North Node Retrograde in the signs: challenges, characteristics and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why should I know my North Node?

The North Lunar Node, also known as the Dragon's Head, is represented in the Astrological Chart by the drawing of an upside down gourd and a T. Some cultures put great focus on this element, such as Kabbalah, and Vedic and Karmic Astrology, therefore, it is quite important for the understanding of people's astrological karma.

Therefore, it is important to know what the North Lunar Node is, how they are generated in the Astrological Chart and how their dynamics work in astrology. The importance of this understanding of ancestral wisdom shows that the movement of the North Node greatly affects the life and path of its natives.

In this article you will find several information about the importance of the North Node, understand the meaning of the Moon Nodes, how is the influence of the North Node Retrograde in the signs and how to deal with this positioning.

The Lunar Nodes

The Moon Nodes are two, the North Node and the South Node, they are located, one exactly opposite the other. The North Node is also known as the Head of the Dragon, while the South Node is known as the Tail of the Dragon.

In this part of the article you will understand more details about the Moon Nodes. Information like its meaning for Astrology, the influence of the South Node on people's comfort zone, the influence of the North Node on soul purpose and the meaning of the Retrograde North Node and South Node.

Meaning of Lunar Nodes for Astrology

In Astrology, the Lunar Nodes are known as a point of convergence between the ecliptic of the Sun and the Moon. Ecliptic is a derivation of lunar and solar eclipses, which happen when the Moon in its orbit around the Earth, passes through the path of the Sun.

These points are not visible in the sky, in fact they are imaginary points, and the location of the lunar Nodes are defined from the meeting of imaginary lines between the solar and lunar arc in Astrology. Its origin is when there is the intersection between the lunar orbit and the sun.

South Node, the comfort zone

The South Node is connected to the comfort zone of people, because it has a great relation with family life, internalized and well known to all. It speaks about that talent or characteristic that people feel they were born with, that makes them feel satisfied and comfortable. It is in this point of life that people feel safe, as if it were an unconscious refuge.

Because it is an area already known to these natives, they feel safe, however, this does not bring them inspiration and challenges, which ends up causing monotony and frustration, by following a path always the same, which also causes delay in personal development and evolution.

North Node, the soul's purpose

The North Node brings information that reveals the purpose of the soul of your natives, it is in the positioning of this Moon Node that the characteristics that need to be developed are presented. Moreover, this position in the Astrological Chart highlights about your mission and destiny during your existence.

Because it refers to situations which are relatively unknown to these people, this placement can cause fear, strangeness and some anxiety. Initially this can bring discomfort. However, these situations which cause some insecurity will be beneficial to development and will also provide meaning and purpose to your native's life.

Therefore, it is possible to understand that the North Node is a guide for its natives, which shows which direction to follow. Therefore, this positioning of the chart shows what needs to be improved and developed in each one, to achieve the sense of soul of these people.

North Node Retrograde

The retrograde North Node brings to the life of its natives the indication that some fact from the past was not solved in the adequate time, and is interfering in the present. Even if this astrological chart positioning is an indication that it is necessary to discover the true purpose of life, its retrogradation points to the interferences of the past.

However, it is important to understand that the Moon Nodes are almost all the time in retrograde motion.

Retrograde South Node

Like the North Node, the South Node also has its retrograde motion almost all the time. In this position the South Node speaks about strengthening of your talents and also of past lives. However, the influence of this position in the Star Chart usually influences the life of its natives in a more intense way in the first half of their lives.

This retrogradation often brings a sense of monotony, transforming the comfort zone into a feeling of boredom, for life becomes a cycle of repeating events and issues already experienced, which is detrimental to personal development.

North Node retrograde in the signs

The Moon Nodes have their movement usually in retrogradation, so their influences on the signs of the Zodiac will always be in this movement. Thus, the characteristics brought by these elements do not have great changes and end up becoming the normal process of the chart.

In this part of the article, you will understand what are the characteristics, influences and interferences that the retrograde North Node causes in the life of each sign of the Zodiac. Read on to understand how this influence happens in your sign.

North Node retrograde in Aries

Those who are born with the influence of the North Node Retrograde in Aries had interference in the definition of their identity. Therefore, they pay a high price for their difficulty in making decisions in a more assertive way.

Therefore, these natives are seen as those people who never take sides in any situation, they cannot choose a side of the story. Due to this behavior, these people are at risk of suffering with depression. Therefore, to avoid this problem the suggestion is to keep positive thoughts and attitudes.

North Node retrograde in Taurus

Having North Node Retrograde in Taurus makes these people have to deal with the losses and ruptures they have experienced in past lives. Most probably, these natives in their past had strong sexual impulses, which made them lose control and balance.

At the present moment, the consequence of this fact is the development of destructive relationships. Therefore, it is necessary to stop putting energy in non-relevant situations, and give more value to your life.

North Node retrograde in Gemini

Gemini with North Node Retrograde points out that these Natives have a wild instinct from the past, so you need to learn to be more social and behave more pleasantly in society. One exercise for this change is to make an effort to listen to other people's points of view in a more receptive way, even if they differ from your own.

Other points which need to be taken care of are excesses, as well as the difficulty in following rules. This lack of acceptance of rules, can even lead to difficulty in creating more lasting relationships, due to the attachment to freedom and the single life.

North Node retrograde in Cancer

People born with the North Node Retrograde in Cancer have as their main problem the pride, which was originated in the great prestige experienced in past lives. This fact was ingrained in their soul, making them not accept easily to be treated as an ordinary person.

Thus, most of the actions of these natives are aimed at gaining prestige and flattery. Even some people with this astrological conjunction end up opting for a marriage just to achieve the goal of having a status in society.

North Node retrograde in Leo

When people of the sign Leo have the position of the retrograde North Node in their astrological chart, this means that they will learn to control their desires and wills. In this way, they will be able to direct and focus their energies towards the realization of their goals, without wasting time.

Another necessary learning for these natives is that, to reach the goals you want in the future, you need to take actions in the present. Because the future is nothing more than the manifestation of the attitudes that people carry out in the present.

North Node retrograde in Virgo

A point to be analyzed by those who have North Node Retrograde in Virgo is that their difficulty to grow today is caused by self-pity and dependence on other people. So, the main weakness of these natives is to feel hurt by worrying too much about not hurting others.

Therefore, it is necessary to build and strengthen their self-confidence, which has been shaken by being deceived by other people. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between the need to help people in difficulty and self-care.

North Node retrograde in Libra

The influence of North Node Retrograde in Libra brings the need to learn that a little personal sacrifice is important and necessary in life. Therefore, these natives must work to change the pattern of selfish attitudes that hurt both those around these people and themselves.

Thus, it is important to understand that what will bring joy to the life of these natives is cooperation with common needs, not individualism. Therefore, this positioning will also help to find goals that help these changes.

North Node retrograde in Scorpio

Having North Node Retrograde in Scorpio makes these natives feel tired and overloaded with too many memories of past lives. Thus, these people do not have the strength to face the changes that life presents.

Furthermore, past life experiences can help them to have a greater knowledge of their own personality. After all, they know exactly what gives them pleasure in life, yet they find it difficult to feel fully satisfied.

North Node retrograde in Sagittarius

Those who have the position of the North Node Retrograde in Sagittarius in their horoscope are people who are not able to deepen interpersonal relationships. Therefore, they need to learn lessons about loyalty and dedication to others.

However, there is a big problem with this learning, as these natives do not feel comfortable committing themselves, so they prefer to have a neutral attitude, without choosing a side - which ends up causing more relationship problems.

North Node retrograde in Capricorn

North Node Retrograde in Capricorn presents the challenge of having a more realistic perspective of the world, seeing more difficult and cruel situations without denying the events. There is also the problem of taking into adulthood characteristics, habits and dependence of childhood, something that hinders the growth, development and maturation of these natives.

In this way, it is necessary to take responsibility for oneself, no longer passing the resolution of problems to parents, friends, partners or companions. Thus, seek help to face this difficulty, achieving greater maturity and responsibility.

North Node retrograde in Aquarius

The positioning of the retrograde North Node in Aquarius makes these natives have a more selfish behavior, thinking only of their own benefit. So, to improve this way of acting it is necessary to look at this situation and try to dedicate yourself to help other people around you.

To fulfill this more human life mission, it will be necessary to abandon the habit of belittling other people. Another point to be improved is to learn to live in a more discreet way, leaving aside the need to be the center of attention.

North Node retrograde in Pisces

Those born with North Node Retrograde in Pisces have as a major difficulty to improve their behavior, which is excessively rigid. This way of acting makes the people in their life feel hurt and hurt.

So, to improve this way of acting, these natives will be placed in situations in which they will be forced to create detachment from order, organization and material things. Then, it will be necessary to let go of the need to have control over everything.

How to deal with the North Node Retrograde?

As you have noticed in this article, dealing with the retrograde North Node is really a big challenge, because the Moon Nodes stay in their normal movement only a few days per month, being in retrogradation most of the time. So, one way to mitigate its effects is to know if the astrological chart presents this positioning.

This way, it will be easier to analyze your behaviors and understand which ones are being affected. After that, it is important to try to control your instincts, changing the habits that lead to the maladjusted behaviors and make you feel regret later, because emotional balance is indispensable for a happy life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.