Ascendant in Aquarius: characteristics by sign, Aries, Taurus and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Ascendant in Aquarius

The Ascendant in Aquarius greatly influences a person's personality and is responsible for many of the choices they make. The ascendant sign, in conjunction with the sun sign, shapes the way a person views life.

Therefore, it is very important to know its aspects, especially because, knowing the main characteristics of the sign, it is much easier to use them in your favor.

In the following we will explain the most important questions about the influence of the Ascendant in Aquarius, which is related to very important parts of life, such as love, family, work and friendships. Follow along!

Fundamentals of Ascendant in Aquarius

First of all, in order to analyse the influence that the Ascendant in Aquarius has in a person's life, it is important to understand how their Astrological Chart is drawn. It comprises the conjuncture of the sky at the moment of their birth and therefore which energies were acting at that moment, coming from each star.

Aquarius has as ruling planet Saturn (or Uranus, in the most recent analysis), which is the star of discipline and maintenance of what is correct. This planet guides two different thoughts, the self-preservation one, which can lead to selfishness, and the progressive one, which prioritizes the evolution of a whole.

This duality can cause a bit of confusion, but both are aspects of the same sign. Below, we put a little more of these very important questions to understanding, check it out!

What is the Ascendant?

The Astrological Chart concerns the conjuncture of the planets at the time of a person's birth, and therefore how the energies of each star will influence the person's life. In this context, the Ascendant refers to the star which was in the east at the time of birth, and therefore it is the planet which was born at that exact moment, together with the person.

This interpretation is important, because the Ascendant sign indicates in which way the energy of the star will reflect precisely on the aspect of the initial impulse, the first impression and posture, in the face of beginnings and new beginnings.

How is the Ascendant calculated?

The Ascendant is calculated by the date and time of a person's birth. From this information, it is possible to obtain the geographic coordinates of the exact moment they were born and identify which planet was in which position when this occurred.

From this drawing of the sky, it is possible to trace the Astrological Chart and therefore identify the Ascendant, which will be the planet that was in the east at that moment.

Aquarius Ascendant Characteristics

The sign of Aquarius has the strong characteristic of being very sociable and yet trusting few people, whether in friendships or relationships. In addition, there is a very present aspect of Aquarian mental and rational strength, which is sometimes seen as coldness.

It is also among the characteristics of ascendant in Aquarius to be very protective of your freedom, so that a deeper approach is viewed with great caution.

Those who have Ascendant in Aquarius should understand that this astral organization will bring some aspects to their life. Firstly, Aquarius is one of the most rational signs of the zodiac, which makes their relationships or productions, such as work and studies, of a high intellectual level.

This rational force is what drives many Aquarian experiences and this influences most of your personality traits. The following are the main positive tendencies of Ascendant in Aquarius in which, in general, this face reveals itself.


The rational force existing in the sign of Aquarius brings to those who have Ascendant in this sign one of the most positive and divine characteristics of humanity: creativity.

So, you can expect great works from someone who has Ascendant in Aquarius. This is not only revealed in the professional field, but also in friendships, relationships and motherhood/paternity. It is very enriching to have someone with this Ascendant around.


Those with Ascendant in Aquarius are very original in their ideas and plans. The mental strength and appreciation of the intellect present in this sign mean that good ideas always come from them.

In the case of the Ascendant in Aquarius, it is very likely that the person with this astral influence will always be the first to come up with good ideas and spark off brilliant and original projects very easily.


As people who have Ascendant in Aquarius suffer very strongly from the influence of the creative energy of the mind, often their ideas are so innovative that they are taken for eccentric.

Thus, it may be that, being so different and original, these people are misunderstood or fail to transmit their perceptions exactly, being called strange by people who do not have this sensitivity to innovative ideas.


Possessing the Ascendant in Aquarius makes the person who has this position in the horoscope very friendly. Thus, not only does he/she find it easy to relate and make friends, from a first moment, but also preserves such friendships and is considered an extremely trustworthy person by many.


The Ascendant in Aquarius, influenced by the energy of the intellect, makes this person very sincere. This is not someone who likes seduction games and some kind of manipulation or lies.

The sign of Aquarius, more than honest for a question of character, which would be the case of Aries or Scorpio, is sincere because it is transparent. It does not believe in relationships based on lies, so, by itself, does not plant this kind of feeling. The idea is that relationships are light and, for this, sincerity is necessary.


The person who has Ascendant in Aquarius has a great ease in relating with people in a light way and therefore has no difficulty in socializing. These individuals are good companions at parties and great for a good chat at the doorstep.

The need for lightness in relationships, however, means that this sign can have difficulty deepening relationships, and must be careful not to leave relationships on a superficial level.

Negative Tendencies of Ascendant in Aquarius

So much rationality coming from the sign of Aquarius can indicate obstacles to deal with some situations in life. Excessive rationality often makes people influenced by this sign have difficulties to deal with criticism or even to relate.

In this case there is a resistance to give up their freedom in every way, even to believe in themselves, in which case they can be rebellious or impulsive. In this context, we will explain the negative tendencies of the Ascendant in Aquarius. Check it out!


Because they are very creative and possess great mental strength, it can be difficult to control those born under the Ascendant in Aquarius. They know their talent, which makes them not very attentive to the opinions of others, especially when they want to dominate them.

In this case, it is important to know how to recognize when, even if it doesn't seem like it, loved ones or bosses at work are looking out for you, trying to help you adjust your ideas so that they are accessible to everyone. It is always important to remember that the journey is made together.


People with Ascendant in Aquarius may reveal a less positive aspect, also with regard to impulsiveness.

As they are very influenced by reason and often see beyond the obvious, they tend to believe that they should act according to their thinking, which causes them to make hasty decisions or without considering the whole. It is necessary, therefore, to be calm and act with reflection, because in this way their ideas will be heard.

Difficulty with emotional issues

Because they have the strong influence of the rational force, it is possible to observe in people who have the Ascendant in Aquarius difficulty with emotional issues.

In addition to valuing thought above all else, they have a great fear of relationships, because they do not want to give up their freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and understand that the heart is as important as the mind and that only balance can lead to true happiness.


Excitement about life and a wide vision of possibilities often makes people with Ascendant in Aquarius idealistic. This characteristic reinforces other negative aspects of the sign, such as impulsiveness and rebelliousness.

It's as if people with Ascendant in Aquarius have their own vision of life, which is often a little out of touch with reality. They have difficulty dealing with this situation, because they don't listen to anyone, and end up living in an unreal world.

Ascendant in Aquarius in different areas of life

The influence of the Ascendant in Aquarius is capable of affecting many areas of life. This is because the way we deal with situations, whether more rationally or emotionally, is responsible for guaranteeing one result or another.

So, being the Ascendant sign something that influences the personality as a whole, it is important to know its aspects, to be able to develop skills and use this in your favor. Below, we have listed some important questions about it. Check it out!

In love

Love demands special attention from people born with Ascendant in Aquarius. This is because the excessively rational force which rules this sign makes love relationships difficult for these people.

Besides the fear of losing their freedom, those born under the Ascendant in Aquarius do not trust many people and tend to stay always one step behind in relationships. It is necessary to work more on the emotional side and want to surrender, even leaving reason aside a little, in order to live the emotions.

At work

At work, those who have Ascendant in Aquarius, in general, stand out. The influences of the rational force of this sign, which brings creativity and originality, make these people have great ideas and dedicate themselves a lot in their professional activities.

In addition, they tend to be communicative, intelligent and strategic, which makes them very enriching to the work environment. However, one must be careful with the lack of emotional intelligence, because the work environment, like all others, also involves personal relationships.

Ascendant in Aquarius and combinations depending on the elements

Aquarius is a sign of the air element and, therefore, is directly linked to thinking. Thus, it is possible to understand why people with Ascendant in Aquarius feel so strongly the rational force.

Fire has enthusiasm as its greatest strength; earth, practicality; air, thought; water, emotions. The four elements represent essential aspects of the human experience and the complementation of one by the other is what makes the balance exist. Below, we analyze a little better each combination!

Ascendant in Aquarius with fire signs

The Ascendant in Aquarius has a great influence on the person's life and therefore it is likely that there will be a strong influence of reason and thought. When combined with a fire sign, either in a relationship or because the person himself has a sun sign of this element, there is a very strong connection, essentially rational.

Fire brings attitude, enthusiasm, and therefore allows you to make decisions, in the sense of what the other elements, perhaps, only reflect on. With Ascendant in Aquarius, this combination will strongly contribute for creativity to materialize.

Care must be taken, however, with idealism. Neither Fire nor Ascendant in Aquarius deal very well with reality or frustrations.

Ascendant in Aquarius with earth signs

Earth brings the connection with matter, with the plane of reality on Earth. Therefore, people with this sign in the chart tend to give more value to the realization and practicality. This is a very fruitful combination with Ascendant in Aquarius, because the earth element turns into reality what this position idealizes, creates and thinks about, eliminating what is not possible to materialize.

Ascendant in Aquarius with air signs

Since Aquarius is a sign of air, the combination of Ascendant in Aquarius with other signs of this element, whether in a relationship or in the person's own Astrological Chart, reinforces the aspects that are necessarily already present in the person, such as rationality, sociability and creativity.

It is necessary to be very careful in this case, because the goal is always the balance. At this point, it is possible that in fact the positive aspects are enhanced, but that also occurs in the issues in which Ascendant in Aquarius has more difficulty, such as idealism and exaggerated rationality.

Ascendant in Aquarius with water signs

Water is the element of emotions, it is through feelings that water signs find their truth.

Thus, the combination of Ascendant in Aquarius with water signs can be very fruitful, as long as both parties know how to balance each other. The rational focus of Ascendant in Aquarius with the prioritization of emotions of water brings a perfect combination.

It is only necessary to be careful that these two opposing poles do not become a struggle of forces and cause both to suffer because they cannot see the other.

Signs with Ascendant in Aquarius

The Ascendant is responsible for shaping a person's personality, so its aspects strongly influence the way he or she views life.

Thus, when combined with other signs, it is possible to identify some situations that can be very profitable for both parties to evolve. This conjunction can happen in a relationship, be it a love relationship, family or professional relationship, or the person may have Ascendant in Aquarius and another sign in his/her birth chart.

In this case, however opposite they may be, there will be influence of both elements and it is necessary to have wisdom to combine them in the sense of evolution. Below, we put the combinations of Ascendant in Aquarius with all the signs of the zodiac. Read and check!

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Aries

Aries, as the first sign of the zodiac, brings all the strength of the fire element enhanced with an almost childish enthusiasm. Combined with the Ascendant in Aquarius, it results in great strength of action based almost entirely on thought.

Aries brings the element of emotion, as it has an honest heart and believes in truth with passion. Here, it is only necessary to be careful with idealism and rebelliousness, something both signs possess. You must learn to listen to others, so that so much strength and truth does not end up becoming insubordination or arrogance.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Taurus

Taurus, as an earth sign, brings the elements of practicality and elevation of matter in this combination. For Ascendant in Aquarius, these are very positive aspects to combine, inasmuch as the power of thought and excessive rationality can make this sign a little detached from reality, sometimes.

It is a union that brings harmony and realization of the creative ideas of Aquarius, with the sense of practicality of Taurus. It is necessary, however, to be careful not to leave aside emotions, as these are two signs that do not seek depth in this very essential dimension of human experience.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Gemini

The sign of Gemini, like the sign of Aquarius, is of the element of air, and therefore care must be taken with this combination, so that the Ascendant in Aquarius does not reinforce its more difficult aspects and make this relationship overly rational or shallow.

Gemini brings versatility, curiosity and adaptability. Combined with the characteristics of the Ascendant in Aquarius, of rationality, creativity and strong argumentation, it brings thought as a driver. You just need to be careful not to leave your emotions aside.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Cancer

The sign of Cancer is the first sign of the water element in the zodiac and also one that takes the question of emotions more seriously. It is not possible to leave affectivity aside when you are dealing with the aspects of Cancer.

Thus, the combination of Aquarius Ascendant with Cancer can bring the balance between reason and emotion. But in this case you have to be careful with rivalries, as both can be combative, intent on defending the importance of their most present aspect.

Cancer will not tolerate Aquarius' superficiality and the Aquarian will prefer to get rid of Cancer at first so as not to have to deal with emotions so strongly. Patience and compassion are needed on both sides.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Leo

This is a combination that can work very well. The Ascendant in Aquarius brings rationality with a lot of pride and is excellent in what it does. These are characteristics appreciated by Leo, which is the sign of brilliance, perfection, and even vanity.

If the person knows how to balance the aspects of both signs, he will be able to realize his original and creative ideas with great elegance, knowing how to position himself in front of others, however eccentric these aspirations may be.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Virgo

Virgo brings the earth element to this combination and therefore the aspects of practicality and above all organization. This is a sign that likes to see its life going correctly and can freak out if situations go off the rails.

Together with the Ascendant in Aquarius, this combination brings intellectuality together with practicality and organization. This is someone who knows what he or she wants and who faces it with concentration. In this case, however, it is necessary to pay attention to a possible lack of appreciation of emotions.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Libra

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Libra is a great combination. The logical rational thinking of Aquarius and the ability to balance situations and deal with mistakes of Libra make the person who has this conjunction or who lives with one of these parties to be very light in their relationships and perform their activities with great competence.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Scorpio

Scorpio, as the other water signs, has greater attention to the emotions. It brings, in this solar sign, the question of loyalty and truth, being its native very sensitive with the breach of trust and can become vengeful.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Scorpio as sun sign result in a combination which can be very positive. Both bring their main aspects, rationality and emotionality, as important elements which they will not give up. Here, however, there is respect for the other's opinion, so that mutual admiration can bring balance.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Sagittarius

Having the sun sign in Sagittarius makes a person bring a lot of energy of action, just like all fire signs. In this case, however, there is an extra exaltation when it comes to animation, parties and fun.

Ascendant in Aquarius, on the other hand, also enjoys the company of friends and lightness in relationships. This combination results in a person of great animation, good company and good conversations.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Capricorn

Capricorn, as the other earth signs, has a very keen practical sense, which in this case is revealed more by work and responsibilities. The Ascendant in Aquarius increases this characteristic, with its emphasis on creative projects. Thus this is a person with high capacity and interest in work well done.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Aquarius

If the Ascendant and Sun are in the same sign, this is always a case in which the essential aspects of it will become very strong. In the case of Aquarius, having the Sun sign and Ascendant in the same position means that this person will have these characteristics as guidelines for his or her way of looking at life.

Thus rationality, creativity, good communication and sociability are essential qualities of this combination. Care must be taken, however, with superficiality with feelings and relationships, and insubordination and rebelliousness towards others.

Ascendant in Aquarius and Sun in Pisces

Among the water signs, Pisces is the most idealistic, imaginative and often puts emotions above any situation, to the point of losing focus on reality. Thus, having the Ascendant in Aquarius can bring the rationality that is missing in Pisces.

However, both signs have a tendency to idealism, so you need to be careful and keep your feet on the ground.

Is having the Ascendant in Aquarius good for relationships?

Having ascendant in Aquarius means valuing thought and freedom above all else. These two aspects can however be difficult to reconcile in a love relationship, where many people seek a deepening of emotions.

Thus, having the Ascendant in Aquarius hinders rather than boosts relationships. It is very positive for friendships, but these people tend to keep them on a more superficial level.

The individual with Ascendant in Aquarius needs to understand that his challenge lies in absorbing and valuing emotions. Affectivity is an important sector in the existence of the human being, and is essential for balance and family life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.