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What is the game of cowrie shells?
The game of cowrie shells is an oracle, that is, a tool used to try to anticipate what the future holds for someone. It can also be used as a way to understand the current processes of the life of the person doing the consultation, as well as giving guidance for action.
Like any oracle, there is always a deity involved. In the case of the cowrie shells, they are the orixás, who pass on their messages through the interpretation of the Mother or Father of Saint present at the moment. Understand how its history was formed, know the characteristics and learn much more about this important tradition.
History of the game of conch
The game of cowrie shells is an ancient tradition that goes through a series of historical events until it reached the present day. A symbol of resistance and devotion, it was once forbidden, just like African religious practices. Still, it has stood the test of time and remains strong in many traditions. Learn more!
Origin of the cowries
Originating in Turkey, the game of cowrie shells was taken to Africa during the period when the Turks were powerful explorers and invaded various territories, including those of the African peoples. Once on the continent, the oracle was adapted and embraced by local traditions, becoming a form of communication with the orixás.
The whelks in Africa
It was in the African continent that cowrie shells established themselves as a divinatory art, being used by the various nations present there. It is, in fact, the oracle known for the longest time by the Yoruba, and which spread around the world after the African diaspora. Even in different traditions, its principles are still the same as its origin in Africa.
One of the main legends involving the game of conch is about when the orixá Oxum managed to deceive the orixá responsible for this art - Exu - and make him tell the secrets of the oracle (Ifá). To do so, she asked for help from the witchdesses and threw a golden powder on Exu's face, who was unable to see. Desperate, he asked her to give him the conchs.
In this way, Oxum began a series of questions and with them obtained information. First, she questioned how many cowries she had to catch and why (16, answered Exu, and then explained). Then, she said she found a very large one (Exu said it was the Okanran, and gave the explanation). The same happened with Eji-okô, Etá-Ogundá and all the others, until he had already taught her everything, without wanting to.
Oxum went to her father, Oxalá, and told him what happened. Ifá was around and, amazed at Oxum's intelligence, he also gave her the gift of ruling the game, alongside Exu. Therefore, he and Oxum are the only two Orixás that can be part of the game of cowrie shells, according to the Yoruba legend.
Features of the game of cowrie shells
There are some main characteristics of the game of conch, which make its operation something unique and special. Understand how it works, how the reading is done, what are the main parts of the game (odus), how the preparation occurs and even the types of possible games.
How does the game of cowrie shells work?
The game of cowrie shells is usually performed on a sieve, which is covered with a white cloth and surrounded with the beads of the ruling orixá. Other objects are also placed, depending on each Mãe or Pai de Santo. After all the preparation, the question is asked and the answer comes through the position of the cowrie shells, when played on the sieve.
How is the reading of the game of cowrie shells done?
As the name implies, it is a game of conch shells, so we use these small shells to do the reading. In order to leave them all with the same chance of falling on both sides, they receive a cut on the back, forming a hole. The reading is done, then, through the arrangement of the conch shells on the table, whether they are open (hole down) or closed (hole up), interpreted based on theintuition and logic of the pieces.
Which are the orixás that command the game of cowrie shells?
There are only two orixás (Ori - head, shah - guardian), Exu and Oxum. Tradition says that Oxum was awarded the gift of the game of cowrie shells after deceiving Exu, her ability being given by the very orixá of divination and destiny, Ifá. Exu was the first, because he is the great messenger, able to communicate more easily with the incarnate, either by himself or by his phalanxes.
Who are the main odus of the game of shells?
In the game of conch you need between 4 and 21 shells, depending on the modality adhered. Each time you play the pieces on the table, you can have one of the meanings - or odus. There are 16 main odus and 256 possibilities in all. Among the most important and their related orixás are:
They are also possible oddities:
How is the preparation of the table for the game of conch?
Before beginning to ask questions, it is fundamental that the game of cowrie shells be clean and prepared. For this, the shells are washed with herbs and colognes. After spending the whole night in exposure to the rays of the full moon, the cowrie shells must be carefully put away. It is important to have a candle, water, and incense on the table during the work. Then, a prayer is said and then the reading begins.
Why consult with the cowrie shells?
In other words, yes and no questions, for example, are great questions to consult with the cowrie shells.
However, it can also be a consultation to find out who is your head orixá - which, in candomblé and umbanda, represent the saint that accompanies the person in this life. Of course, it is also possible to ask open and more complex questions, provided that you go to a trusted professional and in whom you believe.
Some types of games of cowrie shells
Just as there are several particularities in each tradition of candomblé - since they were formed by different African nations, the reading of the game of conch can also have differences. These are the main games and their operation:
Common doubts about the game of shells
Although it is traditional in our country, the game of cowrie shells is not as well known as other oracles, such as the Tarot or the Gypsy Deck. For this reason, some really important doubts may arise. See below for some of the answers.
How to know if a game of cowrie shells is true?
As in any other type of oracle, it is essential to trust the person who is seeking the answers for you. So, to know if a game is true, it is essential that the Mãe de Santo or babalorixá are reputable people, recognized by the environment as such, and preferably indicated by someone you know well.
What is the difference between face-to-face and online?
There are two sides to this issue. While on one side there are those who advocate only face-to-face consultations, on the other there are those who do the consultation at home and attend online, highlighting their advantages and saying that there is no difference.
The weak point of the online cowrie shells readings is a supposed reduction of the energetic connection, which becomes less intense when distant. In addition, some people choose to ask the client to blow the pieces, increasing the connection. But, in general, both have similar effects.
Is it possible to play the cowrie shells for someone else?
It is not ideal, after all the game of cowrie shells is extremely personalized and can reveal points that perhaps the client prefers to keep to himself. In addition, there is the issue of the orixá of each one and their guidelines, which may not be the best, if they do not request the game itself. For those who can not go to a place to do the reading, there is always the option of making the consultation online.
Can the game of cowrie shells help us make more assertive decisions?
Yes, there is a good chance that the game of cowrie shells will help you in your decision making, especially if it is done with a competent professional. Moreover, when you ask the questions in the game, you are processing the information and thinking about possible solutions to your problem. This leads to new connections, which may lead to a new idea about the subject.
Another point is that, in the game of cowrie shells, you can find out who is your head orixá, which represents many of your daily characteristics. By having this information, you will know if you are more impulsive, thinker, critical and other relevant points. Consequently, you will think better about yourself and seek to balance what needs limits, besides developing those energies that are pending.
However, the most important of all is that when you play the cowrie shells, you are actively trying to find a solution to a certain situation. Of course, this will help you direct your efforts in search of it, making the whole process more efficient. This way, you can indeed find the most assertive decision, but always trusting your intuition and, mainly, your rationality.