To dream of angel: guardian, death, armed, that you are an angel and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of an angel

To dream of an angel is related to spiritual protection, peace, success and sincere company. In general, it indicates a good omen. However, depending on some characteristics of the dream, the warning may not be the best. One thing is certain: the angels will always appear to give you an important message.

The celestial beings may also appear to warn you about your rash decisions. However, regardless of the circumstance, this dream is usually comforting. Read on and learn all the interpretations of this dream.

To dream of different types of angels

There are different types of angels, so they may appear in your dream in a number of ways. You may, for example, be visited by a celestial messenger being, cherubim, or even an angel of death.

No matter what, these angels will appear to give you a message you need to know, even if it's something you don't want to hear. Also, don't forget that angels are always related to protection.

Thus, follow the reading to understand about the most different types of angels and their symbolism.

To dream of a child angel

To dream of an angel in the form of a child is related to responsibilities. The image of a child represents someone fragile and full of dependencies. So, when you dream of a child angel, understand that the time has come to leave your inner child in the past, and face the challenges of adult life.

Moreover, childhood is also related to naivety and purity, so when a child angel appears, he is trying to communicate directly with this side of you, the side where there is no evil.

Your heavenly protector therefore expects you to listen to this advice in a friendly way, without rancor or resentment. This could be a good time to recalculate your life's path. Think carefully about what your goals are and start to set them out.

To dream of a guardian angel

To dream of a guardian angel is certainly one of the best feelings that can exist. This figure represents much love, protection and trust. So rejoice, because this dream means that you are in fact being protected by a higher power.

Feel welcomed and be sure that your guardian angel is always with you and taking care of you. In return, always say a prayer and talk to him, as if you were talking to a friend. After all, that's what he is.

To dream of a fallen angel

If you dreamed of a fallen angel, you are probably full of doubts. Know that dreaming of a fallen angel is related to your current moment of life. Therefore, you should stop and reflect if you are walking on a path full of light or if, at some point, you have strayed from your principles.

Think well and be honest with yourself, because the fallen angel is a sign for you to rethink certain attitudes. If necessary, you should take a step back and change some decisions that have already been taken.

However, you need to be aware and not be hard-headed, because if you are not willing to rethink your path, you will have to accept that in a while, many people may move away from you.

To dream of an angel of death

To dream of an angel of death symbolizes that some cycle of your life is about to close. For this reason, you may soon experience some turbulence. However, keep calm and do not be alarmed.

Although at first death may cause bad feelings, know that it is not only that. Death also represents rebirth, so if you have the patience to overcome the differences, know that in the future, new doors may open for you.

To dream of a messenger angel

If you dreamed of a messenger angel, rest assured that it is always good. For a complete interpretation, the ideal is that you remember well the message transmitted by him. However, be careful, because the message will not always come through words. Try to remember if the angel did something that could represent something for you.

In general, to dream of a messenger angel indicates good news from heaven. Do not worry if you have not yet fully understood the message. Keep in mind that at the right time, you will understand it.

To dream of a cherub angel

To dream of cherub angel is related to a prosperous and happy life. This celestial being is considered as a messenger of God, besides being a symbol of divine justice. Thus, you have only reason to rejoice with this visit.

When a cherub appears in your dream, know that this is a sign that you may be blessed with many blessings. So be grateful and thank the visit, but it is important that you continue to do your part, to show that you really deserve all the prosperity it represents.

To dream of an evil angel

To dream of an angel of evil does not bring the best feelings, however, calm down. To dream of an angel of evil represents that you may have a false friend around, who is trying to harm you.

This is the time to review your friendships. Pay close attention and know how to identify who is truly by your side, because this dream indicates that you need to preserve yourself, before it's too late.

While it's horrible to receive news like this, try to look on the bright side. It's a chance to reevaluate your companies and find out who really cares about you.

To dream of a dark angel

To dream of a black angel indicates another warning message. This celestial being shows that there is someone who wants to harm you. Moreover, it represents that you will go through some tribulations, which may be related to difficult times or upset with loved ones.

Understand this dream as a sign for you to be alert and to start observing everything that happens around you. This is a good time to analyze who your true friends are.

However, it's also important that you don't allow yourself to become neurotic after discovering this message. Don't let it get in the way of your relationships with people who may have nothing to do with it. So keep acting natural, just be a more observant and careful person.

To dream of an angel with black wings

When a black-winged angel appears in your dream, it means that strength and courage go hand in hand with you. Thus, black wings symbolize that you are full of strength and determination. Take advantage of this sign to dedicate yourself to your work and personal projects.

To dream of an angel with black wings shows that you have everything you need to fight for your dreams and goals. You are a being full of strength. Remember that your guardian angel will always be with you on this journey. So go ahead and do not be afraid.

To dream of a golden angel

To dream of a golden angel represents many blessings and abundance in your life, and also indicates that financial prosperity should soon knock at your door.

When a golden angel appears in your dream, it indicates that the hard times are behind you. Therefore, it is still a sign that from now on calmness will reign in your life.

Keep calm and don't let this news make you lose your mind. Don't go around spending what you don't have yet and wait for the good news to come into your life, so that you can enjoy it as you truly deserve.

To dream of an angel in different conditions

A celestial being may appear in your dream in different forms. The angel may appear smiling, crying, armed and even arguing. Some of these conditions may cause you to have many doubts.

Do not despair, for there is an explanation for everything, so try to remember all the details of the angel in your dream as you read along.

To dream of a smiling angel

To dream of a smiling angel is certainly a warm feeling, and the meaning behind it represents that you are soon to find a new love.

Don't let the euphoria of this news make you lose everything and try to stay calm, because when the time is right, love will knock on your door.

If you already have a partner, there is nothing to worry about. In the case of couples, this dream indicates the presence and perpetuation of a harmonious relationship.

To dream of an angel calling

If you dreamed of an angel calling you, rejoice, for it represents a sign of recovery. In this way, dreaming of an angel calling may be related to your rehabilitation in some scenario of your life.

This recovery can be in relation to an illness, for example, or even any other difficult moment that you have been through, such as a breakup with someone, which was very painful.

Be that as it may, be glad for the visit and be thankful. Moreover, whatever your problem is, have faith that better times are soon to come.

To dream of a flying angel

To dream of a flying angel can have different meanings, depending on the distance he was from you. If the celestial being was close, rejoice, because this indicates protection, so that no evil can reach you.

However, if the angel was distant from you, know that it is a message for you to try to increase your faith, and that you need to strengthen this issue. In addition, it also indicates that you need to be more charitable to others.

To dream of an armed angel

If you have seen an angel armed with swords in your dream, it indicates that you have been relying on people who do not want your good. However, the sword also represents that you yourself may have bad attitudes, which you will regret in the future.

So, this is a good time for you to stop and reflect on some people in your circle of relationships, as well as pay attention to your choices as well. Know that, besides some companies are wanting your harm, you may still be influenced by them to walk a dark path. So if you dream of an armed angel, be very careful.

To Dream of an Angel Crying

The meaning of dreaming of a crying angel is that you need to go through a process of self-evaluation. In this way, the dream shows that you should think more about your actions before taking actions that may be rash.

The crying angel may be trying to tell you that you have done something wrong and that your actions will be a cause for regret in the future. So take this as a sign for you to think more before you act, so you don't make the same mistake again.

To dream of an angel descending from heaven

To dream of an angel coming down from heaven indicates that soon you will meet someone who will have great importance in your life. This person will help you resolve some conflicts that you will go through. Besides being someone who will always be around to protect you from any evil that will try to reach you.

Know that when this person comes into your life, you will know how to identify him or her, because his or her good attitudes will be easily observed and recognized.

To dream of angels arguing

To dream of angels arguing indicates that you will not succeed in some situations that you are going through. Moreover, if you are with some action in court, for example, it means a possible loss of cause.

To dream of angels arguing is a sign for you to prepare yourself for what may lie ahead, so that when the situation actually happens, you will be ready to resolve everything in the best possible way.

To dream of a serious angel

To dream of an angel looking at you in a serious way can cause a sense of fear. However, understand that he would never appear to do you harm, quite the contrary. Nevertheless, know that his reaction means that you have done something wrong.

In general, this look of the angel represents a reproach to a certain action of yours. On the other hand, if you noticed that he also held a sword, know that this is related to a future punishment due to your attitudes.

Therefore, it is important to remember that every choice brings consequences. Therefore, try to rethink everything you did, find the error, correct it and do not repeat it again.

To dream of a levitating angel

A levitating, illuminated angel in a dream indicates that you are harboring a lot of resentment inside. In this case, understand that you need to be a more flexible person who can adapt to change.

Understand that you have everything to overcome life's challenges, however, if you continue to feed bad feelings, it will only bring you down. Thus, to dream of a levitating and illuminated angel asks you to work on this issue and try to get rid of all the negative thoughts that plague you.

To dream of an angel in white

If you dream of an angel in white, this indicates the arrival of an enlightened time. Know that you will experience a favorable time, in which you will feel very protected. Accompanied by the good news, you will also have a lot of self-confidence, a fact that will give you even more courage to carry out your plans.

Despite this moment of positivity, don't let the euphoria of this meaning put everything at risk. So continue on your way as you have been doing, and when the time is right, the news will arrive.

To dream of an angel in different situations

To dream of an angel in general is a good omen. However, some possible situations in which he is in the dream can totally change the meaning.

You may, for example, have dreamed that you touched the wings of an angel, or even that you killed him. Whatever the case, enter your mind and try to remember all the details, because they will be fundamental to the correct interpretation. Follow below.

To dream that you are conversing with an angel

When an angel comes into your dream and talks to you, it is a sign that you may be holding something inside, so that you are accumulating feelings and becoming overwhelmed. Therefore, you need to take courage and get it out. Talking to someone you trust can help.

However, dreaming that you are talking to an angel also indicates that you have the potential to resolve the issues that are troubling you, so don't be afraid and face your emotional ghosts head on.

To dream that you are killing an angel

To dream that you are killing an angel indicates that you feel guilty for something you have done or said. This situation is causing you to repress your feelings for a long time, which may be hurting you.

You hide your emotions because your pride won't allow you to talk about what happened with the person you hurt. In this case, understand that if you keep quiet and deny what you feel, it won't solve anything.

So, know that it's time to face your ghost and resolve the situation. Gather your strength and go to this person in order to have a sincere conversation. Apologize and end this cycle. Otherwise, you won't be able to fully move on.

To dream that you are kissing an angel

If, during your dream, you kissed the angel, know that this represents your need for attention and affection. Thus, if you have a relationship of many years, dreaming that you are kissing an angel may indicate that your partner no longer treats you as you would like. Also, it is possible that this situation is the result of a detachment, which may have been motivated by many things.

So go to your partner and have a frank talk with him/her. Explain calmly how you feel and also listen to his/her side. If there is understanding, you will certainly find a solution.

On the other hand, if you're single, you may be having this feeling because you're not opening up enough to people. Try to get around this barrier and allow others to get closer to you.

To dream that you are touching the wings of an angel

To dream of angel wings always represents a good sign. In this case, if you have touched them, know that it is related to harmony and peace of mind.

Whenever they appear, angel wings bring with them good luck and heavenly protection, and represent all that is good and pure in the world. So if you dream that you are touching the wings of an angel, know that you will have nothing but reason to be thankful. Continue to be a good person and follow your own path.

Other interpretations of dreaming of angel

Dreaming of angels, for the most part, always brings a sense of peace and harmony. After all, it can be relaxing to start another morning knowing that the night before you received a visit from a celestial being.

However, during your dream, you may warn the angels in different situations and forms. Angels may appear alone or in groups, or showing to be angry. In addition to these enlightened beings, your dream may still have the not very pleasant visit of demons.

These numerous variations can generate many doubts and sometimes even fears. In this sequence, you'll find out everything you'd like to know. Follow along below.

To dream of several angels

If you dreamed of many angels, it means that you have many spiritual friends who wish you well. To dream of many angels also indicates that your actions have made the heavenly world happy, because you are a person who always tries to share what you have.

In this way, continue to be this enlightened person, because in this way, many blessings will continue to fall upon your life. Also, thank them for the visit of these angels and the sign they gave you to continue on this path.

To dream of angels and demons

To dream of angels and demons shows that someone close to you may be in need of your help, so try to look around and identify who this person is. This dream also indicates that you will be rewarded at the right time for the good things you do.

Another possible meaning of this dream is that you have been going through a troubled time, which has generated a lot of anger within you. Understand that you need to release these negative feelings. In this case, helping others may help you in this emotional healing.

To dream of an angel near you

If the angel appeared near you in your dream, rejoice. This proximity represents a heavenly protection. So know that even if your enemies try no evil can reach you. Thank the loving visit and continue to follow the path of good.

If, for any reason, you deviate from your path, know that this can make your angel extremely sad, because it will show that you are not worthy of all the affection he has for you. So, be careful with the temptations you will find in the world. Finally, try to talk to your angel through prayer, it will do you even more good.

To dream of a group of angels

If, in your dream, the angels appeared in a group, but did nothing but show themselves present, know that this represents joy and protection. The fact that the heavenly beings are in large numbers and all together in harmony, represents that happiness will be present in large quantities in your life.

As a good group of guardian angels, these presences are also related to protection. So, be calm and thank them for their visit. Also, keep walking on the path of good, for this will make them happy and, who knows, you may not receive more pleasant visits during the night.

To dream of a group of angry angels

To dream of a group of angry angels is a sign that something will go wrong. Although it is not so common dream, know that its interpretation is quite simple. It indicates that a problem should appear soon, especially if you are in any situation involving the judicial field.

However, getting nervous will not solve anything. Therefore, understand the dream as a sign for you to prepare yourself for what is to come. While it is not happening, talk to your angel in prayer, ask him for discernment, wisdom and patience to be able to face the turbulence.

To dream of angel wings

To dream of angel wings represents a spiritual issue, so dreaming of angel wings may be a warning for you to try to connect more with this side of yourself.

In this case, understand that to dream of angel wings is a good thing and also shows you that despite all the difficulties, if you connect more with your spiritual side, you will be able to find the solutions you seek.

To dream of an angel sitting on a horse

If an angel sitting on a horse appeared in your dream, it is a sign that you are discovering, little by little, the answers to your problems. Thus, to achieve success in this mission, it is important that you pay more attention to the details present in your life, because that is where you will find your answer.

Also, remember that you do not need to do things alone. Whenever necessary, ask for help from those you trust. In addition, you also need to get rid of the negativity that you have been feeding. Therefore, if you dream of an angel sitting on a horse, try to relax and try to find the bright side of things, even in the midst of adversity.

To dream that you are an angel

If, during your dream, you were the angel, it means that you need to pay more attention to the people who are close to you. This message is being given because someone may be in need of help that is within your reach. So, observe more around you and try to identify who this person is.

To dream that you are an angel also reveals that you are someone reliable, whom others can count on in difficult times. Precisely because of this, you have received this "mission" to help a fellow human being.

To dream of the angel Gabriel

To dream of the angel Gabriel shows that you will receive some news soon, and it will be extremely positive. However, before this occurs, the dream indicates that you may be provoked by some unknown persons, so that they question your competencies and abilities with the purpose of harming you.

This is a situation that has caused you fear. However, you need to have courage and face this adversity head on. If you are still unsure, seek to talk to your angel in prayer, and he will give you the courage to face whatever it takes.

To dream of archangel Michael

To dream of the archangel Michael means that you have become increasingly protected against evil. In addition, it also shows that you should stay more and more in constant communion with God.

In this way, try to have a greater contact with your more religious side, as it is this that can better prepare you to face all the difficult situations of your life.

To dream of the archangel Raphael

If you dreamed of the archangel Raphael, know that this is a sign that, within a short time, you will be able to heal everything that ails you.

This can be related to both your physical and emotional parts, so continue to stay calm and cultivate patience, as you will soon be rewarded.

Is dreaming of an angel a spiritual message?

Dreaming of an angel, more often than not, can be one of the best possible sensations to feel, as there is nothing better than starting another morning knowing that you received such a pleasant visit the night before.

However, as all is not flowers, it is clear that, depending on the circumstances or the message transmitted, the dream will not always be so pleasant. However, regardless of whether the news is positive or negative, angels always appear with fundamental advice and signs.

In this way, this communication through dreams is certainly a spiritual message. The celestial beings appear in our nights to show us what we need to change or be more careful about. They may even take the opportunity to show that they are angry at some attitude of yours.

Regardless of the cause of this visit, one thing is certain: it is always a privilege to be able to count on the presence of these beings from heaven. Try to realize how blessed you are to be able to receive such a direct sign from such an enlightened being.

So, even if the news is not positive, or if the angel is upset with you because of your attitudes, be happy. This is a sign that he likes you, and that he appeared in your dreams to prepare you for adversities that are about to arise, or even to give you a new chance.

Also, when the message is a sign that you are on a path of light, continue on your journey. Travel your path doing good wherever you go.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.