Scorpio decanates: meaning, dates, characteristics and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is your Scorpio decanate?

Your deanery is determined according to the day you were born. It is this which will indicate which characteristics of your sun sign are present in your personality. We can easily find people who do not identify with the aspects of their zodiac house, this happens because they have no knowledge of their deanery and its influence.

Those born in the first decade are the most intense and mysterious Scorpians, while the second period is the home of intuitive and affectionate Scorpians. Closing this cycle are the Scorpians of the third decade, who are very attached to their families.

Do you want to know more about your Scorpio Decanate and understand which traits are most influential in your personality? Discover this and much more by following this article!

What are the Scorpio decanates?

The decanates of Scorpio are the 3 periods of time existing within the house of the zodiac. It is very simple to understand, every 10 days is determined a decanate. Thus, we have 3 phases in the house of Scorpio and in all other houses of the zodiac.

That is why even several people having the same sign have different characteristics. Each period of 10 days is ruled by a planet, causing different influences.

The three periods of the sign of Scorpio

Even if born under the same constellation, people show some characteristics of their sun sign and others do not. This occurs due to the division within the house of Scorpio, segmenting its natives into 3 groups.

In the first decade, we have Scorpios who have in their personality the most known characteristics of the sign, intensity and sexuality. In the second decade, we have those born who are more emotional and intuitive.

Finally, in the third decanate, we have those Scorpios connected in their family members and love partners who are very committed to their relationships.

How do I know which is my Scorpio Decanate?

Discovering the deanate within the sign of Scorpio is very simple and will help you in your search for self-knowledge. This information will help you understand why you have some characteristics of this sign and others not.

To know which declension you are in, you need to know the day of your birth. According to the period in which you were born, you will have a ruling planet and a certain influence on your personality.

Characteristics of the first decade of Scorpio

The natives of the first decade of Scorpio are those who carry the main characteristics of this zodiacal house. Individuals from this period are intense, mysterious and somewhat suspicious people.

They have their sexuality in evidence, they do not hide their desires and do their best to satisfy them. They may show traces of jealousy in their relationships, especially when they feel threatened.

Check below the period which corresponds to the first decade, its ruler and all its aspects.

Date and ruling planet

The first decade begins on October 24th and lasts until November 2nd. Pluto is responsible for this period, exerting a great influence on the native, Mars is also the ruler of this house, due to the fact that Pluto was only discovered in the 30's and its interference was only noticed in this sign years later.

The action of their rulers makes these natives intense in all areas of their lives. Mystery is also very present.

However, these natives may have problems controlling their jealousy, feeling it in an unhealthy way.


Those born in the first 10 days of the sign of Scorpio are very suspicious people. This comes from the fact that they feel threatened, whether in love or at work they will always have a flea behind the ear.

This mistrust in your workplace arises from imagining that a colleague may be planning to take advantage of you or pass you over when it comes to promotion. Being constantly suspicious can hurt your job performance, causing you to lose prominence.

In love, if the Scorpio's partner leaves any doubt in the air, there will be distrust. He will spend hours and hours wondering if his beloved has someone else or if he is interested in someone new. This fuels another problem, jealousy.


Influenced by their ruling planet Pluto, these Scorpios are mysterious. They do not let what they feel and think be transparent, they like to be true unknowns. They feel pleasure when someone is trying to decipher their personality, because many times this person comes to the wrong conclusion.

The Scorpian sees no reason to open up to unknown people. When they start a relationship, they end up revealing small aspects of their profile, in a slow and precise way, as if they were clues to solve the great mystery that it is.

Besides being mysterious, the native of this sign is also interested in mysterious matters. He seeks to consume contents which stimulate his mind and make him think. Unusual rituals of some country or matters related to unsolved crimes have his full attention.


Those born in the first decade live life with great intensity. They are the famous 8 or 80, there is no middle ground with them. They either love or hate, they are friends or enemies, they do not live half-relationships, they always give themselves completely.

One of the points of intensity in his life which deserves to be highlighted is loyalty. The Scorpio is loyal to the one he loves and cares for and will defend him in whatever it takes. Only he also expects the other party to be loyal to the same extent. If a breach of trust occurs, this native feels the need to take revenge on that person.

Outburst of sexuality

The Scorpios are considered the most sexual sign of the Zodiac and have the reputation of being good in bed.

Seduction is part of the Scorpio's personality and he has no trouble finding a partner. After a successful conquest, he strives between four walls to live up to the fame that his sign receives.

The intensity of the native of this decanate is of great help at the H-hour. He always seeks to involve spicy elements during the act and new positions in every sexual relationship. He likes to make his own and his partner's fantasies come true.

Negative Tendency - Jealousy

Being very suspicious, those born in the first decade are always on the back foot, regardless of the situation. It takes a long time to feel confident, which can make it difficult to form emotional bonds.

This feeling can develop with anyone who matters a lot, a family member, a friend or even a lover. If you don't have control over it, this annoyance can evolve into something very obsessive.

The emergence of this jealousy also comes from the belief that he is not being reciprocated, that the other does not care for the Scorpio as he does. This native imagines with a certain frequency that the attention of the one he likes is turned to someone more interesting.

Characteristics of the second decanate of Scorpio

In the second decanate, the most emotional Scorpios are present. They are those who suffer the end of a cycle and will go deep into their feelings. The intuition of these natives is sure. Every time they need it, this feeling will manifest to help them get out of any problem and help them make the best decision.

They display romantic traits in their personality and like to think about getting involved in an ideal relationship. Introspection can get in the way of his relationship with the world, as he loses a lot of time within his own innermost being.

Date and ruling planet

The second decade begins on November 2nd and ends on the 11th of the same month. The ruler of this second period is Neptune, which has great influence on these natives. They are very emotional people, a characteristic encouraged by their planet.

Other points present in the personality of those born in this decade are the intuition that never fails, the romantic aura that surrounds their life, introspection and the mania of trying to escape from more serious matters.


Scorpios in the second decanate are more emotional than the others. This happens due to the influence of Neptune, the same ruler of the house of Pisces. Therefore, they live searching for meaning in their relationships and are understanding with their partners.

If there is a break-up of an important bond, this native will experience the moment with all the emotional charge required. No matter how long it lasts, he will go through this painful phase in a unique way, suffering all he has to suffer.

After this period, the Scorpian will be reborn and ready to move on and deal with life's new opportunities.


The intuition of second decade natives never lets them down. Every time this Scorpio needs a sign, a warning to do or not to do something, this intuition will help him.

The Scorpio and his intuition work in partnership, it comes naturally and quickly. In a group situation, the native knows who is the person who did not want his good. At other times in life, she helped him achieve what he wanted.

The sensitivity of the Scorpio sign of the second decanate and its ability to connect with its surroundings boosts intuition. This makes it make an assertive reading about a situation or person.


Love is almost always in the air for those born during the second decade. They are people who give themselves away when they are in love relationships. They feel more secure when they can identify the loyalty and reciprocity of their partner.

He possesses a natural magnetism, which keeps others very close to him, as well as having a natural romantic interest. In addition, the Scorpio feels the need to deepen ties. Without intimacy between the couple, there is little point in pursuing the relationship.

The details of the relationship have the Scorpio native's attention. He likes to be aware of everything his partner likes, all his desires. The more he gets to know his partner, the more he feels connected and willing to do everything for his pleasure.


Those who belong to the second decanate of Scorpio may present traits of introspection. This characteristic is nothing more than a very detailed analysis of their inner self. This Scorpio will often go over their actions, their feelings and how they reacted to a specific situation.

This profile makes the Scorpio of the second decanate an observant person, who likes to analyze others and circumstances before getting involved in any way. All this examination is a defense mechanism so that he doesn't get into a narrative that will do him harm.

The Scorpio ends up avoiding relationships with unknown individuals, when he does so, he is fully sure of what he is doing.

Negative trend - Escapism

Without a shadow of a doubt, the escapism of the Scorpio of the second decanate is a trait that must be considered. Whenever they can, they will run away instead of facing the hard reality of life. To make this scenario worse, they are people who do not admit their own mistakes.

Facing a difficult situation is not the Scorpio second decade's strong suit. He will always look for practical and quick ways to get away from the problem. But there are scenarios which the Scorpio native cannot run away from, much less leave for later.

Escaping too much can be harmful to your life and to the relationships you cultivate. Another point that should be analyzed is how much these escapes are hindering the Scorpio's objective. Many times, by escaping too much, he is throwing ahead the completion of a dreamed project.

Characteristics of the third decanate of Scorpio

The third and last decanate of Scorpio is home to people who care very much about their bonds. They are individuals who consider their family very much, spending most of their time with them. They take care of their own in a unique and special way.

They may exhibit certain behavioral changes, which are often sudden. They are easily offended and feel that they should always be treated with all the care in the world. They hold a grudge for situations that have already happened and have difficulty dealing with this feeling.

Date and ruling planet

The last period of time of the sign of Scorpio begins on November 12 and ends on the 21st of the same month. The ruler of this decanate is the Moon, which will influence mainly the attachment that this individual has for his family.

Other characteristics observed in these natives are the gift of caring for the people they love. They do the possible and the impossible to make them feel good. They are beings who can present sudden mood swings, are easily offended depending on the situation and are extremely spiteful.

Maternity Hospitals

Because of the Moon's influence, Scorpios of the third decanate have a very strong affective bond with their relatives. They are those people who always want the well-being of their loved ones and need their closeness.

This connection with family is a positive point to be considered, however, when it begins to transcend barriers of other relationships, it can end up being harmful.

They are known as maternal because, besides this deep connection, they take care of their own as if they were a mother. This maternal side shows itself a lot when the Scorpian is with his friends.

The native of this sign has probably taken care of that drunk friend at a party, or escorted that friend home so that she arrived safely.


Scorpios of the third decanate are the most caring people of the sign. These natives were born with the gift of caring for others. When someone is unwell, they are that loyal companion who stays there until the other person can move on.

Among friends, he is the one who stops enjoying the party if someone is in need of help. He does this without even complaining, because if such an individual gets sick or gets into some dangerous situation, he will feel guilty.

He is very careful in his love relationships. He really cares about his partner's feelings and feels on the skin when they are bad. He does everything in his power to make his love feel better as soon as possible.


Those born in the third decanate of Scorpio have a characteristic that is not very appreciated. They change their moods suddenly scaring the people they live with.

They may be cheerful, chatting with others in a good way, but if someone says something they don't like or disagree with, they go from caring to grumpy in a matter of seconds. They can't deal very well with information they don't agree with and answers they consider silly.


With Scorpios of the third decanate it is important to be careful about what you say and do. They will take it to their heart and feel offended very easily. They think that people should not say certain things and should always dialogue with them in a calm and delicate way.

These natives like to hinder the progress of certain situations, especially if they need an immediate solution. If someone is willing to complete a task as soon as possible, this Scorpio will not let this happen, inventing some excuse or procrastinating the activity for another time.

Negative Tendency - Resentment

It's no wonder that Scorpios are known as one of the most spiteful of the Zodiac. When someone does some kind of harm to this native or the people they love, they will feed the resentment within them for years to come.

This feeling also reveals another well-known trait of the Scorpio sign, revenge. It doesn't matter if someone was the love of his life or his best friend. If the Scorpio was betrayed and hurt in any way, he will find a way to make the other pay for what he did.

This negative tendency can be detrimental to your relationships, and resentment can make this Scorpio blind and often brood over the matter.

Can knowing the Scorpio decanates help in affective relationships?

Knowing which declanate he belongs to will help the Scorpio to better understand the influences that this sign has on his personality. With this information, he will be able to strengthen some positive points and try to inhibit the negative traits.

Aware of the main characteristics present in each decade, the Scorpio native can use them to his advantage when embarking on an affective relationship. Self-knowledge will strengthen his confidence and leave him safe to start any kind of relationship that requires the emotional.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.