The signs that most suffer with the end of a relationship: Taurus, Leo and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the signs that most suffer with the end of a relationship

It is regrettable and sad to explain the suffering caused by the end of relationships. It is not only the relationship that ends. Love, affection, respect and even a possible friendship between the couple go away. Whatever the reason for the separation, people are reluctant to believe the facts.

Astrologically speaking, the signs of the zodiac give different expressions in relation to the end of the relationship. Each sign suffers in a specific way. Each person exposes their emotions. In matters of the heart, each one knows their pain and knows their suffering.

To know more about the behavior of the signs in relation to the end of relationships, continue reading and learn about the mysterious suffering with the heart. Be surprised by the information. See also how your sign absorbs the pains of love.

Ascending order of the signs that most suffer with the end of a relationship

Each sign has its own particularity when it comes to suffering. When relationships end, the signs express the end quietly, crying, to the plates or trying to understand the situation. There are people who don't give up and try any way to reverse the situation.

When it comes to love, there's no way around it. And after being attached to the person you've been with for a long time, letting go of them is not as simple as it seems. Check out the topics below to see how each sign reacts to the end of a relationship. See what the zodiac has to say.


The Piscean idealizes a true fairy tale in love. He imagines the romantic couple arriving on a horse and promising a world of love without problems and with lots of complicity. Maybe that's the mistake. Pisces natives dream too much. And if it doesn't happen as he wishes, it's suffering for sure.

When their relationship ends, the Piscean sinks into tears, disappears from the face of the earth and isolates himself in his private world. However, he is surrounded by faithful friends, who encourage him to turn things around and come back to life so that he feels better.


Cancerians are very sensitive and very attached to their family. They are the kind of people who gather their relatives for the traditional Sunday pasta. It is no different with their relationships. They are always present with their partners, make plans for the future and usually have long relationships.

Precisely because of this involvement, Cancerians fall in love very quickly and give themselves up easily in relationships. And when things don't work out, their world falls apart. Cancerians are synonymous with true suffering. They cry a lot when a relationship ends, they try to get back with the person and think that they have lost a part of themselves with the break-up.


Taureans lead their relationships based on seduction. They fall in love easily, but they wait to be sure of love in order to emit security in their feelings. They are stable relationships, always with the intention of pleasing their partner in the best possible way.

Because they create individual universes in their relationships, Taureans usually suffer in silence, isolated from everything until the pain passes. The best option for them is to dedicate themselves to something to distract their minds.


Sensuality and sexuality are the most important points for Scorpio natives. Scorpios have stable relationships, with intensity, passion and lots of love. They are the kind of partner who is open to all possibilities in the relationship, from companionship to sex. And they look for people with the same characteristics.

However, if the relationship ends, the Scorpio closes himself off to the world and takes all the negativity inside himself. However, as time goes by, he gets back on track, forgets what has happened and throws himself into new adventures.


Librians are the kind of people who spend their time moulding the ideal person to relate to. When they meet someone, they do everything so that both feel and understand the nuances of love. Romantic and dreamy, Libra people put their trust in love, believing in a better world with more affection.

When a relationship ends, the Libra tries to get back together with his partner. However, he feels very insecure emotionally when he is single. But he doesn't let himself be discouraged. As he knows how to enjoy life, he will soon find new possibilities in love.


Perfectionist by nature, it is no different in love. The feelings of passion sound as challenges to the life of this sign. Before giving in, they clearly analyze the possibilities and content that the relationship can provide.

For Virgo natives, it's all or nothing. If the relationship works out, great. If it doesn't, they will look for other possibilities. The heart of a Virgo person is not for everyone. If a relationship ends, they simply pretend that everything is fine and go into the unknown.


Sagittarians are not very close to lasting or serious relationships, commitment is not their thing, so to win over a Sagittarian you have to make a lot of effort to convince them to enter your world. Sagittarius is a typical sign of change, changing relationships is like changing clothes.

Being a sign with a lot of personality, Sagittarius faces the end of a relationship with such spontaneity that it's as if nothing happened. Don't be alarmed if you see someone from Sagittarius with different people every week.


Leo people know how to separate the emotional side from the moment of sex, for example. As they are funny, lively and have a high mood, their relationships should have the same characteristics. However, the exaggerated ways of living of Leo natives sometimes spill over into the relationship, which generates negative impacts.

At the end of relationships, Leonines feel hurt and with their ego quite weakened. They need to want to get out of this negative wave to turn things around. With naturalness and more experience, they can leave for new beginnings, without any problem.


The Aquarian is very attracted to people's content and if he crosses paths with someone with these characteristics, he is sure that he can have his heart captured. However, he has to keep the same balance so that the duality of ideas can be reciprocated. And he gives himself up with praise.

But if the courtship or marriage comes to an end, Aquarian people don't care about crying or suffering. But also don't want to bear the pain of loss. With a broad outlook on life, Aquarians believe the next day and soon return to the new prospects of finding new partners.


Ariesians are strong, fearless and always take the initiative and they look for people with the same characteristics and conditions. There is a lot of delivery, passion and complicity in this sign and the Aries person wants the same from their partner. Routine is not for them and adventure is their greatest pleasure.

However, if the partnership comes to an end, the Aries cries - a lot - but he suffers for a day or two. He is aware that this will not change the facts and tries to turn things around and experience new pleasures in life.


One of the striking characteristics of Capricorns is gentleness, quietness and sometimes a certain slowness. Self-assured, they bet on relationships in stages and without being in a hurry. They are very happy with unexpected events and cultivate the pleasurable side they can provide. It is a sign which asks for patience because of its very docile way of being.

You are heartbroken when love ends. Without appearing cold, you calmly analyse the feeling of loss. You may not seem to care much, for you devote your time to activities which give you more pleasure and confidence.


Gemini needs stimulation in their relationships. If they find partners who propose different ideas, they could meet the great love of their life. However, they like to stay single and get involved in small love affairs, as they believe that enjoying the stages brings good flow. Freedom is their goal.

The relationship not working out, you can be sad and go through the stages of loss. Soon the joy will be back and you will feel brand new for the next steps.

Tips for those who are suffering and want to overcome the end of a relationship

Suffering for love is something normal. Each person expresses it in a different way. Only those who are going through the pain of suffering, know what it is really like to feel the loss. Many times, outsiders think it is a waste of time for a person to suffer or cry because they lost someone.

The popular sayings are the bet to try to get back on top. Like "Dating is like a cookie. Ends one and comes 18". It may even be, but as the heart is land where no one walks, there should be the freedom and right to manifest pain. Check out the following tips and see how to overcome this period that seems to have no end.

Accept your emotions and avoid denial of feelings

It may seem difficult to give any explanation at this moment. In short, the following is valid. If it's your way of expressing yourself, cry. Let it out, put it out there and don't keep your feelings to yourself. Accept the situation. Understand that, unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. Believe that the universe has determined that the relationship will not move forward.

There is something better to come. Don't deny what you may be feeling. As hard as it may be to accept, don't stop your life. Lift your head, wipe your tears and move on confidently. As cheesy as it may sound, hitting a wall is part of personal growth.

Take care of yourself and include healthier habits in your routine

It's time to renew your life. Surrender to new habits and pleasures. Occupy your head with tasks that involve dedication, communication, effort and determination. Don't feed sorrows and don't reinforce sadness.

Believe that the end of the relationship can bring benefits. With experience, you will know how to manage your attitudes and qualities. It is not possible to keep in line always, trying to be or do what is not in the limits of life.

Seek emotional support

Family and friends are there to bring comfort. If there was too much attachment from the relationship with our loved ones, they will be the greatest source for you to extrapolate your feelings brought on by the loss.

Do not stop saying what you think. Seek support from who you trust and who gives you the most comfort. Be sure that, by letting it out, you will feel confident, safe and ready for new adventures. See in the future the possibility of growth.

Avoid emotional triggers that make you sad

Don't keep eating away at your heart. Don't expose yourself to what brings more sadness about the end of the relationship. Don't try to wear yourself out with things that reinforce the moment. No listening to the couple's favorite song, or soundtracks that blur more sadness.

Try to be cheerful, no matter how difficult it may be. Try to express your pain in tasks that bring a smile. Use the experience to your advantage. The most important thing is to get over it.

Don't monitor your ex's life on social networks

It is a complicated task, but the curiosity to know what your ex is doing is very big. Is he already with someone else? Is he expressing feelings for the end of the relationship? How is he living?

Try not to look for your ex on social networks. Stay away from the profiles and try to organize your life. If you don't, you may find more arguments to increase your sadness and suffering. You don't want to make your life worse.

Let time come naturally

There is no surer saying that time heals everything. He is the lord of actions. Surrender your life to the preciousness of the hours and you will realize that soon you will be free of the heavy cloud that torments you. That is why it is good to be focused on new tasks that bring balance and harmony in your life.

Why do some signs suffer more at the end of a relationship than others?

It can sound unconditional, identifying the level of grief people experience at the end of relationships.Very particular.The heart and mind are powerful when it comes to working through these feelings.It is very heavy and sad the way to feel loss.

Many people cry and suffer for days, others feel the necessary pain and in a few days are fine, and there are people who simply don't care and want to live their lives.

So, try to reverse your situation and know that in these times you need to rescue your self-love and get back to life. There are many nice things waiting for you. Get out of this and smile again.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.