith in Christ intact, but by hesitating in his belief and worrying about the waves, he submerged.

It comes to remind you that, although you have been disappointed, there are people by your side capable of loving, loyal and sincere. People who want to walk with you towards your happiness.

To dream of a church procession

Dreams with a church symbolize the value system of each individual, regardless of the doctrine to which they belong. They are dreams related to the search for spirituality without any religious relation, there is only a symbolic association with the element.

To dream of a procession in a church shows the desire to be part of a group that shares the same judgments. These are socially constructed notions of right and wrong that appear symbolized in the church because they are shared values and widely spread by the institution.

It is a search for truth, honesty, justice, loyalty and harmony, which arises from recent experiences that have hurt your values and makes you pursue a path that reconnects you with what you believe in.

To dream of procession in different situations

To dream of a procession in different situations shows how your placement in the midst of a procession can change the interpretation of your dream. Wishing to go to a procession or to accompany it, in fact, present different meanings. While one reflects urgency, the other shows an intention of permanence and the desire for change.

There are scenarios where you will be accompanied by someone you know, amidst the crowd of unfamiliar faces and the presence of that individual is key to understanding the dream material.Read and understand.

To dream that you want to go to a procession

To dream that you want to go to a procession reveals an urgency to be a part of something. This type of dream shows that your current lifestyle has led you into isolation.

Your social withdrawal is causing anxiety, sadness and unhappiness, affecting your search for balance and well-being. You manifest, through the dream, the desire to be part of a group with which you can share interests, share difficulties and celebrate victories.

A good way to participate in a community is through your hobbies. Playing sports is an excellent alternative, as well as dancing, theater, and other activities that bring people together who can offer welcome and make you feel comfortable.

To dream that you are in a procession

To dream that you are accompanying a procession you manifest your commitment to a group, whatever it may be.

It is a dream that shows you are not just concerned with fulfilling your responsibilities, but truly involved and with a real interest in working with others towards the achievement of a goal.

You feel you belong to this group and are receiving the necessary welcome that motivates you to continue walking a shared path towards fulfillment.

To dream that you are walking with someone in procession

To dream that you are walking with someone in the procession represents parenting, points to the desire for the birth or the need for support in raising children.

All beliefs and religions that have held or carry out processions have in common the figure of a powerful God-father, as we can observe in Christianity and pre-Christian religions.

There are two possible interpretations for this dream and both concern the need to establish an agreement with your partner regarding children.

In the first case, you want to have a child and hope that your partner is on the same page as you. It is essential to start a conversation on the subject, ask him what he thinks, share fears and expectations, so that together you can find a solution.

In the second, the children already exist in a relationship and you miss receiving more support from your partner in raising them. Once again, it will be necessary to talk about it to find an alternative that meets your needs, without losing the harmony of the relationship.

Other interpretations of dreaming of procession

It will not always be the place or the way we place ourselves in the midst of a procession that will be the focal point of a dream. Sometimes other interpretations of dreaming of a procession are necessary to understand the message of your dream.

A funeral procession makes us fear death, but shows that the concern lies elsewhere. Like a Catholic procession, it may not be related to religion but to your attitudes. To understand better, follow along.

To dream of a funeral procession

In dreaming of funeral procession the surrounding people cease to exert a significant symbolism to the dream, which finds its meaning in the march in honor of the dead.

It does not mean that the dream is related to death, but to attachment to the past. It represents marked and traumatic situations that prevent you from moving forward and living the present life. You keep walking towards these memories that prevent you from moving forward.

You have been harboring resentment, guilt, hurt, and sadness that create anguish and prevent you from enjoying the now. Although these are uncontrollable memories, you must find ways to make peace with the past and reflect on why these situations return to your mind. Only then will you be freed and able to find balance in your life.

To dream of a catholic procession

To dream of a Catholic procession reveals your ambiguity. It shows that you, although endowed with moral values that allow you to distinguish right from wrong, have acted contrary to what you believe.

This ambiguity is characteristic of this type of procession: they are events that unite the sacred and the profane; even if they occur in the name of faith and of a sacred doctrine, they usually take place in a space outside the church.

It is a dream which serves to show that you have not been completely honest with the people around you or with yourself. Your detachment from what you believe has affected your relationship with other individuals, and it is necessary to review your attitudes and modify the way you relate.

To dream that you see the pope in procession

Processions are hierarchical movements where, at the head, are the most important figures of the procession and they are the guides of the path of those who participate. Until this point, there would be nothing unusual in the representation, but, the situation becomes particular when there is the presence of an illustrious personality.

To dream of seeing the Pope in procession speaks to feelings of inferiority in relation to a group of people. The presence of the Holy Father shows that although you recognize your potential and see yourself as a capable individual - after all, you have received such an honor - in your waking life, the rest of the people do not see you as such.

It is a dream of compensation that shows the need for recognition for their efforts. And it is important to pay attention to these feelings, because when not worked on, they can lead to demotivation and drop in performance.

Seek to impose yourself and show your qualities, because these are the attitudes that led you to the desired recognition and improvement in your quality of life.

To dream of a priest in procession

Within the hierarchy of Christian processions priests are the most important members of the ecclesiastical class. Despite this, the strong symbolism of the Priest brings to this dream a special meaning.

The word Father comes from the Latin word "Pater", meaning "father". To dream of a priest in the procession, which is an act of walking "alongside", reveals an inner desire to be a part of your progenitor's life.

It shows that there is a distance between you, which may not be physical, but emotional. Your relationship with this figure was marked by rejection or disapproval of your choices. Now you seek redress.

It is a dream that manifests your desire to re-approach and develop a healthy relationship with this individual.

To dream of the Virgin Mary in procession

To dream of the Virgin Mary in procession expresses the desire to approach a fearless and influential female figure in your work environment. This is because the Virgin Mary is a representative of courage and strength.

She is a leading female character within Christianity and stands out in an institution where there is a male God. So you admire this woman with whom she works, you agree with her ideas, and you want to be part of a group where she exercises control.

To dream of a procession with candles

A lit candle brings light into the darkness. By dreaming of a candlelight procession you manifest your desire to protect yourself or a group from the turbulence that comes your way.

Jews celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a candle for each of the eight nights of the festival, keeping alive the belief that by creating the light that benefits another, you are also illuminated. This light protects from the darkness which, here, represents an approaching or already identified threat.

It is not uncommon for darkness and gloom to allude to a lack of knowledge and ignorance about some subject. For this reason, it is not just any threat, but one that involves weak and misguided leadership that is harming all members of a group, professional or family.

To dream of a procession of Yemanja

Iemanjá represents the progenitor feminine power. She is the queen of the waters, which symbolically represent our emotions. To dream of a procession of Iemanjá manifests the desire to reconnect with the Mother.

Despite love, you harbour resentments from traumas, fears and insecurities which have been generated over the course of your life. This attachment to old wounds prevents you from developing a more open and transparent relationship with your parent.

Getting that connection back is important for achieving balance and living a higher quality life. With that in mind, make sure to take time for it, either in person or remotely.

Initiate a conversation where you can expose your wounds, but remember to listen as well. Be willing to understand what were the reasons that led you to take actions that generated pain or suffering in the past.

Iemanjá is not a random figure in your dream, she appears to remind you of your mother's benevolence and generosity, and to make it clear that no matter what attitudes have caused you to become estranged, she will always be at your side to offer protection and care.

To dream of a procession of Our Lady of Aparecida

To dream of a procession of Our Lady of Aparecida manifests the desire to prosper, together with your co-workers, in a new venture. Just as three fishermen prayed to the Virgin Mary for a miracle, you also need a different result than the one you have been getting.

The last times have not been easy, but you are part of a group that is not ready to give up. It's time to review the objectives, set new goals, monitor each action performed so that then achieve the desired results.

To dream of a procession of saints

In Catholicism became saints extraordinary men, who through their characteristics and qualities received official ecclesiastical recognition. To dream of a procession of Saint speaks about the quest for recognition.

And it is not an individual recognition, but of an entire team that has been striving to deliver results.

The best way to get what they want is through good communication and transparency, added to the development of a close and honest relationship, without losing the motivation to keep working for this common goal.

Is dreaming of procession a sign of commitment?

The symbolism behind this movement refers to the desire to be a part of something or solidify relationships with someone else. Thus, dreaming of a procession is a sign of commitment.

It is impossible to feel a part of something if there is no interest, involvement and desire. It is through commitment to what you want or believe that we find the meaning and purpose of our lives.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.