To dream of fruits: red, yellow, green, rotten, sweet and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Meaning of dreaming about fruits

Fruits are, besides delicious, are essential to our health. They are full of vitamins and minerals very important for the functioning of the human body. Not to mention that there are numerous recipes that we can make based on them. Just as fruits are full of nutrients and good things, in dreams they bring us very positive meanings, such as prosperity, good health, wealth, fertility, andlove.

However not everything is flowers, depending on the fruit, and how it presented itself, it can reveal negative meanings, such as falseness, repressed feelings, bad mood, breakup of a relationship, etc. Be aware of the types of fruit that appear in dreams, because the context can be very different for each type of them.

To dream of fruit in different conditions

Fruits can appear in different ways in dreams, they can be sweet, sour, ripe or rotten. Pay attention to the appearance of the fruit, because your dream may have a totally different meaning. Check out each of these meanings below.

To dream of sweet fruits

To dream of sweet fruits is a great omen. It means that very good things will come, both financially and personally. It will be a period in which you will be filled with much happiness, besides leaving you more open to new knowledge and experiences. Enjoy every moment as if it were unique.

To dream of sour fruit

To dream of sour fruit is a warning from the subconscious mind to improve your mood. It may be that you are acting as sour as the fruit in the dream. Be careful that this behavior can lead to various consequences especially to people who live around you. This dream may also mean that you missed a unique opportunity that would make you grow as a person or even give youpleasure and happiness.

Sour fruit in a dream can also be an indication that a relationship, both love and friendship ended very suddenly, and you feel guilty about it.

To dream of fresh fruit

To dream of fresh fruit is a great omen. You will have a lot of health, prosperity and profits. In addition, this dream also indicates that you will have the necessary tools to overcome possible future problems. So do not fear, you have the strength to overcome any barrier that comes up.

To dream of ripe fruit

To dream of ripe fruit indicates that you should keep an eye on your fertility. You and your partner are about to have a baby soon. If during your dream you were tasting the ripe fruit, it means that you will go through a period of uncertainty, but at the same time you will have several moments of pleasure. If ripe fruit appeared on a foliage in your dream, it is a sign that your future will be veryprosperous.

To dream of rotten fruit

When you dream of rotten fruit, it is a warning of future changes that may cause problems and concern. It will be a very difficult time, it may even become depressing and distressing. First try to calm down, and look for some coherent solution to the problem.

To dream of dirty fruit

Dirty fruit in a dream is a bad sign. It indicates that your bad mood is beginning to bring you bad consequences. And this is not only for you, but also for the people around you. Perhaps your bad mood is not only affecting your performance at work or in your studies, but is also alienating people from your social circle.

Stop and think, maybe it is better to reflect on their actions before the consequences are much worse. After all a smile and good humor always endorse our daily lives and the people we love.

To dream of washed fruit

When you dream of washed fruit, symbolizes that you are giving more attention and value more to others than to yourself. It's time to worry and take more care of yourself. You deserve a rest, a trip, a tasty food. Value yourself and love more, after all you need to love yourself first before loving others.

To dream of cut fruit

If you dreamed of cut fruit, be alert, because it is a sign for relationship problems. It is time to reflect what may be going wrong, what can be changed or be convenient for both parties. Sometimes dialogue can be the best solution to solve problems. Talk to your partner and seek a solution together.

To dream of beautiful fruit

To dream of red fruits indicates that you are a person of "cold" heart, you never experienced a real love. This dream shows that in the future you will finally meet the half of your orange, and live a strong and romantic love relationship. Enjoy every moment and enjoy this passion with your loved one.

To dream of different colored fruits

Fruits can appear in many different colors in dreams. They can be red, yellow, green or even colored. You can check each meaning of these colors in dreams in the following topics.

To dream of yellow fruit

To dream of yellow fruits is a warning that diseases are coming, so avoid the evil by cutting it by the root, make periodic visits to the doctor, do routine tests and maintain healthy habits and diet. If the worst happens, do not panic. Do the treatment according to how it should be done, and always remain optimistic. Everything will work out if it is done the right way.

However depending on the yellow fruit you dreamed of, the context of the dream may be different. To dream of apricots means that you have an optimistic and humorous outlook on life. To dream of banana may indicate sexual impulses and finally orange indicates much health and prosperity ahead of you.

To dream of red fruits

To dream of red fruits is a good sign, because it indicates that your life will be filled with good health and many pleasures. This is the time to enjoy and enjoy all the good things that are happening in your life.

To dream of a cherry indicates that you are an honest and sincere person, the apple means that you are a wise person and if you are eating in your dream it can mean fertility. To dream with a plum can mean block of emotions and creativity and finally the grape indicates that in the future you will have great financial gains.

To dream of unripe fruit

When you dream of green fruits, it means that you have been in a great hurry lately. Haste and impulsiveness in your actions may generate unexpected results or even cause serious mistakes.

So be careful, haste is the enemy of perfection, analyze the situation coldly before any hasty action. If you dreamed of green fruits and you are a woman, be careful, because this dream may indicate a possible loss of inheritance.

Now if you dreamed that you searched for unripe fruits, it is a sign that a period filled with good luck and longevity will come in the future.

To dream of colored fruits

To dream of multicolored fruits is a great sign. It indicates that you will be very lucky both in the professional and personal fields. So it is time to enjoy the moment and every gift that life is providing you.

This dream can also mean good feelings and good fluids. You will feel a great sensation, of peace and tranquility in the environment in which you live.

To dream of fruits of different sizes

In dreams fruits can manifest themselves in different sizes from small to giant. Below you can check what each size of fruit has to tell you in each dream.

To dream of small fruits

The meaning of dreaming of small fruits depends on the type of fruit you dreamed of. To dream of a pomegranate means that you will have a long life full of good health. If there was a peach in your dream, you will have many pleasures and even lust in your life in the future.

To dream of figs may indicate positive changes ahead. Raspberries may indicate a relationship that could be quite risky, however it will bring very positive things in the future. Gooseberries may be a sign of moments filled with happiness.

To dream with blackberry can indicate illness and finally to dream with strawberry symbolizes sensuality and carnal pleasures.

To dream of large fruits

Dreams with large fruits usually symbolize both social and financial growth that may come from some project or some money that you will earn unexpectedly. So be prepared for future surprises that await you.

If you dreamed of a watermelon, it is a sign that a passion is about to occur. If it is with a jackfruit, beware of too much food exaggeration.

To dream of giant fruits

If you dreamed of giant fruits, get ready for good news. You will be very well rewarded for your great effort and progress. This reward can be either in the field of work, financial or even in studies. It may be a career advancement, a scholarship, a salary increase, or a reunion with someone with someone very dear to you.

To dream of fruit prepared in different ways

Whether in the form of ice cream, cake or juice, fruits can be presented in various recipes. In dreams this is no different, they can appear in the form of these delicious desserts. In the following topics you can understand each meaning for each of these recipes with fruit.

To dream with fruit salad

To dream of a plate of fruit salad indicates wealth, and the more fruit you have, the greater the fortune you will have on hand. This dream may also symbolize a happy and prosperous marriage.

To dream of a fruit salad is also a reflection that you take very good care of your health. Continue with your eating habits and healthy, avoid very fatty foods, too much sugar and excess alcohol and tobacco.

To dream of fruit ice cream

The meaning to dream of a fruit ice cream is related to the flavor of the ice cream during the dream. If the flavor was strawberry, it is related to the red color of the fruit, so the dream indicates love and passion. You may be feeling in love with someone, or you are about to experience an overwhelming passion soon.

A lemon flavored ice cream may signify the difficulties and challenges you will go through at a certain time, while a coconut ice cream indicates unexpected positive surprises, such as a sudden new job or unexpected money.

If in your dream you ate a fruit ice cream, it is a warning that you should pay a debt as soon as you can. It can not necessarily be in cash, but it can also be a promise or something you promised someone.

To dream of fruit juice

If you have dreamed of fruit juice, it indicates that your subconscious mind is giving you a warning. You may be putting too much pressure on yourself, causing both physical and emotional fatigue. You need to take better care of yourself, relax, rest and take good care of your diet and have healthier habits such as exercising.

To dream of fruitcake

To dream of a fruitcake may be an indication that you can use your experience and knowledge in something you like and at the same time in which you will earn profits. It is uniting the useful to the pleasant. And with much effort and commitment, you will achieve many fruits with this work. So grab it tooth and nail and go ahead. After all there is nothing better than doing something you like and earn on top of it.

To dream of fruit in different situations

Sometimes in dreams you may appear performing different actions with fruit, whether it is eating a fruit, buying, selling or picking fruit. Each of these actions represent different meanings and messages. You can check out each of them below.

To dream that you are eating fruit

Dreams in which you are eating fruit in general may indicate a life full of happiness. However depending on how the fruit presented itself in the dream, the meaning may vary. If the fruit is ripe, it may mean uncertain fortune or much pleasure. If in the dream you see other people eating fruit, it means that you will have great career advancement ahead.

If the fruit you ate is acidic, it symbolizes that you have good health. Eating dried fruit, on the other hand, can mean that you are aging rapidly.

To dream that you are selling fruit

If you dreamed you were selling fruit, it is a sign that you are making an effort and running after something that will be fruitless, and will not bring the result you want. Perhaps your effort is not worth the low earnings. The ideal thing to do is to stop and think and reflect if all your effort is really worth it.

This dream may also mean that you are going through a period full of joy and peace with your family.

To dream that you are buying fruit

To dream that you are buying fruit also denotes similar meaning to the dream of selling fruit. It means that you are giving everything of yourself and in the end you end up having fruitless results. You are lacking in resources and energy, yet you are not able to reap anything.

Think about how much effort you've already put in and how much positive results you've gained from that effort. Maybe there are plans that are more productive and have better results, and maybe they don't require as much effort.

To dream that you are winning fruit

To dream that you are gaining fruit may be a reflection that you have suffered a recent loss and are going through a period of mourning. It is difficult to get over the loss of a loved one at first, or even a breakup. Only time can heal these wounds. Give the necessary time for them to heal, but at the same time do not stop enjoying the good things that life gives you.

Another meaning for this dream is that you need to expose your feelings and emotions more outwardly. Holding back what you feel can cause headaches depending on the situation. Be honest with yourself and say what you feel, after all your well-being is very important.

To dream that you are giving fruit

To dream that you are giving or winning fruit indicates that you are about to win the trust of someone very dear and important to you. Remember, trust is not something you earn overnight. It takes a lot of conversation, companionship and always keep your word.

If you were giving fruit to a person you are in love with, it may indicate that they also have the same feelings for you. There is a strong chemistry and many thoughts and tastes in common, which will give a lot of gas to this relationship. Enjoy every moment with your loved one as if it were unique.

To dream that you are picking fruit

To dream that you are picking fruit means that your work will soon be well rewarded. You have worked hard and put a lot of effort into what you want, so the fruits you will reap will be many and lasting. So enjoy every reward that life will give you as if it were the last.

To dream that you are washing fruit

To dream that you are washing fruit may indicate that you are going through very complicated problems or repressed feelings. Try to work out a strategy to solve these problems, and if possible ask for help from someone you trust. Make an effort to expose your feelings outwardly. Letting them accumulate over time can become something bad and give you a lot of headaches in the future.

This dream can also mean that you are having trouble overcoming a past problem or trauma. Unfortunately only time can heal the internal wounds. If necessary try to seek help from a professional if the trauma was very extensive.

To dream that you are picking fruit

If you have dreamed that you were picking fruit, it is an indication of very good luck, especially in the financial field. It is the ideal time to make some investment, invest in some business that seems advantageous to you, etc. Do not be afraid to take risks, because you will be very well rewarded.

To Dream That You See Fruit

When you have dreams in which you see fruit, it is a good sign. It may mean that you will have good health, prosperity and plenty of abundance. You are in a good period of life, your health both physical and mental is great. This dream depending on the context also symbolizes that you will experience problems, however they will be solved quickly. So do not lose your temper or despair.

If you have dreamed that you were looking at a ripe fruit, it indicates that you will have great financial gains. If you have dreamed of fleshy fruits like banana, it is a reflection of passion and lust.

To dream that you are preparing fruit

To prepare fruit in a dream means that your life will undergo positive changes soon. Get ready for many positive surprises in your life, they may occur when you least expect them.

They can come in many forms, from a new job, a pay raise, approval in college or even a new love relationship. Whatever that change is, grab it tooth and nail and don't let the opportunity slip away.

To dream that you are planting fruit seed

If you have dreamed that you planted fruit seeds reflects that you love your family and children very much. You can trust and always count on their help, they will never let you down and will always be close to you to help in whatever it takes. Just as you will do everything possible to help them, and will even be able to move mountains to do whatever it takes to see them in well being.

To dream that you are peeling fruit

Dreams in which you are peeling fruit is a sign that you will discover a secret which will give you many advantages. It is time to take advantage of all these advantages that you will have. This is a unique opportunity, so use it wisely.

To dream that you are stealing fruit

To dream that you are stealing fruit is a bad sign. It means that you are coveting something or someone from other people. You know very well that what you covet, no matter what it is, does not belong. Not to mention that the consequences if you take for yourself one of these things will be very unpleasant. So it is better to change your mind and run after things with your own sweat and merit.

This dream could also mean that you have been repressing your emotions, or taking your anger and frustration out on others. Try to calm down, and in the worst case scenario if you start to feel that you are getting stressed, change your air, go to rest and do something that you like and that leaves you calm. A song that makes you calmer or a warm and relaxing bath can also help.

To dream of fruit in different places

To have a more detailed analysis of your dream, try to remember the place where you saw the fruits. They may appear on trees, on a table, on the ground or in unusual places like in a cemetery. If you are confused about what your dream meant, below we will show you all the places where fruits can appear, and their meanings.

To dream of fruit on the tree

Dreams with fruit on the tree indicate good luck and abundance In the coming days you will be blessed with many good things, great health, prosperity and wealth. You who gave your sweat and blood in his work will be very rewarded. Enjoy the moment and enjoy with your family and friends. If the fruit on the tree were ripe, it is a sign that you and your partner are a fertile couple. If they areplanning to have a child, the time is now.

If in the dream you were cutting the fruit from the tree, it is a warning to rethink about your behavior and emotions.

To dream of fruit in a garden

If you dreamed of fruit in a garden, you will be rewarded for your long efforts. Not only will you reap your fruits of labor, but also you may rise in position in the career where you follow.

This dream may also indicate that you are running away from some situation or even a responsibility that is causing you concern and emotional distress. Whatever the problem or situation is, try to see it as something that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Even because if you get carried away by this fear and anxiety will only make things worse, and problemswill only increase like a snowball.

Finally, this dream may also be a warning from your subconscious mind to recognize the mistakes you have made. It is time to take responsibility and deal with the consequences that your mistakes have caused. If the mistake has harmed someone, it does not cost anything to apologize. After all, nothing better than having a clear conscience about everything.

To dream of fruit on the table

When you dream of fruit on the table, it is a warning for you to cut the negative energies that are around you. These energies may be in the form of toxic people or relationships, in your work or study environment etc. Try to cut these relationships or stay away from them the sooner the better.

This dream may also indicate that you are having your privacy invaded. Be careful, and go to the police if you are being persecuted by someone, regardless of whether it is in real or virtual life. In social networks protect your passwords and change the e-mail address of your accounts.

Fruit on the table in a dream can also mean that you are avoiding or isolating yourself from people. Sometimes we need to stay in our corner alone, but keeping away from other people for long periods of time is not a good thing. If you are going through a problem, at least try to talk to the people closest to you that you can trust.

To dream of fruit on the ground

To dream of fruit on the ground could be an indication that you are experiencing problems of low self-esteem and insecurity. Try to free yourself from your fears, and work more with your self-esteem. You are a person who is capable of anything, you just need that little push to get that security about yourself.

This dream can also mean that you are feeling "hollow", empty inside. This can become something very problematic if not treated with time. Try to do things that you like, that you feel good and be surrounded by the people you love. After all everything in our life is transient. In more serious cases seek the help of a professional.

Fruits on the ground can also be a sign that someone close to you is suffering both physically and emotionally. Help the person as quickly as you can and encourage them to fight their fears and insecurities.

To dream of fruit in the orchard

To dream of fruit in the orchard reveals that you will reap the fruits of your labor. Whether in your job, studies or pursuing some life project, you will receive the rewards for your effort and sweat. This dream may also be a reflection that you are giving in to your physical and carnal desires. Give yourself body and soul to the person, but always be with reason above all else.

It may also indicate that you will gain courage and strength to go through a challenge or a very difficult problem. You will go through many barriers which will make your life difficult, however you will fortify yourself and will be able to overcome them achieving a very positive result.

Finally, this dream also implies that you are overloading yourself with too many things to do, it could be responsibilities from work or college. It does not hurt to ask your colleagues or friends for a helping hand.

To dream of fruit in the cemetery

To dream of fruit in a cemetery may seem like a very strange dream, however its meaning has no connection to death omens. This dream may symbolize that you are trying too hard to fulfill the expectations that others have of you.

Maybe you are taking it too hard on yourself while thinking about what others will think about you. Think more about yourself, and do things with yourself in mind rather than others.

It may also indicate fear and uncertainty about the future that awaits you. Try not to worry, life is a box of surprises, but if you have planted good things, you will reap good fruits. This dream may also signal that you need to distance yourself from a relationship that is causing you harm.

To dream of fruit in different compartments

Sometimes fruits may appear in different containers during dreams. They may appear in a basket, a bowl, or in a truck full of them. To find out what these dreams mean, check out the topics below.

To dream with a bowl of fruit

To dream of a bowl of fruit in front of you can mean new beginnings, but it can also indicate the result of your effort and dedication towards a project or work. You may be undecided about something, so your subconscious mind gives you a warning to act cautiously, as you are very close to finishing a cycle.

So don't act or think impulsively. Stop and think about what can be done, whether it is worth it or whether it is really necessary.

Another meaning of this dream is that you may be seeing something that "looks like it, but is not." The people around you can see the truth, but you have not yet realized that it is only an illusion. It is time to open your eyes and see things as they really are.

To dream with a box of fruit

A box of fruit in your dream may mean that you are thinking carefully before making a decision. Do not be in a hurry, make your due decision in your own time. Do not be carried away by impulsive decisions that may lead to negative consequences.

This type of dream may also indicate that you are causing people to distance themselves from you due to your bad mood and stress. Be careful, if you continue like this you will end up pushing away even your friends.

It can also symbolize that you are either a very domineering or overbearing person. Try to come into balance, and work a little more on the side that is most deficient within you.

To Dream with a Bag of Fruit

If you dreamed of a bag of fruit, it is a sign that you will be able to rise in your job position etc. And in addition, you will overcome your rivals and enemies. Celebrate but do not lose your composure. Continue to fight and do your best to fly higher.

This dream may also be a warning not to overburden yourself. Do not try to do everything yourself, ask your friends and trusted people for help.

Finally it could also signal that you're feeling insecure and lost. You don't know what course of action to take in this situation. Try to cool your head a little before anything else. Fear and uncertainty can lead to inappropriate decisions. Relax and take a deep breath before thinking about your next move.

To dream with a plate of fruit

Dreams with a plate of fruit reveal that you will make much progress and achievements with time and a lot of patience. You are on the right path, do not give up and keep fighting for what you want. It may also indicate that you are taking things at too fast a pace. It is better to put a "brake" and take things in life naturally.

This dream may also be a warning for you to stop running away from your responsibilities, and go face them one by one.

To dream of a fruit basket

To dream of a fruit basket can be a good sign, implies that as you progress in life, you will achieve your goals and get what you want so much. Fight and run after what you want. You have the knife and cheese in hand, added to your willpower you will achieve everything you want.

It could also signal that you're not taking good care of the things you value. It could be a relationship, your job, etc. Take good care of what you value so much, before it's too late.

Finally, this dream may be a reflection that you have shown yourself too arrogant in front of people. And if you continue this way, you may end up pushing them away. A little humility in the heart costs nothing.

To dream with fruit cart

If you dreamed of a fruit cart, it may be a warning to spend your energy on good and profitable things. Perhaps you are not directing it to the right path. Be very attentive to this. Only you are able to trace the path of what is right or wrong in your life, so reflect well and think about your actions.

It may also indicate that you are forgetting some small detail or problem that because it is "insignificant" should not make a difference. But in fact this little problem can become a big problem over time. So do not waste time and run after it before it becomes worse.

To dream of a fruit stand

A fruit bar in a dream may symbolize that you are a person full of empathy and that you do everything in your power to help others. If necessary you are able to change the course of your plans to help someone. It may also indicate that you are very thoughtful in your choices. All in good time, you will be able to decide what is best for your life.

This type of dream may be an indication that you are acting more out of emotion than reason. You are being more emotional than objective in what you think, try to balance each of the two poles a little more.

To dream with a fruit truck

To dream of a truck loaded with fruit may signal that you should learn from past mistakes and not make the same ones again, in the situation you are going through now.

This dream may also reflect your strong spirituality. You are a person who is very attached to your religion. Depending on the context, it also indicates that you are wanting to rebel against something or someone who is causing you discomfort.

Other interpretations of dreaming about fruit

They can be exotic, artificial or even an offering of fruit, they can appear in a variety of ways during dreams. If you are still confused about what the fruit in your dream wants to tell you, check out other interpretations for these dreams below.

To dream of exotic fruits

To dream of exotic fruits is a reflection that you are an independent person. You are a very ambitious person, and you are able to do anything, and overcome any barriers for the sake of what you want. You like to venture, meet new places and people, experience different sensations.

It is a dream that can also indicate that you worry too much about what others think of you. Do what you like, and speak what you feel, without worrying about others, after all your well being is what really counts. Do not be held by what people think or let people think about you.

Finally, it could also be an indication that you're very apathetic about what's going on in your life. You're just letting the flow go while you're the spectator of it. It's time to put apathy aside and go after the damage and what you want.

To dream of artificial fruit

Artificial fruit in a dream is a sign that you want to disguise a great trauma or pain through hobbies, leisure, and among other forms of entertainment. You cannot forget all that trauma you experienced in the past, but you can mask those feelings through the things you enjoy.

This dream may also mean that you are very tired, and you need some time to yourself.

Perhaps taking a trip somewhere quiet, or visiting family will do you good. It could be an indication that you are feeling wronged by something or someone. Be honest with your feelings and say what you really think. Don't let fear overcome you and stand up for your rights.

Finally it can symbolize that you are on the right path, running after your dreams and making the right decisions in your life. You have potential and are a strong person full of composure. Keep going as you are and never give up what you want.

To dream of fruit of the earl

Dreams about the fruit of the earl may symbolize that you need to know more about things and people before making a judgment about them. It is time to understand and know everything around you in greater depth. Sometimes appearances can be deceiving, and getting caught up in "guesswork" can cause you to miss out on unique opportunities and new and remarkable experiences.

If you dreamed of a green earl fruit, it is a sign that several opportunities will pass in front of you, so do not miss them. They will be chances which will completely change your life for the better. And even though you may find it strange, or momentarily stand back foot suspicious of these opportunities, do not be afraid. Seek to know more about, and run after and invest.

But if the fruit of the earl was ripe means that you are about to miss a great opportunity. Do not falter, you may be missing a great chance in your life. Know what it is about, if it is really worth it. Often opportunities can be wasted because you think they are small or insignificant but in the future they can yield great fruit.

To dream of a piece of fruit

If you dreamed of a piece of fruit, it may be a sign that you did not take enough time to achieve all the things you wanted. However, do not worry because new opportunities will appear for you to invest your time in what you want.

This dream may also be a warning that someone in your circle of friends is acting in a false manner, hiding their true nature. Be very vigilant in finding out who it is, and watch out for suspicious actions and conversations. The sooner you get away from this person, the less likely you are to get into a tight skirt with them.

Finally, this type of dream can also be a warning from your subconscious not to hold your anger. Some event, a problem, or a person may be making you very nervous, but over the days you have held all this anger to the point of becoming unbearable. Do not take your anger out on people, but rather vent with someone you trust, either your friend, family or yourmate.

To dream of fruit offering

A fruit offering in your dream may symbolize that you are overloaded with responsibilities and tasks. Whether it is in your job, in your studies or even in everyday life. Don't be so hard on yourself, ask your colleagues or friends for help. After all teamwork becomes more effective than doing everything alone.

It may also signal that you will be able to accomplish all the tasks you need to do, and finally conquer the goals you want. Keep striving, but without putting pressure on yourself. You will be able to achieve various achievements with your enthusiasm and doing your best.

Is dreaming about fruit a sign of abundance?

In general, dreaming of fruit can mean abundance. Not only abundance but also good luck, prosperity, success in professional and personal life. The type of fruit in which the dream was found is also a strong indicator for what he wants to convey to the viewer.

To dream of a fruit in general can mean very positive things, such as renewal, positive changes, confidence, love between couples, fertility.

However, there are times when dreams can have negative connotations, such as past traumas, greed, fear and insecurity, excessive anger and repressed emotions. These types of dreams can be interpreted as warnings from the subconscious mind to reflect on your attitudes and emotions.

Do not take this kind of dream as something terrible, but as a message to reflect and think about yourself.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.