The madman in Tarot: meaning of the card, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Madman mean in Tarot?

The card of the Fool means a new journey. It is a Major Arcana of number 0, the number of infinite potentialities. Consequently, it does not have a fixed place in the sequence of the Tarot cards. It indicates joy, spontaneity, curiosity, new experiences and uncertainties that arise when we exceed the limits that are often imposed on us.

The position of this card in the drawing, including neighboring cards, indicates what aspect of your life is about to change. This card predicts important decisions ahead of you, many of which may not be easy to make because they involve risks. It shows that you need to face changes with optimism and take care that the outcome is as good as possible.

Fundamentals of the letter The madman

The card the Fool is the beginning of our journey. The figure represented in it is the Fool, for having an innocent essence and not fearing the adventures that lie ahead. This card stands out from the other arcana, because it is at the center of its own universe, as we will show below.


The Major Arcana are considered the Madman's Journey through life. Consequently, the figure illustrated in this card, even though it is not visible in all 22 slides, is always present in them, and therefore this major arcane is not enumerated.

The Journey of the Madman through the major arcana of the Tarot is a metaphor that represents our own journey in the cycle of life. Each major arcana represents, thus, a stage or moment of the journey and as such, refer to the essence of human experience.

Through his journey, the Madman has access to different moments, realities and experience, the secrets that each of us needs to discover and incorporate into our own journeys so that we can achieve wholeness.


The Madman is usually depicted as a distracted wanderer, with feathers over his head, who wears unconventional clothing and walks without shoes carrying a staff resting on his shoulders with some of his belongings.

In Waite's Tarot, the Madman is a young androgynous man, who appears to be pursued by a white dog, symbol of his instinctive side, which tries to warn him about the dangers that lie ahead.

In this deck, the Madman also has a white rose in his hands, symbol of freedom and the most basic desires. His pose shows that he is open to the world and willing to throw himself into it.

The major arcana

The major arcana are a group of 22 cards. Each major arcana depicts a scene with one or more people, accompanied by his name and his number in Roman numerals. On the blade of the cards there is a scene, with its own elements and symbols, which assist in the interpretation of their meanings.

These arcana represent cycles, stages of life, and are considered by tarologists as a sequence of keys used to access the paths of a spiritual journey, whose destination is evolution.

Although some details present on the blades of the major arcana vary according to the type and origin of the Tarot deck, there are symbols of universal character that do not vary because they contain concepts essential to unlock their meanings.

Meanings of the card The Madman

The Crazy is the card that means beginnings. It represents the starting point of a new stage in life. Being a distracted figure, the Crazy represents joy, spontaneity, breaking limits and new experiences. Check it out.

Joy and spontaneity

The Fool contains the fresh, joyful and spontaneous energy typical of those beginning their journey, and the jovial energy which surrounds this arcane. His detached and distracted side allows him to face life in a lighter, though often naive and distracted, way.

Therefore your presence in a reading indicates a more relaxed and planning-free phase, so that you can breathe new air and face life in a looser and more nonchalant way. There is a change coming which will bring the joy you so desire.

Overcoming the limits

The Crazy card indicates that limits are about to be crossed. In the Waite Tarot, we see that the figure, on the blade, is willing to embrace whatever comes his way, but that there are challenges to be overcome, such as the precipice that is right in front of him.

The Madman is unaware of the obstacles that stand in his way as he blazes into the unknown, but at the same time this grants him the ability to venture into places he's never been before, and so he will eventually launch himself beyond the obvious, facing the lessons the world has to offer him.

New experiences

When the Crazy card appears, new experiences may be on the way. These new experiences may literally indicate a new adventure, such as traveling to a place you've never been before or meeting someone with whom you will get to know a freer, more detached side of life.

Like anything new, new experiences will require you to be open to exploring what you don't know. Keep in mind that the Madman will take you on a path whose destination will be success or failure, but most of all, it will be a journey of self-discovery.

Curiosity and uncertainty

Starting a new stage in life always requires curiosity and a desire to explore what is new. This curiosity to seek out the new will bring new and predominantly positive experiences which will result in important lessons for your life.

However, everything new brings with it uncertainties. For this reason, the Madman also points to the unknown and to the uncertain and inconstant nature of life. Be prepared to enter a new world, through paths that will take you to places never explored before.

However, be aware that the journey will be full of dark spots that will demand a lot from you and your intuition, as you will need to step out of your comfort zone to achieve what you want.

The Madman in Love

In general, the Fool indicates new adventures in the affective field. This card brings spontaneity and excitement typical of new beginnings. The Fool can indicate inconstancy in relationships or even the unwillingness to commit to someone. Check it out.

For committed people

For committed people, the Crazy means you have just started your relationship. This card indicates that it is a phase when you are just getting to know each other with that initial energy, and typical butterflies in your stomach.

If you have been in a relationship for years, the Crazy card represents that one of you is unwilling to take the next step that involves commitment. In addition, the card shows that the relationship is unstable and lacks the security that a relationship would provide.

When inverted, it indicates that your relationship is rocky and that one of you is not devoting yourself to it.

For singles

The Madman is an excellent indicator that a (or even many) romance is on the way. He will be of a rather detached, exciting and somewhat impulsive nature.

In this type of relationship, it can be very difficult to find someone who is willing to commit to you, so be prepared for adventures so you don't get disappointed.

If you are seeing someone, the card shows that they are interested in you and that you make them feel good. Watch out for the signs, as there is a chance that they don't want anything serious. Enjoy this phase as it will be quite intense.

The Madman in work and financial life

The Madman shows that opportunities are knocking at your door, both in your work and in your financial life. It's time to take risks and have patience and to launch yourself into paths you never thought existed.

For employees

The Madman indicates new ideas in the work environment, as well as a new position that will make you feel more invigorated and have more energy to work. In general, this card indicates advances and positive changes, as opportunities are before you.

Now is the time to reinvent yourself and to launch yourself into areas which you yourself never thought of exploring, as this will guarantee you new experiences which will bring excellent benefits to your professional life. Use your intuition to find your way and be aware that at the end of the journey you will have achieved an excellent position.

For unemployed persons

The time has come to find a new job or start your dream business. Although many may doubt your potential because they don't understand what you want, don't let the negativity energy that other people's doubt brings you.

Take the path considered by many to be crazy, but also make sure you do the necessary research to manifest your desires for a new job or business. The message the letter sends you is to not be afraid to take risks, because change is on the way.

Financial situation

The Madman shows that looking for new opportunities will be extremely good for you. It is time to take more risks, especially in the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship. This card shows that your finances will improve in ways you never thought possible. The card may also indicate that an unexpected material gain is on the way.

In the inverted position, the Madman indicates that you should not act thoughtlessly, as you may regret it. Make sure that your documents and bills are up to date, as you may have an unpleasant surprise.

Combinations with the card The Fool

Combinations with the card the Madman can be positive or negative. In general, the presence of this card in a drawing shows that new experiences are on the way. However, it is important to keep an eye on the nearby cards to better understand the facts and make a more accurate reading.

Positive combinations for the card The Fool

Positive combinations for the Crazy card are quite plentiful, revealing more details about the opportunity that is shining on your path. Some examples of positive combinations are:

The Madman and the Devil: lack of faith in an important area of your life. Time to take more risks.

The Madman and the Hanged Man: time to get rid of worries and have faith, because soon you will receive good news.

The Madman and Ace of Cups (or the Lovers): new relationship.

The Madman and Three of Cups: surprise party or celebration.

The Madman and Six of Clubs: promotion at work.

Negative combinations for the card The Fool

Negative combinations for the card the Madman point to the more nonchalant side of life, when everything is heading towards the unknown, with unpleasant surprises. Some examples of negative combinations are:

The Madman and Death: The end of a situation is near and there is a new beginning on the horizon. It is time to embrace change.

The Madman, the Moon, The Force. The Devil: Adultery.

The Madman and Ten of Swords: do not risk, because there will be disappointments.

The Madman and Five of Diamonds: unexpected account that will get you into financial trouble.

The Madman and the Moon: illusions and ingenuity.

A little more about the card The Madman

The Madman is the figure that permeates the journey of the arcana of the Tarot. His spontaneous nature brings with it changes that, although they are predominantly positive, can bring with them unpleasant surprises. Read on to understand his relationship with health, his meanings in his inverted position, as well as other important tips.

The Madman in Health

The Madman is a positive indication if you have been ill, as it indicates energy, new beginnings and vitality. However, you need to proceed with caution, as this card indicates that there will be a tendency to suffer accidents when it appears in health reading.

The Madman may also indicate pregnancy, with the beginning of a new life. Inverted, the Madman shows that it is necessary to try alternative treatments to restore your health. In this position, the possibility of accidents is even greater, so avoid risky situations.

Inverted card

The card The Fool inverted indicates dangerous naivety and the chaos that emerges in the lives of those who lack direction. It represents recklessness, negligence, distraction, and even ignorance.

You are enjoying the moment, but ignoring the effects of your actions on your life and the lives of others. You need to have a solid plan of action, otherwise you may fall into the canyon. In a love strip, the inverted Crazy indicates that one of the partners is not taking the relationship seriously.

In career and money, be careful in making important decisions as you cannot discern the danger ahead. In health, you are careless and susceptible to accidents. If you are ill, consider seeing other professionals.

The Madman in the yes or no strip

When the Madman appears in a yes or no drawing, the answer to your question is "yes." The Madman indicates important decisions are on the way. However, like the figure represented in this arcane, strip yourself of your worries and doubts, for things are moving in your favor.

The Fool represents new beginnings and an adventure that is present in a carefree manner. Even with its foolish character, the Fool takes an optimistic view in front of life in order to act, instead of sticking to the restrictions and ties imposed by your current life situation. Therefore, follow the advice of this arcane and throw yourself into what you propose to do.

Challenges of the card The Madman

The challenges of the Crazy card are associated with how you handle what is new and unknown. Although it is a generally positive card that indicates new beginnings and adventures, it is necessary for you to take a leap in the dark so that you can grow as a result of this new experience.

In addition, your presence in a Tarot reading may indicate that it is necessary to think before acting, because depending on the leap you are willing to take, the fall could be big and you may not be willing to bear the consequences.


The appearance of the Mad Man in your reading is a positive indication. However, you need to be willing to open yourself up to the opportunities that a new beginning can bring. If you are an anxious or controlling person, throwing yourself into the new without any plan can seem daunting.

But at certain times in life it is necessary that we renounce what we know in order to grow as individuals and project our lives to another level. Even though this is terrifying for many, exercise detachment and follow the flow of the energy of this arcane, always using your intuition so that you can come out of this journey unscathed.

Can the card The Madman indicate a good time to open up to the world?

Yes, when the Mad Man appears during a reading, it is a sign that the time has come to open yourself to the world and all the possibilities that this can bring. In doing so, you will be reborn with the jovial and spontaneous spirit of this arcane.

Like the representation of the Madman figure on this blade, the Universe shows you that you need to open your arms and face life with your head held high. That way you will be ready to embrace what is on the way.

Just like the Madman, it is time to be at the center of the universe, for this will grace you with the desire to move forward and precious lessons for your life.

To aid your journey, pay attention to the cards in your game, as they will serve as a compass to calibrate your intuition. Take only what you need and remember to appreciate every moment of the journey to your destination.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.