The Exu Gira Mundo for Umbanda: history, archetypes, points and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of Exu Gira Mundo for Umbanda

Although there are different points of view and the concept changes according to the terreiro, in general, for the faithful adepts and priests of Umbanda, Exu Gira Mundo means the connection with vitality, strength and protection.

It is seen as a Guardian that spins the world, seeking solutions to those problems that have not yet been solved and seeking to guide, teach and show the necessary evolution to the obsessive spirits, who have not yet accepted or recognized their death.

For Umbanda, the Exu Gira Mundo acts more on the spiritual plane, but can also, on rare occasions, perform incorporations in their mediums within the seven existing lines, always in a serious and centered way during their work. In this article, you will learn about the main aspects of Exu Gira Mundo. Follow!

History of the Exu Gira Mundo, last incarnation and the Exu today

The Exu Gira Mundo lived first on Earth, when the Atlanteans lived, and reincarnated several times, such as in Lemuria, in lower Egypt and in Africa. He was much loved and hated and had his last reincarnation at the time of Buddha, knowing Christianity and Islam. See, below, more about his history!

The history of Exu Gira Mundo

The first life of Exu Gira Mundo took place when the Atlanteans still existed. After that, he reincarnated many times, and in one of them he fell in love with a woman who lived among the Hebrew people. For this reason, he started to reincarnate towards the East, getting to know Hinduism and Shintoism.

Since then, he has been active in all regions and especially in Umbanda, as a powerful spiritual guide, a Guardian of the line of Exus and Pombagiras.

His last incarnation

After living many lives and reincarnating many times in the most diverse forms and regions, the story goes that the Exu of Gira Mundo had his last reincarnation. According to reports, it took place at the time when Buddha lived. It is also said that it was at this time that the Exu of Gira Mundo came to know his real philosophy and accepted his inner changes.

These changes consisted of new works and spiritual commitments. He knew, therefore, Christianity and Islam, and even came to assist Mohammed, and then began to assist all peoples as a spiritual guide.

The Exu Gira Mundo today

They say that, until today, the Exu Gira Mundo has this name because he, in fact, spins the world. That is, he acts in any place and region of the planet Earth, possessing the enormous ability to move in time.

After reincarnating several times and living many lives, today the Exu Gira Mundo acts as the spiritual guide of Umbanda, searching and revolving the whole world in search of solutions to issues and problems not yet resolved.

Therefore, nowadays, besides being the spiritual guide of Umbanda, the Exu acts as Guardian of the lines of Exus and Pombagiras.

Falange, Characteristics of Exu Gira Mundo and power of the works

For having lived several lives, the Exu Gira Mundo has very strong ancestry and can come through any medium who is within the seven lines of Umbanda. This Guardian acts under the vibration of Xangô and is known for commanding phalanxes and removing negative obsessors. See more below!

Phalanx of Exu Gira Mundo

The Exu Gira Mundo is the head of phalanxes of entities, and these are the ones who act on the left, through the astral plane, in order to cut off works of little magic. For commanding his phalanxes and acting in a serious and very centered way, Exu becomes extremely difficult to be found by the terreiros.

We can say that his phalanxes are the following: Exú Giramundo das Almas, Exú Giramundo do Cemitério, Exú Giramundo das Sete Encruzilhadas, Exú Giramundo da Rua, Exú Giramundo do Inferno, Exú Giramundo das Matas, Exú Giramundo da Praia and, still, the Exú Viramundo.

Negative line of Xangô

The powerful Guardian, Exu Gira Mundo, belongs to the vibration of Xangô, that is, he works recurrently in it. However, he can come in any medium within the seven lines of Umbanda. Thus, the Exu in question belongs specifically to the negative line of Xangô and, in the request for mercy, he works together with Oxalá.

Besides that, the negative side is about pursuing, arresting and driving away obsessors or negative spirits that still don't recognize their death situation. He also acts with the "eguns", which are entities without light, guiding them to a spiritual evolution.

How you can help

Looking on the negative side, Exu Gira Mundo can help spirits who have not yet recognized their death to find the spiritual evolution they need by showing them the way and teaching them. However, on the positive side of his work, Exu Gira Mundo helps in good understanding between people, thus facilitating agreements, reasoning and understanding.

In addition, the Guardian Exu is very requested for those who need justice or simply help in something that brings them suffering and pain, such as those who do not consider themselves worthy of something.

The negative power of the works of Exu Gira Mundo

Because he performs various works and is a very important Guardian, the Exu Gira Mundo ends up having both positive and negative powers in his works. As the negative power of his works, the Exu pursues disembodied spirits that wander the astral plane and persecute them.

In other words, the Guardian goes after those spirits who do not recognize their death or those who are still attached to the material. Thus, such power emanates by acting with the eguns (entities without light), with the purpose of teaching them and directing them towards a spiritual evolution.

The positive power of the works of Exu Gira Mundo

By acting with seriousness and concentration, the Exu Gira Mundo has a very broad positive power in his works. One can define as positive power of his works its performance in terms of understanding between people.

He also facilitates agreements between parties and is excellent at improving reasoning and understanding. The Exu Gira Mundo is also much sought after by those who seek justice or help. When something brings them suffering, he helps those who consider themselves undeserving of anything.

Worked elements, mediums and incorporation of Exu Gira Mundo

The Guardian Exu Gira Mundo is more spiritually requested and, for this reason, is not seen practicing many incorporations on Earth. When they do happen, his mediums must follow his committed line of work. Besides, he has the habit of acting with several elements. See below!

Worked elements

The Exu Gira Mundo may ask for candles, daggers, pembas, etc., since he is used to working with various elements, not having, therefore, a single field of force of concentration. Therefore, at the time the work is done, he is used to ask the consulter what will be needed, such as, for example, the elements mentioned above - candles, daggers and pembas.

Thus, mediums usually have black and red, black and yellow or just black guides. But, in general, they all have a silver and frosted cross.

Mediums and behavior at work

Guardian Exu Gira Mundo acts a lot in the spiritual plane, commanding his phalanxes. For this reason, it is very rare to see his incorporations present on Earth. However, when it happens, he likes the mediums to follow his line of work, not letting jokes and "clowning around" disturb what is in progress.

In other words, his behavior at work is serious, with commitment, concentration and great care. He has the ability and mastery of clear and good speech, as well as ideas and thoughts. So, you will not receive shallow and contentless conversations, quite the contrary.


Among his most diverse gifts and works, when the incorporations happen, the Exu Gira Mundo is usually very elegant, besides speaking very well and having very deep ideas, thoughts and imaginations. When he reaches the physical world, he likes to wear a cape, drink whisky and smoke a cigar, both of good quality.

In his incorporation, in general, he kneels on the ground and closes his arms crossed behind him. Because he is serious, there is no laughter or noise and, as soon as he salutes the four corners of that terreiro and the entities present, he positions himself to begin his work.

Archetypes, greeting, how to please and Prayer to Exu Gira Mundo

From the prayer to the greeting and the correct ways to please the Exu Gira Mundo, based on the elements, the place and the way, there are also the ways in which it presents itself, known as archetypes. See, below, all these details and discover how the Guardian can be seen and worshipped!

Archetypes of the Exu Gira Mundo

The Exu Gira Mundo has three ways of presenting himself that bear his name, the first being when he vibrates in the form of Exu Calunga. In this, his interpretation oscillates between a dwarf or a leprechaun, due to his size.

The second archetype refers to the moment when he vibrates in the form of an Exu Gnome, presenting himself as such. The third vibrates in the form of Exu Calunguinha, which presents itself in the form of an adolescent, but it should be noted that it is not a child Exu.

Some think they are different and because they have these size characteristics, they believe that this Exú does not have enough strength, but they are wrong.

Salutation and Sung Point

The greeting used for the Exu Gira Mundo is "Laroyê Exú Giramundo!" and has as its meaning: hail the Exú Giramundo. Likewise, it also has a sung point. See below:

It's God who makes the world go round

Only God can spin

And below the spin of the world

Your Gira-Mundo is the one who can spin

I'm gonna say a prayer

It was Exu-Rei who gave me

I'm gonna say a prayer

It was Exu-Rei who gave me

My prayer has mironga

My enemies do not take me down

My prayer has mironga

My enemies do not take me down

How to please Exu Gira Mundo

Initially, it is necessary to establish that the offerings to Exu Gira Mundo should only be delivered when requested by the orixás, the Exus and their entities, under penalty of attracting the opposite effect.

Thus, the ritual consists of the presence of these elements: thick manioc flour, dendê oil, toasted corn, banana, apple, baked potato, candles of the color that is requested, cigar dipped in dendê, beef steak, popcorn, soft red wine and manioc flour with cachaça.

The place of delivery will depend on why it was requested, and can happen at the crossroads or in the cemetery. In addition, there is need to talk to a guide before the offering, because all the works are different.

Exu Gira Mundo prayer to bring back love

There is a prayer to Exu Gira Mundo for those who wish to bring back love. However, it is necessary, when praying it, to remember to change the initials of the person you wish. See below:

Lord Gira Mundo who spins the world with the force of nature with all its greatness makes you spin at the first foot of wind ...

Whirling also with the breeze, take into the thoughts of (GHD) my image and my name (RSD) Lord Gira Mundo...

Like the sea in its day of hangover, in the form of waves for seven times I invoke you gira mundo, mundo gira, gira mundo gira, mundo gira...

With the power of the waters I bind you, with the power of the fire I bind you again to my flesh, to my spirit, and to my soul in the name of the Lord Gira Mundo that spins the world wherever you (GHD) are will have no peace.

Only to hear me speak. You will have no other company if in the spins of the world I am not, you will not yield your love to anyone if what belongs to me does not give me.

(GHD) I will be in your moments in your thoughts in your company everywhere with the power of the Lord Gira Mundo that spins the world and makes everything stay.

I will be confident waiting for you and while the world turns the Lord Turns World and all Pombas Giras go to you (GHD) tie and bring to me (RSD) in the name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit of St. Cyprian, praise be today, tomorrow and forever and the power of the Lord Turns World.

Candle for Exu Gira Mundo

The color of the candle will depend a lot on the need and requests of an Exu, Orixá or Guide. For this reason, it is always necessary to consult the recipient, before.

In general, the Exu Gira Mundo works more with black candles and red and black candles, but may ask for a white, red or even a black candle. Just in case, when you do not know which one to light, the white candle is indicated, considering that all Exus, Guides and Orixás accept the candle of this color.

The Exu in Umbanda, characteristics and hierarchy

Regarding the Exu Gira Mundo present in Umbanda, although each terreiro interprets it differently, there are specific and common characteristics for the faithful priests. Besides the characteristics, there is the presence of the question of hierarchy, too. See below!

The Exu of Umbanda

The Umbanda Exu is a very powerful entity that acts as the Exu Gira Mundo, representing an influential spiritual guide within the seven lines of Umbanda. He is also equally revered by the Candomblé culture, since he is the same for both beliefs.

According to Umbanda, there is an orixá designated as Exu Caveira (skull), whose attribute is to protect and help people who wish to get rid of the predominantly negative energies in their lives. The Exu in question also works helping and guiding those spirits who are disincarnated and who seek to reach evolution, so that it is possible to reincarnate again.

Its characteristics

Although each terreiro interprets the question of the Exu Gira Mundo differently, the most faithful priests define the Guardian as the link to vitality as well as strength and protection.

He uses, most of the times, a trident. But, from the first to the last existing interpretation, none of them is related to the devil, it is only the representation of the Orixá itself. There is also the characteristic of Exu being very good at talking and, therefore, being responsible for mediating relationships, both among the Orixás themselves and in relation to humans.


There are 7 lines in Umbanda commanded by Exus. The first is the Oxalá line, belonging to the Sete-Encruzilhadas Exu; the second is Yemanjá, led by Pomba Gira; the third line is Ibejada, which has the Exu Tiriri.

In sequence, the fourth line is that of Xangô, commanded by the Exu Gira Mundo; the fifth is that of Ogum, accompanied by the Exu Tranca Ruas da Almas; the sixth line is that of Oxóssi, belonging to the Exu Marabô, and finally, the seventh line is that of Obaluaye, led by the Exu Tata Caveira.

Thus, each Exu commands seven more Exus, occurring the crossing of two Orixás and thus generating a bridge of connection.

Are there risks in doing work for Exu Gira Mundo?

The offerings should only be made exactly if they are requested by the Orixá, the Exu or the entity in question, since if they are unfounded, they can generate the opposite effect and attract evil instead of good.

Therefore, it is important to even consult with the one who requested before performing, because he is the one responsible for giving the details and the need of what is requested, as the case may be.

In general, the risk in doing work for Exu Gira Mundo is restricted to what was asked for and how it was asked for. Otherwise, there is more the presence of prejudice and fear of what we do not know or judge than the risk itself!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.