St. Roque: know its origin, history, celebrations, prayer and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the importance of the prayer of Saint Roque?

The St. Roque prayer is especially important for people who are in need of help, both for themselves and for their loved ones, who may be experiencing problems with infectious diseases.

The prayers of Saint Roque are also used to ask for protection for people who work in health, like doctors and nurses. Besides interceding for human beings, prayers to the saint are also used to ask for protection and healing for animals, especially dogs.

Throughout this article we will talk more about this saint and we will bring information such as: the history of Saint Roque of Montpellier, some prayers dedicated to him, the symbolisms of this saint and how his prayers can help people's lives.

Getting to know San Roque de Montpellier

Despite being born into a wealthy family, Saint Roque chose to live in poverty to help those in need. In this part of the article get to know a little more about this saint, learn about the history and origin of Saint Roque, as well as his canonization and some physical characteristics.

Origin and history

Saint Roque was born in 1295, in France, the son of a wealthy family, the child was born with the mark of a red cross on his chest. He was raised within the Christian precepts, and at the age of 20 became an orphan.

On the death of his parents, he inherited the entire fortune, half of which he donated to the poor and the other half he gave to an uncle to administer. He then moved to Rome on pilgrimage and during that time he helped people in need and those with serious illnesses.

After a few years, when he was stricken by the plague, he decided to return to his hometown. In order not to transmit the disease to other people, he took refuge in the forest. Then he was found by a dog, which began to bring him bread. Even without medical treatment he managed to get cured and went to Italy, to a city in Tuscany.

In this city, he found many people suffering and dying from the plague, and he stayed there, helping the sick. Some people reported being healed just by the sign of the cross made by the saint, it was then that his healing power became very well known.

He then returned to his hometown, Montepellier, where a civil war was breaking out. His countrymen did not recognize him and arrested him because they thought he was a spy disguised as a pilgrim. After five years of his arrest, he died forgotten in the dungeon.

He was found dead by the jailer, who was lame from birth, and was cured only by touching the body of the saint with his foot to see if the prisoner was really dead. Only at the time of the burial Saint Roque was recognized, when they took off his clothes and a religious recognized his birthmark.

Visual features of São Roque

Saint Roque was the only son of a wealthy family, and the most striking feature of his appearance was a red mark in the shape of a cross on his chest. He was born with it, and it is said to have been part of the miracle of his birth.

His image shows a pilgrim wearing a cape, hat, boots, holding a staff and in it he is accompanied by a dog.

Canonization and cult

Between 1414 and 1418, during the Council of Constance, the plague was still killing many people, so its administrators prayed for the protection and intercession of St. Roque, and so the disease was gone.

Because of this miracle the canonization of Saint Roque and the date of his cult were approved immediately. The relics of the saint were taken to Venice, and then he came to be revered as protector of the people, against plagues and diseases.

What does São Roque represent?

São Roque represents the figure of the protector of invalids, surgeons and cattle. He is also the patron saint of the city with the same name, São Roque, in the interior of the state of São Paulo and is where the main church in honor of the saint is located. In this church one of his relics is found. In addition, the saint is also considered the protector of dogs.

Some prayers of Saint Roque of Montpellier

Devotees of Saint Roque usually make their requests using specific prayers for each type of need. There are many variations to these prayers.

Below are some of his prayers, know the prayer to ask for healing from illness, the prayer of St. Roque to ward off disease, prayer to help the neighbor who is sick, his prayer for protection from plagues and pandemics, the prayer to ask for divine protection, the prayer for dogs and his novena.

Prayer of Saint Roque for healing

"O our ineffable patron Saint Roque, by the ardent charity with which you loved your neighbor on this earth, you went so far as to lay down your own life to assist him in his needs and illnesses, especially in contagious diseases.

Oh, grant that we may always be free from these terrible infirmities, and deliver us from the still dangerous plague of sin.


Prayer of St. Roque to ward off illness

"Saint Roque, you who, not taking into account the danger of the contagion of the plague, devoted yourselves, body and soul, to the care of the sick and God.

To prove your faith and trust, He allowed you to contract the disease, but that this same God, in the abandonment of your hut in the woods, by means of a dog, fed you in a miraculous way, and also miraculously healed you.

Protect me against infectious diseases, deliver me from the contagion of bacilli, defend me from pollution of air, water and food.

As long as I am healthy I promise you to pray for the sick in hospitals and to do my best to alleviate the pains and sufferings of the sick, to imitate the great charity you have shown to your fellow men.

Saint Roque, bless the doctors, strengthen the nurses and hospital attendants, heal the sick, defend those who are healthy against contagion and pollution.

Saint Roque, pray for us."

Prayer of Saint Roque to help the neighbor who is sick

"We revere you, St. Roque, for protecting people who have contagious diseases and those who are by their side, for caring for other kinds of sick people who are on their deathbed, just waiting for God's call, and for your enormous love in valuing and supporting dogs, it is that we never tire of lifting your name to God the Father Almighty.

Only a pure and kind soul like yours could have so much light and so much mercy to offer. For all this and for the greatness of your spirit, we venerate you and pray for you daily, giving thanks for the blessings achieved by each of the faithful, who recognise your divine work.


Prayer of Saint Roque against plagues and pandemics

"Saint Roque, who devoted yourself with all love to the sick infected by the plague, although you also contracted it, grant us patience in suffering and pain.

Saint Roque, protect not only me, but also my brothers and sisters, freeing us from infectious diseases.

Therefore, today I pray especially for a very dear person (say the name of the person), that he may be free from his evil.

As long as I am able to devote myself to my Brothers, I propose to help them in their real needs by relieving some of their suffering.

Saint Roque, bless the doctors, strengthen the nurses and hospital attendants, and defend all from disease and danger.


Prayer of Saint Roque for divine protection

"By the immensity of his devotion to Jesus Christ, son of God, tireless help to the sick in various parts of the earth on his walks, ultimate faith and confidence in what he was doing, he never left a friend or family member adrift.

He healed everyone with his divine light, no matter how poor they were. Give me, my Saint Roque, that same disposition to help family members and friends in need.

May I ease the sufferings through my glorious blessings.


Prayer of Saint Roque for dogs and animals

"Oh, Saint Roque!

God healed you by divine intervention through a dog, who helped you survive a terrible disease. He taught you the love you can have for animals and gave you the gift to protect and heal them.

I speak to you today, Saint Roque, because my dog is seriously ill and requires your divine intervention for his complete healing.

Protector of dogs, you have dedicated your work to defend them from all evil and I beg you today, save my dog (say name).

He was my faithful companion in adventures, he taught me what true love means, and I cannot help but beg you to eliminate from his body the disease that makes him suffer.

He doesn't show it, but I know he is tired of fighting, so I ask you to give him the strength to keep fighting.


The Novena of Saint Roque

Day one:

"Almighty God and Lord, to whose ineffable providence everything is subordinate;

You who never cease to love man and who by your infinite mercy deigned to prepare Roque, your servant, to be our advocate against the scourge of the plague;

You who have impressed upon their breasts the venerable sign of the Holy Cross, whereby Your divine Son atoned for the sins of men and won for them spiritual and eternal health, grant, we beseech You, that by this same Sacred Cross and by the infinite merits of the most precious blood of Christ, we may obtain, through the powerful intercession of Saint Roque, the cure of all sicknesses of soul, of sins andvices, as well as from infirmities of the body, from all contagions and pestilences.

Thus we beseech Thee with a contrite heart.


Day two:

Mighty and provident God, who with ineffable wisdom illustrates man's understanding, prepares and moulds his heart without destroying his free will;

And how effectively you prevented the young Roque with your grace, causing him at such a tender age to guard himself from the contagion of vices and sins through austere mortifications and the continuous study of your holy law;

Forgive us Lord all our sins and comfort us that we may recover your grace.

Help us to flee from the contagion of the vices and sins to which we are exposed, so that, regaining purity of conscience, we may merit the continuation of your grace;

And strengthened by this improvement, may we resist bodily infirmities, contagions and pestilences, so that we may better perform our duties and merit the salvation of our souls.


Day three:

Allah, absolute Lord of the universe and of all that is in it;

You who have created all things for Your glory and for the benefit of mankind, grant us the grace to use worldly goods correctly, like St. Roque, who with great detachment abandoned and gave up everything to help the poor, without his heart being attached to material goods.

Help us, we beseech you, to make use of the goods of the world for your greater glory, helping and supporting the most needy and unprotected, so that we may better fulfill the duties of charity through the practice of good works and better merit celestial beatitude.


Day four:

Lord God of infinite power and mercy, you who have added to the many natural remedies, capable of curing the infirmities of the body, the exercise of evangelical charity as an efficacious remedy over all, to alleviate and cure so many evils, defects and illnesses inseparable from our necessarily imperfect nature;

You who inflamed the apostles and so many other sincere disciples of the Gospel with the fire of charity, you who deigned to exercise this same virtue to the greatest degree in Roque, your servant, to the astonishment and profit of the men of his time, stir up now and always in all of us the sacred fire of the most ardent charity, so that we may be able to help one another, diminishing the suffering resulting fromof the physical and moral ills that embitter human life.

May charitable Roque continue to be from heaven the beneficent instrument of your power and mercy as he was in life, and may we, free from scourges, merit eternal happiness.


Day five:

Just and merciful God, who crown with eternal glory those who with Christian courage fight temptations and adversities, assist us and strengthen us with your grace to be able to bear the adversities, dangers and diseases to which we are exposed.

Lord, who are the Father of mercy, give us strength to endure as we must all evils, and by your grace deliver us from those to which our malice or imprudence drags us.

Grant that, by the patience with which we bear them, we may atone for our faults and merit the crown of blessedness.


Day six:

"Eternal God, creator of the world and all that exists! Worthy of your greatness, power and infinite wisdom is the world and all that you have created.

Grant us your grace that living in the midst of men and of the world we may not allow ourselves to be contaminated by their evil examples, nor succumb under the weight of their iniquity, at the peril of our eternal salvation.

Help us to use the world with the prudence, modesty and detachment proper to true Christians, in keeping with the holy ends for which you have created us.


Day seven:

"Lord God of infinite goodness, who so readily forgives those who offend you when they repent, who sent your divine son and his faithful disciples to forgive the insults and slanders of those who should correspond to us with gratitude, give us strength and grace to imitate such examples. Grant that they may see from us this correspondence of forgiveness and charitywhich the holy gospel prescribes for us, be confounded and amended.

Forgive us the ingratitude with which we have so often responded to you: forgive also our enemies, so that by flourishing more and more the evangelical charity, we may live one and the other in holy peace and practice the virtue on which our eternal salvation depends.


Day eight:

"Eternal God, supreme judge of the living and the dead, who never forsake your faithful servants, and who, when the world judges them abandoned and covered with ignominy, judge them worthy of your glory, powerfully comforting them in the midst of the greatest affronts and torments, especially in the harsh agony of death;

You who so consoled the virtuous Roque at the end of his earthly life, comfort us all at the last hour, letting us know that, not so much by our good deeds as by your infinite mercy, you judge us worthy of eternal glory.

Help us to prepare ourselves to conclude our existence in such a way that we will not fear to appear before the tribunal of your divine justice.

Deliver us from sudden death, from the plague, and from all violent and contagious diseases, so that by worthily receiving the sacraments we may be able to resist the agonies of death.

We ask this through the intercession of blessed St. Roque, whom you have chosen as a special advocate against the plague.


Day nine:

"God, the supreme and mighty Rewarder of virtue, You who by the wonders of Your omnipotence and infallible justice are accustomed to distinguish the death of the just from that of the sinner, and who so gloriously distinguished that of Your faithful servant, St. Roque, with such great fortune those who have invoked his patronage and appealed to his aid;

You who at the entreaties of your blessed servant have so often diminished and dissipated the scourge of the plague and deadly diseases throughout the Catholic world, have mercy on us now.

See that we are the descendants of those devout and faithful Portuguese who have so often availed themselves of the intercession of your blessed servant in this temple, where we piously venerate his relics.

Remember not our sins but only your infinite mercy, the virtues and supplications of our heavenly advocate.

Continue, O Lord, to show that he has merited eternal glory, that he resides with you, and that the prize of virtue survives the death of the body.

May the salutary providence with which you dispose everything on earth, and with which you have so mercifully shown your favor, shine forth more and more.

May the Blessed Saint Roque be of help to us, to whose intercession we have recourse with just hope and which your divine mercy assures us.

So be it."

Closing prayer:

"God of mercy, hear with love what, through Saint Roque, we ask of you and answer our supplication.

Deliver us from sickness of body and soul, and at the end of our life, grant us eternal salvation.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who is God with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.


Symbolism of Saint Roque de Montpellier

The image of São Roque has several symbolisms, each of the objects that compose its image speak about a piece of its history.

In this section of the article we will talk about each of the symbols present in his image and what they represent. Understand what the Black Death, the brown habit, Saint Roque's staff, his gourd, his wound and the dog mean.

The Black Death in São Roque

When Saint Roque arrived in Italy on his pilgrimage, he was stricken with the Black Death and in order not to use up the already overloaded hospital bed, he took shelter in the forest to await death. However, he began to bathe in a fountain and then noticed that he began to get better.

In addition, he was fed by a dog that brought him bread every day. After some time the dog's owner found him and took him to his city, Piacenza. There the miracles of Saint Roque began to happen, as he cured several people infected by the Black Death. Thus, this disease symbolizes his miracles of healing.

The brown habit of San Roque

The brown habit that Saint Roque wears in his image is the representation of humility, simplicity and poverty and the color symbolizes the earth. Therefore, his habit is the symbolism of the simple and poor life, which he had by choice.

For, having been born into a wealthy family, after the death of his parents, on inheriting all the money, he made a donation of everything and went on pilgrimage in his mission to help the needy and sick.

The staff of Saint Roque

The staff of Saint Roque is the representation of the way he chose to live, as a pilgrim, traveler and missionary. The object was used as a support for the walks and as a way to keep him safe.

Another meaning for the staff of this saint is the symbolism of the Word of God, or even the presence of God. For, that was also a choice of Saint Roque, to support his life in faith in God.

The gourd of São Roque

Saint Roque also carried with him a gourd, or cuia, which was attached to the top of his staff. This object represents the fountain that Saint Roque found when he had the Black Death, in which he bathed and drank its water, until he was cured.

In addition, this gourd is the representation of the Holy Spirit, who is within all human beings and gives each one the necessary healing. It also represents the healing power of Saint Roque, since the gift of healing is given by the Holy Spirit who is the Living Water of God.

The wound of San Roque

Another symbol that appears in the image of São Roque, is the wound on his leg. This mark is the representation of his suffering, experienced during the period when he contracted the Black Death.

The wound also has a broader meaning, it represents the suffering of all human beings, their pains and diseases.

The dog from São Roque

The dog next to Saint Roque in his image is another way of remembering the suffering of Saint Roque in the period of his illness. Showing that God used the dog to help him in his affliction, helping to save his life.

It is also used to show that God provides all that is needed for the needy, through many different instruments. It is a way of showing that people can trust in God's providence.

Further information on Saint-Roch de Montpellier

Saint Roque was a man who chose to live in poverty seeking to give help and comfort to the needy and sick. On his pilgrimage he healed several people afflicted by the Black Death.

Below, learn a little more about São Roque, we will talk about the celebrations in his honor in Brazil and around the world, as well as some interesting facts about the history of this saint so dedicated to the cause of the needy.

São Roque celebrations around the world

There are numerous traditions around the world for the commemoration of Saint Roque's Day, which is celebrated on August 16. In these celebrations, processions with the statue of the saint are held through the streets, where the faithful make votive offerings.

These processions can last up to four and a half hours. In addition to the processions, the faithful who have achieved some healing grace make offerings of wax molded in the shape of the parts of the body that were healed.

São Roque celebrations in Brazil

The first form of celebration in honor of São Roque in Brazil, occurred in the mid-seventeenth century, when the city with his name was founded in the place where there was a farm where there was already a chapel built in honor of the saint.

The celebrations in honor of São Roque begin on the first Sunday of August and continue until the 16th of that month, the date of commemoration of the saint. On the last day of the feast there is a procession, starting from the Mother Church and running through the streets of the city of São Roque, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

Interesting facts about São Roque

Some interesting information about São Roque:

  • He was born with a red cross-shaped mark on his chest;
  • His canonization was made by Pope Gregory XIV;
  • This saint is considered the patron saint of invalids, of dogs and other animals, and of surgeons.
  • How can the prayer of Saint Roque help you in your life?

    The devotion to Saint Roque can help people's lives in many ways. Those who need some grace, for some evil that has been afflicting them, can ask the intercession of this saint to achieve a cure.

    There are several prayers directed to St. Roque for various pains experienced by human beings. Each of these prayers will bring encouragement and be a form of comfort to those in need. His prayers are for healing and protection for those who may risk taking care of sick people.

    In this article we have tried to bring as much information about St. Roque the patron saint of the disabled, as well as prayers for his devotion so that you can understand more deeply this very important saint.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.