What does it mean to have descendant in Capricorn and ascendant in Cancer?

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the descendant in Capricorn

Having the descendant in Capricorn shows how your way of relating to others is. Here it is clear what these people expect from their ideal partner, and it is not only related to romantic liaisons, it also says a lot about professional relationships and in business.

Therefore, the descendant represents how will be your partner in life, friendship and work, and also how will be your possible enemies. These represent people who are opposite to the people with descendant in Capricorn, but at the same time are complementary to your characteristics.

In this article we will discuss several characteristics brought by this descendant and its influence in people's lives. In addition, we will also discuss how the ascendant in Cancer interferes in the personality of those who have descendant in Capricorn.

Descendant in Capricorn and Ascendant in Cancer

The combination of Descendant in Capricorn and Ascendant in Cancer represents that your relationships will be contradictory. We will see the explanation of this characteristic below, in more detail. Follow along!

What is Descendant in Capricorn and Ascendant in Cancer?

As we said above, having the combination of descendant in Capricorn and ascendant in Cancer means that your way of relating to the other will have paradoxes, it will be a contradictory relationship.

As the Cancer Ascendant is ruled by the Moon, people with this influence will show kindness, but also appear to be temperamental and unpredictable. In a solid relationship, they will be more directive and even a little authoritarian in some situations.

But for relationships to flow, you need to have the action to seek the mate, which takes time, as people with Cancer ascendant are cautious in their contacts.

How to know if I am descended in Capricorn

To know if you have the Descendant in Capricorn, it is important to know your Ascendant, which plays a fundamental role in this discovery. This is because the House of the Descendant is opposite the House of the Ascendant.

The descendant sign is located in the Seventh House of your birth chart, which is directly opposite House 1, which in this case is the house of the ascendant. So, to know if your descendant sign is in Capricorn, it is necessary to make a complete birth chart. You can consult a specialist or use a good virtual program for this.

The role of Cancer in Capricorn's Descendant

Having ascendant in Cancer causes people to have a great development in their self-knowledge, increasing their care in relation to food, for example. These characteristics are related to family, business or a social cause which touches you deeply.

Although it awakens a desire for care, you are usually seeking not only care for others, but also care for yourself. Another influence found in the Cancer Ascendant is that these people will seek to attract situations into their lives which give importance to their need for recognition, respect, and release of feelings.

General characteristics of this sign

Now we are going to understand better what are the characteristics received by the descendant in Capricorn. Read on and check if you have these characteristics!

Sometimes shy

Capricornians are more reserved people, they have a sober behavior and pay a lot of attention where they step. This leads to the interpretation that this way of acting is related to shyness.

This interpretation is not entirely wrong, people with the influence of Capricorn are not very sociable, they only engage in a dialogue if it leads them to something useful for themselves or for humanity.

Another reason for this shy behavior, is that people influenced by Capricorn are afraid of being hurt affectively, and so they prefer to stay more distant and rational most of the time.


People with Descendant in Capricorn are usually cautious, especially in love relationships. They are very sensual people, but they are afraid of those who come close to them. At the same time, they want to find someone who is faithful and constant, so they feel safe, because they don't want to lose the person they have conquered.

They are therefore cautious in opening up, slow to reveal their feelings, and when they realise they have been deceived, they become vindictive or cold. As their relationships lack the lighter, fun side of love, they need to relate to people who have a good imagination, are funny and help them to let go.

Sign of the one who is demanding

Usually people with Capricorn Descendant are very demanding in all their relationships and activities. These demands are related to themselves, but also to the other people they relate to.

People with the influence of Capricorn usually look at life from a point of view where everything can be done in a better way, so they demand from themselves and from others, that they give their maximum effort to get the perfect result in the end. This perfectionist characteristic should be dosed so that it does not influence themselves and others negatively.

Descendant in Capricorn in relationships

Having the descendant in Capricorn also influences the relationships of these natives, from the choice of partner to the day to day of the relationship. Read and understand!

Criterious when choosing a partner

Those who are born with the descendant in Capricorn need to have everything in their life very concrete, based on reality. Therefore, in their relationships they need someone who gives them security, someone they can trust.

They will not relate to people who have an adventurous spirit, they are looking for loyal and companionable people. They prefer the comfort and security of their home, so they will always look for people who have affinity with these characteristics.

Doesn't like to show his feelings

Natives with Capricorn as Descendant are usually discreet in their relationships and are not fond of public displays of affection. They are not interested in pampering or love games, but they are always present in the relationship.

They don't have the habit of opening up to unknown people, usually have few friends, but usually have several colleagues with whom they maintain a cordial relationship. All these characteristics and difficulties in expressing their feelings, make others find them cold.

Likes deep relationships

Those born with the Capricorn descendant seek stability in their home, and are a promise of a very close and lasting relationship. They therefore shun superficial or casual relationships, and seek a traditional relationship which connects them to their origins.

They like to feel in their partner their safe haven, so they seek to have strong and deep bonds. Following these principles for their relationships, they do not get involved in sudden and unexpected crushes.

Descendant in Capricorn in professional life

As in other areas of life, the professional side is also affected by characteristics of the sign of Capricorn, in those who have as their descendant this star of the zodiac. Let's see how this influence is.

Sign that is easy to deal with

They are great co-workers, as bosses they know how to lead and they do not let power affect them. They value employees who are dedicated and are fair. Another characteristic of those who have descendant in Capricorn is that they know how to bring back to work those employees who no longer contribute to the team.

Although they are born leaders, they know how to obey when they are employees, because they are aware that the best way to become good leaders is by being dedicated and obeying orders. They are loyal workers, and when they are unhappy with something in the company, they talk to their superiors to seek a solution.

Think long and hard before making important decisions

When people with Descendant in Capricorn have to make important decisions, don't expect a quick answer. With their analytical sense, they look at all the existing options, check the possible consequences, before deciding on the best action.

As they are very rational, they usually choose based on reality, and preferably will make the choice by what will bring them greater financial and emotional compensation. This way, with all these analyses, you will hardly regret the decisions taken.

Has ambitions

People with Capricorn Descendant, both men and women, are the most ambitious. These people seek social power, and see money as the tool that will lead them to their goal. Although their goal is financial, they are not consumerists. On the contrary, they are usually quite "tight-fisted".

They put their financial goals in front of them and work without giving up until they reach their goals. And for this, they give great value to their careers. In their jobs they will be the most correct and seek to be the most respected, and thus be rewarded financially, since money is one of their greatest ambitions.

Is Descendant in Capricorn an intense person?

Intensity is synonymous with people with Capricorn Descendant. Although they are known as "heart of ice", this is not an absolute truth. They are just more discreet people.

When these people are hurt, betrayed or deceived they feel a very deep pain and are left with wounds that are difficult to heal. This intensity is also reflected in their self-charging, as they have a need for everything they do to be perfect.

In short, having descendant in Capricorn brings to these people excellent characteristics, such as dedication, loyalty, intensity and focus, but it takes balance so that there are not so many demands and this ends up causing problems in their lives.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.