What does dandelion mean? flower, tattoo, in dreams and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what dandelions mean?

The dandelion is considered to be the plant of wishes. They are thrown to the wind by people who hope to see them come true. In addition to this meaning, there are several others, ranging from legends to the history of the dandelion, which is considered to be a spontaneous and fairly common plant.

Belonging to the same family as the sunflower, it has the scientific name of Taraxacum officinale and is typical of temperate climates. Due to the way it grows, which does not require specific soil, it can be grown anywhere and is even found on roadsides.

Throughout the article, more details about the meaning of the dandelion will be commented on, including from a spiritual point of view, so if you want to know more about it, read on to find out all the information.

Understanding dandelions and their meanings

The dandelion is a plant from temperate climates that can grow in any environment. Considered the wishing plant, it has a meaning for some religions and is also linked to some legends. These and other meanings of the plant will be discussed in the next section of the article. To find out more about it, read on.

What is dandelion?

The dandelion can be understood as a spontaneous plant due to its ease of growth in temperate climates, so many people tend to confuse it with a bush. Belonging to the same family as sunflowers, the Asterarcae, it has the scientific name of Taraxacum officinale and can be found in fields or even on roadsides.

It is also worth noting that dandelion is considered an Unconventional Food Plant and, as such, has some medicinal properties, including those associated with fertility. This plant is also a frequent food for bees and other pollinating insects.

Plant characteristics

It is possible to describe the dandelion as a perennial plant typical of temperate climates. Its spontaneous growth means that it can grow even in adverse conditions, so that it can be found at altitudes of around 2,000 metres. Its rapid reproduction also makes some people consider it a weed.

Because of these characteristics, many people think that dandelion is a worthless plant. However, it has many medical properties and works as food for insects. In addition, because of the legends surrounding dandelion, some cultures attribute magical properties to it.

Dandelion meaning

The dandelion is an ancient plant whose origins are shrouded in mystery, so no one knows exactly when it gained its wish-fulfilling connotation, but the meaning remains to this day. In addition to this meaning, other very positive ones have been attributed to the dandelion over the years.

Today, this plant is considered a source of hope and confidence for people. This is directly linked to mythology, according to which Theseus fed exclusively on lion's teeth for 30 days in a row and this made him strong enough to defeat the Minotaur.

Dandelion flower meaning

The flower of the dandelion is yellow in color and is therefore associated with wealth. The plant is therefore considered a source of prosperity in some cultures. Furthermore, as all parts of the dandelion can be used for different purposes, this meaning is reinforced.

By way of illustration, the leaves and flowers, for example, can be used in a variety of foods, and because of their medicinal properties, dandelions are also used in medicines. As far as the root is concerned, it is used as a natural latex and can also be found in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages and even in some coffees.

Meaning of the Dandelion in Spiritism

For spiritualism, the dandelion is considered a source of positive energy. Due to its resemblance to the sun, this religion believes that the plant has simplicity and happiness as its characteristics. In addition, its cluster of seeds is seen as a representation of the multiple possibilities of life.

Therefore, according to spiritism, dandelion can be used for many different things, from teas to food. This ensures that peace makes people's lives from the inside out.

Meaning of a dandelion flying at you

There are several possibilities for the meaning of a lion's tooth flying to a particular person. If it has been blown by someone, it represents a kind of oracle of love and indicates that a relationship is about to come into that person's life. However, for this to happen, all the seeds must be blown.

On the other hand, when the dandelion flies to someone, it serves to represent innocence. The association is linked to the fact that the people who usually have fun doing this with the plant are children. Therefore, in these conditions, the dandelion serves to dispel negative things and point to a more prosperous future.

Dandelion tattoo meaning

The dandelion is also a very common design in tattoos. When it appears in these contexts, it can be associated with other symbols, such as swallows, which help to amplify its meaning. Thus, the plant comes to represent freedom and optimism.

Therefore, this is a tattoo often chosen by optimistic people who are looking for more hope in their lives. As the lion's tooth has spiritual meanings, carrying it on your body represents bringing with you a guide and a representative of the light.

Meaning of dreaming about dandelions

Dreams involving a dandelion can be considered good omens, especially for love. They speak of happiness and how happy the dreamer feels to be in contact with their partner. In addition, this plant can also be associated with characteristics such as persistence.

Therefore, dreaming of a dandelion is something that reflects internal motivations and the desire to do good things throughout life. In this way, it indicates that happiness will be present on the dreamer's path and they will be able to multiply the good things they achieve.

Other information about dandelions

There are legends and cultural associations linked to the dandelion that are interesting to understand more about the plant's history and significance for spirituality. These issues will be discussed in more detail in the next section of the article. If you want to know more about them, just read on.

Dandelions in culture and literature

Due to its many meanings, the dandelion is present in literature and in various cultures. Thus, it symbolizes the idea of rebirth and change and is associated with the phrase "Every breath is a second chance." In addition, it has been quoted by several poets, who have made a point of emphasizing all the mysticism that surrounds the plant.

Among them is Cicely Mary Baker, who spoke about the beauty and strength of the dandelion in one of her works. Another poet who highlighted the characteristics of this plant was Emily Dickinson, who wrote some versions about the dandelion.

Dandelion legends

The dandelion is related to a number of legends. According to an Irish story, this plant is home to fairies and when they become free, they move through the pastures. At a time when the Earth was inhabited by magical creatures such as gnomes and elves, all these beings lived freely.

However, this scenario was altered by the arrival of man, who forced the creatures to seek refuge in the forests. However, the fairies managed to camouflage themselves in their surroundings and took on the form of the lion's tooth to hide from men.

The relationship between dandelions and feng shui

According to feng shiu, the dandelion is a plant that brings a number of benefits. This is because the plant supposedly protects family members from accidents, ensuring that they all maintain good health. It is also worth mentioning that its meaning of prosperity guarantees a peaceful life for people from a financial point of view.

To incorporate the dandelion into the feng shui of your home, you can use images depicting the plant or include it in vases due to its ornamental function. As well as attracting prosperity and health, the dandelion is also capable of ensuring fertility.

The relationship between dandelions and Umbanda

Umbanda is another religion in which the dandelion has special meanings. According to this doctrine, the plant represents freedom, spiritual light, optimism and hope. This association is linked to the fact that the plant can be associated with Oxumaré, who acts as a mediator between heaven and earth.

This deity is the son of Nanã, the lady of the swamps, and is known for his connection with the rainbow. Due to his various powers, he has become a babalô who has the ability to heal people.

Dandelion's medicinal properties

In addition to all its mystical meanings, dandelion also has some medicinal properties due to its nutritional composition. Thus, it is rich in vitamins, amino acids, minerals, phytosterols and inulin. It can therefore be used for various purposes.

The main ones include digestive disorders and liver problems, but dandelion also has a positive effect on skin treatments. Due to the presence of phytosterols, it helps to stimulate hormone production, which promotes both male and female fertility.

Dandelions are also a great gift option

Due to the beauty of the dandelion and its many meanings, it can be an excellent gift option. Your message will certainly be enough to make it clear to the recipient how much you care about them. What's more, due to the plant's practicality and low care requirements, it can be grown in apartments.

So, if you're looking for a gift that's functional and beautiful, as well as being able to bring several benefits to the life of an important person, consider giving them a dandelion vase.

Events and occasions perfect for Dandelions

The dandelion can be given to people who are going through decisive moments in their lives. For example, those who are looking for a risky career change and want to achieve their goals. It will be able to help them attract the prosperity and stability they desire with this change.

In addition, the plant is also a great gift for women who are trying to get pregnant. As well as its association with so many positive things, it can be used to make a tea that helps with hormone production and aids fertility treatments.

Price and where to buy Dandelion as a gift

As the dandelion is a fairly common plant, finding it as a gift shouldn't be too much of a problem. Florists usually have the plant in pots if you want to give the ornamental version as a gift. In terms of price, it's worth mentioning that you can find the dandelion for an average of R$19.90.

In the case of dried herbs for preparing teas and infusions, there are no major difficulties in finding them either and dandelion is available in health food stores. The price, on the other hand, is a little higher than that of the plant, but nothing too high. You can get the herb for an average of R$24.90.

How to grow a dandelion at home

Dandelion cultivation is not very complex, as the plant is easy to grow in the right climate. Therefore, people who are interested in planting them in pots or in their home gardens can do so relatively easily by following the tips given in this section of the article. Read on to find out more!

When and where to plant?

Due to its better adaptation to the temperate climate, dandelion is a plant that tends to thrive when planted in the early spring. It quickly reaches maturity and people who aim to use its leaves to make teas will be able to do so around the second half of October.

Planting is quite simple and the plant can be placed in a pot as long as the pH of the soil is observed. In addition, the container in question needs to be, on average, 30cm high so that the dandelion can grow properly.

Soil and substrate for dandelions

The ideal soil for planting dandelions needs to have a pH between 5 and 6.8. It must also not be waterlogged, so it is always important not to let water accumulate in the dish and on the surface of the plant. The soil should be moist, but too much is not good for the growth of dandelions.

As dandelion is a plant that adapts to any environment, it will grow even in poor soil. However, to speed up the process, some common substrates, such as worm hummus, can be used.

Ideal lighting and temperature

The dandelion prefers temperate and subtropical climates, so the plant survives best in climates with temperatures above 25° C. Although it has the ability to withstand cold climates and low temperatures, this can cause its leaves to fall off.

In terms of light, it's worth noting that the ideal place to plant it is in the middle of the shade. When the dandelion is growing, it doesn't usually cope well with direct sunlight. A good place to plant it is under trees or on a shady wall.

Hydration and plant maintenance

As the dandelion's soil must be kept moist, watering needs to be constant. Ideally, it should be done daily and the best time to do this is in the evening. In this way, the plant takes an average of two weeks to germinate. However, depending on the soil and other conditions, the process can take as little as five days.

When it comes to maintenance, it's worth noting that it's not very complex, so all you need to do is respect the ideal conditions described above for the dandelion to thrive.

Price and where to buy a dandelion seedling or seed

As the dandelion is a fairly common plant, finding it in flower shops and on specialized websites isn't too difficult. You can find the seeds, which cost an average of R$19.99 for a pack of fifty, the mature plant, which costs an average of R$24.90, or the seedlings, which cost around R$19.

The dandelion symbolizes spiritual light, freedom and hope!

The dandelion is a plant surrounded by mystical meanings. Present in all parts of the world and quite common, it is able to grow even in poor soils. Thus, some cultures attribute magical meanings to the dandelion, so that there are various legends and mythological stories surrounding it.

In addition, the lion's tooth is seen as a symbol of hope and freedom in many cultures, which is why it has become an object of interest in the arts, especially literature, and is also a popular tattoo choice for people who want to convey these messages.

Easy to handle and grow, the dandelion is a great gift option and can bring many benefits to the home.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.