What is psychological pregnancy? Causes, symptoms, treatment and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about psychological pregnancy

Whether it is women who ardently desire to be mothers or who feel very afraid of having a child, psychological pregnancy is a phenomenon that can affect anyone, including men, provided they have predisposition to it. Although it is rare, the condition can happen and still present all the symptoms of a pregnancy.

It is important to emphasize that psychological pregnancy is not an illness per se, but a clinical condition that requires attention and care for the people who develop it. There is treatment to care for the emotional health of those facing this situation, and welcoming is fundamental.

In fact, women believe they are really pregnant and can prove it with their body symptoms. For this reason, when reporting the absence of the baby in the womb, the doctor needs to be careful. Learn more about this psychological condition in the topics below!

Understand psychological pregnancy

Also called pseudociesis and ghost pregnancy, the psychological pregnancy is a clinical condition that requires some care and a lot of attention. Check the topics below and learn more about this rare phenomenon!

What is psychological pregnancy?

Psychological pregnancy is a state in which the woman feels that she is pregnant, but, in fact, she is not. However, the organism presents several symptoms typical of a pregnant woman, without the occurrence of fertilization of the egg by a sperm. That is, there is no embryo sac, nor even an embryo in the uterus.

Although the uterus is empty, the body produces the typical pregnancy hormones, such as prolactin and estrogen. The woman feels the baby kicking inside her belly and, in more severe cases, milk may even come out of her breasts. Therefore, this psychological state is not an invention or lie by the person. In fact, she believes she is pregnant.

What are the most common causes of psychological pregnancy?

Psychological pregnancy is a very rare condition. It usually happens in one in every 20 or 25 thousand pregnancies, so there is not much known about what exactly causes this condition. However, it is known that the condition is usually triggered by psychological and emotional problems, especially in people who are more emotionally fragile.

The most common causes that lead to this type of pregnancy are: low self-esteem, intense fear or strong desire to become pregnant, too much pressure to have a baby, strong stressors, repeated miscarriages or insecurity in the relationship. People who have been sexually abused in their childhood or who are depressed can also fall into this state.

Is psychological pregnancy curable?

Generally, the psychological pregnancy condition ends with negative test results and the absence of the fetus in the uterus, shown by ultrasound. In these cases, the woman may suffer and go through grief, but after treatment with appropriate professionals, she overcomes the condition.

However, in the most severe cases, the woman simply does not accept these results and remains with the pregnancy symptoms. She may go into labor, with real contractions and pain, and when she notices that there is no baby in her belly, she may claim that there was a miscarriage or that something went wrong with the fetus.

Can men suffer from psychological pregnancy?

Although psychological pregnancy occurs more in women, men can also have the condition. However, these cases in which the man gets "pregnant" are called sympathetic pregnancy or Couvarde syndrome. He feels symptoms similar to a healthy pregnancy, such as changes in hormones, nausea, sleep disturbances and weight gain.

Thus, this condition usually occurs in the first pregnancy of the companion and can have various reasons, from psychological trauma to simple nervousness. In the most extreme cases, the man can feel labor pains, nosebleeds and postpartum depression. Treatment with psychologists is essential to evaluate the condition.

Risk factors for psychological pregnancy

There is no way to predict the onset of a psychological pregnancy. Although it occurs more in emotionally fragile women, the condition can arise in anyone. However, there are some factors that can trigger the clinical picture. Learn about some of them below.

Miscarriages or infertility

Spontaneous or repeated miscarriages and infertility problems can trigger psychological pregnancy. This happens because the pain of not being able to bear a child and the grief of losing a baby are so great that the woman creates a parallel reality in her mind in an attempt to cope with the intense sadness.

In cases of miscarriage, it is very important that the woman seek a psychologist so that she can work on her grief. In infertility situations, it is essential to seek a gynecologist to reverse the situation. Nowadays, there are many methods that can treat infertility and other techniques to generate a child.

Pressure to be mothers

The pressure to be a mother is very common in traditional families and is further reinforced by the social role of women pervasive in some societies. So much so that if a woman claims that she does not wish to have children, she is met with judgmental looks and is hardly understood or accepted.

In the face of all this, some people cannot deal with the situation, which can culminate in psychological pregnancy. In an attempt to fulfill the expectations of others, usually people she loves, the woman believes she is pregnant and, in this way, be accepted.

For this situation not to happen, it is important to work the psychological pressure, strengthening your position in front of people.

Death of children during childbirth

The death of a child during labor has the ability to cause intense suffering in a woman's life. To deal with this pain, some may trigger the framework of psychological pregnancy, even to try to replace the baby that was gone.

After the death has occurred, it is essential that this woman undergo psychological treatment, even if she appears to be well emotionally. Because the pain is so great, a rejection of reality can be created, making others around her believe that the woman is well, when, in fact, she is not.

The symptoms of psychological pregnancy

The body of those who experience a psychological pregnancy experiences the same transformations as those who actually became pregnant. The only fact that attests to the condition is the absence of a baby in the womb. Learn about some symptoms of this type of pregnancy below!

Feeling the baby kick or move in the tummy

Feeling the baby kicking or moving in the belly is a symptom that happens in the most severe cases of psychological pregnancy. In fact, the woman feels something moving inside her belly and imagines to be kicks of a baby. Only, sometimes, these movements may be just gas or strong menstrual cramps.

Because of the possibility of being another clinical condition, it is important that, after the diagnosis of psychological pregnancy, a complete evaluation of the body is made to rule out other health issues. In any case, if the woman reaches that point of feeling kicks from the baby, it is a sign that the case is already quite serious.

Abdominal expansion

After a few weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen tends to expand as a clear confirmation of the presence of a baby in the womb. However, conditions such as a swollen bladder, gas, stool, weight gain, and other reasons can swell the abdominal region, which is fertile evidence for the woman with psychological pregnancy to believe she is pregnant.

Generally, all the conditions mentioned disappear within a few days, with the exception of weight gain, which requires a change in diet. For this reason, if these symptoms persist even after a woman discovers she is not pregnant, it is essential to seek a doctor to treat the condition.

Delayed or irregular menstruation

One of the first signs of pregnancy is delayed menstruation or irregularity in the menstrual cycle. Due to this symptom, psychological pregnancy can arise, generating the belief that there really is a baby in the uterus. Even if a beta HCG test or pharmacy test states the negativity in the result, the woman still believes in her pregnancy.

Thus, it is important to pay attention to this symptom, because other clinical conditions can originate the irregularity in menstruation, such as the presence of cysts or, in severe cases, the emergence of endometriosis. For this reason, if this problem continues, even after the diagnosis of false pregnancy, a gynecologist should be consulted.

Other symptoms common to psychological pregnancy

In addition to feeling the baby move in your belly, experiencing abdominal expansion and having delayed menstruation, there are other symptoms that are very common to psychological pregnancy, such as nausea and breast enlargement, for example. Truly, the body is preparing to receive the baby inside the womb.

In some cases, milk may be produced from the breasts, and the woman may experience contractions and severe labor pain. In more severe conditions, she actually goes into labor. Because symptoms do happen, it is important to listen to those who are going through this and offer as much support as possible.

Treatment and tips to minimize symptoms

There is no complexity in the treatment of psychological pregnancy. However, considering the care that should be taken with patients of this condition, attention needs to be redoubled. Check below how the diagnosis of the clinical picture is made, how the treatment should be and other important factors in this condition!

The diagnosis

In the state of psychological pregnancy, common tests, such as beta HCG or pharmacy tests, show the negative result for pregnancy. This is because the hormone responsible for providing the result is produced by the precursor cells of the placenta, which are non-existent because of the absence of the embryo.

Still, women continue to feel the symptoms of pregnancy and continue to believe they are pregnant. The only test that diagnoses the psychological condition is the ultrasound of the belly, which testifies to an empty uterus and does not show the baby's vital signs.

In this examination that provides the certainty of psychological pregnancy, it is very important that both the doctor and the people close to him be careful in dealing with the woman. In some cases, she may ardently desire to be pregnant. Soon, the news may be a great shock.

The treatment

After the diagnosis with the ultrasound exam, the woman needs to undergo psychological treatment so that she can elaborate the news, since it is a mourning that she will face.

Even in cases in which the psychological pregnancy was originated by an intense fear of getting pregnant, the fact of feeling the symptoms may have generated in the woman the desire to have a child. Therefore, the analysis of psychologists is fundamental to accept and overcome the news, besides verifying what originated the condition and, in this way, treat.

In addition, a psychiatric evaluation may also be requested to analyze whether there is something more serious, such as psychotic states, for example. In any case, the treatment may vary and depend on the results of the evaluations.

Professional support

An efficient professional with humanized care should not view psychological pregnancy as an illness but as a consequence of intense suffering. The woman with psychological pregnancy is not lying or inventing the situation. She believes she is pregnant and her body symptoms prove it.

Therefore, people who go through this condition must have a careful medical team that can provide all the care and assistance, both to patients and family members. Professional support is of utmost importance for the woman to feel welcomed and understood. After all, it is the doctors who will deliver the news that there is no baby in the womb.

Control of anxiety and the desire to become pregnant

Many reasons can originate the psychological pregnancy, but the main one and that usually happens in most conditions is the intense desire to get pregnant. By having so much desire to gestate a child, the woman becomes extremely anxious and can produce the same symptoms of a common pregnancy.

In view of this, anxiety and the desire to get pregnant need to be controlled. With the proper help, the woman will understand all the issues at the time of having a baby, including her current reality. With the help of trained professionals, anxiety is reduced and her mind is stabilized to understand the right time to have a child.

Treatments for infertility or early menopause

In some cases, psychological pregnancy can occur as a consequence of a medical condition, such as infertility or early menopause. In these situations, there is an intense desire to get pregnant, but the process is hindered because of these problems, which can trigger this rare type of pregnancy.

The treatment of infertility conditions can considerably reduce psychological pregnancy. Currently, with the advancement of science, there are several types of treatments to help women get pregnant. It is essential to look for a gynecologist doctor who is an expert in the subject to perform all the care and prepare the woman's body so that she can, in fact, gestate a baby.

Problem solving in the relationship

Problems in the relationship can generate psychological pregnancy. In these situations, women believe that with the arrival of a baby, all issues in their relationship can be resolved.

They think that by the fragility of a body generating a baby, they will be able to call the attention of their partner, eliminating conflicts. For this type of pregnancy to disappear, it is indispensable to solve relationship problems.

Depending on the situation, both can seek couple therapy to resolve the issues. In addition, the woman also needs individual therapy to work through her personal conflicts and deal with the results of the treatment together with her partner.

The possible complications of psychological pregnancy

As with any clinical condition, psychological pregnancy can evolve into other complications. In some cases, the woman may develop psychiatric issues, such as psychosis, anxiety disorder, depression, etc. These states can begin upon receiving the news that there is no baby in the womb, generating intense suffering.

If these complications occur, the help of psychiatric and psychological treatment is indispensable. Sometimes, the use of medications may be necessary to stabilize the condition. In addition, it is also important that, at all times, the woman receives the proper support and has people she trusts to be by her side.

If you identify the symptoms of psychological pregnancy, do not hesitate to seek support!

Although the psychological pregnancy has a higher occurrence in women with emotional fragility, the condition can occur to anyone. In this case, no need to despair or blame yourself. The most indicated is to seek help to treat the condition and take care of your body to receive a baby, if you want.

If you notice the symptoms of a psychological pregnancy, ask for help from reliable people to accompany you in this process. It is also important that you look for good professionals to help you in the treatment. Remember that the psychological evaluation is fundamental to help you understand the problems that originated this state.

With your emotions strengthened, symptoms treated and your body properly cared for, you can truly gestate a baby in your womb and get pregnant in a healthy and balanced way!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.